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ZONG 65) [al Puysics XI NovEs ToRQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Chapter # 05 Physics XI Questions & Answers => TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM PrucTiGAl CENTRE BLT com Q.1: Define torque? Write down the magnitude of torque? Ans: TORQUE: “The turning effect of force is called torque”. or It can be defined as: “Torque is the vector product of position vector # and the.f@rce F. It is denoted by “r” (tau). It is a vector. MAGNITUDE OF TORQUE: Consider a particle of mass ‘m’ which is acted upon bya force ‘F, Let r be the position veetor of the particle; Wecaniresolve this force into two rectangular component§)i.e% > Fy the force which acts in the direction of and can pull the mass. > F, the force which acts in the direction perpendicular to 7 and produces rotation. Qo Let ‘r’ and ‘F,’ be the magnitudes of 7 and F, respectively. The magnitude of torque vector 7 produced by the forcé? about the centre ‘0’ is expressed as r=rsind Or According to-the second definition be expressed as t=%xF Direétion Of Torque: Th direction of torque can also be given by the ‘right hand rule’. Sing Convention: The torque may be clock wise or counter-clock-wise. Hence @ torque which produces a counter-clockwise rotation is considered to be positive, while that producing clockwise rotation is taken as negative, Vector Representation Of Torques: We can represent the torque vector 7 in the determinant form, as given below. ijk @=7xPF=|x y z i AR procticaic Paget] Paysics XI NoTEs TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q.2: Define types of equilibrium? ‘Ans: TyPES OF EQUILIBRIUM: ‘The types of equilibrium are: > Static equilibrium » Dynamic equilibrium Static Equilibrium: ZONG [a] 65) Paysics XI NoTEs TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q.2: Define types of equilibrium? ‘Ans: TyPES OF EQUILIBRIUM: ‘The types of equilibrium are: > Static equilibrium » Dynamic equilibrium Static Equilibrium: “Mf a body is at rest then it s said to be in static equilibrium’. Example: Abook lying on a table, building & bridges are in static equilibrium. Dynamic Equilibrium: “fa body is in uniform motion along a straight line is said fo b@in dynamic equilibrium”. Example: Vertically downward motion of a small steel ball throligh @ viscous liquid & the jumping of a paratrooper from an helicopter Q.3: State and explain the first condition of equilibrium? First CONDITION OF EQUILIBRIUM? Statement: ““f the sum of all the forcesor resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero, then the body is said to be in state’Gf equilibrium or it satisfies the first condition of equilibrium". Explanation: Let FB, Rpbelthe ‘n’ external forces acting on a body. Then according to first condition of equilibrium. Ft Bt wom th =0 ---(i) To simplify, itwe Use the summation sign Ya=0 =---W if the forces are acting only in x-y plane then, the above equation will be F, = Feit Fiyi Where Fi, is the x-component of the force F,, and Fis the y-component of the force Fi, and i, j are the unit vectors in the direction of x and y respectively. Thus the equation (ii) can be written as (Fist + Fiyi) + (Fact + Fay/) + ow ent (Frei + Fay/) = 0 Or (Fy + Pog + on me + Fav di + (Fry + Fay + + By) Puysios XI NoTES TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Let F be the resultant of forces Fy, F, or Fry + Fy = Cx + Fax + vem + Fix Jit (Fry + Fay + et Fry i On equating the x and y components of the forces on both sides of the above equation i And By = Fay + Pay mone Py Since ZONG [a] 65) Puvysios XI NOTES TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Let F be the resultant of forces F,, F,, . P= Fa or Pay + By = Fax t Pag + wont Buc E+ (Fry + Pay + on ont By) On equating the x and y components of the forces on both sides of the above equation Fi = Fy tag $s net Fone And By = Fry + Pay $ave bP Since Athen nth =0 Therefore, F=0 0.F, = 0 Fix + Pay + ot hy SO Fly + Pry +... AP 200 Or it can be written as And Sh, <0 iI For simplification, we"omiti from’the summation sign in the above equation, i. Yano Tse Let 64,0, 6, be the angles which the forces Fi, Fy,......F, make with xaxis respectively, then Fie = Fy C088) , Foe = Fy COS 8p 5 on Fux Fy = Fy 605 0) , Fry = Fy cos O> The first condition of equilibrium is written as La-ye “Yao 0 Prvstcs XI NorEs TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIDRIDM - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q.4: State and explain the second condition of equilibrium? ‘Ans: SECOND CONDITION OF EQUILIBRIUI Statement: “if the vector sum of all the torques acting on a body is zero, then the body is said to be in rotational equilibrium”. Explanation: Paysics XI Noves ToRQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q.4: State and explain the second condition of equilibrium? ‘Ans: SECOND CONDITION OF EQUILIBRIUM: Statement: ““f the vector sum of all the torques acting on a body is zero, then the body is said to be in rotational equilibrium”. Explanation: Ift,,Tp,.....7, are the torques on the body, then according to second..condition, of equilibrium. Ttigtig+ +7, =0 x #=0 it Where Z; is the moment of the ith force? For simplification We Omit the subscript from the summation sign. Thus ya 0 What do you understand by Angular momentum? How will you represent Angular Momentum in Determinant Form? What are its components? What are its dimensions? Write down the unit of Angular Momentum? ANGULAR MomenTUM: We know that a body having fotator motion possesses angular velocity & angular momentum. Angular Momentum like linear momentum obeys the law of conservation also Forstudying the angular momentum of an object, lef usfirstistudy the angular momentum of a particle the angular momentum Let Zbe the position of a particle of mass ‘m’ with respect to the origin ‘O' shown in the given figures Moreover let ji be the linear momentum of the particle measured in an inertial frame of reference with origin O as already shown in the figure. The angular momentum of the particle about the origin O is defined as the vector product of and. Hence, it” stands for angular momentum then iaRxp i=F x mi Where B = mi & é represents the velocity of the particle. We know that vector product of two vectors is itself a vector so angular momentum is also a vector. Its direction lies along the normal to the plane formed by vectors # & P according to right hand rule. The magnitude of angular momentum is given by pogel4 Pavsics XI Noves ‘TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS |i] =4=rpsine Where rand P represent magnitude of * and P respectively, l=mvrsin@ ---@ 6 represents the angle between ¥ and P In circular motion 7 and B are perpendicular to each other. : 6 = 90°, sin@ = sin 90° Hence for circular motion we have: Puvsics XI Noves TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS li] rPsin® Where r and P represent magnitude of # and P respectively, l= mvrsin@ ---() 6 represents the angle between ¥ and P In circular motion 7 and P are perpendicular to each other. 9 =90°,sind = sin 90° = Hence for circular motion we have: li] rPsin® |i] = = @)@yGin90°) =rP x y,2 represent the of # and p,,py,.P, are the components of TsFxB = (xi + yj tz) (pyt + pyj +P, k) ANGULAR MOMENTUM IN DETERMINANT FORM! ‘Angular momentum (can be written in determinant form as: i 7 yk T=|k> ye” z Pai Py Pe COMPONENTS OF ANGULARIMOMENTUM: The scalar components of Shgular Momentum / are: 1 = yP, —2P, Ly = 2P, xP, 1, = xB -yR Dirvenstons OF ANGULAR Momentum ‘The dimensions 6f angular momentum are given below. l=rP l=rmv P= LML/T t=iur+ UNITS OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM: Unit of angular momentum can also be obtained from equation: L=rmv = [mJ [Kg]bm/s} Puvsies XI Noves ToRQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM Quesnions & ANSWERS = kgm? /s kgm?/s x s/s kgm? Js? xs Cae Mol) Puysics XI NovEs TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS kgm? /s i= kgm? /s x s/s kgm? /s? xs kgm/s*]xmxs + [kgm/s*2]=N l=Nxmxs l=(Wxm)xs l=Jxs sNxm Q.6: Derive the conservation law for angular momentum of a particle? ‘Ans: CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MomenTUM OF A PARTICLE: According to Newton's second law of motion, the ne\force Acting on a particle of mass ‘m’ maving with an instantaneous velocity Wiis, the,rate of change of its linear momentum ‘Thus F is the force and P is the linear momentum, then But # x F = 7, whichis acting’on the panicle ds a? i But the angular momentum is taFxP Differdntiating the above equation with respect to time. We get dt =: di dt ae de Paves XN ToROUEANGUAR ONENTN& EQDIBRDN~ IESTONS & ANNE dex e4e Da mix d+? dt Since the vector product of a vector with itself is zero ie ZONG [a] 65) Puvsios XI NoTES TORQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS at dt Since the vector product of a vector with itself is zero i.e. mx d=0 =mdxd+7? This is the required relation. This equation states that, “The torque acting on a particle is the time rate of change‘6f its’angular momentum”. It the net external torque acting on the particle is zero, then al 6 dt i= 0s constant Thus the angular momentum of ayparticie is'conserved, if the net torque acting on it is. zero, Q.7: Derive the conservation law for angular momentum of a system of particles? CONSERVATION LAW For THE ANGULAR MOMENTUM OF A SySTEM OF PARTICLES: Consider a system of ‘nhparticles which is acted upon by external as well as internal forces. We assume that the internal forces obey the law of action and reaction, Hence they cancel{oltt and the system is purely under the action of external (applied) forces, Thus the total angular momentum is Petit wth Lax By thy X Pht on tty XB Taking the time derivatives of both the sides of the above equation i x Fy) DL i,xdP, i, xdP, a @ a HA KA HR KA + ww Pavsics Xi NovEs Where F, and?, are the external forces and external torque respectively acting on'the ith particle, If the net external torque 7 acting on the system is zero, then the total angularimomentum is Cae Mol) Pavsios Xi NovEs TORUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Where F, and Z, are the external forces and external torque respectively acting on'the ith particle. If the net external torque 7 acting on the system is zero, then the total angulamomentum is DL dt 0 « [T=0 Thus the total angular momentum of a system of particles. is)conserved (constant) if the net external torque acting on the system is zero. Q.8: What do you understand by Centre of Mass?(Give oné example also? What is the difference between centre of gravity and. centre. of mass? How will you represent coordinates of centre of mass? ‘Ans: CenTRE OF Mass: When a body rotates or vibrates aslit moves, then centre of mass moves in the same way that a single panicle would move under the influence of the same external forces. Centre of mass of a body or a systemflof particles is defined to be a point which moves as if total mass of the body or the system ofpanicles were concentrated there and all applied forces, were acting at thatypoint. Hence the motion of the whole system or the body can be described by the motion of their centers of mass. Example: Let us consider a)reetangular block of wood lying on a smooth horizontal surface. The block is atted upon by a number of forces. For describing the motion of the block as a whole we suppose that these forces were acting at the centre of mass which is the geometricalleentre of the block and where the total mass is, supposed to be concentrated. Following steps are taken for describing complete motion of the body. > We find the resultant of all the forces acting at the centre of the body. ¥ Acceleration is calculated by applying Newton's Second Law of Motion. > By using initial conditions the velocity of centre of mass is determined DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND CENTRE OF Mass: Actually centre of gravity and Centre of Mass are so similar in many ways that the two terms can he used in place of each other. If the object is lying completely in uniform gravitational field then the centre of gravity coincides with centre of mass. In other cases the centre of gravity does not coincide with the centre of mass. Puysics Xi Notes Torgue ANcULAR MomeNTuM & EquuieRiUM ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Co-ORDINATES OF CENTRE OF MASS: IfX,, ¥eand 2, are the coordinates of centre of mass. = MX + MX, + M4Xs + ny img +m + _ mys + my) + maya ~My + M2 + Mz + mz + Moz) + MyzZ3 + « my + mz + M3 + Puysies XI Noves ToRQUE ANGULAR MOMENTUM & EQUILIBRIUM - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Co-ORDINATES OF CENTRE OF Mass: 1fX,, ¥,and Z, are the coordinates of centre of mass. _ Myx + Max + MyXy + ° my + Mz + M3 + maya + mayy + mys + my + mz + m3 + my zy + myzq + myz5 + ny Fimg + mg + _Zmix %0 Tm, Zmy Im , Dm 20 = "Sim, For More Notes, Meas, ONLINE Quizzes PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Practical Centre (PC) Physics 1st Year Class Questions & Answers From Torque Angular Momentum & Equilibrium Torque Angular Momentum & Equilibrium Chapter List | Questions & Answers ZONG 64) [al entific Reasons > TORQUE, EQUILIBRIUM & ANGULAR MOMENTUM Q.1: Define moment arm? Ans: The perpendicular distance from the point of application and the axis of ratation)is called moment arm. If is denoted by 7. Q.2: Express torque in terms of vector product? Ans: Vector Form of Torque is given a r=rFsinda Where n is the normal unit vector used to indicate thé direction. AX B = AB sin Of Torque can also be written as: t=#xE It show that, “the vector product of momentlarmland force is called Torque.” Q.3: Which component of force is responsible to produce torque? Ans: The perpendicular componentiof force is responsible to produce torque Q.4: How the direction of torque he determined? Ans: The direction of Totqueis always perpendicular on both moment arm and force and can be determined'by Usingright hand rule which is stated as, “f the fiquteS of the Fight hand represent the direction of moment arm and opplied force, then thediréctlon of thumb which is perpendicular to the figures gives the direction of torque.” Q.5:_ Define equilibrium and its types? ‘Ans: DEFINITION: If an object is in a state of rest or in a state of uniform motion, then it is said to be ina state of equilibrium. ‘Types Of Equilibrium: There are two type of equilibrium > Static equilibrium > Dynamic equilibrium Puysios XI NovES TORQUE, EQUILIBRIUM & ANGULAR MOMENTUM - SCIENTIFIC REASONS Static Equilibrium: fan object is in a state of rest than it is said to be ina state of static equilibrium. Dynamic Equilibrium: fan object in a, state of uniform motion, them if is said to be in a state of dynamic. There are two types of dynamic equilibrium > Translational Dynamic Equilitrium: If an object is moving in a straight line with uniform velocity, them it is saidjto be ia state of translational equilibrium > Rotational Dynamic Equilibrium: If an object is moving in a circular orbit with uniform speed, then it is said to be in a state of rotational equilibrium. Q.6: Define angular momentum? ‘Ans: “The momentum of an object t revolving gin a circular orbit isealled angular momentum.” or “The vector product of moment arm and linear momentum is called momentum.” Q.7: Derive the expression of angular momentum for the circular motion? ‘Ans: Angular momentum during Circulamotion. Angular momentum is given as: L = mbrsine During circular motion @=.90° — P L=mprsin90% sin 90° = 1 b=mr ---(i) L= mer TF Q.8: Show that torque is equal to rate of change of angular momentum? ‘Ans: Angular momentum is given a Diffw.rto a dt But F=— Rate of change of momentum Puysics XI NoTES TORQUE, EQUILIBRIUM & ANGULAR MOMENTUM = SCIENTIFIC REASONS a B= FZ, Rate of change of momentum arm(Displacement) —--Torque — Momentum Cae rs Puysics XI NovEs ToRQUE, EQUILIBRIUM & ANGULAR MOMENTUM - SCIENTIFIC REASONS a 3=— Rate of change of momentum arm(Displacement) a GQ. sige Brena Pxe But t=%xP ---Torque WB —- - Momentum @ _esmxs == f4mbxe a a. Tat +m(o) It show that, “The rate of change of angulafimomentum is equals to torque.” Q.9: Show that 1 Kgms* Js. ‘Ans: Angular momentum is given as: f= mer In MKS system L=kgm/sxm L=kgm?/s ---@ Muttiply and dividelby s Using (iii) in (ii) L=Nxmxs But rapwuet & ANGULAR MOMENTUM ~ SCIENTIFIC REASONS Puvsics XI Noves Torque, Egu J=Nxm Jxs ---(iv) Equating (i) and (iv) ZONG [a] 64) Prvsics XI NorEs TORQUE, EQUUBRNUH & ANGULAR MOMENTUM ~ SCIENTIFIC REASONS J=Nxm L=Jxs ---(iv) Equating (i) and (iv) kgm’ s=Js ikg m’ s“! = 1Js| Q,10: Derive the angular mathematical form for the angular momentum? ‘Ans: Angular momentum is given as: L=mvrsin® But, vera L=m(r) rsin® Which is the required angular form of angular miomentum. Q.11: What Is required condition for the law oF conservation of angular momentum? ‘Ans: The object must be in rotational equilibrium i.e,, the sum of all torques acting on the object equals to zero. QL : State the law of conservation ‘of angular momentum? Ans: STATEMENT: “Whenever an. objet is in rotational equilibrium, its total angular momentum always remains constant.” or “Dufing uniform circular motion total angular momentum always remains constant.” Mathematical Form: Mathematically it is given as = Constant For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Practical Centre (PC) - Physics 1st Year Class Scientific Reasons From Torque Angular Momentum & Equilibrium Torque Angular Momentum & Equilibrium Chapter List | Questions & Answers or De ate NAC Ce) aT.’ oii

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