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ZONG (1 rs or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens > HALOGENS 15.1 INTRODUCTION Ql; What are halogens? Why are they placed in group VIIA in the periodic table? Describe the state of each member of family and. also their colours? : HALOGENS: Halogens, a name derived from Greek words, kalo = — Salt Gens = Producing Halogens are “Salt Producing” elements, Examples: Chlorine (Cl) Flourine (F) Bromine (Be) iodine (I) Agkatine (At) PROPERTIES OF HALOGENS! Elements Of VIIA Group: Halogens belong to VIIA grog inithe periodic table, because all these elements contain seven, electrons in theicyalance shells. All the halogens are onidizing agents due to their ability to gain electrons, Oxidation State: Halogens are the most reactive group f non-metals, These are strong oxidizing agents. The ast meniber of the family astatine (At) is radioactive, shows different behaviour and is rather unstable. They exhibit various oxidation states in their compounds except fluorine \wiich shows an oxidation state-1, which is common oxidation state for all halogens. They existias diatomic molecules Fy, Cl, Br:, and b. Physical State: 7 Fluorine and chlorine are gases, Fis of pale yellow in colour. 7 Clris of greenish yellow gas or pale green in cotour, + Bromine is volatile reddish brown liquid 7 lodine is shiny black solid that sublimes readily giving vic Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 15 Halogens Q2: Whatare the sources af halogens? ‘Ans: SOURCES OF HALOGENS: or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Q.2:; Whatare the sources of halogens? ‘Ans: SOURCES OF HALOGENS: The halogens are so reactive that they cannot exist in the free state in nature they always ‘occur naturally a5 compounds with metals. In these compounds they are present as their ve ions i.e. fluoride (F*), chloride (C*) bromide (Br) and lodide (/*). Chlorine; bromine and iodine are found as halides in sea water and in slat deposits. The concentration ‘odine in these sources is very small, However it is concentrated fri seaweedsyfluorine and chlorine are abundant elements. FLUORINE: Fluorine occurs in the minerals. The most widely spread compouhds“6F fluorine are fluorspar (Caf), cryalite ((Nay) AlF,) and fluorapatite (3Ca, (PO) CaF), CHLORINE: Chlorine is abundant in oceans and salt deposits as sodium chloride ie. rock salt (NaCl). Each kilogram of sea water contains about 30g of NaCI {3%). The large salt deposits in Pakistan are at Khewra near Jehlum, BROMINE! Bromine is less abundant and is foundliBs Brbmide of Na and K in sea water. Sea water contains very small concentratio) of prontide, about 70 parts per million by mass. loping: Iodine is even less abundant thah bromine. Sea water contains traces of iodide (0.05) parts per million by masgphowever It concentrates in seaweeds is present upto 800 parts per million by mass(@nd gan be extracted from seaweeds. lodine is also present as sodium ‘ocide (Nal).in certain oil*wells and also as sodium iadide (Nal0,) found along with chile salt peter (NaNQs), AsTATINE: toes notioccur naturally. It is very unstable radioactive element. Descfibe the importance of Fz, Clz, Br; and I; in our daily life? The compounds of halogens are extensively used in industries, agriculture, medicines and homes. Uses OF FLUORINE: Small quantity of fluorine Is used in rocket propulsion. + It is used to make wide range of fluoro carbon compounds which are used as refrigerants, aerosol propellants, anesthetics and fire extinguisher fluids. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise PTFE {Poly tetra flurethane) which is excellent electrical insulator and is used or wire coverings. or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens > PTFE (Poly tetra flurethane) which is excellent electrical insulator and iu coverings. » PTFE which is commonly called as Teflon has very low co-efficient of friction and has none stick property, so it is also used to prepare non sticking sauce pans, cooking stainless steel non- stocking utensils etc 7 Starous Flouride (Sn) fs used in toothpastes for preventing tooth decay. > HF torches produce temperature upto 4000°C and are used in welding Uses OF BROMINE: Organe Bromine compounds are used as pharmaceuticals, dyes, fmigants and pesticides. Bromine compounds are also used in fire-extinguishers and fire retardants {AgBr) Silver Bromide Is an important inorganic compaufid of BP and Is used in photographic films, being light sensitive. Uses OF lopine: jodine and Its compounds are used as Catalystin medicines, jodine and its compounds are also used in photographic film emulsion (Al) jodine lon is used in thyroid glands to synthesize thyroxin, a substance that helps to regulate metabolism An iodine ion deficiency leads tolan@hlargement of thyroid gland, a condition called goiter” which is prevented bythe uspofiedized salts, jodine dissolved in ethyl aleoholt commonly known as Tincture of iodine, is used as nild antiseptic for cuts and seratches fodine when mixed with detergents is used In cleaning dairy equipments, Uses OF CHLORINE: 7 Chlorine is ar importa product of chemical industry and national economy, tis used inthe Manufacture of orgenic compounds like CCl, and CHCh, which are very good soivent Cilorine isused in the manufacture of Vinyl Chloride which Is extensively used in the preparation of PVC Plastic ifs used in the preparation of Chlorocarbon, DDT (dichloro diphenyl Trichioroethane), hex chloro cyclo hexane etc, which are effective pesticides and used in various ‘Synthetic products such as rubber etc Drinking water is treated with chlorine to destroy Bacteria Swimming pools are rendered safe by chlorine treatment, also disinfecting drainages Al pat organisras can be dastroyed by chlorine Chlorine is the basic component of table salt (NaCr). CI ions of NaCl form HEC! in ti stomact Many diseases are successfully controlled by chlorine. tt fights against Cholera t plays an important role against bacteria, virus, fungi and toxins, Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 15 Halogens > Roughly 40% of all he pharmaceutical products are based on chlarine, e.g. Chloroquine the most effective medicine against malaria ZONG (+1) fa} (1) or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Chapter # 15 Halogens Roughly 40% of all the pharmaceutical products are based on chlorine. e.g. the most effective medicine against malaria, Hazanos OF CHuorine: Inspite of all the importance, in the daily life, chlorine és considered as "Satanic Element” because its compounds are dangerous and harmful for our health and environmerits; ODT PCBs (POLY CHLORINATED BIPHENYL) CFCs (CHLORO FLUORO CARBONS) eté)are Vary. harmful compounds, 15.2 CHLORINE How is chlorine prepared in the laboratory preparation? PREPARATION OF CHLORINE By THE ACTION Or HCL ON MINO;: HCl is @ convenient source of chlorine and is ystldly usin the laboratory to prepare chlorine, When concentrated HC! is gently héated with oxidizing agent, such as MnO, KWMin0,, oF KCIO,, Chlorine gas is produced. Reaction: MNO, + 4HCl cy ag) + 2Hz0 + Ch wot 2KMn0y + 16HEW one) e+ 2K C1 + AMC ly + BHO + 5Cly Procedure: > MnO is takertin round bottom flask, fitted with a cork contal 7 HCl added in the flask over MnO, On gentle Heating greenish yellow chlorine gos comes out MnO; + HCI which is a delivery tute, collected by the upward displacement of air in a gas jar. through the delivery tube Precaution Efficient Ventilation in the laboratory |s required because chlorine is @ poisonous gas. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise By THe Acrion OF H,SO, Chlorine can also be prepared in the laboratory by heating common salt (NaCl) with concentrated H,S0, in the sence of Mn or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens By THE ACTION OF H;S0,: Chlorine can also be prepared in the laboratory by heating common salt (NaCl) with concentrated 4,50, in the presence of MnO; Chemical Equation: Ul + 2HeSOscconcy-+MROg ——"" s NaS, + MSO, + 2H20 + Cle By HEATING POTASSIUM DICHROMATE: Pure chlorine in the laboratary is produced by heating potassium Dichromate (K2Cr0,) with Cone. HC! Ky Cr,0; ++ MCh cones + 2KEL + 200, + 7100 PCH What are the commercial mathads of prep: Chlorine is manufactured by the electrolysis of Sodium Chloridle Solution commercially on arge seale, For this purpose two cells are used which are described below. FROM NELSON'S CELL: Construction Of The Cell: + Cathode: This cell consists of a U-shaped perforated y,¢ Chen ance steel vessel, which acts as-cathode! w=? (G... oe > Anode: cancer Anode is made uplof graphite dipped in the slat solution, taken fa U-shaped vessel. ut | The U tubes separated from anode by asbestos ayenr diaphragm, deposited on the diaphragm the. salt solution slowly seeps. The U-Tube Is Knowm a8 anode compartment and this U-Tube 18 fixed? m an outer compartment known as cathode compartment ‘Working Of The Cell: On passing electric current through the salt solution, chlorine gas is liberated at which rises into the dome at the top of the anode and is drawn away. Na metal is produced at the cathode which interacts with water of the solution seeping through the diaphragm to release hydrogen gas with the formation of Sodium Hydroxide solution which is collected at the bottom of the cathode compartment. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise lonization Reaction: 2NaCl ——=> 2Naé, ag) + 2Clagy ZONG (1 (a or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Ionization Reaction: 2NaCl me NG Reaction At Anode: 2Cleag) © Reaction At Cathode: 2Nat + 2e Chapter # 15 Halogens + 20% —— aay 2Na + 2H,0 ——+ 2NaOM aq) + Hy t FROM CASTNER-KELLNER'S Construction Of The Cell Cathode: This type of cell has cathode consists of moving mercury layer at the bottom of the cell. Mercury (Hg) flows from right to left as this upper cell is slightly tied, Saturated solution of (NaCl) Sodium Chloride also flows through the cell along with the (Hg) mereury Anode: Anode consists of titanium platesiBipped in the saturation solution of NaCl. Thereiis also a ower cell known as “Soda Cell” oF denuder which is packed with graphite blocks. Working Of TheCell: On passing dlectri¢ currant, chlorine gas is liberated anodes. Na ions re discharged at cathode which i mercury ta form sodium amalgam This sodium metal at once reacts wi Reactions: Honization Reactions: awact 2Nivg » Reactions At Anode: shrcrotyi ell amy depivted NOH (4 ace tins ae FOOT anode and is collected outside the ving mercury, to form Na Metal. + 2Cling + Cl, T+2e > Renetions At Cathocle (Ha): 2NOjqg) + 20 —2Na Chapter # 15 Halogens 2Na+ 21g —— > 2NaHgy, Chapterwise or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Subject: Chemistry 2Na+2Hg 2NaH ge Soda Cell Sodium amalgam is then carried to soda cell, where it reacts with water and produces sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and liberates H2 gas; while free mercury thus obtained is recycled in the upper cell to acts as cathode. 2NaHg + 2H,0 —— 2NaOH + Hy +2Hg Why the diaphragm process is used now days for chlorine production? : GIBBS DIAPHRAGM CELL PRocess: ‘There is a problem in the Castner-Kellner’s process that meréury Vapours escapes into the environment which are toxic, Even small amount of:Hg)contaminates sea water by becoming part of the tissues of aquatic animals and plants producing the pollution of the food chain. To avoid this danger, Gibbs diaphragrn cell pracess|is used for the production of the chlorine, in which Hg is nox used and the products ofthe highest purity is produced. Give the physical and chemical properties offehlorine? : PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas ithas.a sharp pungent and ieritating chocking smell > tis fairly solublesin water and its solution in water is called “Chlorine Water” 7 ts density is 312 14 B/de3 at S.7.°, > Itboils at -34%C) tmeltsatado1"e. ts el@etto negativity is 3.0. thows various oxidation states in its compounds such a8 -1, +1, 43, 45 .and +7. ft is US.times heavier than ait. finhaled, it produces inflammation in nose and throat and causes congestion in the Lungs tissues, (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Chlorine is chemically very reactive non metallic element. It combines with different elements to form binary compounds known as “Chlorides”. It combines with many compounds, displacing other elernents such as 0, Br, |, H ete. Reaction With Hydrogen: In the presence of sunlight, chlorine reacts with hydrogen to form hydrogen chloride, Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise 2uct (aa) or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & ZONG (1 Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Hy + CL, en oct Reactions With Metals: All metals combines. on heating to ferm their chlorides. 2Na + Cl, ——+ Wall zn Bly Os tne 28h +3Cl, "+ 286615 2Fe + 8Cly —~+ BrCl Sn + 2Clg —— Sntily Reactions With Non-Metals: Non metals on heating with chlorine, produce thelr @hlorides, phosphorous catches fire in chlorine, forming phosphorous trichlof@ide,a caleurtess liquid. Heaters ar 43 = ts In excess of chlorine, phosphorus of heating produces phosphorous pentachloride, a pale yellow solid. 2B + scl," apsci, 's combined with hot sulphur forming sulphur monochloride,a yellow liquid. Heit 28 +p 4 S20 Addition Reactions: Ghlorine directly combines with many compounds to form addition products. Hy — CHa 0 + Cl, — col, Pronger Gin 50, + El, + 80,04, Chapterwise Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Substitution Reactions: Chlorine replaces one or more atoms from other compounds. these reactions are called ZONG (1) fal (1) or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Substitution Reactions: Chlorine replaces one or more atoms from other compounds. Substitution reactions. HyS + Ch; ——+ 2HCL +S 2KBr + Cly + 2KCL + Br 2KE + Cla ——+ 2KEL + HCL CH, +h + CH,Cl+ HEL CH, -C1+Cl, cl, + HCL Oxidation And Bleaching Action + Chiorine in the presence of water acts as powerful Oxidizing and bleaching age: 1duces hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and Kydréehloric Aetd (HC!) Cl, + HzO ——+H S€l + Hoct + Itoxidizes green coloured ferrous chloride tol(FeCl,) to yellow coloured Ferric chloride (FeCt,) 2F Oly Clym——> 2FeCl, + Chlorine water is a Strongoxidizing agent and oxidizes sulphurous acid (H)50)) into Sulphuric acid (3604) HYS03 + Cl, + H,0 HySO, + 2HCL The proteeds as: Gly + Hy —— HCL + HOGI HCLO ——> HCI + [0] H,SO, + [| + HyS0, Reactions With Alkalies: When Cl, gas is passed through caustic sada solution (NaOH) in cold, Hypochlorite and Chlorides are formed. Clz + 2NaOH —— Natl + NallO + H,0 Sos Hypacheite Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise If excess of Cl, gas is passed through hot solution of NaOH, Sadium Chlorate (V) is produced by the decomposition of Sodium Hypochlorite. 3Cl, + 6NAOH —9 SNaCl + NaClO, + 34,0 or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Hf excess of Cl, gas is passed through hot solution of NaOH, Sodium Chlorate (V) is produced by the decomposition of Sodium Hypochlorite. 3Cly + 6NaGH ———+ SNaCl + NaClOy + 34,0 Hot C0 + NuClOy + 2NaCt cum Crate) Reaction With Ammonia: Chlorine reacts with armnonia violently to Form hydrogen chloride and nitrogen gases, 2NH, + 30h, +N, + 6HEL Hydrogen chloride gas then combines, with excess of NH, to @rodUce white fumes NH,Cl GN Hy + GHCL_—— 6N1,Ch In this reaction ammonia (NH) must be in large excess Otherwise nitrogen trichloride {NCh) would be produced which is highly explosive compound. Reaction With Lime Water: Chlorine reacts with lime water in thfeg ways With cold and dilute lime water'in excess When Chlorine is reacted with excess of cold and dilute lime water, calcium chlorate (I) s produced. 2Ca(OH), PAC —~+ Cal OC), + CaCl, + 2H,O With hotllime water in excess of chlorine: Whepillexcess of chlorine is reacted with hot lime water, calcium chlorate (V) is praeuced, tot 6Ca(OH), + 661 ———+ Ca(C105), + 5CaCl, + 620 Passing Cl, gas over dry slaked lim ‘When Cl, gas is passed aver dry slaked lime at about 40°C, bleaching powder is produced, Ca(OH), + Cl, ——+ Ca(OCl)ct + 24,0 Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise Q8: Write down the laboratory and industrial preparation of HCL? or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Q.8: Write down the laboratory and Industrial preparation of HCL? ‘Ans: LABORATORY PREPARATION: HCl is produced in laboratory by the action of concentrated H;504 on common salt (NaCl). Vac! + HyS0, ———+ NaHSO, + HCL Sod Wvarogen Sulgbote Procedure ‘Common salt (NaCI) is placed in a round bottomed flask fitted with a.thistle funnel and a delivery tube. Concentrated H,S0, is added from the thistle funnel aver common salt thistle funnel should be dipped in the acidic mixture The reaction starts at once with effect from HCl gas evolutlonisttikes, the Flask fs gently heated to get faster supply of HC! gas. HCI gas is collected through the delivery tube if the gas bined by the upward displacement of air. The gas is highly soluble jin water and dissolves to form hydrochloric acid. This ac is usually yellow die to impurities. aos ey Bewn fumes, INDUSTRIAL PREPARATION: + HCI iscommetdalty prepared in the pure state by the direct combination of hydrogen and chlorine gas. Ha + Clg —— 2HCL OH = ~44.12 KI/mol ‘The Feaction |s strongly exothermic. The gas mixture is burnt in brick lined furnace, lusing water cooled iron nozzle, A small excess of hydrogen (H:) gas is usually used to Minimize corrosion. Gasses from the furnace are absorbed in the water. Nowadays most of the HC|is obtained as a bi-product during the chlorination of hydrocarbons, > HCl is obtained from chlorides of non-metals, such as HCl is obtained by the action of >Clyon water: PCI; + 34,0 + HyPOy + 3HCL Prophorue Act Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise HCl is also obtained by the reaction of chlorine gas with hydrogen compour HAS + C1 S+2HCt or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens HCl is also obtained by the reaction of chlorine gas with hydrogen compour HS + Cl, S+2HEL 21,0 + 2C, r4HCl + 0, Write down the physical and chemical properties of lid and what are the uses of HCL? PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 7 Hydrogen Chloride is a colourless gas with strong acidic odour and acidictaste. 7 Itis highly soluble in water to form hydrochloric acid. = [tis slightly heavier then air and fumes strongly in most al CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: > Reaction With Water: HCl is a strong acid and ionizes in water as: HCI + Hi & 2 Hy Op CI on Crise Reaction With Alkalies: 4Cl reacts with alkalies to produce salt and water, NaOH #HCl = NaCl + 1,0 KOH +HGl—— Kel + H,0 Reaction With Ammonia Ammonium éhloridel(NH.C!) is obtained in the form of white fumes, when HC! reacts with ammonia (NHs} NH, + HCL —— WH,CL Reaction With Less Electropositive Metals: HCl when reacts with less electropositive metals like Mg, Al, 2n etc. hydrogen gas is fibefated with the formation of metals chlorides, Mg + 2HCl——+ MgCl, + Hy Zn + 2HCL—— ZnCl, + Hy 2AL + 6HCL —— 2AIC ly + 3H Reaction With Carbonates And Bicarbonates Dilute HCI reacts with metal carbonates and bicarbonates to produce carbon dioxide a5 with effervescence with formation of metal chlorides. Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise Na,COy + 2HClL— 2NaCl 4 CO, +H,0 0. + 2HC! » Call, +00, +H,0 or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Subject: Chemistry Na,CO; + 2HCI Wall + CO, + H,0 CaCO; + 2HEL » Call, +00, + H20 NaHCO, + HCL Nalt + CO, +H,0 Reaction With AgNO, And Pb{NO,);: Silver Nitrate and lead nitrate reacts with dilute HC1 to participate thelr chlorides. AgNO, + HCl——> Ag@l + HNO, PH(NO,)2 + 2HCl—— PbCI, +2HNO, wt pot Uses OF HCL: * HCL is used for pickling of iron and steel ie. to remove the rust from the metal surface. [tis used as chemical reagent in the laboratory. 7 [tis also used in the manufacture of dyes, plasties; rubber chlorides. Is used in some medicines. used to remove CaCO, deposits OM sanitary wares and floors. Define bleaching powder. Give the laboratory and commercial preparation of bleaching powder? BLEACHING POWDER: Bleaching powder is almixed salt of Calcium with Chloride and Oxychloride. Professor Odling suggested the formula of bleaching powder as; Ca(OCljel OR CadCl, ‘This formulalisibased on the available %age of chlorine. itis commonly called “bleach” LagoRaTORY PREPARATION Tt caf easily be prepared in the laboratory by shaking a small quantity of staked lime {Ca(OH}; with Chlorine in ajar. It is obtained as a white powder. Ca(OH) + Cl, ——+ Ca(OCI)CL + H,0 Sieaciung Pom COMMERCIAL PREPARATION: Hasenclever Process: Commercially on large scale, bleaching powder is produced by Hasenclever process. This process consist of four iron cylinders 2 to 3 meter long, in which Chlorine gas is passed in the opposite direction to come in contact with slaked lime. Slaked lime is Blown from the Chapterwise Chapter # 15 Halogens top of the cylinders by means of compressed air and is allowed to fall. Chlorine is completely absorbed In the upper cylinders where fresh slaked lime enters. The reaction occurs to produce off white amorphous powder known as bleaching powder or follow our facebook page Latest Jobs & Free Education Notes Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens top of the cylinders by means of compressed air and is allowed to fall completely absorbed In the upper cylinders where fresh slaked lime enters. TI occurs to produce off white amorphous powder known as bleaching powder Ca(OH), + Cl, ——+Ca0Cl, + #,0 Q.11: Write down the Chemical and Physical Properties of CaQCl, and give its uses? ‘Ans: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: + Bleaching powder is a white amorphous powder. ~ Itstrongly smells like chlorine. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Reaction With Water: erates chlorine gas on reaction. Ga(OCIC! + yO —— Ca(OH)at Oly It also decomposes into CaCl and Ca(OC)), in the pregé@nce of excess of water and acts as strong bleaching agent. 2¢a(oc)\ct > aaci, + ca(ocn), Cakham Ayo Reaction With Strong Acids: Irreacts with strong acids like HCl to. liberate Chlorine gas. Ca(OGCl +2Het + Cally + Cly + HO Reaction With CO: In The Presence Of Moisture (Or With Weak Carbonic Acid) Bleach reacts slowly with)CO- in the moist air to produce hypochlorous.acid (HCIO) which oxidizes and testroys and impurities in the surrounding atmosphere. 2fa(OC!) +60, +H,0 Cal0, + Catt, + 2HOCE Reaction With Ammonia: When itis treated with solution of ammonia, nitrogen gas is evolved 3Ca(ACI)C + 2NA, + CuCl, + Ny +3H20 Uses OF Bieachine Pownen: tis used to sterilize drinking water and to disinfect drainages and sewers 1 is used for bleaching of cotton, linen and paper pulp. is used for the quick preparation of C1, gas which is powerful oxidizing agent. tis also used to prepare hypochlorous acid (HCIO). Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 15 Halogens Q.12: Give Silver Nitrate test for the identification of Halide tons? ‘Ans: Sinver Nerrate Test J Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 15 Halogens Chapterwise Q.12: Give Silver Nitrate test for the identification of Halide tons? ‘Ans: SiuveR NITRATE Test Halides of Ag and Pb are insoluble in water. So for the detection of (CI, Br’, 1) Halide ions Silver Nitrate (AgNO,) test is performed. AgNO, gives the precipitates (ppt) of AgClyAgBr and Agi. For this purpose, the aqueous solution of the common metallic halides is treated with the solution of Silver Nitrate (AgNO,) to give the ppts. of AgCl, AgBr anciAgl, whilch helps us for the inference of CI, Br, and I'ions. [ Experiment T Observation Inference Original Solution + AgNO, | If white ppt. of AgCl, soluble in dilute and | C/ is present conc, NH, solution, or White ppts. of AgCl turns purple grey in | sunlight PY [IF light yellow or cream precipitate of | Br’ is present Agor, which is partially soluble in dilute Nk solution but ingolutile in. conc. NH, Cream pots. of AgBe turn green yellow in Sunlight.

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