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y Ae) (CRC S| QO Bi tttps:// — ? we poner Cun vee cen pugs cunwer Coe Free Education Notes ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries > CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 18.1 INTRODUCTION ‘Write a note on chemical industries? CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES: Definition: The industry where chemical compounds are produced is called"Chemicatindustey’. ADVANTAGES OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: There are many useful chemical products which we assume in our daily life, There useful and profitable products are produced o large scale and in great variety by the chemical ndustries, These products are made from the raw materiais which are available in the country, through chemical processing. ‘The rising need of food with the population grawth round the world has made it necessary to preserve and store the food items. This need has therefore paved the way for the establishment of industries which Servelthe purpose of food preservation some important chemical products: SOME IMPORTANT CHEMICAL PRODUCTS: Some of the daily useful)products are soaps, detergents, plastics, paints, varn polishes, ink§/létte There are some chemical products which have assumed the integral parbof our every day life, These include sodium compounds such as sodium hydrovide {calitie soda}, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate or baking soda ete, ‘What doyou mean by soda industries? SODA InousTRIES: Soda Industries are those industries which are associated with the products the products mainly manufactured from sodium compounds. Like caustic soda (NaOH) soda ash anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na,CO,), baking soda (NaHCO,) washing soda (decahycirated sodium carbonate Na;CO3. 104,0} etc. These products have assumed the status of integral part of our every day life; sodium hydroxide is used in manufacture of soap, in petroleum industry & in the manufacture of Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise artificial silk, Washing sods is used as a domestic cleaning agent, Baking Soca is employed to enhance the cooking process. Soda ash apart from being used in paper industry and fro washing fabrics has special place in the manufacture of glam products. Give the industrial preparation of Sodium hydroxide? Sodium hydroxide: (NaOH) is one of the most important chemicals of industrisl Use. lt commonly known as “Causti¢ Soda” because it is caustic Le. corrosive to toudhland causes harmful burns to its great commercial importance sodium hydrexide tharefore is required to be manufactured or: large scale ELECTROLYTIC PROCESS: Mercuiry cathocle process (Castner-Keliner Cell) Raw Material: 25% W/W solution of NaCl Construction Of The Cell: In the cell anode is made up of a number of titanilim plates and cathode Is a stream of flowing mercury. When electric curraftt is:passes through NaCI solution, Na metal is discharged at Cathode, while Cl gas at anode, Jonization: 2NGL og A BNat + Reaction At Anode: On ionization of NaC! solition, Cl, gas is deposited at anade, 2h Reactjaft At Cathode: Sodium ions at@ easily discharged over mercury cathode, producing Na metal Via Sodium, afmigam. 2Na* +No™ ——» Nays) Nas) + Hagay > Waste 2NajHg + 2My + NaOHtagy + Hacy + He Hg set free in this cell is recyéled to utilized 9s cathode. Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Q.4: Give the properties and uses of NaOH? Ans: Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Q.4: Give the properties and uses of NaOH? Ans: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES it's a white crystalline solid. its melting point is 318°C and it decomposes at 322°C. its density is 2.13 gurl it sis highly soluble in water and liberate large amount of heat, CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Reaction With Acids: NaOH reacts with acids ke HCl, H,50, and HNO, to form correspotdlitg sats, 2NQOH aq) + H2SOs(aq) ——? NQ250q¢a93 tihng. Seon Spee NaOtagy + HEtiag) ——* NaC lag, + Ha? salam ede NaO Hay) + HNO3(aq) ——* NON Ogaey + Han, Reaction With NH,CI When NaOH reacts with ammonia salt(NHA6i) It liberates ammonia gas on warning ‘Chemical equation: NuO Hyogy + MHa Gling) ——t NaCL-+ NHaeq + HoOcy Anemia Reaction With COx Itreacts with CQ)ite produce Na,CO, and water. ZNO aq) + CO2{9) —— NayCOxagy + Ha 2% ‘cium Carbonate Reaction With Chlorine Gas: NaOH reacts with chlorine gas to produce sodium salt of cxyacids, 2NAOH aq) + Cla NaOC hay) + NACE ug) + Ha, Sova corte aa) ” Reaction With Metals: Sodium hydroxide reacts with reaction metals like zinc, in, aluminum ete. to praduce sodium Zincatem sodium stannite and sodium alumnate with the liberation of hydrogen bas, Subject: hemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Chemical equations: Meat 2NaOH, + Zngs) Nida Zn Oa uy) + Hag) 9) QO © ittps:/ Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Chemical equations: BNGOH ayy + ngs) ———* Neda ZnO (ug) + Macy 2NGOH aq) + 55) Nay Snr aq) + Hay Ale, +24 Og SOE EH, Hela + 2NaOH ug Usts OF NAOH: 7 NaOH plays a key role in soap and petroleum i t is used in textile and paper industrie itis used in purification of bauxite. tis used in manufacture of artifical silk t is also used in bleaching and dyeing processias welllas for mercerizing the cotton cloth 18.2 PREPARATION OF CARBONATE AND BICARBONATE OF SODIUM Write down (lie industrial preparation of sodium bicarbonate? INDUSTRIAL PREPARATION QF SODIUM BICARBONA’ A Saturated solutjan of Sodiury chloride is known as “Brine”, It is treated with ammonia to form ammonieted brine, AMMONIASOLVAY PROCESS: Sodium bicaraonate 's generally prepared by ammonia Solvay process. The reagents in this process used are as follows. + Sodium Chloride (NaCl) > Lime’Stone (CaC0s) Jp. Armonia gas (NH) The Process: Ammoniated brine is allowed to trickle down a carbonating tower called “Solvay Tewer! which meats an upward current of CO2 gas obtained by heating line stone CaCO3. u CACO Ks) ——+ CaCO 5) + COng, The CO, and NH; of ajnmoniated brine react in the presence of water to give ammonium carbonate (NHq) COs, Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise 2NHgig) + COxig) + Hz0u) —— (NHs)2 COyag This ammonium carbonate further reacts with CO2 and H20 to produce ammonium bicarbonate Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise 2NHgig) + COzig) + Hz0q) —— (NH3)2 COsag) This ammonium carbonate further reacts with COZ and H20 to produce ammonium bicarbonate (WV #44).COy(aq) + CO pq) + Hy q) ——> 2NHy HCO, ‘The ammonium bicarbonate then reacts in the form of NH«" and HCO,’ ions with Na and ct jons of brine to precipitate NaHCO; besides leaving NH,Cl in the aqueous s6lution, at low temperature. Na*Cliggy + NHS HCOxqq) > NaCHOas) + NH Chay The precipitated product, NaHCO3 is separated immediately By vacuuin filtration and NH,Cls washed away, Chemical Reaction ‘The overall reaction may be summarized as CO aggy + Hy OyyNHy¢q NAC ag) ——t NAHED 345) + NHyCliagy Recovery OF NH To recover ammonia for its reuse the amifionitim chloride formed is treated with calcium hydroxide (Ca{OH},) which is cbtaifted fromthe line stone calcium oxide (CaO). Cas, + Hg =—— Ca(PH) 2x00) Ca(OH) aq) + 2NHalleag) ———— CaGlacaqy + 2N Hay 2H20 Write dawn ike properties and uses of sodium bicarbonate? PHYSICAL PROPERTIES! 7 |tis@ whitescrystalline compound Jbis a bitter in taste, ts@ensity is 2.11 g/ml kis sparingly soluble in water at room temp. CHenmicat PropeRTiEs: ‘Action Of Heat: In heating sodium bicarbonate it gives carbon dioxide, water and sodium cerbonate 2NaHO 3¢s) —>* NagCOys) + Ha0¢e) + COrGy Reaction With Acid: it reacts with acids such 2s HCl to form its salt .e. NaCl with the liberation of carbon dioxide gas. Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Nalic' is) + HClgagy 4 NaClingy + HeOy + COag Uses OF SODIUM BICARBONATE: > Sodium bicarbonate is largely used in baking powder for which it called baking sods. FJ xttps:// =! ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise NaHCOg4s) + HClcagy 4 NACl aq) + HzO + COxg Usts OF Soo1um BICARBONATE: > Sodium bicarbonate is largely used in baking powder for which itis called baking sods. > \tisused in the preparation of effervescent drink and fruit salts. > itis used in fire extinguishe > To neutralize the acidity in the stomach it is used in medicine as antacid 7 \tisused in the textile, tanning, paper and ceramics industries Give the industrial preparation of sodium carbonate? INDUSTRIAL PREPARATION OF SODIUM CARBONATE Sodium carbonate or soda ash is obtained by heating sodium bicarbonate. And sodium bicarbonate fs prepared by ammonia Solvay process. 2NAHCOxs) + Nag©Ox5) + Ha Oey + Ory Write dawn the properties and uses of NaCOs? PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 7 Itisa white amorphous solic, > itmelts at 852°C > \tis highly soluble in water at room temperature with evolution of heat, CHEMICAL PRopeRTiEs: Decomposition By Acids: Sodium carbonates decomposed by acids with the evolution of carbon dioxide. Chemical equation: Na,COx5) + 2HClay AC hag + HaQyy + Cz.) Wid COy¢5) + HySO4¢4y) ——* NagSOqiqq) + HO) + CO) Reaction With Non-Alkali Metal Salts: Feforms carbonates of non-alkali metal salts such as magnesium chioride (MgCl) and Zinc sulphate (2nS0,). Nag COg¢ngy + MGCla¢axy) ——? MGCOxs) + 2NACK ag) nS Oxcuy £nCOxs) + NagSOyar) Reaction With Carbon Dioxide: Aqueous sodium carbonate reacts with CO, to give Na,CO,, Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries NayCOygsy + H,0q + COs, ——> 2NAHC Ose Fusion With Sand: Sodium carbonate when fused with sand (silicon dioxide SiQ,) it forms sodium silicate Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise N@,COy45) + Hy) + COz¢9) ——t 2NAHCO¢5 Fusion With Sand: Sodium carbonate when fused with sand (silicon dioxide SiO;) it forms sodium silicate (water glass) NagCOs + SOs) + NapSiOys) + COx9) Uses OF SODIUM CARBONATE: » Sodium carbonate is used for softening hard water tis used domestically as cleansing agent t is used in manufacture of soap. t is used in ceramics and glass industry, tis used in manufacture of papers, cement and paints, What happens when soda ash is added in calculated amount of water? When calculated amount of water is added to|soda agh then it crystallizes into hydrous sodium carbonate a decahydrate. Na2CO, + 10H,0 me NaglOy + 104,05) tis commonly known as washing oa, which is used for washing purpose. 18,3 SOAPS What do you mean By saponification? Soaps: Sodium andypotadslum salts of fatty acids used for cleansing purpose are called “Sopas’ The fatty acid component used for soaps preparation is usually stearic acid, oleic acid and palmiticadid. SOPONIFICATION: The chemical process for the preparation of scap is called “Saponification’” Raw Materials + The natural source of the above fatty acids is either vegetable oil such as coconut oil and plan oll or animal fats such as beef tallow. The alkali metal (Na and K) sources are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH). chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Preparation Of Soap: The equation of the reaction for acid in he preparation of soap can be shown by taking stearic hydroxide to form sodium separate, a soap and glycerol (glycerin). Glycerol is separated out from the he from of tritiu s on example. In the reaction it reacts with si 0 FJ xttps:// Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Preparation Of Soap: ‘The equation of the reaction for the preparation of soap can be shown by taking stearic acid in the from of tritium as on example. In the reaction it reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium separate, a soap and glycerol (glycerin). Glycerol is separated out from the product mixture by 8 process the common salt i.e. sodium chloride (NaCl) is added to the mixture, Glycerin by this way dissolves in the salt solution. Being heavier than Sap it settles down and drained off from the bottom of the container from which @hycerol i recovered as a by-product. This process is known as salting out the soap. CHEMICAL EQUATION: CHy02CyaHes CH20H 1 CHOCO rH 35 + 3NGOH > CHOH + 3C,7Hyg6O,Na 1 CH0,6C Hs CH,OH Describe die different types ‘of soaps with theif compésition? DIFFERENT TYPES OF Soaps: ‘There are different types of soaps, whichiare as follows. Tailet Soap: These types of soaps are prepared from SOto 20% tallow oil and 20-20% covonut oll. Beef tallow consists of stearig and oleic acids palmitic acid is found in vegetable oils, To this type of soaps the desired eolourand perfumes are added e.g. Lux, Capri etc Laundry Soaps: The soap prépated by using ordinary fatis further heated with resin and caustic soda and their motfighmixture is solidified during solidification, sodium silicate washing soda and phosptiate arcjadded to increase the cleansing ability of the soap. This type of soap is used fopWashing all types of clothes. Kitchen Soaps: ‘he Soaps prepared for washing or clearing utensils. are called kitchen soaps. These are prepared by adding finely divided sand and washing soda Shaving Soap: ‘The soaps for shaving purpose are prepared by the saponification of good quality animal fat or edible oil with potassium hydroxide (Caustic Potash.) In these soaps stearic acid is, used in excessive amount to prevent them from dying. ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Q.12: What are the functions of soaps? FUNCTIONS OF Soap: Soaps mainly functions as dirt remover mostly dirt particles on skin or cloth become surrounded by @ Ans: (©) Cross section ofa soap aici i water QO © ittps:/ Subjec ‘Chemistry ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Q,12: What are the functions of soaps? Ans: Subjec FUNCTIONS OF Soap: Soaps mainly functions as dirt remover mostly diet particles on skin or cloth become surrounded by a large of an oil or fat. Water molecules alone are unable to disperse these greasy globules because they are unable to penetrate the oily layer and separate the individual particles from each other or from the surface to which they are stuck. Soap solutions however are able to separate the individual particles because their hydrocarbon chain of the carboxylate part can dissolve the oily layer. The process is the shown in the following diagram, What do you understand by a detergent? OR Give the composition of detergent and its function, DETERGENTS: The cleansing agents used for cleaning! @ solid surface are called detergents. Actually detergents are soapless cleaning/agents. These are salts of organic sulphonic acids having general formula ReSO;Na cr |: R-O-~S05Na Composition OF DeTERGENTS: The detergents consist of two parts > Hydrocarbon > Sulphate (-SOj)igroups or a sulphate (-0S05) group. These molecules are made usable by converting them into water soluble sodium salts Souidim faury! sulphate is a simple example of these compounds, which is a sodium salt of a Fongichain of hydrocarbon attached to a sulphate group i.e. CaH»sOSO'Na*. These type of detergents are used for washing utensils ‘The detergents closely related to soaps used for house hold laundry belong to soaps sulphonates such as sodium-p-dodecyl benzene sulphonate. Steucture Of The Detergent Molecule: The structure of such molecule contains a benzene ring between sulphonate and alkyl group. chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Structure Formula: Function Of Detergent: Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Structure Formula: CjoMes -[0)- $07 Nat Sedhn-p-dotary basen ialpeaata Function Of Detergent: Function of detergents is just like a soap does. How even the detergents héve an advantage that they function well in hard water, which contains calcium (Ca‘?} ferfOus (Fe”), Ferric (Fe) and magnesium (Mg™} ions. Calcium iron, and magnesium salts of alkane sulphonates and alkyl hydrogen sulphonates are largely water soluble. A detergent removes dint very easily. A large variety of detergents is used as washing powders and washing liquids. 18.4 PLASTIC Write a note on plastic? Puasic: Plastic is the type of polymer polymers are the eompaunds built up of a large nu smaller molecules that have reacted with one another polymers are of two types, > Natural polymers Synthetic Polymers Plastic belongs to the syntheti¢ polymers the essential ingredients of these compounds are organic substances of various types, Sources: The common basiorawimaterlals for synthesizing plastics are coal, cottan petrochemicals, wood, gas, salt and water Applications: Plastic havea large number of applications, due to their toughness, water resistance, corrosién resistance, ease of fabrication and remarkable colour, large. When properly seletted they can be used with the same degree of assurance as metals and alloys e.g steel Differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic? DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THERMOPLASTIC AND THERMOSETTING PLASTIC: ‘Thermoplastic | Thermosetting They soften on heating and harden on | They do not soften on heating, cooling | These can be molded into various shapes | These cannot be molded an reheating, on reheating Subject: Chemistry Chapterwise ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Formica, Bakelite, araldite and adhesive | Cellulose nitrate acetate and vinyl re the example of this class. polymers are the examples of this ¢lass 0 FJ xttps:// Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Formica, Bakelite, araldite and adhesive [Cellulose nitrate acetate and vinyl re the example of this class polymers are the examples of this class. Q.16: Describe the structure and uses of some of the plastics? Ans: PoLytuene: {PouverHy Lene) (CH:CH2} Polythene: (Polyethylene) Itis polymer of ethylene molecules (CH, = CH,) most commonly used in thelpreBaration of polythene bags for carrying fruits, vegetables ete,, and plastic bottles Polyvinyl Chioride: (PVC) It is a polymer of vinyl chloride (CH, = CHC) used in the manufacturalof electrical cable covering, suit cases, gramophone records ete Bakelite: (Phenol - Formaldehyde Polymer) Itis formed by polymerization of phenol and formaldehyde (HCHO). Switches, electric board sheets, cameras, fadio, telephone etc components are manufactured by this type of plastic. Epoxy Rosin: Itis formed by polymerization of biphendll A. Morohydrin | \ (CH, SHCHACH Use: A.well known adhesive araldite is an example of this plastic material 18. PAINTS Q.17: Differentiate between oil paints and water paints? Ans: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OIL PAINTS AND WATER PAINTS: po Oil Paints i ‘Water Paints ‘The composition of oil paint is linseed oil, a | Water paints are composed of emulsion of thinner, a pigment and a dryer. hydrocarbon, butadiene, styrene, polymers | polwiny! acetate or acrylic resins in water. These types of paints are applied over| These types of paints are applied over wooden or iron surfaces. | walls, especially interior ones. They are usvally known a5 enamels They are usually called as distemper and plastic emulsion Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise 18.6 VARNISHES Q.18: Describe composition and applications of varnishes? FJ xttps:// Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise 18.6 VARNISHES Q.18: Describe composition and applications of varnishes? Ans: CoMPosmON: Varnish is a colloidal solution used without pigments 2s a protective and decorative coating for various surfaces is composed of clear solution af resins, volatile organic solvent and disbars when It Is applied to a surface, It dries to a tough adherent film. It is due tothe crying oll which is inseed ail, it undergoes evaporation, oxidation and polymerization, APPLICATIONS: Due to the absence of pigments varies are less resigignt te damage by light than are paints, Its transparent film coated on the surface accentuates the texture of the surface coated, The resinous component of varnishes are! mostty comprised of synthetic alkyl and urethane resins because of their greater durability less yellowing ease of application and beauty, Alkyl resins are formed by the reaction of palyhydric alcohols and polybasic acids Urethane resins are ethyl carbonate mokeéiiles 18.7,POLISHES What are polishes? Give in details about Ib e composition and preparation of different types of polishes? Pout A Protective layer applied upon a surface is called polish. Polish applied on the shoes is called "Shoe polish”. Iran be described as black shoe, dark brown shoes polish CONSTITUENTS OF BLACK SHOE POUSH: It ispeomprised of powered animal charcoal, bees wax, carnauba wax, turpentine ai nigrosine oil, sodium hydroxide and soap, CONSTITUENTS OF DARK BROWN SHOE POLISH: If Js mainly composed of Bismarck brown, pearl ash (Potassium carbonate), palm oi turpentine oil and soap. FUNCTIONS OF THE CONSTITUENTS OF POLISH: Animal charcoal and Bismarck brown provide the colour to the polishes. Wax is used to maintain the required softness and provide shine ta shoes. Turpentine oil provides softness to shoes and prevent them from drying, it also helps in the absorption of the polish in leather of shoes, Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise PREPARATION OF SHOES POLISE Pure bees wax is melted by heating on the water both. Soon after that turpentine ail is added to It The mixture is homogenized and cooled with stoning, At the same time in another container NaOH (Caustic soda} is heated in a minimum Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise PREPARATION OF SHOES POLISH: Pure bees wax is melted by heating on the water both, Soon after that turpentine oil is added to it The mixture is homogenized and cooled with stoning, At the same time in another container NaOH (Caustic soda) is heated in a minimum quantity of water to make a strong alkaline solution lye, The lye is added to the homogenized mixture of wax and turpentine oll, with Vigorous stirring, When it becomes thick, nigrosine oil fs added to it ane stringing is continued tif it gains the desired thickness. A powdered animal charcoal is added to give the polisti black colour and a concentrated solution of Bismarck brown and pearl ash (potassium carbonate) in water \s added when a polish is required 18.8 INKS What are the types of inks? Give the preparation of some of the inks? Inks: Inks are deeply coloured liquids of vatied Composition used form writing on printing, The contain a protective substanice suchas gum Arabic to make then more durable. ‘Types OF INKS: The inks of different colors areymeant for various purposes, which are as follows, Black ink: itis a mixture of an infusion of gall nuts with ferrous sulphate and a certain proportion of hydrochloric‘ Gall nuts are excrescences from the oak plant. Blue bike Troan be prepared by dissolving Prussian blue ina dilute solution af oxalic acid Marking ink: Ibis consists of either of silver nitrate (AgNO,) solution coloured and thickened with gum or of dyes, Red Ink It is prepared from Brazil wood or by dissolving carmine in aqueous ammonium hydroxide. The dyestuff eosin is also used as a constituent of red ink Subject: Chemistry Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Blue Black Ink: It is made up of tannic acid, Gallie acid, ferrous sulphate, hydrochloric acid (dilute), gum Arabic, carbolic acid, phenol biue and water Royal Blue Ink Itis composed of blue colour methy! violet, ethylene glycol, acetone, phenol and carboxy methyl cellulose. ‘Type Writing Ink: It is prepared by employing dyes in conjunction with the other materials which include certain proportion of glyeerl Stamp Pad Ink: tis made by aniline dye, glycerine, tug, soyabeen oll, wateriand aloha Printing Ink It is prepared by in corporating 2 pigment into a gultable Varnish medium with driers and appropriate accessories. For printing of goad quality 2 polymerized linseed oil is penerally used together with resin oil and various pigments. The pigment is usually ground finely in a mixture of mineral oil and resins PREPARATION OF COMMON INI Blue black and royal blue fountain’ peminks are widely used in our routine work. Their preparation is as follows, Preparation Of Bhue Black litk: Tannic acid (754 andige lic acid (30e) are dissolved! in 150cm' of warm water n another container Ferrous sulphate (100g) along with gum Arabic (60g) is dissolved in 600crn’, of distilled water, Mix te tio solutions by adding 75m of dilute hydrachloric aciel (HCI) (15g), phenol blue (198) @id water is edded to produce 3dm' solution Thc contents will be kept aside for a night and then filtered. Prepardtion Of Royal Blue Ink: Carhoxyl methy| cellulose is dissolved in minimum quantity of distilled water. In another pot, ink blue (158) and methy! violet (52) colours are dissolved in 200crn' warm distilled water and the solution is filtered. This solution is mixed with the earlier prepared carboxyl methyl cellulose solution. The remaining ingredients i.e, Ethylene glycol (200cm'},avetone (A0cim'} and phenol (2 g) are added, The combined solution to be stored well and kept for 10 days. Afterwards the solution is filtered to get the royal blue ink, Pace sor 18 hemistry ‘Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise 18.9 FOOD PRESERVATION Q.21: What are the methods af food preservation and why It is neecied? Ans: Foon SpoiLace Food cannot last forever food weather fruits, vegetable or cereal grains\ begiflito deteriorate once they are harvested, Similarly meat begins to deteriorateysoan after slaughter of the animal CAUSES OF FooD SPOKAGE There are different factors which can cause food spoilage some aré astollows Moisture: The agricultural products if exposed to higher humidity, oF iN moistire begin to decay due to the growth of moulds and bacteria Microbial Activities: The food is also spoiled by biologic cal attack of pests, hitrobs and other pathogens. Chemical Charges Some food enzymes also cause the fdadspéllage. Sometimes yeast moulds and bacteria also produce enzymes which «@htaminale the food products. The chemical and biochemical changes render the fatsiahd olls rancid and are also responsible for browning of fruits and vegetables, FOOD PRESERVATION: The food needs to bé stared difid supplied to distant areas. For this purpose food has to be preserved to minimize chances of spoilage. There are different methods of preservation of foods. Some ofithe Mnast widely used ones are described below. Removal Of Moisture: {h this Process to preserve food moisture is removed by the drying process milk, coffee, 108, some vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs are dried to preserve. Darted foods are e u stone and transport because they occupy less volume. This use of technique restr growth of microorganisms, ‘Addition Of Salt And Sugar: To increase the shelt life of many sausages sugar and salt are added to them the sugar and salt bied the water to prohibit the growth of microorganisms. In this way fuel Is preserved from spailing The water binding agents are known as humectants. Chapter # 18 Chemical Industries Chapterwise Temperature Control: Temperature control is another way to pressure the food against the microorganisms growth. Refrigeration or gracing of food lowers the environmental temperature for the growth of many harmful organisms. Storage: When faod is required to be stored for long period it is treated with heart treatment employing different methods. Following are the two main methods usedfoF\storage of food. Canning: Canning is another method of food preservation. In this method fo6kb is Sealed into air right containers. The containers may be of metal which may be'plastic-lined aluminum or special strength glass. The raw food is packed intalthe container sealed and the whole package is then treated with heat ina steam pressute sed to cook the food and sterilize both the container and the contents. Irradiation Radiation can be used to preserve food such asiheat potatoes and onion etc. In this process radiation is passed throughithé foods!the radiation is comprised af alpha (2), beta (f) and Cy) ravs. The processus known as irradiation and leaves no residual radioactivity in the food. Chemical addition: Sometimes to process fo6d certain chemical substances are added in small proportion, in the food, These chemicals ate salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Sodium sulphite andipatassium mets-bisulphite are used to prevent the growth of micro-organisms, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate is incorporated to improve the texture Magnesitim hydroxide reduces the acidity in foods Addition of common salt preserves meat and fish items Propanotc acid, benzoic acid and their salts prevent the bread and cheese from moulds and yeasts. Drysfruits, jams and jellies are preserved by the addition of sulphur dioxide or salts sulphurous acid

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