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Application Guide for

High Voltage Accessories

2nd edition
Application Guide for High Voltage Accessories

Creation: Brugg Cables

Authors: Hansjörg Gramespacher, Ruben Vogelsang, Matthias Freilinger

Copyright: All Rights Reserved. The use, reproduction and distribution of these information is
authorized only for a non-commercial purpose on condition that the source is explicitly

A publication of the Brugg Cables Academy

2nd edition, 2015

Printed in Switzerland by Effingerhof, Brugg

ISBN: 978-3-033-04936-9

For modern societies all over the world, electric High voltage cable accessories have to connect
energy is one of the key factors for industrial two cable lengths together or, often, one cable
growth and individual prosperity. This admit- to other high voltage interfaces, such as gas-
tedly simplified but true statement nevertheless insulated switchgears, oil-insulated transform-
assumes a high level of availability of electric ers or outdoor overhead lines. Illustratively
energy, ensuring uninterruptible manufacturing speaking, high voltage accessories have to con-
processes for heavy industries, as well as a reli- nect two worlds, which can be quite different in
able power supply for the IT infrastructure for terms of their geometry, material and behav-
commercial business services, which both rely iour. From the material point of view, electro-
on electric energy. chemical aspects have to be considered, when
Besides single and spatially concentrated high joining an aluminium conductor to a copper
voltage equipment of major importance, such conductor, for instance. Also physical aspects
as turbo generators or large power transform- have to be taken into account, such as different
ers, the high voltage network represents the conductor diameters or materials with different
most important asset for a utility and its cus- thermal coefficients of expansion. With regard
tomers in terms of size, value and pertinence. to the insulation materials, commonly silicone
For many reasons, for example their environ- rubber, polyethylene and oil-impregnated pa-
mental impact, route consumption and the re- per, interactions also have to be considered.
sulting acceptance of the affected population, And finally, pointing out the major challenge of
high voltage lines are increasingly making use accessories, the ability to intransigently restore
of high voltage cable technology. Already very the electrical insulation of two separate parts,
common in urban regions for the medium volt- electrical field distribution has to be actively
age range, high voltage cable systems are also controlled using proper materials and designs,
used successfully in the power transmission this being the most important secret of every
sector, particularly as the knowledge and expe- manufacturer of high voltage accessories.
rience of the major cable manufacturers is con- All these technical aspects have to be taken into
stantly increasing, and as a result reliable prod- account to design a reliable high voltage cable
ucts are available on the market. accessory that meets the specified require-
As AC high voltage cables with production ments. Economic aspects have to be considered
lengths of some hundred metres up to several as well. To ensure a sufficient level of practical
kilometres, with a symmetrical cylindrical de- usability, the design of the accessories also has
sign, and well-known electrical field stress ap- to tolerate a minimum level of faulty assembly
pear to be state-of-the-art for system voltages of works, making them practicable for the “real
several hundred kilovolts, and therefore uncriti- world” for a long operating period. Taking all
cal, cable accessories such as terminations and these factors into consideration, a customer will
joints have to be discussed in more detail. of course choose high- quality high voltage ac-
cessories, as the accessories used ultimately
define the quality of a complete cable system,
and even major parts of a cable network.

This “Application Guide for High Voltage Ac-

cessories” will enable the reader to choose, and
define in advance the requirements for the ac-
cessories needed for his specific task, by under-
standing design principles, manufacturing pro-
cesses and test criteria in accordance with in-
ternational standards for quality assurance.

The City of Kiel, Germany, April 2015

Professor Kay Rethmeier

Director of the Institute of

Electrical Power Engineering and
High Voltage Laboratories of the

University of Applied Science Kiel


After the appreciation from our customers and our industry for the 1st edition of our “Application Guide for High
Voltage Accessories”, we are tremendously proud to present this 2nd edition. It has been completely reworked
and summarises the complex topics relevant to the reliable operation of high voltage accessories in a fundamen-
tal way.

Working in the field of high voltage accessories, we are constantly being asked a variety of questions concerning
the application of accessories for high voltage cable systems. These vary from simple questions, such as the dif-
ference between composite and porcelain insulators for terminations to the more complex, such as how to de-
sign an appropriate earthing layout for cable systems. Although diverse, most of the questions have one thing in
common: They are related to the application of accessories for high voltage cable systems.

High voltage cable systems are only as good as the installed high voltage accessories. Therefore we aim to sup-
ply high voltage accessories that are safe and reliable. We at Brugg Cables constantly expand our know-how and
expertise on the application of high voltage accessories and are pleased to share our knowledge with you.

We wish you happy reading and a lot of useful benefits in your practical work!

Roger Braun Aman Sapra

Head of Business Unit Head of Marketing

Power Accessories & Cables Power Accessories & Cables


1 FUNDAMENTALS .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Fundamental electric relations ...................................................................................3

1.1.1 Electric charges, current, electric field, voltage and potential ....................................................... 3
1.1.2 Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws....................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3 Terms of electric power .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 Electric resistivity, conductivity, insulators and semiconductivity................................................ 7
1.1.5 Magnetic field .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.6 Electromagnetic induction ................................................................................................................ 9

1.2 Electric field..............................................................................................................10

1.2.1 Electric field and field lines ............................................................................................................. 10
1.2.2 Electric field in technical objects .................................................................................................... 11
1.2.3 Capacity ............................................................................................................................................ 13

1.3 Insulating materials in high voltage technology.......................................................14

1.3.1 Solid materials ................................................................................................................................. 14
1.3.2 Liquids .............................................................................................................................................. 15
1.3.3 Gases ................................................................................................................................................ 15

1.4 Power transmission ..................................................................................................15

1.4.1 Basics of electric power transmission systems ............................................................................ 15
1.4.2 Overhead lines ................................................................................................................................. 17
1.4.3 Power cables .................................................................................................................................... 17
1.4.4 Transmission capability .................................................................................................................. 18
1.4.5 Power transmission and environment........................................................................................... 19

1.5 Terms and definitions ...............................................................................................21

1.5.1 Definition of voltage values for cable systems ............................................................................. 21
1.5.2 Definition of terms for terminations and cable systems .............................................................. 22

2 AGEING AND LIFE EXPECTANCY....................................................................................................... 23

2.1 Ageing in polymers ...................................................................................................25

2.1.1 Theory of electric lifetime law ........................................................................................................ 25
2.1.2 Practical experiences with electric lifetime law and electric ageing ........................................... 26
2.1.3 Thermal ageing................................................................................................................................ 27

2.2 Volume effect of real polymeric arrangements ........................................................27

2.3 Life expectancy .........................................................................................................28

2.3.1 Basic failure behaviour.................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.2 Short-term failures .......................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3 Occasional failures .......................................................................................................................... 29
2.3.4 Failures due to ageing..................................................................................................................... 30
3 TESTS AND STANDARDS .................................................................................................................... 31

3.1 Tests .........................................................................................................................33

3.1.1 Basic idea of testing ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.1.2 Development tests........................................................................................................................... 33
3.1.3 Type tests ......................................................................................................................................... 33
3.1.4 Prequalification tests ....................................................................................................................... 37
3.1.5 Requalification tests ........................................................................................................................ 38
3.1.6 Routine tests .................................................................................................................................... 39
3.1.7 After installation tests ..................................................................................................................... 40
3.1.8 Alternative methods for after installation tests............................................................................. 42

3.2 Standards ..................................................................................................................43

3.2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2.2 Main differences between IEC and IEEE standards ...................................................................... 43
3.2.3 Relevant IEC standards ................................................................................................................... 45
3.2.4 Relevant IEEE, AEIC, ANSI and ICEA standards............................................................................ 46

4 HIGH VOLTAGE XLPE CABLES .......................................................................................................... 47

4.1 Design and types of high voltage XLPE cables.........................................................49

4.1.1 Cable design..................................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.2 Types of high voltage XLPE cables ................................................................................................ 51

4.2 Cable layout and system design ...............................................................................53

4.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 53
4.2.2 Electric field, capacity and charging current ................................................................................. 54
4.2.3 Inductive values of the cable .......................................................................................................... 55
4.2.4 Cable losses ..................................................................................................................................... 56
4.2.5 Dynamic forces ................................................................................................................................ 58

4.3 Laying of high voltage cables ...................................................................................58

4.3.1 Laying arrangements ...................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.2 Current carrying capacity and temperature calculation ............................................................... 61
4.3.3 Reduction of magnetic field............................................................................................................ 62

4.4 Cable selection process ............................................................................................62

5 HIGH VOLTAGE ACCESSORIES FOR POLYMER CABLES .............................................................. 63

5.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................65

5.2 Technologies for slip-on elements ............................................................................66

5.2.1 Control of the electric field.............................................................................................................. 66
5.2.2 Semiconducting parts ..................................................................................................................... 68
5.2.3 Comparison of main materials ....................................................................................................... 68
5.2.4 Cold shrink elements....................................................................................................................... 70
5.2.5 Three-piece silicone rubber slip-on elements ............................................................................... 71
5.2.6 One-piece silicone rubber slip-on elements.................................................................................. 72
5.2.7 One-piece EPDM/EPR slip-on elements ......................................................................................... 73
5.2.8 Lapped technology .......................................................................................................................... 74
5.2.9 Final comparisons and conclusions............................................................................................... 74

5.3 Terminations .............................................................................................................75

5.3.1 Basic design ..................................................................................................................................... 75
5.3.2 Outdoor terminations...................................................................................................................... 76
5.3.3 Explosion resistant terminations.................................................................................................... 78
5.3.4 Classic SF6 and transformer terminations ..................................................................................... 79
5.3.5 Dry-type plug-in terminations ........................................................................................................ 80
5.4 Joints ........................................................................................................................82
5.4.1 Basic design ..................................................................................................................................... 82
5.4.2 Conductor connections ................................................................................................................... 82
5.4.3 Moisture and mechanical protection of joints .............................................................................. 84
5.4.4 Application of joints with different protection degrees................................................................ 85
5.4.5 Grounding connections................................................................................................................... 86

6 ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES............................................................................................................... 89

6.1 Cable clamps.............................................................................................................91

6.1.1 Main requirements .......................................................................................................................... 91
6.1.2 Forces in a cable system ................................................................................................................. 91
6.1.3 Types of cable clamps..................................................................................................................... 93
6.1.4 Cable clamps at joints ..................................................................................................................... 94
6.1.5 Cable clamps at terminations ......................................................................................................... 94
6.1.6 Cable clamps for cable laying......................................................................................................... 95

6.2 Surge arresters .........................................................................................................98

6.2.1 Fundamentals .................................................................................................................................. 98
6.2.2 Application of sheath voltage limiters in cable systems.............................................................. 98
6.2.3 Dimensioning of sheath voltage limiters....................................................................................... 99

6.3 Earthing devices for joints and terminations..........................................................100

6.3.1 Fundamentals ................................................................................................................................ 100
6.3.2 IP and NEMA protection classes .................................................................................................. 100
6.3.3 Earthing boxes ............................................................................................................................... 102
6.3.4 Cross-bonding boxes .................................................................................................................... 103
6.3.5 Earthing clamps for terminations................................................................................................. 103

7 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION .................................................................................................... 105

7.1 Installation of accessories ......................................................................................107

7.1.1 Basics.............................................................................................................................................. 107
7.1.2 Installation of terminations........................................................................................................... 108
7.1.3 Installation of joints ....................................................................................................................... 114

7.2 Earthing ..................................................................................................................120

7.2.1 Background of earthing................................................................................................................. 120
7.2.2 Induced voltages at cable screen ................................................................................................. 120
7.2.3 Principles of earthing systems ..................................................................................................... 120
7.2.4 Earthing of terminations ............................................................................................................... 122
7.2.5 Earthing of joints ........................................................................................................................... 123

7.3 Operation ................................................................................................................123

7.3.1 Terminations in non-vertical position.......................................................................................... 123
7.3.2 Terminations on high voltage towers.......................................................................................... 124
7.3.3 Wind load for terminations........................................................................................................... 124
7.3.4 Seismic calculations ...................................................................................................................... 125

8 MEASUREMENTS, MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTICS ................................................................... 127

8.1 Introduction and basic definitions ..........................................................................129

8.1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 129
8.1.2 Basic definitions............................................................................................................................. 129

8.2 Possible PD phenomena in high voltage cables, terminations or joints.................130

8.3 Measurements of PD...............................................................................................131

8.3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 131
8.3.2 Challenges of on-site PD measurements..................................................................................... 132
8.3.3 Measurement methods ................................................................................................................. 132
8.3.4 Sensor types established for on-site measurements ................................................................. 136
8.3.5 PD pattern recognition .................................................................................................................. 138
8.3.6 PD measurement and monitoring system design ...................................................................... 139

8.4 Temperature measurements and monitoring of cables ..........................................141

8.4.1 Basics.............................................................................................................................................. 141
8.4.2 Applications ................................................................................................................................... 142

8.5 Other measurement and monitoring methods ........................................................143

8.5.1 Infrared temperature measurements for terminations .............................................................. 143
8.5.2 Water monitoring for cables......................................................................................................... 143

8.6 Other diagnostic methods ......................................................................................144

8.6.1 Oil analysis for terminations......................................................................................................... 144
8.6.2 Diagnostics based on loss-factor and polarisation-depolarisation measurements................. 144

9 TENDENCIES AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS................................................................................ 145

10 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 151

11 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................... 157

12 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................ 161

12.1 SI units and SI prefixes ..........................................................................................163

12.2 Conversion table to the metric system ..................................................................164

1. Fundamentals 1

Chapter 1

1. Fundamentals 3

1.1 Fundamental electric is always proportional to the charge q. Therefore

an electric field 𝐸 can be defined between the

charges. Like the force 𝐹 the electric field 𝐸 is a
1.1.1 Electric charges, current, elec- vector. Consequently, 𝐸 is defined by:
tric field, voltage and potential

Electric charges
All electric phenomena are based on the flow or
𝐸= (Eq. 1-1)
accumulation of electric charges. The electric
charges can be positive or negative and are always
related to atoms. The basic unit of the electric field is newton per
coulomb (N/C). In practice, however, the unit volt
The atoms themselves consist of three different
per metre (V/m) is much more frequently used.
types of particles: protons, electrons and neutrons.
Together, the heavy neutrons and protons form the Common units for 𝐸 are:

atomic nucleus of the atoms. The much lighter 𝑁 𝑉 𝑘𝑉

electrons form the atomic shell. 𝐸 = = = 10!!
𝐶 𝑚 𝑚𝑚
While neutrons are electrically neutral particles,
hence the name “neutron”, the protons and elec-
Since in most technical expressions, only the abso-
trons possess an electric charge. The charge “e” of
lute value of the electric field is considered, in the
these particles is a fundamental parameter in our
following the electric field is given as “E”, without
universe and has a value of e = 1.602⋅10-19 C. Pro-
the vector.
tons possess the positive charge e and electrons
the negative charge e.

The electric charge is given as “q” or “Q”. The unit

of electric charge q is coulomb (C), named after the
French engineer and physicist August Coulomb.

An attractive force occurs between positively and

negatively charged particles. As atoms in general
have the same number of electrons and protons, Electric field and force of two charged objects; Left:
the forces are usually not noticed in our daily life. Objects have charges with different polarity and hence
attracting force; Right: Both objects have same posi-
However, if an object A has more electrons (nega-
tive charges and hence repellent force
tively charged) than protons, whilst another object
B has fewer electrons than protons (positively
charged), then an attractive force occurs between
the two objects. This force is given by the expres- Electric current

sion 𝐹. The arrow above the letter indicates that the If there is an electric conductor between the pairs

force is a vector, which means that both the abso- of charged objects, a movement of the charged

lute value and the direction of the force have to be particles takes place and an electric current flows.

considered. The electric current “I” is defined as “the amount

of charge that moves through a cross section of an
object per unit of time” [Lindner 93]. Therefore, the
definition of the current I is given as:
Electric field

The force 𝐹, which accelerates the positive charge q

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑄
towards the negative object, is proportional to the 𝐼= = (Eq. 1-2)
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡
absolute value of the charge q. In general, this
force is different at each point. However, the force

The basic unit of the current is coulomb per second Here, the difference between two potentials Φ1 and
(C/s). A much more frequently used unit for the cur- Φ2 is called voltage “U” (sometimes written as
rent is ampere (A), named after the French physi- voltage V). Consequently, the voltage U is de-
cist André Marie Ampère. It is described as: scribed as the difference between two potentials.
𝐶 The unit of the voltage is Volt (V), named after the
𝐼 = =𝐴
𝑠 Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.

Electric potential and voltage DC and AC current, frequency

If a charge Q in an electric field is moved from a The term “DC” (sometimes given as “d.c.” or “dc”)
reference point P0 to another point P1, then a cer- stands for “direct current”. The term “AC” (some-
tain amount of energy has to be applied. According times given as a.c. or ac) stands for “alternating
to equation 1-1, this energy not only depends on current”.
the position of point P1 but also on the charge Q. If
A current is called DC if it does not change its am-
the same charge is moved to a second point P2, this
plitude and direction over time.
energy changes. Similar to the definition of the
A current is called AC if it changes direction and if
electrical field, these energies can be divided by the
its value (magnitude) changes on a regular basis.
charge Q. The result of this mathematical relation is
The sum of the positive and negative values inte-
a parameter, which is related to the electric field.
grated over time is zero.
This parameter is called potential “Φ“ of the elec-

tric field 𝐸 . All points on a line that have the same

potential are placed on a so-called equipotential 0.8
Sinusoidal current (voltage)
dc current (voltage)
line. To move a charge along an equipotential line, 0.6

no energy is necessary.


However, energy is necessary for moving a charge

Q from a point P1 with potential Φ1 to a point P2 -0.4

with potential Φ2. This energy Welectric is [Lind-

ner 93]: -1
Time t

Amplitude of DC and AC currents

𝑊%#%&!"$& = 𝑄 ∙ Φ! − Φ! = 𝑄 ∙ 𝑈 (Eq. 1-3)

Although the terms DC and AC refer to “currents”,

they are also used to describe voltages. Conse-
quently, DC voltage stands for a non-changing
voltage and ac voltage stands for a voltage that
changes its value (magnitude) on a regular basis.

The number of turns of an AC current per unit of

time is referred to as the frequency “f” of that cur-
rent. The unit of the frequency f is given in 1/s or
“Hz” (Hertz), named after the German physicist
Heinrich Hertz.

In ac power supply systems, the standard frequen-

cy is 50 Hz for most European and Asian states and
60 Hz for most American states.

In the case of railway systems, lower frequency

Electric field lines (black) and equipotential lines (vio- values, such as 16 ⅔ Hz, are often used.
let) in between differently charged objects
1. Fundamentals 5

1.1.2 Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s connection of resistors, the currents split in each
line of the circuit.

Ohm’s law
Second Kirchhoff’s law: Mesh rule
When a conductor is present between two poten-
The second law of Kirchhoff says that the sum of all
tials in an electrical field, an electric current will
voltages around any closed loop (electric circuit) is
flow. The current can be calculated as follows:
zero. The second law of Kirchhoff is defined as
[Lindner 93]:
𝐼= (Eq. 1-4)
𝑅 (Eq. 1-7)

Consequently, the resistance “R” of the conductor

This law states that the sum of all voltage sources
is given as:
is equal to the sum of all voltage users – in other
words: the electric charges in an electric circuit re-
𝑈 main in the circuit itself. This means that in an elec-
𝑅= = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡 (Eq. 1-5)
tric circuit with a series connection of resistors, the
current is the same in each part of the circuit.
Both laws are named after the German physicist
This equation is called Ohm’s law, named after the
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff.
German physicist, Georg Simon Ohm. The unit of
the resistance is “Ω” (Ohm) and is given as:

𝑅 = =Ω
𝐴 1.1.3 Terms of electric power

Effective power P
Ohm’s law reveals a distinct linear relation between The effective electric power P is the product of elec-
voltage and current. This means that with a con- tric current and voltage and is given as:
stant electric resistance at a voltage level of 50%,
only 50% of the current flows.
𝑃 =𝑈∙𝐼 (Eq. 1-8)

First Kirchhoff’s law: Nodal rule

The first law of Kirchhoff considers a node in an When applying Ohm’s law (Eq. 1-5), the electric

electric circuit. It describes the principle of the con- power can also be given as:

servation of electric charge. The law says that at

any node (or electric junction) the sum of all cur-
𝑃 = 𝐼! ∙ 𝑅 (Eq. 1-9)
rents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of
all currents flowing out of that node. The first law
of Kirchhoff can be expressed as [Lindner 93]: or:

𝑃= (Eq. 1-10)
𝐼"! = 𝐼#!" (Eq. 1-6)

Equations 1-9 and 1-10 show that the electric power

has a quadratic relation to voltage and current. This

If incoming currents are taken as positive and out- means that doubling the current (or voltage) and

going currents are taken as negative, the first law keeping the resistance constant means increasing

describes the sum of all currents in a knot as zero. the power by a factor of four.

This means that in an electric circuit with a parallel


The effective power P is the electric power that can Power factor
be directly transferred into other forms of power, The presence of reactive power leads to a phase
such as light, mechanical, thermal or chemical shift between the current I and the voltage V. The
power. A useful example of such a transfer is elec-
angle of this phase shift is called “ϕ“ (phi). Usually
tric heating. An unwanted example is the ohmic
this phase shift is described by the cosines of the
losses in the conductor of a cable during current
corresponding angle ϕ and is named as the “power
factor“. The greater the reactive power, the higher
The unit of the effective power is Watt (W), named is the phase shift. In most electrical power equip-
after the Scottish inventor James Watt, and is de-
ment, the power factor cos ϕ is between 0.82 and
fined as:
𝑃 =𝑉∙𝐴 =𝑊 Considering Equation 1-11 and taking the power
factor into account, the effective and reactive pow-

Reactive power Q er in a three-phase system with voltage U can be

given as:
In contrast to the effective power P, the reactive
power “Q” cannot be transferred directly into any
other terms of power. Reactive power is needed to 𝑃 = 𝑈 ∙ 𝐼 ∙ 3 ∙ cos 𝜑 (Eq. 1-12)
create electric and/or magnetic fields.

When transferring electric energy in a cable or an

overhead line, not only the effective power P (in the 𝑄 = 𝑈 ∙ 𝐼 ∙ 3 ∙ sin 𝜑 (Eq. 1-13)
conductor), but also the reactive power Q (in the
insulation and in the magnetic field around the line)
Example 1-1:
is transferred. Since reactive power cannot be di-
Æ A 30 MVA transformer and a 132 kV polymer ca-
rectly used, it usually contributes to losses and ble connecting it
must therefore be limited as much as possible (as  Electric current in the cable
far as practical application for cable systems are P According to equation 1-11 together with 1-12
concerned). and 1-13 the current can be calculated as:

To differentiate the types of power from each other, 𝑆 30 000 𝑘𝑉𝐴

𝐼= = = 131 𝐴
the unit of reactive power is given in “var” (volt 𝑈∙ 3 132 𝑘𝑉 ∙ 1.73
ampere reactive).
Example 1-2:

Apparent power S Æ A 30 MW generator, a power factor of cos ϕ =

0.85 and a 132 kV polymer cable connecting it
The geometric sum of effective power P and reac-
 Electric current in the cable
tive power Q is the apparent power “S”. The ap-
P According to equation 1-12 the current can be
parent power can be calculated by using the law of calculated as:
Pythagoras and is given as: 𝑃 30 𝑀𝑊
𝐼= = = 155 𝐴
𝑈 ∙ 3 ∙ cos 𝜑 132 𝑘𝑉 ∙ 1.73 ∙ 0.85

𝑆= 𝑃! + 𝑄! (Eq. 1-11)
Electric energy

To differentiate between the different types of Electric energy is defined as the product of (usable)
power, the unit of apparent power S is given in effective power in a certain unit of time. It is there-
“VA” (Volt Ampere). Since in almost all electric fore given as:
equipment effective and reactive power are con-
𝑊%#%&!"$& = 𝑃 ∙ 𝑡 (Eq. 1-14)
sumed (e.g. in a cable: effective power in the con-
ductor, reactive power in the magnetic and the
electric field), apparent power is usually given to The unit of energy is joule (J or Ws), named after
describe the power capacity of the equipment. the British physicist James Prescott Joule.
1. Fundamentals 7

1.1.4 Electric resistivity, conduc- conductor decreases and with conductors of a

greater length, the resistance increases.
tivity, insulators and semi-
Change of resistance with temperature
Resistivity and resistance
A rise of temperature causes the lattice in the mate-
The current flow through a metallic conductor is a
rial to oscillate at higher amplitude, resulting in a
transport of electrons. These electrons interact with
stronger interaction of the electrons with the lattice.
the lattice structure of the metals. The electrons
This process leads to a higher loss of energy and,
lose kinetic energy when interacting with the lattice
ultimately, to a rise in temperature of the conduc-
structure. On a macroscopic scale this loss of kinet-
tor. Most metals including all common conductor
ic energy is described by the electrical resistivity
materials, such as copper or aluminium, show an
(ρ). As the degree of interaction of electrons with increase in the resistance when subjected to a rise
the lattice structure differs according to the type of in temperature. Such materials are called positive
metal, the degree of electric resistivity also varies. temperature coefficient materials. The relation of
The electric resistivity of each material can be resistance and temperature is given by [Lindner
found in appropriate literature. Typical values of 93]:
metals are given in the table below.

Electric resistivity of common materials at 20 °C 𝑅 𝑇 = 𝑅!" ∙ (1 + 𝛼!" 𝑇 − 𝑇!" ) (Eq. 1-16)

[Lide 03], [Friedrich 93]

Material Electric resistivity In which:

R (T): Resistance at a certain temperature T
Silver 0.015 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm
R20: Resistance at 20°C
Copper 0.017 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm
α20: Temperature coefficient of the material
Gold 0.021 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm at 20°C; αAl = 16.8⋅10-6 1/K, αCu = 23.9⋅10-6
Aluminium 0.027 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm T: Temperature
T20: Temperature of 20°C
Brass 0.064 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm

Iron 0.10 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm

Lead 0.21 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm The opposite of electric resistivity is electric con-
Stainless steel 0.71 ⋅ 10-6 Ωm ductivity. The electric conductivity “κ” (Kappa) is
defined as:
The resistance of a conductor is given by the mate-
rial specific values and its geometry. It is defined as 1
[Lindner 93]: 𝜅= (Eq. 1-17)

𝑙 The unit for κ is siemens per metre (S/m). The unit

𝑅 =𝜌∙ (Eq. 1-15)
𝐴 S (Siemens) is named after the German engineer
and inventor Werner v. Siemens.
In which:
R: Resistance of the conductor Electric conduction
ρ: Resistivity of the conductor
As stated in Section 1.4, electric current is the flow
l: Length of the conductor
of electrons. As all metals allow a very high flow of
A: Cross-section area of the conductor electrons, they are referred to as “electric conduc-
Equation 1-15 shows that with higher cross-section tors” or merely “conductors”.
values the resistance (and therefore losses) of a

Ionic conduction 1.1.5 Magnetic field

In addition to the flow of electrons, entire atoms
Magnetic field and magnetic field strength
can also move through a material. The charged at-
A magnetic field occurs between the poles of per-
oms (negatively or positively) are called ions. Ions
manent magnets and in the surroundings of cur-
typically move through liquids. Positively charged
rent carrying conductors [Lindner 93].
ions are called “cations”, while negatively charged
ions are called “anions”.

Whilst the transport of matter does not occur dur-

ing electron flow, it does occur during the flow of
ions – a phenomenon that can be seen in batteries.
Electric insulators

As a general rule, electric insulators are materials

that do not allow a significant amount of electric
current to flow. Electric insulators are air, oil, ce-
ramics, epoxy resin, glass, polymers, rubber or
wood. Since they are very important for the
equipment of high voltage cable systems, more de-
tails are given in a separate section (Chapter 5).

Magnetic field lines of a permanent magnet

Electric semiconductivity (as applied to cable
Although the application of semiconducting mate-
rials in electronic components, such as doped sili-
con, is not covered in this book, it is worth men-
tioning that the expression “semiconductive (or
semiconducting) material” frequently occurs in the
field of high voltage technology. This expression is
usually used for materials with a level of resistivity
that is between the high conductivity of common
metals and the low conductivity of insulators.
In most cases, these semiconducting materials
consist of carbon black filled polymers. The poly-
mers can be made of thermoplastic materials, such
as polyethylene, or elastomers, such as silicone
rubber or EPR (ethylene propylene rubber). Carbon
black filled polyethylene material is used for the in-
Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor
ner and outer semiconducting layer of polymer ca-
bles, while carbon black filled elastomers are used
Like electric field lines, magnetic field lines repre-
for the deflectors and middle electrodes of high
sent the magnetic field of a material. In contrast to
voltage accessories. Typical resistivities of these
electric field lines, magnetic field lines are always
materials are around 10 Ωcm.
“closed”, having neither a beginning nor an end. In
a permanent magnet, the magnetic field lines travel
outside the magnet from north- to south pole.
Since magnetic field lines are always closed, they
go inside the magnetic material from south- to
north pole. In a current carrying conductor, mag-
1. Fundamentals 9

netic field lines occur concentrically around the Φ=𝐵∙𝐴 (Eq. 1-19)

The strength and direction of the magnetic field is

The unit of the magnetic flux is volt multiplied by
given by the magnetic field strength “H”. Similar to
second (Vs) or Weber (Wb), named after the Ger-
the electric field E, the magnetic field strength H is
man physicist Wilhelm Eduard Weber.
a vectorial parameter and always rectangular to the
causing current I [Lindner 93]. For the sake of sim-
plicity, the vector is not used in the following. The Inductivity
unit of the magnetic field strength is ampere per The inductivity L of a coil is given as [Lindner 93]:
metre (A/m):

𝐻 = 𝐿= (Eq. 1-20)
𝑚 𝐼

Magnetic flux density In which:

The magnetic flux density (sometimes referred to N: Number of turns in a coil

as magnetic induction) “B” provides the link be- Φ: Magnetic flux
tween the magnetic field strength H and material I: Current
properties. The magnetic flux density B is given as
[Lindner 93]:

The unit for the inductivity is Henry (H), named af-

ter the US-American physicist Joseph Henry, and
𝐵 = 𝜇! ∙ 𝜇! ∙ 𝐻 (Eq. 1-18)
can be given as:

In which: 𝐿 =𝐻=
µ0 : Absolute permeability = 1.257⋅10-6 H/m
µr: Relative permeability
H: Magnetic field strength
1.1.6 Electromagnetic induction

For most conductors the relative permeability µr is Electromagnetic induction is one of the fundamen-
close to one, only for strong magnetic materials - tal findings within the field of electricity. All kinetic
the so called ferrite materials - µr is much larger energy generated by electric energy (and vice ver-

than one. The unit of the magnetic flux density is sa), such as that found in electric motors and gen-

tesla (T), named after the Serbian engineer and in- erators, is based on this relation.

ventor Nikola Tesla. Faraday found that the electromotive force (EMF)

𝑉∙𝑠 produced around a closed path is proportional to

𝐵 =𝑇= the rate of change of the magnetic flux through any
surface bounded by that path.
The electromagnetic induction (or simply “induc-
Magnetic flux
tion”) is defined as the creation of an electric volt-
The magnetic flux “Φ” is the magnetic equivalent age in an electric conductor caused by the change
of the electric current I. It is driven by a magnetic of the magnetic flux in the area of that conductor
field (comparable to the current I which is driven by [Lindner 93]. The induced voltage according to the
the voltage) and describes the magnetic flux law of magnetic induction by Faraday can be ex-
through a material. For a homogeneous field with pressed as:
the magnetic flux density B and the area A, the
magnetic flux is given as [Lindner 93]:

𝑑Φ ture in order to explain the basic relation between

𝑉"!# = −𝑁 (Eq. 1-21)
the expressions.
In technical objects, such as cable insulations, a
In which: very large number of electric charges occur, creat-
Vind: Induced voltage ing the electric field in the insulation materials. In

N: Number of turns of a coil order to visualise the electric field, electric field
lines are applied.
dΦ/dt: Rate of change of magnetic flux
Electric field lines describe the way positive charg-
es move in the insulating material. They only occur
The sign “–“ indicates that the induced voltage Vind
in insulating materials, not in conductors. In con-
has the opposite direction to that of the change of
trast to magnetic field lines, electric field lines al-
the flux that produces this voltage. The relation be-
ways have a start and an end point, which are al-
comes clearer when applying equation 1-18 and 1-
ways on the surface of a conductor. To prevent
19 to equation 1-21:
confusion between the terms “conductor” and
“current carrying conductor” (such as the copper
𝑑𝐻 conductor of a cable), conductors hosting an elec-
𝑉"!# = −𝑁 ∙ 𝐴 ∙ 𝜇! ∙ 𝜇! ∙ (Eq. 1-22)
𝑑𝑡 tric field are referred to as “electrodes”. Electric
field lines always enter and leave the electrodes
An electric voltage is induced in any conductor in a perpendicular to their surfaces.
changing magnetic field, whether the field itself If electrodes are metallic plates, lying parallel to
changes or the conductor is moved within the each other, the direction of all field lines between
magnetic field. When the conductor in a changing the plates is the same and the absolute values are
magnetic field is a closed loop, a current can flow equal. In this case the electric field is homogenous.
in that loop. By applying Ohm’s law, the current
flow in that loop can be determined.
+Q -Q
It is worth mentioning that only voltage can be in-
duced, not current. Current flow is always a result + -
of the induction of voltage together with the resis- + -
tivity of the material. + -
Electromagnetic induction is particularly relevant to + -
cables. The current flow through the (inner) con- + -
ductor of a cable induces voltage into the outer + -
ground wires of the cable. This induced voltage is
+ -
the reason why the outer ground wires of the cable
+ -
have to be earthed and/or cross-bonded. Since this d
topic is highly relevant to cable design and acces-
sory application, it is described in detail in Chap-
Schematic drawing of the homogenous electric field
ter 4. between two parallel plates, charged with positive and
negative charge Q

1.2 Electric field

Electric field strength

1.2.1 Electric field and field lines When two parallel plates are charged with the volt-
age U, the correlation between the electric field and
Electric field lines
the voltage is given by the following expressions
Section 1.1.1 showed that an electric force acts be- [Küchler 96]:
tween two charges, resulting in the creation of an
electric field. This explanation is of a physical na-
1. Fundamentals 11

𝐸= (Eq. 1-23)

In which:
E: Electric field
V: Voltage between the two plates
d: Distance between the two plates

The electric field between two plates is a simple ar-

rangement and can be expressed easily. More
complex arrangements, such as the electrical field
in joint bodies, are calculated with the help of com-
FEM calculation of the electric field in the stress cone
puter simulations. These calculations are done with
of a termination and in the basement of the insulator
finite element programs. (red = highest electric field; dark blue = no electric

Electric field in cylindrical cable insulations

1.2.2 Electric field in technical
The electric field in a cable can be calculated with
objects an approximation of two coaxial cylinders. Thus,
Electric field in insulation bodies of joints the electric field E(x) at the position x in the cable
insulations is given as [Küchler 96]:
When designing electric equipment, knowledge of
the electric field in and around the equipment is es-
sential. The shape of technical equipment, such as 𝑈
𝐸 𝑥 = (Eq. 1-24)
electrodes in an insulation body of a polymer joint, 𝑅
𝑥 ∙ ln
are usually so complex that modern computer sim- 𝑟
ulation methods (so called Finite Element Method – In which:

or just FEM) are necessary to calculate the electrical E(x): Electric field at point x

field at each point of the arrangement. The different U: Applied voltage

colours represent different values of the electric R Radius of the outer conductive layer
field strength. r Radius of the inner conductive layer
x: Position

FEM calculation of the electric field in the insulation
body of a polymer joint (red = highest electric field;
dark blue = no electric field)

Electric field in terminations

Similar to the electric field in joint bodies, the elec-
tric field in stress cones for terminations as well as
in the whole arrangement of the terminations
themselves is also calculated with the help of nu- Schematic drawing of the insulation between the inner
merical FEM tools. and outer semiconducting screen of a cable and the
radial electric field in the insulation

Equation 1-24 shows that the highest electrical field is considered. The smaller the ratio, the smaller the
in the insulation of a cable occurs at the inner sem- factor by which the electric field is increased.
iconducting layer.

The design of the cable and the manufacturing pro-

cess must guarantee that the maximum electric
field during the different tests remains below the
dielectric strength of the insulating polymer.

While the maximum electric field of medium volt-

Ellipsoidal shaped protrusion
age cables ranges from 2 to 4 kV/mm, those of high
voltage cables are much larger and range from 6 to
14 kV/mm.
Inclusions with different permittivity in the
insulating material
Electric field in cable insulations with inclu-
If two different materials A and B with a relative
sions at the semiconducting layer
permittivity of εA and εB are between two parallel
Equation 1-24 also shows that the shape of the
electrodes, the electric field EA and EB in the two
electrodes determines the distribution of the elec-
materials is given by the following expression
tric field. In order to use the insulation material as
[Küchler 96]:
effectively as possible, the electric field should re-
main uniform, otherwise considerable insulation
material is needed, making the cable expensive and 𝐸! 𝜀!
= (Eq. 1-25)
𝐸! 𝜀!
To avoid unnecessary high electric fields, it is es-
sential that the electrodes are plane and rounded. Equation 1-25 shows that in the material with the
Sharp edges or peaks increase the electric field. For higher relative permittivity, the electric field is low-
this reason, it is very important that high voltage er.
cables and cable accessories are manufactured in
clean surroundings. Even very small conductive
particles of 50 to 100 µm on the electrode surface +Q -Q
will increase the electric field dramatically [Weis-
+ ε1=1 ε2=2 -
senberg 86], [Weissenberg 09].
+ -
+ -
Electric field lines
+ -
+ -
High Ground + -
+ -
+ Ε1=2 Ε2=1 -
d/2 d/2

Schematic drawing of electric fields in two different

Influence of a sharp edged particle on the electric field materials with different relative permittivity (the densi-
distribution ty in the field lines reflects the electrical field strength)

The factor by which the electric field is locally in- If an air or gas inclusion occurs in the insulating
creased depends on the exact shape of the conduc- polymeric material, the electric field in that bubble
tive particles or protrusions. Therefore, the ratio of can be calculated by using Equation 1-25 as fol-
height to width of an ellipsoidal shaped protrusion lows:
1. Fundamentals 13

be seen to cause electric discharges and, hence,

𝜀%#!'$&(%"# insulation failure.
𝐸#"! = ∙ 𝐸%#!'$&(%"# (Eq. 1-26)
𝜀#"! Although the above calculations were applied to
inclusions of air in the insulation material of XLPE,
Equation 1-26 shows that the electric field in air in- they are also applicable and relevant to all insula-
clusions is higher than in the surrounding polymer. tion materials.
Taking into account that the dielectric strength of
air is also much lower than that of the polymer, the
danger of air inclusions in polymeric materials be-
1.2.3 Capacity
comes obvious.
Every arrangement of a “conductor-insulator-
Polymer conductor” is able to store electrical charges. The
capability of such an object to store charges is giv-
en by the capacity “C”. The capacity of such an ob-
ject depends only on the insulating material and
the geometrical arrangement. The capacity of two
Gas parallel plates can be calculated as [Küchler 96]:

𝐶 = 𝜀! ∙ 𝜀! ∙ (Eq. 1-27)

Schematic drawing of the electric field in an air-filled

void within a polymeric insulation (the density in the In which:
field lines reflects the electric field strength) (idealised C: Capacity
ε0 : Absolute permittivity or electric field
constant; ε0= 8.854 ⋅ 10-12 F/m
εr : Relative permittivity
Example 1-3: A: Area of the plates
Æ The relative permittivity εr of XLPE = 2.3, the elec- d: Distance between the plates
tric field in the insulation of Einsulation = 10 kV/mm and
the dielectric strength of air is: Ebreakd. air = 2.5 kV/mm
The unit of the capacity is farad (F), named after the
 Electric field of air inclusion compared to dielec-
English physicist Michael Faraday. It is defined as:
tric strength of air
P Taking the relative permittivity of air as εair = 1
and calculating according to Equation 1-26, the 𝐴∙𝑠
electric field in the air bubble can be calculated as:
𝐶 =𝐹=
!.! !" !"
𝐸#"! = ∙ 10 = 23 .
The relation between the stored charge Q and the
! !! !!
9 The electric field strength of the air bubble is capacity C is given by:
about 10 times higher than the dielectric strength of
air. If such an air bubble were in the insulation, a
local breakdown (partial discharges) in the bubble 𝑄
would occur, thus damaging the cable insulation. 𝐶= (Eq. 1-28)

Example 1-3 illustrates why small air or gas filled The relative permittivity εr of the material reflects
voids are so dangerous in insulating materials. In the polarity of the atoms or molecules in the mate-
these voids, the electric field is higher than in the rial and is expressed with a dimensionless number.
surrounding insulating material and the dielectric In other words, this material constant describes
strength of air is much lower than that of the solid how well electrical charges can be held in an insu-
insulation. Thus, voids in an insulation material can lating material. The higher the relative permittivity,

the higher the polarity of the material. The higher 1.3 Insulating materials in
the polarity of the material, the more charges can
be stored in the insulation – hence the capacity of high voltage technology
the material is higher. Typical values of the relative
permittivity are given in the table below.
1.3.1 Solid materials

There are two general types of solid insulating ma-

terials in high voltage technology, ceramic materi-
Relative permittivity εr of different insulating materi-
als, used in high voltage technology (at 20°C and als and polymers. The most common type of ce-
50 Hz); [ABB 92], [Küchler 96] ramic material is porcelain, used for insulators and
the supporting bodies of high voltage terminations.
Material Relative permittivity
For polymers, a considerable number of different
Cross-linked polyeth- materials occur. In general, these fall into the fol-
ylene (XLPE)
lowing groups:
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) 3.3 – 7.0
- Thermoplastic polymers
Polyurethane (PUR) 3.0
- Thermoset materials
Silicone Rubber (SIR) 2.7
- Elastomer materials
Epoxy Resin 3.0 – 4.2

Air 1
The most common thermoplastic material is cross-
Silicone Oil 2.8
linked polyethylene (XLPE), which is used for cable
Transformer Oil 2.8 insulation. The cross linking of the polyethylene
Porcelain 2–6 prevents the polymer from becoming liquid when

SF6 1 temperatures exceed melting point. High density

polyethylene (HDPE) and polyvinylchloride (PVC) -
Water 80
two other thermoplastic materials - are used for the
cable sheaths of high voltage cables.
Thermoset materials are used as insulating bodies
Example 1-4: for high voltage cable terminations, particularly for
Æ Area of capacitor = 1 m2, thickness of the capaci- GIS and transformer terminations. The most com-
tor = 1 mm by considering the two materials εXLPE = mon thermoset material for such applications is
2.3 for XLPE and εWater = 80 for water epoxy resin.
 Capacity of the arrangement Elastomer materials, such as silicone rubber (SiR)
P Calculating the capacity according to equation 1- or ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), are widely
27; the results are:
used for stress cones and joint bodies. The main
𝐹 1 𝑚! advantage of elastomers is their flexibility and the
𝐶 = 8.85 ∙ 10 ∙ 2.3 ∙ = 0.02 𝜇𝐹
𝑚 0.001 𝑚 fact that they can be elongated considerably, espe-
cially the material of silicone rubber. Thus, these
𝐹 1 𝑚! properties enable certain sizes of stress cones to be
𝐶 = 8.85 ∙ 10!"! ∙ 80 ∙ = 0.71 𝜇𝐹
𝑚 0.001 𝑚 used with a wide range of different cable diame-
Silicone rubber compounds are also used as mate-
rial for outdoor terminations. Particularly in heavily
polluted environments, to which their hydrophobi-
city is excellently suited.
1. Fundamentals 15

1.3.2 Liquids 1.4 Power transmission

The majority of liquids used in high voltage tech-
1.4.1 Basics of electric power
nology are mineral and synthetic oils. These oils
are used in oil-filled cables and transformers.
transmission systems

Another insulating liquid is silicone oil, which is According to a general definition, electric power
used in terminations for polymer cables. For these transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical ener-
applications it is important that the silicone oils ful- gy, a process involving the delivery of electricity to
fil certain electric requirements. The most im- consumers [Wikipedia 09-2].
portant ones are the dielectric strength and the loss A power transmission network typically connects
factor – both of which are influenced by the humidi- power plants to multiple substations near a popu-
ty of the oil. lated or industrial area. The wiring from the power
plants to the substations is referred to as electrical
transmission. The wiring from substations to con-
1.3.3 Gases
sumers is referred to as electrical distribution.
The most important gas in high voltage technology
The electric power transmission allows distant en-
– aside from air – is sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). This
ergy sources to be connected to consumers in
gas is used in gas insulated switchgears (GIS) and
population centres. The energy sources can be tra-
has a good dielectric strength. In addition, SF6 is a
ditional energy sources, such as coal or hydroelec-
gas with electro negativity properties, which makes
tric power plants, or renewable energy sources,
it very suitable for use in switching chambers of
such as wind farms or solar plants.
circuit breakers [ABB 92].
The power transmission network is referred to as
In general, the breakdown voltage of gases also
the “grid”. Multiple and redundant lines between
depends on the pressure and distances between
points of the network are made in order that the
the electrodes. This relation is described by the
power can be routed from any power plant in the
“Paschen law”, named after the German physicist
grid to any load centre through a variety of lines.
Friedrich Paschen. The following diagram shows
This is done to provide redundancy in order to en-
the “Paschen law” for air. The breakdown voltage
hance security of energy supplies. Recently, power
is a function of the air pressure times the distance
transmission has come to be greatly influenced by
between the electrodes.
the economics of the transmission path. Thus, the
cost of power has become just as important as the
redundancy of the system.

Relation between the breakdown voltage and the

product of the gas pressure and the distance between
the electrodes for air.

Coal plants Nuclear plants

Extra high voltage
275 kV – 1000 kV
(mostly AC, some HVDC) Large wind farms

High voltage 110 kV and higher

Transmission Grid Medium sized

power plants
Industrial Power plants
Distribution Grid

Medium voltage
power plants

Industrial customers
solar farms Low voltage

Private consumers
Wind farms

Extra high
High Solar farms
Low voltage

Structure of a power transmission and distribution system

Transmission lines usually use a three-phase alter- enables a maximum transmission capacity with a
nating current (ac). In order to reduce losses during minimum of losses.
transmission, electricity is transmitted at high volt- High voltage direct current (HVDC) is used for long
ages. In terms of transmission lines, “high voltage” distance transmission or in long oversea cables.
means voltage levels above or equal 110 kV. In
general, the higher the transmission distance, the
higher the transmission voltage should be. This
1. Fundamentals 17

1.4.2 Overhead lines

Overhead lines are metal-wired conductors with no

insulation cover. The conductor material is usually
aluminium alloy consisting of several strands, often
reinforced with steel strands. Copper in overhead
lines is only used for very specific applications,
such as railway lines.

Conductor sizes range from those of 10 mm2 to

those of 1000 mm2, with varying resistance and
current-carrying capacity. Thicker wires are more
expensive, leading only to a relatively small in-
Optical ground wire – OPGW
crease in current carrying capacity due to the skin
effect (for more information, see Chapter 4).

Overhead lines contain a tower and insulators to

1.4.3 Power cables
separate the voltage-carrying conductors from the
ground. Most high voltage overhead lines have an Power cables are metal-wired conductors covered
earth wire on top, which conducts earthing current by a solid insulation. Their conductors consist of
at an asymmetrical phase shift of the three phases either copper or aluminium. Their solid insulation
and protects the high voltage overhead line from consists of either a polymer or of an oil-filled or
lightning strokes. Such earth wires are usually mass impregnated paper.
made with integrated fibre optics, the “optical
ground wire” (OPGW). OPGW are used for addi-
Advantages of underground power cables in
tional data transmission.
comparison to overhead lines are:
Since overhead transmission lines are insulated by
- Far less subject to damage from severe weath-
air, their design requires a minimum of clearances
er conditions
to the ground for maintaining the required safety.
Adverse weather conditions – such as heavy winds - Less required space for transmission path

or storms, ice loads, or even extremely high tem- - Can be used to cross large lakes or seas
peratures – can affect the performance and have to - Invisible to the public
be considered in their design and operation.
- Less required material for insulators and tow-

- Lower probability of external failures, such as

tree-falling or bird collision

- No danger to flying aircrafts

Disadvantages of cables in comparison to over-

head lines are:

- Higher costs

- Lower transmission capacity due to lower heat


- More difficult to repair failures in the system

Tower of an overhead line with wires, insulators and
- High capacitive charging current for the opera-
OPGW on top of the tower
tion of the system

tem, detailed information on these components is

Example 1-5:
given in Chapter 5.
Depending on the voltage level, cables only require
approximately 1 – 10 metres for installation, where- For an efficient cable system further accessories
as overhead lines require a surrounding strip of ap- are necessary; these are: cross-link boxes, earth-
proximately 20 – 200 metres, which must be kept
permanently clear for safety, maintenance and re-
linking boxes, surge voltage limiters or cable
pair. clamps. More information about these additional
accessories is given in Chapter 6.

Electric power cables have their ingredient part in

the electric power transmission. They are used for
the transmission of power in and through:
1.4.4 Transmission capability
- Densely populated areas
The amount of power that can be transmitted over
- Areas where land is unavailable for overhead
transmission lines, be it overhead lines or cables, is
lines because the consent for planning of over-
limited. The reasons for such limits are related to
head lines may not be given
the length of the line. In the case of short lines,
- Rivers and other natural obstacles losses caused by current flow through the conduc-
- Territory with natural or environmental herit- tors produce a thermal limit. If too much current
age flows through a cable, the insulation of the equip-
ment may be damaged irreversibly. The insulation
- Areas of significant or prestigious infrastruc-
of cables makes the thermal limits lower than those
tural development
of overhead lines.
- Territory which needs to maintain its value for
For lines of intermediate or long lengths, the volt-
future urban expansion or other developments
age drop of the lines sets the limit. As a general
rule, the economic distance of an ac overhead line
Before the 1970s, underground power cables were in km is approx. equal to the voltage level in kV. For
insulated with oil-paper. The oil was held under example; when transmitting power over a distance
pressure in order to prevent formation of voids, of 350 km, a voltage level of 380 kV is typically
which would lead to partial discharges in the insu- used.
lation and finally cause a breakdown of the system.
Despite urban areas, higher voltages are usually
Throughout the world, many of today’s power
transmitted through overhead lines, whilst cables
grids still make use of oil-paper insulated cables.
usually transmit lower voltages. The ratio of AC
However, since that technology is not state of the
overhead lines to cables in the German grid is
art and several literatures are available on the mar-
shown below [Kirchner 09], [Henningsen 09].
ket covering that topic, high voltage oil-filled cables
and their associated accessories are not considered
in this book. 100 93.8
% of overhead lines and cables

Overhead lines
Nowadays most of the high voltage underground 80
79.7 Cables

cables are insulated by cross-linked polyethylene 70 64.4

(more information is given in Chapter 4). 60

To connect the cable to other electrical equipment, 40 35.6

such as substations, transformers or overhead 30

lines, terminations are used. To achieve greater 6.2
transmission length, joints are used to connect two 0
≤ 1 kV >1 - 60 kV 110 kV 220 kV
cable segments together. Terminations and joints
Voltage level
for high voltage cables are referred to as “high
Rate of overhead lines to cables in the German grid
voltage accessories”. Since high voltage accesso- [Kirchner 09], [Henningsen 09]
ries are vital for the functioning of the cable sys-
1. Fundamentals 19

Until a few years ago, it was difficult to predict Typical electric fields for different situations
temperature distributions along a cable route. As a
result, the maximum applicable current load was Description Electric field

usually a compromise between an estimation of Natural electric field on earth

About 130 V/m =
todays and future operation conditions and also (without thunderstorm) [Wik-
0.13 kV/m
ipedia 10-1]
reflected the desire to reduce the risk of thermal
failures to a minimum. Today, with the availability Typical value in houses (due to
5 – 40 V/m =
electric home equipment and
of industrial distributed temperature sensing sys- 0.005 – 0.04
home power supply) [TU-Graz
tems, the monitoring of cables is easier. Together kV/m
with intelligent software, it enables the operator to
50/60 Hz 220 kV overhead line
predict the thermal load of the system. For more [TU-Graz 10]
detailed information on the distributed temperature - directly under the line 2.5 – 6 kV/m
system of cables, see Chapter 8. - with 20 m distance of the line 1 – 2 kV/m

During use of an electric blan-

4.5 kV/m
ket (50/60 Hz) [TU-Graz 10]

1.4.5 Power transmission and

The values of electric field limits are different in
certain countries or regions. A selection of limits
Electric field for the ac electric field is given in the table below.
The topic of power transmission and environment,
especially the issue of the influence of the electro- Selected limits for electric ac fields at 50 Hz
magnetic field on surrounding individuals, has be-
come increasingly prominent over the past years. Source Limits of the
As this topic is also related to cable systems, the electric field

most important issues are discussed here. Howev- 26th BImSchV (German regula-
5000 V/m =
er, due to the complexity of this topic, additional tion for electromagnetic pollu-
5 kV/m
tion) [BImSchV 97]
details from the relevant literature should be taken
into account. International Commission on
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec- 5000 V/m =
When generating, transmitting or using electrical tion (ICNIRP) World Health Or- 5 kV/m
power, electromagnetic fields (EMF) occur. In the ganisation (WHO) [ICNIRP 10]
case of overhead lines, EMF passes in an unfiltered DIN/VDE 0848 (German Electro-
7000 V/m =
manner out to the external environment. In con- technical Standard) for average
7 kV/m
populated area [DIN/VDE 0848]
trast, EMF in cables is considerably lower due to
shielding by the outer metallic shield of the cable, DIN/VDE 0848 (German Electro-
20000 V/m =
technical Standard) for working
as well as the soil around the cables themselves. 20 kV/m
space area [DIN/VDE 0848]
Although there are no shields for the electromag-
netic field of overhead lines, this must not neces-
The values in the above tables are for 50 Hz. How-
sarily be a cause for concern, as they are usually
ever, they can also be assumed for 60 Hz. The val-
located at a greater distance from the ground or
surroundings. The highest value for the electric ues for 16 ⅔ Hz, typically occurring in railway

field of high voltage overhead lines occurs directly overhead lines, may slightly differ. In the 26th BIm-
under the line. The electric field in terms of envi- SchV (German regulation for electromagnetic pol-
ronmental influence is usually given in V/m or lution), the limit for a 16 ⅔ Hz electric field is
kV/m. Typical electric field levels in overhead lines 10 kV/m (instead of 5 kV/mm for 50 Hz fields) [BIm-
located in various environments are shown in the SchV 97]. A similar IEC standard to that of the
table below. DIN/VDE 0848 is the IEC 62226 [IEC 62226].

Magnetic field Vacuum cleaner at a distance of

2 – 20 µT
Overhead lines and cables not only emit electric 30 cm [BfS 10]

fields, but also magnetic fields. It is hardly possible Drill machine at a distance of
2 – 3.5 µT
to give a number for the value for underground ca- 30 cm [BfS 10]
bles, as this is very much depends on the laying Electric cooking oven at a dis-
0.15 – 0.5 µT
conditions of the cable system and the current tance of 30 cm [BfS 10]
flow. When laying cables close together in the Fluorescent lamp at a distance of
0.5 – 2 µT
ground, the magnetic field on the ground surface is 30 cm [BfS 10]
almost degraded and is thus very low. When laying
cables somewhat apart (e.g. at a distance of 60 – 80 * It should be mentioned that the natural magnetic field
cm, and at a depth of 1 – 4 m), similar values to on the surface of the earth is approximately 30 µT at the
those occurring in high voltage overhead lines can equator, and 60 µT at the poles. While the earth’s magnet-
be seen. Typical magnetic field levels of overhead ic field is static, the magnetic field emitted by overhead
lines and cables in various environments are lines varies according to line frequency, and is thus
shown in the table below. 16 ⅔ Hz, 50 or 60 Hz.

Typical magnetic fields for low and intermediate While electric fields are relatively easy to shield,
frequency (similar to 50/60 Hz) for different situations e.g. by means of a faraday cage, it requires special
engineering techniques or designs to reduce their
Description Magnetic
magnetic fields.
The values for limits of the magnetic field differ be-
Natural magnetic field [Wikipe-
about 50 µT* tween certain countries or regions. A selection of
dia 10-2]
limits for alternating magnetic fields of low to in-
Typical house values due to do-
mestic electric equipment and 0.05 – 0.1 µT termediate frequency - such as those caused by
power supply) [TU-Graz 10] electric power supply equipment is given in the ta-
High voltage overhead line with ble below.
a current flow of 1000 A [TU-
Graz 10]
8 – 16 µT Selected limits for magnetic alternating fields at 50
- directly under the line
1 – 3 µT Hz
- with 50 m distance of the line

At certain working space areas Source Limits of the

(close to transformer stations, up to few magnetic field
switching stations or inductive 1000 µT 26th BImSchV (German regula-
heating ovens) [TU-Graz 10] tion for electromagnetic pollu- 100 µT
Medium value in a German city tion) [BImSchV 97]
(due to electric equipment in the 0.06 µT International Commission on
city) [BfS 10] Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
100 µT
Medium value in a German fami- tion (ICNIRP) World Health Or-
ly home (due to electric home 0.06 µT ganisation (WHO) [ICNIRP 10]
equipment) [BfS 10] DIN/VDE 0848 (German Electro-
technical Standard) exposition
Medium value in a German high-
rise building (due to electric area 2, areas, such as living 424 µT
0.076 µT areas, sport or leisure areas
equipment in the building)
[DIN/VDE 0848]
[BfS 10]

Medium value in a German of-

fice (due to electric office equip- 0.05 µT Depending on the country or region as well as on
ment) [BfS 10] certain areas where people can be exposed to
Hairdryer at a distance of 30 cm magnetic radiation, the limits may vary significant-
0.01 – 7 µT
[BfS 10] ly.
1. Fundamentals 21

The values given in the tables above are for 50 Hz. 1.5 Terms and definitions
However, they can also be assumed for 60 Hz.
1.5.1 Definition of voltage values for

The values for 16 ⅔ Hz, typically occurring in rail-

cable systems
way overhead lines, may slightly differ. In the 26th To understand and participate in discussions on
BImSchV (German regulation for electromagnetic technical issues, certain knowledge of the terms
pollution), the limit for a 16 ⅔ Hz electric field is used in the particular field is necessary. The follow-

300 µT instead of 100 µT for 50 Hz fields [BIm- ing section provides definitions of the main terms,
which occur in this book. To facilitate comprehen-
SchV 97].
sion, state-of-the-art and standard terms are used
as much as possible.
A comment on the effects of EMF on health
and the environment
The voltages for cable systems are given in differ-
The effects of EMF on the environment, particularly
ent values. The most common are U0, U, Um and
in terms of human health, have been the topic of a
Up. According to [IEC 60183], these values are de-
large number of studies. The studies can be classi-
fined as follows:
fied as laboratory studies, such as studies on cells
U0 The rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage
and epidemiological investigations. Laboratory
between each conductor and screen or
studies focus on changes at the molecular or cellu-
sheath for which cables and accessories
lar level after exposure of material to different val-
are designed
ues of EMF. Epidemiological investigations focus
on the occurrence and distribution of diseases, U The rated r.m.s. power-frequency voltage
such as cancer in human populations. between any two conductors for which ca-
bles and accessories are designed
In general, the results of the studies and investiga-
tions showed that the effect of EMF on human Um The maximum r.m.s. power-frequency
health depends on the frequency of the EMF, on voltage between any two conductors for
the length of exposure to the EMF and on the which cables and accessories are de-
strength of the electric and magnetic fields. signed. It is the highest voltage that can be
sustained under normal operating condi-
Further results of these studies show considerable
tions at any time and at any point in a sys-
variation and are too complex to be taken up in the
tem. It excludes temporary voltage varia-
framework of this book.
tions due to fault conditions and the sud-
The World Health Organization (WHO), as well as
den disconnection of large loads
an independent scientific organisation, The Interna-
Up The peak value of the lightning impulse
tional Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pro-
withstand voltage between each conductor
tection (ICNIRP), have both published guidelines for
and screen or sheath for which cables and
limiting exposure to EMF up to 300 GHz [IC-
accessories are designed
NIRP 10].

U0 U0 U0

Definition of voltage values in a cable system accord-

ing to [IEC 60183]

Relation between U0, U and Um according to 1.5.2 Definition of terms for termi-
[IEC 60183]
nations and cable systems
Rated volt- Nominal sys- Highest volt-
age of ca- tem voltage age for the
The main terms used for terminations in cable sys-
bles and ac- equipment
cessories tems are defined in [IEC 62271].
U / kV Um / kV
U0 / kV

12 20 24 Cable-termination

18 30 33 36 Equipment fitted to the end of a cable to ensure

electric connection with other parts of the system
26 45 47 52
and to maintain the insulation up to the point of
36 60 66 69 72.5
connection. Two types are described in this stand-
64 110 115 123 ard [IEC 62271].
76 132 138 145

87 150 161 170 Fluid-filled cable-termination

127 220 230 245 Cable termination, comprised of a separating insu-

160 275 287 300

lating barrier between the cable insulation and the
gas insulation of switchgear. The cable-termination
190 330 345 362
includes an insulating fluid as part of the cable
220 380 400 420 connection assembly [IEC 62271].
290 500 525 550

430 700 750 765 Dry-type cable-termination

Cable termination, comprised of an elastomeric
According to [IEC 62271] another type of voltage is electric stress control component in intimate con-
defined as: tact with a separating insulating barrier (insulator)
Ur The rated voltage for the equipment of the between the cable insulation and the gas insulation
cable connection is equal to the lowest of of the switchgear. The cable-termination does not
the values for the cable and the gas- require any insulating fluid [IEC 62271].
insulated metal-enclosed switchgear

Fluid and insulating fluid

The rated voltage Ur shall be selected from the fol- The term “fluid” means a liquid or a gas for insula-
lowing standard values: tion purposes [IEC 62271].
72.5 kV – 100 kV – 123 kV – 145 kV – 170 kV – 245 kV
– 300 kV – 362 kV – 420 kV – 550 kV Cable system
A cable system is defined as a “cable with installed
In the case of cables, the rated voltage Ur corre- accessories” [IEC 62271], [IEC 60840] and
sponds to the highest voltage for equipment Um [IEC 62067].
[IEC 62271].
According to [IEC 62271], “the equipment” is the
gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear. However,
when a cable is connected to other power equip-
ment, the terms related to the cable can considered
to be similar.
Ageing and Life Expectancy 23

Chapter 2

and Life Expectancy
2. Ageing and Life Expectancy 25

2.1 Ageing in polymers quire polyethylene materials of maximum purity

and an extremely clean manufacturing process.
2.1.1 Theory of electric lifetime law Electric field ageing, ageing without the presence
of partial discharges, is described by the lifetime
law as follows:
When operational loads are applied, the electric
lifetime of polymers, such as cross-linked polyeth-
ylene (XLPE) or silicone rubber (SiR), is determined 𝐸 ! ∙ 𝑡 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 (Eq. 2-1)
by internal and external influences. With applied
voltage, two electric ageing processes tend to oc-
In which:
cur: partial discharge (PD) ageing and field ageing
E: Electric field
[Weissenberg 86], [Peschke 99], [Olshausen 01],
[Weissenberg 04-1], [Weissenberg 09]. n: Lifetime exponent
t: Time

PD ageing in polymers The lifetime law provides a mathematical relation

for the physical fact that material properties, the
PD ageing due to discharge processes in cavities of
electric field and the time to breakdown are related.
the polymeric material or at any interface of the in-
The lifetime law means that the lower the electrical
sulation system, such as the interface from the ca-
field, the longer the time to breakdown of a materi-
ble to the silicone slip-on element, leads to a rapid
al and vice versa.
breakdown of the insulation. It is therefore vital that
both the cable and accessories of high voltage ca-
ble systems are free of any internal partial dis-
Log. el. field strength E

Because of this, PD measurements are a standard Ebd1
n>40 (Silicone)
in routine testing as a post-production quality con- n=20 (EPR)
trol for cables and silicone parts of accessories
[Weissenberg 04-1], [Weissenberg 09], [IEC 60840],
[IEC 62067]. tbd1 tbd2 tbdmax

In addition, PD tests have become increasingly Log. time to breakdown tbd

popular for additional measurements during after Basic relation of lifetime law for polymeric materials
installation tests (for more information see Chap-
ter 8).
In principle, the electric lifetime law is valid for a
constant temperature level only. The materials
usually used for high voltage cable insulation –
Electric field ageing for polymers XLPE or ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) for cables
and SiR or EPR for slip-on bodies of accessories –
Even in the absence of PD, polymeric insulation is
are very stable in the temperature range of their
subjected to ageing once an electric field is present.
application. The influence of temperature on the
This process is called electric field ageing.
electric field ageing is therefore negligible. Pure
Microscopic spurs and occlusions in the polymeric
thermal ageing is, however, quite a different issue.
material cause the electric field ageing. At these ar-
This process is described in Section 2.1.3.
eas, the electric field is elevated and the electric
The lifetime law is used to determine the expected
ageing process takes place more intensively. These
lifetime of the insulation. For this purpose, break-
spurs and occlusions are normal for polymeric ma-
down tests with different levels of the electric field
terials and do not indicate a poor quality. However,
are carried out. The advantage of that is that the
the ageing process at these occlusions means that
lifetime law is well-known and the estimated values
high and extra high voltage cable insulations re-
are reliable. The disadvantage is that breakdown
values for real arrangements, such as polymeric 2.1.2 Practical experiences with
cables, require a considerable effort to be deter-
electric lifetime law and electric
mined. If reliable values of the lifetime law are to
be obtained, breakdown values with a low electric
field must be taken. This may take a long time and In detailed investigations on breakdown of XLPE
is very expensive to carry out. cables, it was found that XLPE has a lifetime expo-
nent of around 12. These investigations were made
on cable samples, representing the real arrange-
tests ment of a high voltage cable [Weissenberg 86],
Log. el. field strength E

Ebd1 tests [Peschke 99], [Olshausen 01], [Weissenberg 04-1],
Ebd3 Designed [Weissenberg 09].

Max. electric field in insulation Breakdown

Minutes Hours Months 50 years

Log. time to breakdown
b = 21 - 49 mm
Different types of tests to determine expected lifetime d = 12 - 31 mm
of polymeric insulations

The design of the insulation is constructed in such b d

a way that the maximum electric field in the ob-

jects, such as cables or accessories, is lower than Cable dimensions used for ageing investigations

the residual dielectric strength after a period of

about 50 years. In detailed investigations on breakdown of SiR, it
Although not covered in this book, it should be was found that SiR has a lifetime exponent above
mentioned that the ageing of oil-filled cables (and that of 40. For SiR, investigations were made on
their accessories) can not be described with this material samples as well as on real arrangements
lifetime law. [Oesterheld 96].

E •t = constant
n ≥ 12...17
strenght [kV/mm]

10 Withstood values

Breakdown values

fully in
Routine tests Type test PQ test service

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Time [h]
Breakdown values and electric ageing for XLPE cables according to [Weissenberg 86], [Peschke 99], [Olshausen 01],
[Weissenberg 04-1] and values of practical experiences of Brugg Cables
2. Ageing and Life Expectancy 27

Test values and values of practical experiences of silicone elastomer based cable accessories of Brugg Cables

2.1.3 Thermal ageing 2.2 Volume effect of real

Chemical reactions, such as oxidation or creation of polymeric arrangements
radicals, are influenced by temperature. They occur
faster at higher temperatures. In the case of insulat- The dielectric strength of a material also depends
ing materials, these reactions can lead to a change on the volume at which the electric field is applied.
in the dielectric properties of the materials and can This relation is called volume effect. The reason for
start after a relatively short time if the temperature the volume effect is that the breakdown is initiated
continues to increase. An example of this is the fact and propagates along small irregularities and weak
that the loss factor of an insulating material will in- points of the material. With increasing volume, the
crease with the creation of polar molecules. probability of having more weak points in the ma-
terial also increases. This is a simple statistical ef-
To reduce these kinds of reactions in polymers,
small amounts of stabilisers and anti-oxidants are
added. However, even with a package of different If the dielectric strength at a given volume VA is
stabilisers, it is not possible to stop these reactions measured and the corresponding Weibull distribu-
entirely. Consequently, it is essential to determine tion with the slope parameter b is known, the die-
the electric lifetime curve of the insulating materi- lectric strength of a sample with volume VB can be
als as used in high voltage cables and accessories. determined according to the following equation
[Küchler 96]:
Thermal ageing of materials is also used to deter-
mine the long-term performance of polymer prop-
erties. Polymer samples are stored in ovens at a !
higher temperature than that of the actual applica-
𝐸#%"$! 𝑉! 𝑉! !
(Eq. 2-2)
tion temperature and remain there for several 𝐸#%"$! 𝑉! 𝑉!
weeks or months. Material properties are then
measured on samples that were stored at different In which:
temperatures. From the results, the ultimate elon- Ebreak: electric field at breakdown
gation after several years at application tempera- V: Volume
ture can be extrapolated.
b: slope parameter in Weibull distribution
The relation of the volume effect is of considerable

Failure probability
practical relevance for cable systems. It is observed
that companies with new products in the market
tend to increase the thickness of the insulation in
Short-term Failures due
order to be on “the safe side”. But although in- failures to ageing
creased insulation thickness for a given voltage Occasional
level brings a lower electric field, this is only half of failures

the issue. The volume effect causes a higher num- Time

ber of potential weak points in the material, caus-
Bathtub curve representing failure occurrence in tech-
ing in turn a higher probability of breakdown pro-
nical systems (such as cables and accessories)
cesses and consequently a shorter lifetime.

Depending on the quality of the material, the ad-

vantage of a lower electric field with increased in-
sulation thickness may almost be compensated by 2.3.2 Short-term failures
the volume effect in the material. Short-term failures are often listed under a group
of failures called “teething problems”. In general,
they result from:

- Improper design

2.3 Life expectancy - Improper materials

- Production failures
2.3.1 Basic failure behaviour
- Installation failures
Life expectancy of the cable system is difficult to
estimate. Electric and thermal ageing processes are
These types of failures usually occur during the
known and lifetime expectancy can be estimated to
first few weeks of the application. To avoid short-
a certain extent.
term failures, a great variety of tests are done be-
However, knowledge of electric and thermal ageing fore the product is delivered to the customer. A
is only one aspect in the process of making lifetime number of different development tests as well as
predictions of high voltage power cables and their type and prequalification (PQ) tests should prevent
accessories. In practice many other factors also (or at least limit) the occurrence of short-term fail-
need to be considered. The sum of the factors in- ures caused by improper design or improper mate-
fluencing the lifetime of the cable system lead to a rials. Because of this, type and PQ tests have to be
failure curve that is high at the beginning, low in repeated once a design or materials have changed
the middle and increases at the end of the lifetime. significantly.
This behaviour is not only valid for cable systems,
The occurrence of production failures should be
it is also typical for most technical systems (includ-
prevented by routine tests. To exclude production
ing cars, electronic items etc.). Due to its shape, the
failures of accessories, pre-tested slip-on bodies
curve is referred to as “bathtub curve”.
are recommended. Pre-testing gives the customer
Factors influencing the lifetime of technical sys- the proof that the equipment on-site has not suf-
tems, such as a cable system, can be distinguished fered from production failures.
The occurrence of installation failures should be
- Short-term failures limited by after installation tests. For additional se-
- Occasional failures and curity, additional partial discharge (PD) measure-
ments may be used during after installation tests.
- Failures due to long time ageing
2. Ageing and Life Expectancy 29

More information on tests for cable systems is giv- Possible occasional failures in a cable systems and
en in Chapter 3. More information on PD tests for suggested measures of prevention

cable systems is given in Chapter 8.

Type of occa- Suggested measure of pre-
sional failure vention

Laying the cable in a tunnel or

Digging into the concrete duct or covering the
cable cable system with concrete el-

Terrorist attacks In general very difficult; “hid-

or other human ing” the cable in underground
induced vio- concrete ducts, inserting termi-
lence nations in strong housings

Using grey insulators that are

Shooting of in- less visible than brown insula-
sulators tors, inserting terminations in
strong housings

Using porcelain insulators in

Bird picking of areas with a large number of
Routine test of a cable drum after production composite insu- birds that are potentially known
lators for birds picking; using special

Strengthening the fundament of

2.3.3 Occasional failures the terminations, appropriate
fixing of the cable and accesso-
Once the cable system does not suffer from short- ries to the fundament
term failures, the basis for a long lifetime is laid.
Insulation coordination with
From then on, only occasional failures can impair Lightning surge voltage limiters for the
the performance of the cable system. Occasional strokes systems and use of deflectors of
failures mainly result from external influences. solid materials

They may be:

- Induced damage of the cable system by hu-

mans, such as digging into a cable

- Human induced violence to the system, such

as terrorist attacks or shooting on insulators

- Systematic naturally induced destruction of the

system, such as bird picking of composite insu-

- Occasional types of naturally induced destruc-

tion, such as earthquakes or wind storms

In general, it is possible to prevent most occasional

Concrete ducts to protect the cable
failures. However, this requires a certain effort and
the owner of the system must consider whether
such an effort and expenditure is in their interest or
not. Possible measures to prevent or reduce the
occurrence of occasional failures are listed in the
table below.
than 40 years can be expected to be achieved, with
a potential of an even longer lifetime being possi-

To achieve a long lifetime of the cable system, the

following occurrences must be particularly avoided
or kept to a minimum:

- Unnecessary high number of transient over-

voltages, such as lightning switching impulses

- Very high short circuits

- Unnecessary high mechanical stress

- Constant high water pressure, especially in

Protected transformer terminations for the power
joints and terminations
supply of a football stadium; installed in a building for
protection (and other reasons) - Rodents and termites in the vicinity

Example 2-1:
Æ Cable system
 General rules of operation for organic materials,
such as XLPE
P An increase of the operating temperature by 8 to
10°C reduces the service life by half.
P An increase of the operating voltage by 8 to 10%
reduces the service life by half.

Terminations with grey porcelain insulators for less


2.3.4 Failures due to ageing

Since high voltage cable systems have been in op-

eration for decades, a wealth of experience already
exists on the subject of long-term behaviour and
ageing of cable systems.

Factors that influence the ageing are:

- Electric field

- Temperature

- Mechanical load

- Moisture

Once short-term and occasional failures have been

excluded, the above-mentioned factors run within
the specified limits and an unnecessary overload of
the cable system can be excluded, lifetime of more
Chapter 3: Tests and Standards 31

Chapter 3

Tests and Standards

3. Tests and Standards 33

3.1 Tests In general, all materials and designs must undergo

extensive development tests before considered for
3.1.1 Basic idea of testing use in commercial products. A typical development
test is to investigate the mechanical properties of
Testing reveals the technical limits of products and
polymeric materials.
systems. Other reasons for testing include quality
control of the material, checking the design, simu-
lating ageing processes or minimising production
and installation failures. As a result, tests for cable
systems can be typically categorised into different
types as listed in the table below.

Overview of typical tests for cable systems

Type of test Purpose of application

To reveal the technical limits of

Development the material and/or the system
To stimulate ageing processes

To examine material and de-

Determination of the mechanical strength of a poly-
sign of single elements, such
Type test meric material in the application laboratory at Brugg
as joints, terminations and ca-

To examine material and de-

Prequalification sign of whole cable systems
(PQ) test To stimulate first ageing pro-
3.1.3 Type tests

Routine test To detect production failures Overview

After installa- After a product has been developed, a type test

To detect installation failures
tion test must be carried out. According to IEC 60840, type
tests are “tests made before supplying on a general
commercial basis a type of cable system or cable or
accessory covered by this standard, in order to
3.1.2 Development tests
demonstrate satisfactory performance characteris-
Development tests are carried out to investigate the tics to meet the intended application. Once suc-
limits of the applied materials and the chosen de- cessfully completed, these tests need not be re-
sign variants. Development tests are usually de- peated, unless changes are made in the cable or
structive tests. This means that the material or the accessory materials, or design or manufacturing
component, such as high voltage polymer cables or process which might change the performance
high voltage accessories, are tested until break- characteristics” [IEC 60840].
down occurs. Put more simply, the standard says that the type
The results of such tests show the security margin test determines the right dimensioning of the mate-
of the material and the component. Development rial and design of the components that were devel-
tests must consider all possible factors that may oped. A type test must be passed if the product is
influence the cable system throughout its lifetime. to be sold.
These are electric, mechanic and thermal loads, the IEC standard type tests for high voltage cables and
influence of moisture and all combinations of the accessories are described in IEC 60840 and
above-mentioned factors. The results of develop- IEC 62067.
ment tests are a matter of the company and are
subject to strict secrecy policy.

IEC 60840 and IEC 62067 not only use different equipment being tested but also from laboratory
voltage levels, they also employ different proce- use and installation. To reduce the costs, as many
dures. IEC 60840 allows a separate testing of acces- devices as possible should be tested at the same
sories, while IEC 62067 considers the testing of the time.
whole “cable system”, that is, cables and accesso- The standard design of a type test for a cable sys-
ries in the same sequence. tem contains the following elements:
Relevant IEC type test standards for high voltage
- Cable with at least one segment of a minimum
cables and accessories
length of 10 m between the accessories (other
Standard Voltage range segments must have a minimum length of 5 m
between the accessories)
IEC 60502 1 kV ≤ Um ≤ 36 kV
- Outdoor termination with porcelain insulator
IEC 60840 36 kV < Um ≤ 170 kV
- Outdoor termination with composite insulator
IEC 62067 170 kV < Um ≤ 550 kV
- Joint

- Back-to-back joint (consisting of an SF6 termi-

nation and a transformer termination)
Layout of type test

The tested equipment is subject to very high stress,

Type tests are conducted in high voltage test labor-
making it unable for commercial use afterwards. In
atories, either at the cable or accessory manufac-
addition, type tests are time intensive and expen-
turer or at an independent test laboratory.
sive. Various costs accumulate, not only from the

Outdoor terminations
(1 composite & 1 porcelain insulator)

(Cross-bonding) Back-to-back joint

Joint (SF6 & transformer termination)

Cable Cable
(> 5m) (> 5m)
High voltage
test transformer

Cable (> 10m)

High current transformer

(for thermal heating)
Typical layout of a type test
3. Tests and Standards 35

d) PD tests at ambient and high temperature

e) Switching impulse voltage test (required

for cable systems with Um ≥ 300 kV)

f) Lightning impulse voltage test with 10 pos-

itive and 10 negative impulses followed by
a power frequency voltage test
g) PD tests, if not previously carried out in d)

h) Tests of outer protection for buried joints,

thus containing a water immersion and
heat cycling test and a separate different
Type test of a 550 kV cable system at an independent voltage test at the joint
test laboratory
i) Examination of cable system with cable
and accessories after completion of the
Test sequence tests
According to IEC 60840, the type test on accesso-
ries for voltages 36 kV < Um ≤ 170 kV shall be
Besides these tests on the cable systems a type test
subjected to the following sequence:
according to the standards IEC 60840 and IEC 62067
a) Partial discharge (PD) test at ambient tem- includes also tests on the material of the cable.
perature These material tests include the measurement of
b) Heating cycle voltage test with 20 cycles of the resistivity of the conductor and insulation
an 8 h heating period and a 16 h cooling screen and the mechanical properties of the cable
period at a voltage of 2U0 insulation material.

c) PD tests at ambient and high temperature

d) Lightning impulse voltage test with 10 pos- Electric field in the equipment
itive and 10 negative impulses followed by In both standards, the type test must be carried out
a power frequency voltage test on the part of the equipment in which the highest
e) PD tests, if not previously carried out in c) electric field occurs. The electric field E(x) in the ca-

f) Tests of outer protection for buried joints, ble insulation is given by:

thus containing a water immersion and

heat cycling test and a separate different 𝑉
voltage test at the joint 𝐸 𝑥 = (Eq. 3-1)
𝑥 ∙ 𝑙𝑛
g) Examination of the accessories after com- 𝑟
pletion of the tests above.
Eq. 3-1 shows four important facts for the electric
field distribution in cables and accessories. These
According to IEC 62067, the type test on cable sys-
tems for voltages 170 kV < Um ≤ 550 kV shall
1. The highest field in the cable occurs at the
be subjected to the following sequence:
inner diameter of the cable insulation.
a) Bending test on the cable followed by in-
2. The highest field in a slip-on element of ac-
stallation of accessories and a partial dis-
cessories occurs at the outer diameter of the
charge test at ambient temperature
cable insulation.
b) Measurement of tan δ
3. At a smaller conductor cross-section, the
c) Heating cycle voltage test with 20 cycles of highest value of the electric field is higher
an 8 h heating period and a 16 h cooling than that which occurs at a larger conductor
period at a voltage of 2U0

cross-section (assuming that the insulation that for a cable with a large conductor cross-section
thickness is the same). the thickness of the insulation is smaller than for a

4. At the outer semiconducting layer, the high- cable with a smaller conductor cross-section.

est value of the electric field which occurs at Consequently, type tests for high voltage accesso-
a larger conductor cross-section is higher ries and the cables are typically carried out at a
than that which occurs at a smaller conduc- conductor cross-section of 2500 mm2. Usually with
tor cross-section (assuming that the insula- such a cable the requirements for the type test of
tion thickness is the same). the cable and that for the accessories are fulfilled.
Lower values of the cable cross-sections are cov-
ered by the standard, the electric field in the acces-
sories being lower.
Example 3-1:
Æ A type test with the following values:
- Cable of manufacturer A
- Accessories of manufacturer A
E(r2) - U0 = 76 kV
E(r1) - Conductor cross-section = 2500 mm2
- Diameter over inner conductor = 63 mm
- Insulation thickness = 12.3 mm

R2  Is the accessories type test valid for a cable with

the following details:
- Cable of manufacturer B
r2 - Accessories of manufacturer A
- U0 = 76 kV
- Conductor cross-section = 630 mm2

Schematic distribution of electric field in a cable with - Diameter over inner conductor = 34 mm
small (orange) and large (grey) conductor cross- - Insulation thickness = 17.3 mm
P According to Equation 3-1, the electric field at the
type tested cable and accessories is:
Taking the different factors of the electric field dis- - at inner cond. of the cable = 7.3 kV/mm
tribution and demands of the standards into ac- - at outer cond. of the cable = 5.3 kV/mm
count, one could think that cables and accessories According to Equation 3-1, the electric field at the
need to undergo two different sorts of type test. cable, which shall be applied, and the accessories
One test should be made “for the cable” with the
- at inner cond. of the cable = 6.4 kV/mm
lowest possible conductor cross-section (as the
- at outer cond. of the cable = 3.2 kV/mm
electric field is highest at the inner semiconducting
The calculated values show that for the accessories
layer). Another test should be made “for the acces-
of manufacturer A, which shall be applied with a
sories” with the highest possible conductor cross- cable of manufacturer B, the electric field is lower at
section (as the electric field is highest at the outer the outer semiconducting layer than in the type
semiconducting layer of the cable, which is the test. According to IEC 60840, the cable and accesso-
ries can be from different manufacturers.
same as the inner part of the joint body).
9 Considering both facts, it can be concluded that
However in reality the assumption to have the the type test (of the accessories) is valid and the
same thickness of the insulation independent of the accessories of manufacturer A can be applied with
cross section of the conductor is not correct. Cable that type of cable of manufacturer B.

manufacturer usually design the cable in such a

way, that for a certain voltage level, the electrical
field strength at the conductor is the same, inde-
pendent of the conductor cross section. This means
3. Tests and Standards 37

Duration of type test

The longest part of the test is the heating cycle

voltage test with a duration of 20 days. The test it-
self lasts approx. 30 days including all other electric
test sequences and the test of the outer protection
for the buried joint. The installation of the equip-
ment together with the time required for preparing
the laboratory means that the full duration of a type
test typically lasts about two months. To ensure
that the test parameters meet the standards, the
type tests are either carried out at an independent
type test laboratory or are witnessed by a repre-
sentative of an independent test institute.

Type test certificate

Once the type test is passed, a type test certificate
is given. This certificate lists all equipment tested,
the various test procedures and the result of the Example for cable (above) and accessory (bottom) da-
test. With a type test certificate, the commercial ta in a type test report
sale of the product can be made.

3.1.4 Prequalification tests

Layout of tests
A type test must be successfully completed before
a prequalification (PQ) test is started.

While a type test demonstrates satisfactory per-

formance characteristics of the cable or the acces-
sories (joints and terminations), the PQ tests exam-
ines the compatibility of the cable with the accesso-
ries. PQ tests are only required for cables systems
if the calculated nominal electrical stresses at the
conductor screen will be higher than 8 kV/mm or at
the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm.

According to IEC 62067, PQ tests are “tests made

before supplying on a general commercial basis a
type of cable system covered by this standard, in
order to demonstrate satisfactory long term per-
formance of the complete cable system. The
prequalification test needed only be carried out
once unless there is a substantial change in the ca-
ble system with respect to material, manufacturing
process, design and design levels” [IEC 62067].

PQ tests are time intensive and expensive, being

carried out for 365 days. Laboratory costs make the
tests particularly expensive. Consequently, as

many devices as possible should be tested at the a) Heating cycle voltage test with a test peri-
same time. od of 8760 h (1 year) at a voltage of 1.7U0.
The layout of a PQ test is similar to that of a type Parallel to the voltage load, 180 heating
test, it typically contains: cycles have to be made. These heating cy-
cles must be at least 8 h, whereby the con-
- Full sized cable with a total length of approxi-
ductor temperature shall be maintained
mately 100 metres
within the stated temperature limits for at
- Outdoor termination with porcelain insulator least 2 h of each heating point. The heating
- Outdoor termination with composite insulator cycle shall be followed by a cooling period

- Joint of at least 16 h*
b) Lightning impulse voltage test with 10 pos-
- Back-to-back joint (consisting of an SF6 termi-
itive and 10 negative impulses
nation and a transformer termination)
c) Examination of the cable system after
completion of the above tests
* According to the standard, the minimum time for the
heating cycles is (24 h x 180 = 180 days). Once the
heating cycles are finished, the heating of the cable
can be stopped. However, the voltage test of 1.7U0 for
one year must still be finished. The heating and cool-
ing cycles usually occur over a period of one year, e.g.
16 h heating and 32 h cooling.

PQ test certificate

Similar to the type test, the PQ test is carried out

either at an independent test institute or is wit-
PQ test of a 245 kV cable system at an independent
nessed by a representative of an independent test
test institute
institute. Once passed, a PQ test certificate is given.
In general, the commercial sale of the cable system
Test arrangement
is made with the PQ test certificate. Since the PQ
According to IEC 62067, “the test arrangement shall
test takes a long time, it is not untypical of installa-
be representative of the installation design condi-
tions with cables and accessories to be made in the
tions e.g. rigidly fixed, flexible and transition ar-
field while the PQ test is still running. Such proce-
rangements, underground and in air.” [IEC 62067]. dure has to be agreed between the cable manufac-
This means that the 100 m test cable length should turer and the final customer. The PQ test certificate
be typical of the application, which is usually bur- has to be delivered as soon as the test was passed.
ied directly, in air or in a (concrete) tunnel.

It is further stated in IEC 62067 that “Ambient con-

ditions may vary between installations and during
the test and are not considered to have any major 3.1.5 Requalification tests
influence” [IEC 62067]. Taking into consideration Layout of tests
that the test conditions in Mexico City in summer
“Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a
may be significantly different throughout the whole
cable system”, often called “Requalification tests”
year than in St. Petersburg in winter, the detailed
is a new test possibility in the latest version of
layout of the test should be discussed between the
IEC 62067. This type of test has been introduced
cable manufacturer and the customer in detail.
into the standard to consider changes in the mate-
rial or production process without the necessity of
Test sequence carrying out a complete (extensive and expensive)
According to [IEC 62067], the PQ test on the cable PQ test. Such changes may be a new production
system shall be subjected to the sequence as: facility (e.g. extrusion line) on a proven cable de-
3. Tests and Standards 39

sign and cable material. The requalification test re- h) Lightning impulse voltage test followed by
quires a valid prequalification test. a power frequency voltage test
Similar to the PQ test, the requalification test exam- i) PD tests, if not previously carried out in f)
ines the compatibility of the cable with the accesso- above
ries. j) Tests of outer protection for buried joints
According to [IEC 62067], the standard design of a k) Examination of the cable system with ca-
requalification test is similar to that of a type or PQ ble and accessories shall be carried out af-
test. It usually contains: ter completion of the tests above
- Full sized cable with a total length of approxi- l) The resistivity of semi-conducting screens
mately 20 metres shall be measured on a separate sample
- Outdoor termination with porcelain insulator * According to the standard, the heating shall be ap-
plied for at least 8 hours with 2 hours of stated con-
- Outdoor termination with composite insulator
ductor temperature. The cooling period shall be 16
- Joint hours. The cycle of heating and cooling shall be car-
ried out 60 times [IEC 62067].
- Back-to-back joint (consisting of an SF6 termi-
** According to the standard, the minimum number of
nation and a transformer termination) heating cycles with voltage of 2.0 U0 shall be 20. The
heating cycles can be interrupted.

Test arrangement
Requalification test certificate
The test arrangement for a requalification test is
similar to that of a type test with the exception that Similar to the type and PQ test, the requalification

the minimum total cable length should be 20 m test is carried out either at an independent test in-

[IEC 62067]. stitute or is witnessed by a representative of an in-

dependent test institute.

Test sequence

According to [IEC 62067], the requalification test on

the cable system shall be subjected to the following 3.1.6 Routine tests
Since failures in the production never can be ex-
a) Bending test without final partial discharge cluded, routine tests are carried out to detect pro-
test followed by installation of the accesso- duction failures before the product (e.g. such as a
ries that are part of the tests for the exten- cable drum) is delivered to the customer.
sion of the prequalification
According to IEC 60840, routine tests are “tests
b) A partial discharge test is applied after the made by the manufacturer on each manufactured
bending test to check the quality of the in- component (length of cable or accessory) to check
stalled accessories that the component meets the specific require-
c) Heating cycle test without voltage* ments” [IEC 60840].

d) Measurements of tan δ In a routine test, high voltage tests and partial dis-
charge (PD) measurements are carried out. In order
e) Heating cycle voltage test**
to avoid unnecessary electric ageing effects, the
f) PD tests at ambient temperature and high
test values for routine tests are less than those for
temperature. This test shall be carried out
type tests. The outline of the routine test, the re-
after the final cycle of item e) above or, al-
quirements and the procedures for cables and ac-
ternatively, after the lightning impulse
cessories are dependent on the voltage level and
voltage test in item h) below
listed in the relevant standards.
g) Switching impulse test (required for Um ≥ After each test, a test certificate is given. It shows
300 kV) the equipment that was tested, the voltage range,
the PD level, the date of test and the test person.

3.1.7 After installation tests

Tests according to IEC

After installation tests are made to detect failures
that have occurred during the installation process,
especially during the installation of accessories.

According to IEC 60840, electric tests after installa-

tion are “tests made to demonstrate the integrity of
the cable system as installed”. They are tests on
new installations and “are carried out when the in-
stallation of the cable and its accessories has been
completed” [IEC 60840].
Routine test of a slip-on element for high voltage
joints in the fully screened test laboratory of Brugg
Since cables and accessories are tested during the
Cables routine test in the factory, failures in the cable sys-
tem can only occur during the transport. Damage
of accessories, particularly the sealed slip-on ele-
!?.@<A?1?/> 6?+-A> ments, can usually be easily detected, making in-
8A)?A ;-& ):=#TER+#R!!C ' S37H4 9((( S&:

#37?/> :7237L ,N46GI26 82I4 =K%* "G5%

stallation failures the major possible cause of fail-
29+? >;U$ :/J4 P!!#AT#RDA
ure for the proper functioning of the cable system.
;-& DAE@!T@
#.,3? RR!#RED O9 T0R!!! MMR
2?@> 0-3>.=? PTA O9 P! M2L There exists always the danger that during laying
"?>.73$ '
of the cable the polymeric cable sheath may be
#-11?/>$ ' damaged. This is one of the reasons why DC volt-
".>?%47=/.><A?$ RC%P%R!!@ # QKM. age tests of the oversheath are carried out. More
detailed information is given in [IEC 60840] and
#"! T! [IEC 62067].
#!! A
#:.A=? (+#'

0-3>.=? (50'

M70% S< N414N AC and DC tests
$!! E

According to the standards, after installation tests

"! R

can be made with DC and AC. While DC tests for

! !
!!?!! !!?!@ !!?TB !!?RC !!?PD !!?EP
271? (17/$@?*'
!!?DR !T?!! !T?!@ !T?TA !T?RC
oil-cable systems are often used, DC tests pose a
significant danger to polymeric insulations. Due to
Sample of a routine test protocol (the diagram in the
the character of the polymeric insulation, DC load
lower part shows the recorded PD level)
causes space charges within the insulation. Such
space charges can cause additional ageing or early
After the test, the slip-on elements of the accesso-
breakdown in the insulation of the polymeric cable
ries are cleaned. In order to be free of moisture, the
and accessories [Riechert 01].
slip-on elements are sealed in a plastic bag. To en-
In addition, DC tests do not detect all possible
sure the correctness of the test, a copy of the test
faults and can be dangerous for the accessories of
certificate is also sealed in the bag.
AC polymer cable systems, the so called faults in-
The procedure for cable drums is similar. After the
duced by DC testing [CIGRE-21.05 02]. This comes
routine test, the cable ends are cleaned and sealed,
as the electric field control in AC and DC is of a dif-
the cable drum is protected and the drum is deliv-
ferent nature.
ered to the customer.
Consequently, after installation tests are more fre-
The advantages of routine tests followed by the
quently applied to AC voltage. Although not for-
sealing of the devices are considerable. Once test-
bidden by the IEC standards, DC tests for polymer
ed and sealed in the routine test rooms, the devices
cables should not be applied.
leave the factory at an extremely high quality level.
3. Tests and Standards 41

High voltage tests with resonance systems

The main reason why DC tests are applied is the

effort needed for tests with ac equipment on site. In
the last few decades, resonant test systems have
been applied very successfully to electric after in-
stallation tests. A resonance system consists of the
capacity “C” of the cable and the inductivity “L” of
a transportable coil. Once energised, the circuit L
and C oscillates at a resonant frequency of ω. Due
to the capacity “C” of the cable, which is different
for each arrangement (it depends on the cable ge-
ometry, the cable length, temperature etc.), the
After installation test of a 420 kV cable system of long-
resonance frequency varies in each test. er length with a heavy mobile resonance system
The standards take this into consideration and it is (phase 2 under test)
stated that “The ac test voltage to be applied shall
be subjected to agreement between the purchaser Since resonance systems have been applied very
and the contractor. The waveform shall be substan- successfully over the last few decades, it is no
tially sinusoidal and the frequency shall be be- longer necessary, even dangerous, to carry out DC
tween 20 and 300 Hz” [IEC 60840], [IEC 62067]. tests for high voltage polymeric cable systems.
The equipment required for the test also depends
significantly on the capacity “C” of the cable and 24 hour soak test
therefore on the cable geometry and cable length.
For those applications to which a resonance test
For cables with a high capacity, such as cable
cannot be applied, such as with particularly long
lengths of several kilometres, much more powerful
cable length or with resonance systems that are not
equipment is required than for cables with a lower
available or too expensive, a test at nominal volt-
capacity, such as cable lengths of some metres.
age can be carried out. This kind of test is called
In general, the longer the cable length, the higher “soak test” and is made for 24 hours at U0
the power for the resonance system. For testing of [IEC 60840], [IEC 62067].
cables with high capacity (high currents), reso-
The above-mentioned after installation tests are
nance test systems can be put in parallel. For test-
certified as either “passed” (without breakdown) or
ing cables of high voltage, resonance systems can
“not passed” (breakdown in the main insulation).
be put in series.
It is worth mentioning that in case of a failure, soak
tests run a higher risk than tests with a resonance
system, as the whole energy capacity of the net can
discharge at the place of failure. This can cause
considerable damage at the place of failure. There-
fore, tests with a resonance system should be fa-
voured over 24h soak tests or if being done, the
24h soak test should be conducted out with no load
in the system.

PD measurements
Partial discharge (PD) measurements are an estab-
lished method to assess the majority of electrical
After installation test of a 420 kV cable system of short equipment in power systems. For many insulation
length with a light mobile resonance system (phase 2 systems, PD measurements are a useful tool to
under test)
evaluate the quality of the insulation.

The correct design of cable systems is checked in PD tests can be expensive. This is due to the costs
type and prequalification tests, whilst the produc- incurred by additional equipment and personnel, as
tion quality of cables and accessories is checked in well as the time consuming processes of preparing,
routine tests according to the relevant standards. carrying out and finalising the tests.
However, on-site installation poses a potential risk The application of a PD test must therefore be care-
as far as defects are concerned. Although a final fully considered. In most cases, it is the decision of
high voltage test after installation is carried out, the the customer as to whether such a test should be
mentioned deteriorations cannot be fully excluded. carried out or not. Further information on the types
In response to such difficulties, additional PD and structure of PD tests is given in Chapter 8.
measurements can be helpful. PD measurements
are typically used as measurements during after
installation tests. Sheath test at the cable

Experience shows that most defects caused during The functioning of the outer sheath of the high
voltage cable is relevant for the long-term perfor-
installation occur in the accessories. As a result,
mance of the cable system. Therefore, tests for the
particular focus has been given to the technological
cable sheath must also be carried out. These tests
development of reliable systems for measuring PD
in joints and terminations. are made after laying the cable and carried out with
DC. The applied voltage is typically 10 kV. In con-
A PD inside a joint or termination is usually an ex-
trast to the main insulation, the application of DC
tremely low-value signal. The cable system itself
for the cable sheath does not pose a significant
usually stands in industrial surroundings with a
danger for the cable sheath.
harsh electric environment. A low measurement
signal combined with a harsh electric environment
makes it extremely challenging to carry out reliable 3.1.8 Alternative methods for after
PD measurements. Once the PD signal has been installation tests
measured and identified as coming from the acces-
sories and the cable, the accessories and the cable Search for alternative test methods

must be dismantled in order to find the PD source. The costs and effort on site for high voltage test
It is therefore strongly recommended when consid- systems have led to a search for alternative test se-
ering PD measurements that the right PD equip- quences. Currently, two main methods are under
ment is used and professional personnel employed discussion. One is the test with damped AC voltage
to carry out the test. (DAC), the other is tests with very low frequency
Tests with damped AC voltage (DAC)

The test circuit for DAC tests mainly consists of a

DC voltage source, the cable itself and an external
inductance. The inductance and the cable capaci-
tance form a resonance circuit. The cable capaci-
tance is charged to a certain voltage, resonates
with the inductance and oscillates with a frequency
ranging between 20 and 1000 Hz. The losses of the
(oscillating circuit) system cause a damping of the
voltage. At certain time intervals, the system is re-
charged with the DC source. This process is done
several times during the period of testing [Gulski
PD measurements at after installation test at a 220 kV 07], [CIGRE-D1.33.05 10].
outdoor termination
The advantage of such tests is that smaller test
equipment is needed. The disadvantage is that only
the first few voltage cycles provide a high voltage
3. Tests and Standards 43

load to the cable. If one wants to have a similar test 3.2 Standards
load as that of a resonance system, the test with
DAC must be significantly longer. 3.2.1 Introduction

Standards are vital for use of technical systems in

international markets. With standards, the final end
user receives the promise that all parts will fit the
system in his application. The international Electro-
technical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organi-
sation for standardisation, comprised of many na-
tional electrotechnical committees. The object of
IEC is to promote international cooperation on all
questions concerning standardisation in the electric
and electronic fields [IEC 62271].

It is mentioned that standards and regulations of-

ten differ between countries. Specific country-
Test of a cable system with damped ac voltage
standards are not mentioned here.

Today, DAC voltage tests are mainly applied as

high voltage tests used for on-site insulation diag-
3.2.2 Main differences between IEC
nostics of high voltage cable systems. Since the and IEEE standards
DAC test is not fully covered in IEC, few customers
High voltage cables and accessories adhere to two
carry out this test.
major international standards. These are set ac-
However, it has been successfully done on cable cording to IEC and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
systems testing [Gulski 07]. Electronics Engineers). While IEEE mainly covers
the American region, IEC is a common standard
Tests with very low frequency (VLF) throughout most other countries.

Tests with very low frequency (VLF) are typically In the following tables, the main differences be-
carried out at a frequency of 0.1 Hz. In some cases, tween the two standards for high voltage cables
tests with frequencies down to 0.01 Hz are consid- and accessories are shown with particular focus on
ered as VLF [CIGRE-D1.33.05 10]. The advantage of routine, type and PQ tests [IEC 60840], [IEC 62067],
such tests is that a lower effort for the test equip- [IEEE 404], [IEEE 48].
ment is required. The disadvantages are the longer
test time and that this kind of waveform is not test-
ed sufficiently with high voltage accessories (for
polymer cables).
The field grading in high voltage accessories for
polymer cables is based on the principle of capaci-
tive field grading. The materials and design are de-
signed to work under ac conditions of 50/60 Hz (or
16 2/3 Hz). A test with VLF at 0.1 Hz, or even 0.01 Hz
is compared to 50 Hz at a 500 times (or 5000 times)
lower frequency. The field grading properties of the
deflectors and middle electrode is not sufficiently
known at these frequencies. From today’s point of
view, it is not clear whether high voltage accesso-
ries for polymer cables will work at these (very low)
frequencies appropriately.

Main differences between IEC and IEEE standards

IEC standard IEEE standard

Considers cable, One standard for

joints and termi- cables, one for
Type test
nations in one terminations and
standard one for joints

For cables and

Does not consider
PQ test accessories in
a PQ test
one standard

Considers cable, One standard for

Routine joints and termi- cables, one for
test nations in one terminations and
standard one for joints

Difference between IEC and IEEE for type tests

IEC 60840 cable and ac- IEEE Std. 404-2000 for IEEE Std. 48-1996 for
Test on main in- cessories joints terminations
sulation Clause Requirements Clause Requirements Clause Requirements
(132 kV) (138 kV) (138 kV)

PD tests 12.3.4 5 pC at 1.5 U0 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5 U0 5 pC at 1.5 U0

AC voltage test - - 7.7.1 240 kV, 15 min 310 kV, 1 min, dry 275 kV, 10 s, wet

DC voltage test - - 7.7.2 315 kV, 15 min 355 kV, 15 min

Heating cycle
12.3.6 20 cycles at 2 U0 7.9 30 cycles at 2 U0 8.4.2 30 cycles at 2 U0
voltage test

PD tests 12.3.4 5 pC at 1.5 U0 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5 U0 5 pC at 1.5 U0

Impulse voltage At ambient temp.

test 12.3.7 and 95°C, 650 kV, 7.7.3 650 kV, 10+/10- 650 kV, 10+/10-

AC voltage test 12.3.7 2,5 U0, 15 min - - - -

PD tests - - 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5 U0 5 pC at 1.5 U0

AC voltage test - - 7.10 200 kV, 6 h 210 kV, 6 h

Difference between IEC and IEEE for routine tests

IEC 60840 cable and IEEE Std. 404-2000 for IEEE Std. 48-1996 for
Test on main accessories joints terminations
insulation Clause Requirements Clause Requirements Clause Requirements
(132 kV) (138 kV) (138kV)

PD tests 9.2 5 pC at 1.5 U0 7.6.1 5 pC at 1.5 U0 - -

AC voltage test 310 kV, 1 min,

9.3 2.5 U0, 30 min 7.7.1 3 U0, 15 min or 8.5.1

7.7.3 BIL 650 kV, 10+/10-

Pressure leak Pressure 2.5x the

- - - - 8.5.2
test normal rating, 1h
3. Tests and Standards 45

3.2.3 Relevant IEC standards IEC 62271-203:

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 203:

The following list gives an overview of the most
Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated
relevant IEC standards and their scope for high
voltages above 52 kV
voltage power cable systems.

IEC 60183:
IEC 60885-3
Guide to the selection of high-voltage cables
Electrical test methods for electric cables – Part 3:
Test methods for partial discharge measurements
on lengths of extruded power cable IEC 60228:
Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60038 (2009-06):

IEC standard voltages IEC 60229:

Tests on extruded oversheaths with a special pro-

IEC 60141 (all parts): tective function

Tests on oil-filled and gas-pressure cables and their

accessories IEC 60287:
Electric cables – Calculation of current rating

IEC 60141-1:
Tests on oil-filled and gas-pressure cables and their IEC 60332:
accessories – Part 1: Oil-filled, paper-insulated, Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire
metal-sheathed cables and accessories for alternat- conditions
ing voltages up to and including 500 kV

IEC 60811:
IEC 60141-2:
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing
Tests on oil-filled and gas-pressure cables and their materials of electric cables and optical cables
accessories – Part 2: Internal gas-pressure cables
and accessories for alternating voltages up to
IEC 60853:
275 kV
Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rat-
ing of cables
IEC 60694:
Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear
IEC 61443:
and controlgear standards
Short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables
with rated voltages above 30 kV (Um=36 kV)
IEC 60840 (2011):
Power cables with extruded insulation and their ac-
cessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36
kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test methods and

IEC 62067 (2011):

Power cables with extruded insulation and their ac-

cessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um =
170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) – Test methods
and requirements

3.2.4 Relevant IEEE, AEIC, ANSI and IEEE 400.3-2006 is a guide for partial discharge test-
ing of shielded power cable systems in a field envi-
ICEA standards
In North America, cable systems are often specified
according to:
AEIC CS7-93:
Specifications for crosslinked polyethylene insulat-
- AEIC (Association of Edison Illuminating Com- ed shielded power cables rated 69 to 138 kV.

- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

ANSI / ICEA S-108-720-2004:
- ICEA (Insulated Cable Engineers Association)
Standard for extruded insulation power cables rat-
ed above 46 to 345 kV
The following list gives an overview of the most
relevant IEEE, AEIC, ANSI and ICEA standards and
their scope for high voltage cable systems.

IEEE standards and guides

IEEE Std. 404.2000 is the standard for extruded and
laminated dielectric shielded cable joints rated 2.5
kV to 500 kV (currently under revision – draft ver-
sion 404-2012 available)

IEEE Std. 48-1996 describes the standard test pro-

cedures and requirements for alternating-current
cable terminations 2.5 kV to 765 kV.

IEEE Std. 817-1993 describes standard test proce-

dure for flame-retardant coatings as applied to in-
sulated cables in cable trays.

IEEE 525-1987 is a guide for the design and installa-

tion of cable systems in substations.

IEEE 1299/C62.22.1-1996 is a guide for the connec-

tion of surge arresters to protect insulated, shielded
electric power cable systems

IEEE 1300-1996 is a guide for cable connections for

gas-insulated substations

IEEE 1406-1998 is a guide to the use of gas-in-fluid

analysis for electric power cable systems

Chapter 4:

High Voltage
XLPE Cables
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 49

4.1 Design and types of high Conductor

The conductor of high voltage cables consists of

voltage XLPE cables copper or aluminium. It is typically stranded and -
in order to reduce the current losses - the conduc-
4.1.1 Cable design
tor can be additionally segmented. The inner con-
Introduction ductor is covered with semiconducting layer to
The development of cables with cross-linked poly- achieve a uniform and smooth surface over the
ethylene (XLPE) insulation goes back to the 1970’s single conductor wires.
[Peschke 99]. Since then, production and material
technology have improved significantly. The main
advantages of XLPE cables are that they are
maintenance free and easy to install – vital factors
if a highly reliable energy supply is to be achieved.

At present, numerous high voltage XLPE cable sys-

tems with nominal voltages of up to 550 kV and Different types of conductors; from left to right, sever-
with circuit lengths up to 100 km (voltage levels up al round conductors, profile conductors and hollow
to 132 kV) are in operation worldwide [Avila 10], profile conductors. (Hollow profiles are typically used
[Vogelsang 09], [Swingler 07]. for oil filled cables.)

Structure of high voltage XLPE cables

XLPE cables consist of the:

- Conductor

- Inner semiconducting layer

- XLPE insulation Principle types of segmented conductors; left: seg-

mented full conductor and right: segmented hollow
- Outer semiconducting layer conductor for oil filled cables.
- Outer conductor screen

- Metallic sheath
Example 4-1:
- Outer polymeric sheath Æ The specific gravity of copper is 3.3 times high-
er than that of aluminium and the volume resistiv-
ity of copper is 1.56 times lower than that of alu-
Outer Wire screen & radial Polymeric (XLPE) minium.
sheath moisture barrier insulation

Æ For achieving the same conductivity as a cop-

per conductor an aluminium conductor must have
a conductor cross-section, which is 1.56 times
larger than that of the corresponding copper con-
ductor. The weight of such an aluminium conduc-
tor will be 2.2 times lower than the copper con-

Outer semicon- Inner semicon- Conductor

ducting layer ducting layer

General design of a high voltage polymer cable


Depending on the customer’s specification, the At higher voltage levels, the electric field in the ca-
conductor can be equipped with a longitudinal wa- ble is usually higher. Thus, cables with higher volt-
ter barrier made of hygroscopic tapes or powder age levels typically make use of material with a
between the individual strands. higher degree of cleanliness – a factor which does,
however, lead to increased costs.
The inner semiconducting layer, the XLPE insula-
tion and the outer semiconducting layer are ex-
Inner and outer semiconducting layer
truded in one step. This is done to avoid gas-filled
The inner and outer semiconducting layers are ap-
interfaces, voids, dust or any other unwanted parti-
plied to achieve a homogeneous field within the
cles between the different layers. This process pro-
insulation. Without the semiconducting layer, an
duces a high quality cable and is called “triple ex-
elevated electric field would occur at the conduc-
trusion”. The cable insulation is usually extruded in
tors, putting an unnecessary high degree of electric
three different ways, with:
stress upon the insulation.
- Horizontal extrusion lines

- Vertical extrusion lines

- Catenary extrusion lines.

Electric field without (left) and with (right) inner semi-

conducting layer

Principle of triple extrusion

Polymeric (XLPE) insulation

The XLPE insulation of the cable insulates the high
Outer conductor screen and metallic sheath
voltage at the inner semiconductive layer from
The outer conductor screen should:
earth potential at the outer semiconductive layer.
Since the electric breakdown in the insulation is - Conduct the earth fault current in case of a
mainly caused by structural irregularities and mate- short circuit
rial pollution, the cleanliness of the raw material is - Return the capacitive charging current
essential for the functioning of the insulation.
- Provide ground potential

MV material As high voltage polymeric cables are sensitive to
Maximum el.field strength / kV/mm

12 HV material
moisture, the metallic sheath must provide a radial
EHV material
10 moisture barrier. In some applications, such as a

copper corrugated sheath, the outer conductor and
the metallic sheath is the same. As a standard pro-
cedure, the screen wires are embedded in hygro-
scopic tapes to provide a longitudinal water barrier.
2 The outer conductor can additionally be equipped
0 with optical fibres for temperature monitoring
110/132 kV 150 kV 220 kV 400 kV 550 kV
[Brugg 10].
Rated voltage

Maximum electrical field strength in cable insulations

and types of materials used for power cables
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 51

The outer polymeric sheath consists of extruded

polyethylene (PE) or polyvinylchloride (PVC) and
serves as an anti-corrosion layer and mechanical
protection for the metallic sheath. For certain types
of installations, such as laying in tunnels or build-
ings, a flame retardant non-corrosive (FRNC) mate-
rial is additionally applied to provide fire protection
to the cable. On request, the outer sheath can be
covered with a semiconducting layer for a factory
test and after-laying test at the outer sheath.

High voltage XLPE cable with 800 mm2 round copper

4.1.2 Types of high voltage XLPE conductor and lead sheath with additional copper
cables wires

Typical conductor types

The inner conductor is usually selected by the nec-
essary current rating. Round conductors and seg-
mented conductors are the most typical conductor
shapes. For very high current ratings, conductors
with large conductor cross sections (e.g. 2500 mm2)
and enamelled wires are used.
Segmented conductors are typically used for:

- Aluminium conductors with cross section larg-

er than 1200 mm2

- Copper conductors with cross sections larger

than 1000 mm2
High voltage XLPE cable with 1600 mm2 segmented
aluminium conductor and laminated sheath with addi-
Metallic sheath tional copper wires

Apart from the conductor and insulation, the metal-

lic sheath is the main parameter of a high voltage
cable. The selection of the metallic sheath depends
on the application of the cable and the economic
factors involved. The Brugg Cables’ products below
are typical examples of sheath types for XLPE ca-
bles and their applications [Brugg10].

High voltage XLPE cable with 2500 mm2 segmented

copper conductor with enamelled wires and lead
sheath with additional copper wires

Aluminium laminated sheath with copper wire screen Copper laminated sheath with copper wire screen
(Brugg type: XDRCU-ALT) (Brugg type: XDRCU-CUT)

Features Typical application Features Typical application

- Moisture tight - In tunnels - Moisture tight - In tunnels
- Low weight - In trenches - Low weight - In trenches
- Low losses - In ducts - Low losses - In ducts
- Low costs - Low costs
- Single types of metal

Copper corrugated sheath (Brugg type: XDCUW-T) Aluminium corrugated sheath (Brugg type: XDRAL-T)

Features Typical application

Features Typical application
- Impervious to mois- - All installations in soil
- Impervious to mois- - All installations in soil ture and tunnels
ture and tunnels
- Highly flexible - Installations with shal-
- Highly flexible - Installations with shal- low ground water
low ground water - Res. to deformation,
- Resistant to defor- pressure & corrosion - Installations in vertical
mation, pressure, vi- - Installations in vertical shafts
bration & corrosion shafts - Welded
- Can be inst. vertically - Installations that may
- Welded - Installations that may suffer from vibrations
- Can be installed ver- suffer from vibrations - Lower costs (than (e.g. at bridges)
tically (e.g. at bridges) copper type)

Lead sheath with copper wire screen (Brugg type

Lead sheath without copper wire screen (Brugg type

Features Typical application

Features Typical application
- Impervious to mois- - All installations in soil
- Impervious to mois- - All installations in soil ture - Installations with shal-
ture and tunnels - Seamlessly extruded low ground water
- Seamlessly extruded - Installations with shal- - Higher short circuit - Installations at higher
low ground water capacity (than with- short-circuit currents
out additional copper to be expected
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 53

Metallic sheath with integrated optical

Cable data sheet
Cable type: XDAL-T 1x750 kcmil 120/76 kV
In general, additional optical fibre sensors can be
integrated in each sheath type. Such fibres are
Copper conductor, ROUND, stranded
used for temperature monitoring of the cable. More Diameter: 23.4 mm

details are given in Chapter 8. Conductor screen, extruded cond. layer

Thickness: 1.2 mm Diameter: 25.7 mm

XLPE insulation, extruded

Thickness: 16.0 mm Diameter: 57.7 mm

Insulation screen, extruded cond. layer

Thickness: 1.0 mm Diameter: 59.7 mm

Conductive swelling tape

Thickness: 0.9 mm Diameter: 61.5 mm

Laminated sheath:
Aluminium foil, Copolymer coated
Thickness: 0.25 mm Diameter: 62.0 mm

Polyethylene sheath, black, extruded

Thickness: 3.7 mm Diameter: 69.4 mm
Al laminated sheath and copper wire screen with fibre Semiconducting outer layer
Symbolic illustration

optic sensors (Brugg type: XDRCU-ALT)

Technical data:
Cable weight: 6.72 kg/m Capacitance per length: 0.165 uF/km
Copper weight: 3.49 kg/m Minimum bending radius: 1.4 m
Aluminium weight: 0.11 kg/m Maximum pulling force: 24.0 kN
Screen short circuit: 5kA/1s

Summary of metallic sheath types

Issued by: amr Section Drawing
Date: 07.12.11 High Voltage XLPE Cable
The cable data sheet gives a description of the Reference: 712-KM-279

characteristics of the different cable types. Custom-

Example of a cable data sheet
ers, be it end users, consulting companies or ac-
cessory manufacturers, can design their devices,
such as terminations, cable clamps or others, ac-

Overview of advantages and disadvantages of different metallic sheath types

Sheath type Moisture Mechanical Corrosion Diameter Weight Costs

protection protection protection
Lead sheath +++ ++ +++ + -- --
Lead sheath & copper
+++ ++ +++ + -- --
Cu corrugated sheath ++ +++ ++ o o -
Al corrugated sheath ++ ++ ++ o + o
Cu wires & laminated
+ + ++ ++ o o
Al wires & laminated
+ + ++ ++ + +

4.2 Cable layout and system - Type of cable insulation

- Nominal and maximum operating voltage

- Short-circuit capacity (short-circuit current
4.2.1 General
with statement of the effect time)
The dimensioning of a high voltage cable system is
- Transmission capacity or nominal current
always based on the specifications and demands of
- Cable laying configuration
the particular project. The following details repre-
sent the minimum amount of information required - Soil properties
[Brugg 10]:

For a detailed design of the cable systems, the ca-

Example 4-2:
ble manufacturer must make all necessary calcula-
Æ A cable with the following values:
tions. These calculations take into account any pos-
- Radius of inner semicond. layer r = 24 mm
sible limitations due to manufacturing, transporta-
- Outer radius of insulation R = 45 mm
tion, laying and operation of the cable system.
 The operating capacity of the cable
P According to Equation 4-1 and by assuming εr for
the XLPE material of 2.3, the operating capacity can
4.2.2 Electric field, capacity and
be calculated as:
charging current

Electric field 0.0556 ∙ 2.3

𝐶= = 0.20 𝜇𝐹/𝑘𝑚
In general, the electric field of a cable can be re- 45
garded as a homogeneous cylindrical arrangement.
As previously shown in Chapter 1, (Equation 1-24),
9 This is a typical value for the cable capacity of
the electric field E(x) at position x in the cable insu-
high voltage cables of between 0.1 … 0.3 µF/km).
lations is given by:

When voltage is applied to the cable, the cable ca-

𝑈 pacity must be charged. For an alternating voltage,
𝐸 𝑥 =
𝑅 the charging current Ic is therefore:
𝑥 ∙ 𝑙𝑛

The above equation shows that the highest electric 𝐼! = 𝑈! ∙ 𝜔 ∙ 𝐶 ∙ 10!! (Eq. 4-2)
field occurs above the inner semiconducting layer
and the lowest below the outer semiconducting
layer. In which:

U0 : Phase-to-ground voltage in kV

Operating capacity and charging current ω: Angular frequency = 2⋅π⋅f in 1/s

As mentioned in Chapter 1, every arrangement of a C: Operating capacity in µF/km
conductor-insulator-conductor is able to store
charges and hence have a certain capacity. A typi-
The charging current flows while the cable is set
cal arrangement is a cable with its construction of
under voltage. It should be mentioned that in an ac
conductor and inner semiconducting layer – insula-
system the charging current flows in accordance
tion – outer semiconducting layer and screen. Con-
with the frequency of the applied voltage.
sequently, the operating capacity of a cable de-
pends on the type of insulation and its geometry. As the current flows with a phase angle of approx-
The following equation applies for all radial field imately 90°, the charging power is almost purely
cables: reactive. The charging power SC can therefore be
calculated as:

2𝜋𝜀! 𝜀! 0.0556 ∙ 𝜀! 𝜇𝐹
𝐶= = (Eq. 4-1)
𝑅 𝑅 𝑘𝑚 𝑆! = 3 ∙ 𝑈! ∙ 𝐼! (Eq. 4-3)
ln ln
𝑟 𝑟

In which:
ε0 : absolute permittivity
εr : relative permittivity (for XLPE = 2.3)
R: Radius of outer semiconductive layer
r: Radius of inner semiconductive layer
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 55

Example 4-3:
Æ A cable with:
- Rated voltage U0 = 76 kV
- Net frequency of f = 50 Hz
- Average charging capacity of C = 0.25

 The charging current and charging power for the a

Trefoil (or triangle) laying of a cable system
P According to Equation 4-2 and calculating the an-
gular frequency to ω = 314 1/s, the charging current
The mean inductance of a flat-laying arrangement
can be calculated as: can be calculated as:
- Ic = 76kV ⋅ 314 1/s ⋅ 0.25µF/km ⋅ 10-3 = 6 A/km
1.26 ∙ 𝑎 𝐻 (Eq. 4-4)*
𝐿#"$! = 2 ∙ 10!! ∙ 𝑙𝑛
P According to Equation 4-3 and by taking the 𝑟! 𝑘𝑚
charging current, the charging power can be calcu-
lated as:
* The above formula provides average values as the
- Sc = 1.73 ⋅ 76 kV ⋅ 6 A/km = 790 kVA/km inductance for the inner and outer phases are not
9 For a cable length of 5 km, this would mean con- equal.
siderable values of 30 A and 4 MVA for the charging
current and the charging power, respectively.
In which:
a: Distance of phase axis in mm

rC : Radius of conductor in mm
4.2.3 Inductive values of the cable

The mean inductance of a trefoil arrangement can
In Chapter 1, it was shown that each current flow be calculated as:
causes a magnetic field. This means that with cur-
rent flow, the cables have a certain inductance and 𝑎 𝐻
𝐿'!&%"$# = 2 ∙ 10!! ∙ 𝑙𝑛 (Eq. 4-5)**
reactance. 𝑟! 𝑘𝑚
In general, the operating inductance depends on
** Due to the symmetrical arrangements, the induct-
the relation between the conductor axis spacing
ance is equal for all three phases.
and the external conductor diameter. For practical
arrangements, the two cases of flat and trefoil lay-
ing of the cables have to be considered [Brugg 10]. Reactance
In both cases, flat-laying and triangle arrange-
ments, the reactance (sometimes referred to as
“inductive reactance”) of the whole cable system
can be calculated as:

a Ω
𝑋 =𝜔∙𝐿 (Eq. 4-6)
Flat laying of a cable system

In which:

ω: angular frequency = 2⋅π⋅f in 1/s

L: Inductance of either the triangle or flat laid

cable system in H/km

4.2.4 Cable losses  The voltage depending losses of the cable

P According to Equation 4-6 and calculating the
General angular frequency to ω = 314 1/s, the voltage de-
In a cable system, two basic types of losses are pending losses can be calculated as:

present: losses that are caused by the high voltage, - Pd1 = (76kV)2 ⋅ 314 1/s ⋅ 0.25µF/km ⋅ 2.5 ⋅ 10-4
= 113 W/km
the so-called voltage dependent losses, and losses
that are caused by the current, the so-called current - Pd2 = (220kV)2 ⋅ 314 1/s ⋅ 0.25µF/km ⋅ 2.5 ⋅ 10-4
= 950 W/km
dependent losses.
9 For a cable length of 5 km, this would mean a
considerable value of 565 W / 4750 W for the volt-
Voltage dependent losses age dependent losses.

Voltage dependent losses occur at any moment in

which the cable is connected to an AC voltage Current dependent losses
source. They reveal a characteristic of the cable’s Despite ohmic conductor losses, current dependent
property, namely that the cable can be considered losses only appear when an ac current flows
as a “capacity” or capacitor. An ideal capacitor through the cable. They consist of the following
consumes purely capacitive power – or capacitive components:
current. A real capacitor, such as the cable, not only
- Ohmic conductor losses
has capacitive power but also has reactive power –
- Losses due to the skin effect
or reactive current. The angle between the capaci-
tive current and reactive current is considered as - Losses due to the proximity effect

tan δ (“tangens delta”). The reactive power thereby - Losses in the metallic sheath
represents dielectric losses in the cable insulation.
These losses can be considered as dielectric losses
Ohmic conductor losses
and are therefore described as “dielectric loss
Ohmic conductor losses represent the losses
power” Pd. The voltage dependent losses Pd can be
caused by the electron flow through the conductor.
calculated as:
As introduced in Chapter 1, they are determined by
the conductor material and the temperature. The
𝑃! = 𝑈!! ∙ 𝜔 ∙ 𝐶 ∙ tan 𝛿 (Eq. 4-7) ohmic conductor losses can be calculated by apply-
ing Ohm’s law and the power law as:

In which:
U0 : Phase-to-ground voltage of the cable 𝑃 = 𝐼! ∙ 𝑅 (Eq. 4-8)

ω: Angular frequency

C: Operating capacity In which:

tan δ: Dielectric power loss factor (typical I: Current through the cable core

values for XLPE between 1.5 … 3.5 ⋅ 10-4 R: Resistance at a certain temperature

and for EPR between 10 … 30 ⋅ 10-4)

The standard conductor cross-sections and admis-
sible DC resistances at 20°C are defined in the
Example 4-4: IEC 60228.
Æ Two different cables with:
- Rated voltage U0 = 76 kV
- Rated voltage U0 = 220 kV
- Net frequency of f = 50 Hz
- Average charging capacity of C = 0.25
- Average tan δ for XLPE of 2.5 ⋅ 10-4
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 57

Conductor cross-section and admissible DC re- - R90Cu = 17.6 mΩ/km ⋅ (1 + 3.9 ⋅ 10 1/K ⋅ 70 K) -3

sistances at 20°C according to IEC 60228 = 22.4 mΩ/km

Conductor Copper re- Aluminium re- P According to Equation 4-8 and taking the values of
cross- sistance sistance the resistance at 90°C, the losses at 90°C can be cal-
section culated as:
Ω /km]
[mΩ [mΩ
Ω /km]
- PlossAl = (560 A)2 ⋅ 37.2 mΩ/km = 11.7 kW/km
240 75.4 125
- PlossCu = (560 A)2 ⋅ 22.4 mΩ/km = 7.0 kW/km
300 60.1 100
9 For a cable length of 5 km, this would mean con-
400 47.0 77.8 siderable values of 60 kW / 35 kW for the conductor
500 36.6 60.5 losses in the aluminium and copper conductor, re-
630 28.3 46.9 spectively. This means that at the same conductor
cross-section and the same current flow, at 90 °C,
800 22.1 36.7
the losses in the aluminium conductor are almost
1000 17.6 29.1 twice as much as those of copper.
1200 15.1 24.7
1600 11.3 18.6 Losses due to the skin effect
2000 9.0 14.9
Losses due to the skin effect are caused by the dis-
2500 7.2 12.7
placement of the current towards the conductor
surface. In Chapter 1, it was shown that each cur-
Due to the power losses, the conductor tempera- rent has the ability to induce a voltage in a conduc-
ture usually rises above 20 °C, at which typically a tor. This voltage induction also takes place in the
maximum permanent temperature of 90 °C can be “own” conductor (the conductor in which the cur-
allowed. The elevated temperature causes the dc rent itself is flowing). With the resistance of the
resistance to rise accordingly. The effect was de- conductor, an additional current flows. The direc-
scribed in Chapter 1. According to equation 1-16 tion of this current causes a higher current to flow
the resistance at 90°C can be calculated: at the outer diameter area of the conductor and a
lower current to flow at the conductor centre. The
uneven current distribution leads to higher losses.
𝑅!" = 𝑅!" 1 + 𝛼 90°𝐶 − 20°𝐶 (Eq. 4-9)
The losses rise disproportionally with current as
shown in Equation 4-7.
In which:

R90 dc resistance at 90°C

R20 dc resistance at 20°C Conductor

α Temperature coefficient of the resistance of

the material;

(αAl = 4.0 ⋅ 10-3 1/K, αCu = 3.9 ⋅ 10-3 1/K)

Current density

Example 4-5: AC
Æ Two different cables with:
- Aluminium conductor of 1000 mm2
- Copper conductor of 1000 mm2
0 Radius r
- Current of 560 A
 The conductor losses of both cable types at 90°C Principle of the skin effect in cable conductors
in 1 km Losses due to the skin effect are approximately
P According to Equation 4-9 and taking the dc re- quadratic with the power frequency and the con-
sistance values of IEC 60228, the resistance at 90°C
ductor diameter. They can be reduced by a suitable
can be calculated as:
design of the conductor cross-section, such as
- R90Al = 29.1 mΩ/km ⋅ (1 + 4.0 ⋅ 10-3 1/K ⋅ 70 K)
segmented conductors and/or enamelled wires.
= 37.2 mΩ/km

Rel. resistance increase 60 60.0

4.2.5 Dynamic forces
50 46.6
On high current spikes, especially in the early tran-
Ra.c./Rd.c. /%

40 36.9
sient phase of a short-circuit, the cables are sub-
jected to high dynamic forces. It is therefore of
15.0 great importance that the cables are properly fixed,
10 particularly when they are to be installed in a close
0 trefoil arrangement. The calculation of dynamic
Segments, insulated Segments, blanc Hollow d=22 Blank
Conductor type forces for cable systems is important for determin-

Related electric resistances for different conductors ing the fixing intervals and layout of the fixing de-
due to the skin effect vices. The relevant dynamic forces, their calculation
and the right selection of cable clamps are de-
scribed in Chapter 7.
It is worth mentioning that the skin effect is zero at
dc currents as there is no induction.

Losses due to the proximity effect

Losses due to the proximity effect are caused by 4.3 Laying of high voltage
the electromagnetic field of the neighbouring con-
ductors. The closer the neighbouring conductors,
the higher the losses – hence the term “proximity 4.3.1 Laying arrangements
In practice, these losses are less important for high
voltage cables with single conductors as these pro- Laying of high voltage cables very much depends
vide a sufficient axis space. In comparison to con- on the laying specifications of the cable system.
ductor losses, losses caused by the proximity effect Typical layings are:
in high voltage single-conductor cables are 10% or - Directly buried
lower [Brugg 10].
- In directly buried cable ducts

- In pre-fabricated concrete elements

Sheath losses
- In (concrete) tunnels
Sheath losses are generated by the magnetic in-
duction of the conductor currents in the metallic
Directly buried cables
screen and sheath of the cable. They are caused by:
The advantages of directly buried cables are the
- Circulating currents in the system
fact that they incur the lowest installation costs,
- Eddy currents in the cable sheath
that no additional construction measures are need-
- Resulting sheath currents caused by induced ed and that the cable can be laid with cable laying
sheath voltage (in unbalanced earthing sys- machines in a suitable terrain. The disadvantages
tems) include their lack of protection from digging work
(which can easily destroy the cable), the difficulty
of accessing the cable after laying, and the fact
Particularly during high circulating currents, sheath
that, depending on the temperature resistance of
losses may substantially reduce the current load
the cable-surrounding material, heat dissipation
capacity of the cable. Sheath losses can be lowered
can be poor, thus limiting the maximum current
significantly by means of special earthing methods.
carrying capability of the cable.
More information on such methods are described
in Chapter 7.
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 59

Cable laying machines are particularly cost-

effective for the laying process. The procedure de-
pends on the properties of the soil and the mechan-
ical properties of the cable.

Principle of directly buried cables Direct cable burying with a machine

Laying in directly buried cable ducts

The advantages of laying cables in directly buried
ducts are the higher degree of protection and the
moderate costs. Another advantage is that building
of the cable duct and pulling of the cables into the
duct are separate tasks and can be organised at dif-
ferent times. A disadvantage is the heat dissipation
difficulty from the cable through the surrounding
air in the cable ducts to the surrounding soil. The
extent of this problem depends on the construction
of the cable ducts and the dimensions of the cable.
Directly buried cables
A further disadvantage is the reduced accessibility
to the cable after the laying process.

Laying principle of direct cable burying with a ma-


Principle of cables in cable ducts


Laying in cable tunnels

The advantages of cable tunnels can be seen in the

fact that they offer the highest degree of cable pro-
tection, a high degree of cable cooling levels and
easy access to the cable itself. The disadvantage is
the higher costs generated by the tunnel work.

Cables at the end of a cable duct

Cables in prefabricated concrete elements

The advantages of cables in prefabricated concrete

elements are the considerable degree of cable pro-
tection and the moderate costs of the laying meth-
od. Further advantages are the improved heat dis-
Principle of a cable arrangement in a tunnel
sipation due to heat convection in the concrete el-
ements and the improved accessibility to the cable
after the laying process. A disadvantage of such
laying is the higher costs that arise due to the pre-
fabricated concrete elements.

Cable arrangement in a round tunnel

Principle of cables in prefabricated concrete elements

Cable arrangement in a rectangular tunnel

Example of cables in prefabricated concrete elements
4. High Voltage XLPE Cables 61

4.3.2 Current carrying capacity and The heat generation in the cable and the heat trans-
fer to the surrounding area depend on the design
temperature calculation
and laying conditions of the cable itself. Because of
To enable the cable system to achieve high power this, the optimal design of the cable is best deter-
transmission capability and to avoid damaging of mined by the use of modern simulation tools. This
the cable, it is of great importance to know the calculation is usually done by the cable manufac-
maximum current that can be transmitted via the turer in close cooperation with the owner or con-
cable system. Therefore, the impedance limits of tractor of the cable system in which possible or
the cable must be taken into account and the cur- planned laying conditions are carefully considered.
rent that is responsible for the major part of the The determination of the maximum current and
heat losses has to be calculated accordingly. For heat dissipation is a result of such calculations. In
continuous load conditions, the maximum temper- the case of more complex or demanding situations,
ature at the conductor of an XLPE cable is given as the calculations are done with the help of finite el-
90°C. In order to achieve a certain current flow – ement methods (FEM).
and therefore transmitted power –, the heat gener-
ated in the cable must be transferred to the sur-
rounding area.

Simulation of temperatures and heat distribution in a software tool for different cable arrangements

4.3.3 Reduction of magnetic field

In accordance with the inductive values calculated

in Section 4.2.3 above, there are several ways of
reducing the electromagnetic field, such as:

- Reducing the distance of the phases

- Laying in trefoil arrangement

- Increasing the laying depth of the cable

In addition, special shielding means can also be

applied to reduce the electromagnetic field strength Electromagnetic field of a cable arrangement in trefoil

around high voltage cables. Such systems are laying with special protection means (Picture: CFW)

available on the market and can be applied accord-


4.4 Cable selection process

A broad range of products together with a system-
atic analysis of the technical requirements needed
enables the user to find the right solution, no mat-
ter what the application. Additional consultations
with engineers of cable producing companies are
also helpful when it comes to selecting the most
appropriate solution for the type and dimension of
high voltage cables [Brugg 10].

Electromagnetic field of a cable arrangement in nor-

mal trefoil laying (Picture: CFW)

Type of insulation, Laying conditions,

load, voltage level, Cable type & design mechanical cable
short-circuit current protection

Economic aspects, Conductor material

such as price or losses (Al/Cu)

Route length and Earthing method of Production, transpor-

layout sheath tation, installation &
section length

Economic aspects, Conductor cross-

safety margin, future Short-circuit and
section thermal rating
load expectations

Indoor or outdoor,
cable length & laying
Selection of cable Leakage path
conditions for joints accessories requirements

Losses, economic Determination of Local boundaries,

aspects laying conditions safety regulations

Cable selection process according to [Brugg 10]

5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 63

Chapter 5

High Voltage
for Polymer Cables
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 65

5.1 Introduction Basic design of terminations:

- Stress cone slip-on element for field grading

A brief history
- Insulator for mechanical and moisture protec-
At the beginning of the last century, the technology
of high voltage cable systems was based on mass
- Insulating compound for high voltage insula-
impregnated insulations and oil-paper technology
[Peschke 99]. These cable systems were so reliable
that they remained on the market until the late - Connection studs for the cable connection to
1960s. With the upcoming technology of polymer the external device
cable systems, the trend toward inexpensive and
simple polymer designs emerged. This was hardly
Basic design of joints:
surprising considering the main advantages of pol-
- Conductor connection to allow current flow
ymer cable technology, being almost free from
through the conductor
maintenance, easy and fast to install and environ-
mentally friendly. From these reasons, polymer - Insulation body element for field grading
technologies have successfully established them- - Cover for mechanical protection
selves for high voltage cable systems. Consequent-
- Cover for moisture protection
ly, this book focuses on the technology of high
- Earthing connections
voltage accessories for polymer cables.

Terminations and joints for high voltage

polymer cables
Joints and terminations for high voltage cables are
called “high voltage accessories”.
Terminations (or sometimes referred to as sealing
ends) are devices that realise the connection from
the cable to an outside device. The connection out-
side the cable can be an overhead line (outdoor
terminations), a transformer (transformer termina-
Principle layout of a high voltage cable system with
tions) or a gas insulated switchgear station (GIS) terminations and joints
(GIS terminations).

Cable joints (often simply called joint or sometimes

Additional accessories for high voltage cable
referred to as splice) are devices that connect two
cable segments to each other.
Beside terminations and joints, there are several
In addition to their voltage grading and current car-
other devices required for a reliable functioning of
rying capability, high voltage accessories must
a high voltage cable system. These devices are
have the capability of withstanding all environmen-
called “additional accessories” and are comprised
tal influences, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
of certain elements, such as cable clamps, sheath
moisture, dirt, dust, salt fog or mechanical load in
voltage limiters or earthing and cross-bonding
order to enable the whole cable system to achieve
boxes. Since these devices are extremely important
its long lifetime potential.
for a reliable functioning of a high voltage cable
Although the types of high voltage accessories dif- system, they are described separately in Chapter 6.
fer, their basic design remains the same and can be
described as follows:

5.2 Technologies for slip-on In order not to cause a breakdown in the material,
the electric field at the end of the semiconducting
elements layer must be controlled down to much lower val-
ues. Different types of technology are employed to
5.2.1 Control of the electric field achieve this kind of field control.
Dielectric breakdown without field control

The inner conductor of the cable is at high poten- Non-linear field control
tial. The outer semiconducting layer carries ground Non-linear field control is achieved by a non-linear
potential. The polymer insulation of the cable de- material, which is applied from the grounded semi-
grades the resulting electric field in between the conducting outer layer of the cable over the insula-
two layers. To connect a cable to a termination or tion of the cable. These materials consist of a pol-
joint, the outer semiconducting layer must be re- ymer matrix as e.g. polyethylene or silicone with
moved. Without any field grading mechanisms, a fillers. Typical fillers are: carbon black or doped
very high electric field occurs at the edge of the ZnO particles – the so called microvaristors. These
semiconducting layer. Simulations show that the composite materials possess non-linear electrical
electric field strength of a standard cable without properties, which means that the electrical proper-
field control can be in the range of 40 kV/mm and ties, as e.g. the volume resistivity, change with
above. The extremely high electric field at the end changing applied electrical field strength. These
of the semiconducting layer exceeds the dielectric filled polymers distribute the electric field over a
strength of the material at the point, thus leading to certain length of the cable termination or joint. This
electric discharges and finally to a breakdown. technology is typically used in the medium-voltage
sector in conjunction with shrink-on accessories.

Schematic drawing of equipotential lines of the elec-

trical field at the end of a cable without any electrical
field control Schematic drawing of equipotential lines of the elec-
trical field at the end of a cable with a field grading
material (green layer) with non-linear electrical proper-

Capacitive field control

Capacitive field control is mainly used for accesso-
ries of oil-filled cables or bushings. For capacitive
field control, a considerable number of individual
layers are wrapped around the area between the
high voltage (conductor) electrode and the ground-
ed semiconducting layer. The individual layers act
as electrodes, similar to capacitive voltage dividers,
which finally cause a uniform depletion of the elec-
tric field along the control element. This technology
FEM simulation of high concentration of electric field puts considerable strain on the material and great
at the edge of the semiconducting layer at a cable
attention to accuracy during installation must be
without field control
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 67

Schematic drawing of equipotential lines of the elec-

trical field at the end of a cable with cylindrical metal
foils as capacitive layers for electrical field control

Geometric-capacitive field control

The most frequently used field control method for Uniform degradation of the electric field at a cable
polymer cable accessories is based on geometrical with geometric-capacitive field control in a termination

shaping of field guiding electrodes, so-called “de-

flectors”. A substantial part of the achievable cable termina-
The deflectors are made of semiconducting materi- tion or joint system strength lies in the skilful selec-

al and are embedded in insulating material. The tion of uniform stressing without allowing the tan-

combination of deflectors and insulating material is gential components of the field strength at the in-

called “stress cones”. Stress cones are connected terface surfaces of the cable to become too high.

to the semiconducting layer of the high voltage ca- Between the cable and the insulator the termina-

ble. The shape of the deflectors is designed in such tion is filled with other insulating media such as SF6
a way that the field strength on the outer semicon- gas or silicone oil.
ducting layer can be passed on seamlessly and is The slip-on elements used for terminations are
continuously reduced. The insulating silicone mate- called “stress cones”. The slip-on elements used
rial in between has a dielectric strength similar to for joints are called “slip-on insulation bodies” or
that of the cable and with its snug fit, it provides a just “insulation bodies”.
cavity-free interface surface for the cable insulation. The insulation bodies consist of two semiconduct-
ing deflectors (one for each side at each side of the
insulation body), a semiconducting middle elec-
trode, the insulation material and a conducting lay-
er on the surface of the insulation body. The semi-
conducting deflectors are used to control the elec-
tric field from the ground potential at the outer
semiconducting layer towards the high potential of
the middle electrode. The middle electrode is used
to control the electric field from the conductor
Schematic drawing of equipotential lines of the elec- clamp – which is at high potential – down to the
trical field at a cable end with geometric-capacitive
semiconducting deflectors and the outer conduct-
field control
ing layer on the surface of the insulation body, both
of which are at ground potential.
Since the electric field is controlled by the geomet-
rical shape of the semiconducting deflectors and
the electric field lines cause a capacitive current
flow through the insulation material, this method is
called “geometric capacitive field control”.
5.2.2 Semiconducting parts

Semiconducting parts must be designed carefully.

A somewhat tricky factor in the designing of such
contours is their reaction to impulse voltage load.
Rapid voltage changes in the high-frequency com-
ponents of semiconducting parts cause the electric
field to penetrate into the semiconducting deflec-
tor, especially into those of outdoor terminations.
For a few microseconds, this deflector must have
the capability of accepting a power of up to 100 kW
without injury to the conductive layers.

Consequently, solid silicone material, rather than

paint-coated material, is strongly recommended.
This allows constant optimum performance of the
field grading, even at very fast impulse voltage
loads. Solid deflectors have a much larger cross-
section and therefore lower resistance than that of
painted stress cones. This facilitates the process of
degrading the power of fast BIL voltages, such as
very fast lightning strokes.

Cross-section (top) and field distribution (bottom) in a

stress cone for terminations

Cross-section of a middle electrode (left) and a deflec-

tor (right) consisting of solid semiconducting silicone

Cross-section (top) and field distribution (bottom) in rubber

an insulation body for joints

Although the principle of geometric-capacitive field 5.2.3 Comparison of main materials

control is very similar, stress cones and joint bod-
Different main materials
ies come in various designs and materials. The
main ones are: Two main insulating materials for slip-on elements
(stress cones and joint bodies) are currently in use:
- Cold shrink elements
- Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) –
- Three-piece silicone slip-on elements (for joint
also referred to as Ethylene Propylene Rubber
insulation bodies only)
- One-piece EPR/EPDM slip-on elements

- One-piece silicone slip-on elements

5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 69
- Silicone rubber which can be vulcanised at SiR and EPDM
room temperature (RTV silicones) or at higher The differences between EPDM and SiR are re-
temperatures (LSR) markable and listed in the table below.
The following section gives the advantages, disad-
vantages and application experiences made with
these materials [Vogelsang 11].
Properties of EPDM/EPR and silicone rubber

EPDM/EPR Silicone rubber

Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Rubber
Names (EPDM) Silicone rubber (SiR)
Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber (EPR)

Chemical structure C-chains as basic O-Si chains as basic

Binding energy 355 kJ/mol 445 kJ/mol

Range of temperature at which electric

- 40 - + 100 °C - 50 - + 180 °C
and mechanic properties remain stable

Corona and ozone stability None High

Elasticity Limited High

Flexibility Poor Very high

Hydrophobicity Poor Good

Mechanical strength High Medium

Lifetime factor n ≈ 20 > 40

Breakdown strength ≈ 20 kV/mm > 23 kV/mm

Costs Low Medium

The comparison of SiR and EPDM shows that SiR ful during the installation of the insulation body
material is particularly advantageous for the appli- when mechanical tools, such as chain blocks, are
cation of high voltage accessories. This can be seen being used. On the other hand, increased mechani-
in the prolonged lifetime of SiR material, its lower cal stiffness results in a poorer fit of the material to
ageing rate, higher electric breakdown strength and the surface of the polymer cable, thus introducing
the considerably higher temperature range at the possibility of poor interfaces between the cable
which electrical and mechanical properties remain and the slip-on element.
stable. Although in terms of material costs, EPDM offers a
In addition to this, SiR material is extremely elastic, more economical alternative to that of SiR, if the
facilitating high quality and easy installation of the lengthy lifetime of the slip-on element is taken into
stress cones and insulation bodies. consideration (often several decades) as well as the
A disadvantage of the SiR is its low tear resistance. fact that the termination or joint is only one of sev-
In order not to damage slip on elements, mechani- eral parts (e.g. the copper tube or the filling com-
cal tools should not be used during the installation pound in a joint or the insulator in a termination is
process but should rather be performed by hand or more expensive), the slight increase of price
with the use of a gas cushion. brought about by the use of SiR can be seen as jus-
The increased mechanical stiffness of EPDM, in
comparison to that of SiR, can be seen as both an To summarise, SiR provides an excellent material
advantage and disadvantage. The higher mechani- for the application of slip-on bodies for high volt-
cal strength of this material proves particularly use- age accessories. This is due to its:
- Very high breakdown strength above 5.2.4 Cold shrink elements
23 kV/mm at 50/60 Hz
The use of cold shrink element technology for ter-
- Excellent temperature stability of between –50 minations and joints at medium voltage levels has
and +180°C
been standard for a number of years.
- Very high lifetime exponent of n larger than 40 This technology has also been recently upgraded to
- Excellent pressure of the slip-on element on high voltage accessories. Some companies claim to
the polymer cable surface at normal and ele- have applied this technology up to the level of
vated load conditions due to excellent elasticity 220 kV. However, to date, this technology has rare-
of the SiR ly been applied in conjunction with high voltage

- Easy installation due to excellent mechanical cable systems.

properties and elasticity, no high mechanical The cold shrink method is a slip-on technology in
forces needed which the elements to be slipped on are already

Because of its numerous advantages, SiR is the pre-expanded by the manufacturer. The pre-

most frequently applied material for insulation bod- expansion can either be performed by mechanical

ies of high voltage accessories in the range from 72 bracings outside the slip-on element or by a tube or

– 420 kV and the only material used for insulation plastic spring inside the slip-on element itself.

bodies above 420 kV.


In the last decade, a new type of SiR has estab-
lished itself on the market: liquid silicone rubber
(LSR) [Vogelsang 11]. The advantage of this new
material is the speed of cross-linking reaction in
comparison to the RTV silicone material.
Another advantage of LSR can be the transparency
of the material, which enables inclusions in the ma-
terial to be detected by optical means. In the case
of non-transparent material (and for the time being
also for transparent material), such inclusions are
usually detected in the final routine test. These Different principles for cold-shrink slip-on elements;
tests cost a considerable amount of time and effort. top: with outside mechanical bracing, middle: with in-
With the aid of visual pre-testing, the time and ef- side shells as mechanical bracing, bottom: with insert-
fort needed for the tests can be significantly re- ed plastic spiral for mechanic bracing
duced. When optical detection is allowed by the
standards, this could be a significant advantage.

Principle of installing a cold-shrink joint with inside

shells and mechanical tools

Transparency of an LSR stress cone

5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 71
To summarise, cold shrink elements used at medi-
um voltage levels are undoubtedly advantageous.
Used with high voltage accessories, however, the
long-term stability of this technology remains to be
Principle a cold-shrink element with internal spiral

During installation, the pre-expanded slip-on ele-

5.2.5 Three-piece silicone rubber
ment is placed over the cable and the pre-
expansion is released to compress the slip-on ele-
slip-on elements
ment onto the cable. Sufficient residual stresses The distinguishing feature of three-piece silicone
must be present in the material to produce the re- slip-on elements is the fact that the three main
quired pressure force on the cable surface. parts are mounted on site.
Here, two prefabricated silicone cylinders with in-
tegrated field control are pushed from either side
onto the conductor connection and fastened in this
position. To insulate the voltage-carrying cylinder
of the conductor clamp, a third silicone element
with conductive field control layers is pushed over.

Example of a cold-shrink element on a cable (in medi-

um voltage joints)

The main advantages of cold shrink technology are

the speed at which the slip-on body can be in- Principle of three-piece slip-on element design
stalled and the fact that no parking position is nec-
essary, making the whole joint smaller in length. In
The main advantage of the three-piece slip-on ele-
addition, no special tools are required for installa-
ment design is that it can be produced cost-
effectively in the factory and no joint parking posi-
A major disadvantage is the fact that the slip-on el-
tion is required. The three pieces need only to be
ement must guarantee sufficient residual stresses
slipped onto each other on site in order to form the
in the material to produce the required pressure
full slip-on element of the joint. Another advantage
force on the cable surface. Any slight gap between
is the reduced number of special tools needed for
the slip-on element and the cable can lead to a the installation and that the joint body is of a slight-
breakdown of the joint or termination. Another dis- ly smaller size than that of a single-piece joint
advantage can occur during installation, when the body. Being made out of silicone rubber, the slip-
inner spiral must be removed mechanically. Small on bodies enjoy all the advantages of this material,
particles may remain at the interface of the cable to including a slow ageing rate, a high dielectric
the slip-on element, thus influencing field grading
strength and extreme temperature stability.
and leading to possible partial discharges and, at
The disadvantages of these elements lie in their
worst, an electric breakdown. Another disad-
construction. As the three pieces must be installed
vantage is that once the joint body is placed on the
on site, additional interfaces within the joint at the
cable, it is practically no longer possible to adjust it
area of higher electric field strength are created.
to the right position. An incorrectly placed slip-on
Unsuitable preparation conditions – such as during
element may lead to a final breakdown of the joint.
high humidity or in cases where dust or finger-
prints are left on the surface of the elements – can to this, the SiR material has a slow ageing rate, a
result in a higher risk of electrical breakdown of the high dielectric strength and extreme temperature
joint. Another significant disadvantage is that the stability, a good basis for a long and reliable life-
whole joint body cannot be pre-tested during pro- time.
duction in the factory. Any production failures are A disadvantage of one-piece slip-on elements is the
therefore hard to determine before installation. necessity of a parking position, which makes the
Similar to cold-shrink element technology, it can be joint slightly longer. Another disadvantage of SiR
summarised that the three-piece technology is ad- slip-on elements lies in the slightly higher material
vantageous at medium voltage levels, but used costs of the silicone. However, compared to the
with high voltage accessories, the long-term stabil- overall costs of the joint or termination, the slightly
ity of this technology remains to be seen. higher costs for high-quality slip-on elements are
considered to be reasonable.

General information on assembling of one-

5.2.6 One-piece silicone rubber slip-
piece slip-on elements
on elements
The assembling of one-piece slip-on elements is
Use of one-piece slip-on element best illustrated on joints, this process being more
One-piece (sometimes referred to as single-piece) critical than the assembling of slip-on elements for
silicone rubber (SiR) slip-on elements are most terminations.
commonly used for high voltage accessories. More details of general installation processes for
Proven and simple in design, the prefabricated one- terminations and joints are given in Chapter 7.
piece SiR element accommodates the entire electri- The assembling of one-piece slip-on elements can
cally stressed area in one piece. be done in three basic different ways, with:

- Cold shrink technology

- Mechanical forces

- The gas cushioning method

Cold shrink technology

The cold shrink method is described in detail in

Section 5.2.4.
Cross-section of a one-piece slip-on element

Assembling of one-piece slip-on elements by

The advantages of one-piece slip-on elements lie in means of mechanical tools
their design. Being prefabricated, they can be pro- Another method of assembling is to push the slip-
duced in a clean surrounding in the factory, thus on body to the parking and final position with the
resulting in high quality elements. In addition, the aid of mechanical forces. This can be done by
one-piece elements can be pre-tested in the factory. hand, particularly for smaller sized bodies, or in the
The pre-testing ensures that production failures can case of larger sized bodies, with the help of addi-
already be detected in the factory, thus ensuring tional mechanical tools, such as a pulley.
that only high quality slip-on elements are deliv-
ered on site. A further advantage of one-piece slip-
on SiR elements is the material itself. As mentioned
in Section 5.2.3, SiR elements allow a void-free
contact to the cable surface and enable connecting
cables with different diameters, tolerances or ex-
centricity, to be attached to each other. In addition
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 73

Principle for slipping on the insulation body with me-

chanical tools Example of introducing gas in the insulation body

The advantage of this method is the reduced The advantage of this method is that the slip-on
amount of additional equipment needed on site. body can be mounted without the necessity of high
The disadvantages include the risk of injuring the mechanical forces. Thus positioned, the joint has
slip-on body whilst in motion due to the application no undesired mechanical shearing or tensile
of high mechanical forces, as well as damage to the stresses inside the silicone element and can be po-
cable surface during application of the mechanical sitioned conveniently. This ensures that neither the
tools. In addition to this, slip-on elements of a larg- joint body nor the cable will be damages during in-
er size require several people or more complex stallation. Another advantage is, that fewer per-
mechanical equipment to complete the installation, sonnel are needed for the installation and that the
which again is more time consuming and costly. slip-on process is very fast, in the region of less
than one minute. Consequently, risk is minimised
and time and costs are saved.
Assembling of one-piece slip-on elements by
The disadvantages of this method include the addi-
means of gas cushion method
tional time needed for the attachment of the air-
A more recent method makes use of a gas cushion
cushion tools to the slip-on element as well as the
system. This method was developed to achieve a
fact that more equipment, such as a compressor or
smooth, easy and stress-free installation of the slip-
nitrogen, is needed on site. However, the time re-
on bodies.
quired for these steps is limited, in the region of
With the aid of a pneumatically generated film un- five to ten minutes, which is very reasonable.
der the slip-on element, the slip-on body can be
pushed onto the cable to the parking and back into
the end position without the use of high mechani-
cal forces. In order to avoid the introduction of hu- 5.2.7 One-piece EPDM/EPR slip-on
midity at the interface, dried air (from a compres- elements
sor) or nitrogen is used, depending on which is
As mentioned in Section 5.2.3, EPDM/EPR is also
most readily available on site.
used for slip-on elements.
The main advantage of EPDM slip-on elements is
the lower cost of the material.

A major disadvantage is the stiffness of the materi-

al that may not always ensure an adequate com-
pression of the slip-on element to the cable surface.
Principle of sliding on an insulation body using com- Other disadvantages include the lower breakdown
pressed gas strength, the higher ageing rate, reduced tempera-
ture stability and less flexibility compared to SiR.

5.2.8 Lapped technology 5.2.9 Final comparisons and

Joints and terminations with lapped technology conclusions

field grading were used for many decades. Alt- Each technology can be seen to have its ad-
hough lapped technology is no longer in use, it is vantages. To conclude it can be said that:
nonetheless worth mentioning, as it is still relevant
- For those whose main concerns relate to costs,
for a few remaining projects as far as repairs or
cold-shrink, EPR or three-piece elements offer
special solutions are concerned.
an appropriate solution.
In lapped technology, tapes of certain conductivity
- For those looking for quality, reliability and
are used. They are wrapped around the area of the
easy installation and therefore for an overall
conductor clamp to the semiconducting layers of
economic solution, one-piece prefabricated
the cable. The tapes are pre-stressed during taping
slip-on elements of SiR are highly recom-
and settle on the cable to a solid polymer material.
mendable, preferably by means of the gas-
The challenge of lapping technology is to maintain
cushion method of installation.
constant stress during the wrapping of the tapes
and to avoid any air or dust inclusions during this
The main advantage of lapped joints is their ability
to adapt cables with different diameters.

The disadvantage of lapped joints is their reduced

level of reliability due to the more complex installa-
tion procedure necessary for the lapping of the

The higher effort and risk during installation, and

therefore increased risk in operation, are the rea-
sons why lapped joints are no longer in use for
terminations or joints of high voltage cable sys-

Example of the insulation of a lapped joint

5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 75
Overview of advantages and disadvantages of different technologies for slip-on elements

1-piece SiR 3-piece SiR slip- 1-piece EPR/EPDM SiR cold-

slip-on bodies on bodies (joints) slip-on bodies shrink bodies

Originally used High voltage Medium voltage High voltage Medium voltage

Range of application in
++ + - +
diameter over cable insulation

Interface behavior ++ - - -

Temperature stability ++ ++ - ++

Electrical strength and life-

++ + + +
time potential

Factory routine test possible ++ - ++ +

Storability ++ ++ ++ -

Ease of assembly ++ ++ + ++

Additional tools required + ++ + ++

Costs of material - - + -

Customer acceptance for HV

++ - + --

5.3 Terminations Terminations for polymer cables are comprised of

several elements. These are:
5.3.1 Basic design - A stress cone with deflector

Terminations are items that connect a cable with - An insulating compound

external devices, such as a transformer (transform- - An insulator
er terminations), a gas insulated switchgear (GIS
- A corona shield
terminations) or an overhead line (outdoor termina-
tions). - A terminal stud.

As explained in Section 5.2, stress cones are pre-

Terminal stud
moulded sleeves, which ensure field grading be-
Corona shield
tween the outer semiconducting layer and the insu-

Insulator: The insulating compound in terminations serves to

– porcelain
further degrade the electric stress. With the excep-
– polymer
– epoxy type tion of “dry-type” terminations, silicone oil or SF6
are the type of insulation compounds used, particu-
compound larly silicone oil, which is by far the more popular
of the two.
SiR slip-on
stress cone Which type of insulating compound is employed
very much depends on the type of application.
Three different types of insulators are available:
porcelain or composite insulators for outdoor ter-
minations and epoxy insulators for transformer and
Polymer cable GIS terminations.

Principle design of a termination

The corona shield and terminal stud connect the Outdoor termination with composite
conductor end of the cable to the external device, insulators
such as the transformer, the GIS or a high voltage Composite insulators have been in growing de-
overhead line. mand over the past decades. The term “compo-
site” refers to the two different materials out of
which they are made. The inside of the composite
5.3.2 Outdoor terminations
insulator consists of a fibre reinforced tube that en-
Outdoor terminations with porcelain ables oil and gas tightness and the mechanical
insulators strength of the termination. The outside is made of
Porcelain insulators have been on the market long- silicone shields to realise the creepage distance.
er than all other insulator types. Their main ad- The light but strong design of the fibre reinforced
vantages are: tube, as well as the hydrophobicity of the silicone
shields has led to a breakthrough in the technology
- Excellent resistance against ultraviolet (UV) ra-
of composite insulators for high voltage applica-
tions in the last few decades. The main advantages
- Resistant against bird-picking
of composite insulators are:
- Very high cantilever forces
- Low weight and easy to handle
- Excellent track record in numerous countries
- Good resistance to UV radiation
and climate zones
- Excellent hydrophobic behaviour
- In service for almost more than 80 years in
- Shorter creepage distance possible due to the
numerous companies
hydrophobicity of the silicone material

- Less critical in the event of an explosion or an


- Shorter lead time

- Excellent track record in numerous countries

and climate zones

- In service for more than 30 years in numerous


Cross-section of a termination with porcelain insulator

Cross-section of a termination with composite insula-

5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 77
Insulation filling with the maximum phase to ground voltage for the

Outdoor terminations are typically filled with sili- termination.

cone oil. If required, the insulators can also be filled Overview of different pollution classes
with SF6 gas. It is worth mentioning that when the according to [IEC 60815-1]

insulator is filled with SF6, it requires additional

Site pollution se- Reference unified spe-
measures for gas-tightness at the termination and a verity (SPS) class cific creepage distance
more costly gas pressure monitoring system. (RUSCD)

a Very light 22.0 mm/kV

Creepage distance b Light 27.8 mm/kV

In addition to the issue of voltage level, conductor c Medium 34.7 mm/kV

cross-section and the choice of porcelain or com- d Heavy 43.3 mm/kV
posite insulator, creepage distance is also one of
e Very heavy 53.7 mm/kV
the most relevant parameters for an outdoor termi-
nation. The creepage distance is the distance along
the outer side of the termination insulator from Example 5-1:
high voltage potential to earth potential. In con- Æ A cable termination for a 138 kV cable system
trast, the flashover distance is the shortest distance shall be installed in a very heavy polluted environ-
from high voltage to earth potential. ment. The termination supplier offers following
creepage distance values for the termination: 3890
mm, 4790 mm and 5580 mm.
 Which value of creepage distance has to be se-
lected for the termination?
P According to the definitions of IEC 60815-1, the
RUSCD for a pollution severity class “very heavy”
is 53.7 mm/kV. The maximum phase to ground
voltage for a 138 kV grid is 145 kV / √3. The mini-
mum creepage distance can be calculated as fol-
Minimum creepage distance: 53.7 mm/kV ⋅ 145 kV /
√3 = 4483 mm
9 For the application the termination with a creep-
age distance of 4790 mm should be chosen.

Requirements of different creepage distances can

be fulfilled with the same basic geometry, that is,
by the simple use of additional intermediate sheds
or a longer insulator. Not only does the concept of
Creepage distance (red) and flashover distance at a alternating sheds enable high specific creepage dis-
termination tance to be achieved, it also provides good wet per-
formance as well as an efficient and effective
In order to determine the appropriate creepage dis- means of self-cleaning. In case of higher creepage
tance for a termination, the pollution severity at the distances with larger insulators, more silicone oil
installation site of the termination needs to be for the termination is required. This makes the
known. The standard IEC 60815-1 defines five dif- whole arrangement more expensive and heavier.
ferent pollution classes according to their degree of
severity. These are very light, light, medium, heavy Conductor connection
and very heavy [IEC 60815-1].
All terminations require a mechanical conductor
In order to determine the appropiate creepage dis- connection. The main function of such conductor
tance of a termination, the reference unified specif- connections is to achieve the necessary current car-
ic creepage distance (RUSCD) must be multiplied rying capability and a sufficient mechanical
strength. In principle, three main methods are used tion breakdowns may also result in the destruction
to create the conductor connection, as they can be of equipment surrounding the termination, leading
welded, pressed or screwed. to additional costs or outages of the system.

The high mechanical strength of pressed conductor An explosion of a termination during worst case
connections, together with the fact that they pro- failures cannot be totally avoided. These are
mote high current carrying capability, makes them caused by maximum short-circuit currents which
extremely popular especially for outdoor termina- are too high. However, the impact of such failures
tions. can be reduced.

Screwed conductor connections also have a suffi- Explosion resistant terminations are designed to
cient mechanical strength. Their additional ad- prevent any major part of the termination from fly-
vantage is the ease with which they can be in- ing out into the surrounding area (few metres)
stalled on site. when an internal arc at the field grading stress

Although theoretically, welded conductor connec- cone occurs. The design is constructed so that

tions represent a third option, in reality they are overpressure occurring during the internal arc ex-

less frequently used, as they run the risk of damag- hausts at the overpressure devices at the top and

ing the cable during the heat treatment that occurs bottom of the termination. In addition, the design
during the welding process. and material of the base plate and the insulator
termination top is made to withstand any greater
forces occurring during a short-circuit current. This
ensures maximum protection of the surrounding

Example of a pressed conductor connection at a ter-


5.3.3 Explosion resistant


Although high voltage cable systems are extremely

reliable and safe, the risk of breakdowns can never
Principle of explosion resistant terminations
be totally excluded. Failures can be harmful to the
surrounding area. At worst, explosions or break-
downs in cable systems, such as those occurring at
a termination, can result in harm to life. Termina-
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 79
strength in the transformer-side oil chamber and
the fact that the transformer termination some-
times requires a corona shield.

Explosion resistant termination with overpressure

devices (violet) and enforced mechanical parts

In many cases, the explosion resistant termination

is not a standard model. To achieve a greater de-
gree of safety, parts of the termination, such as the
base plate, are thicker and of increased strength.
Consequently, the termination is heavier. This
weight, together with the higher forces occurring
Classic GIS termination (left) and transformer termina-
during the short-circuit current, means that the
tion with corona shield (right)
mounting of the termination and the steel structure
must be able to withstand considerable loads. Be-
cause of this, the steel structure and basement of The connection technology from the GIS to the
the termination need to be reinforced. termination is standardised and is given in
IEC 62271-209 and EN 50299.
The insulator of both, the transformer and SF6 ter-
mination, is made of epoxy resin. Similar to out-
door terminations, the inside of the epoxy insula-
tors is normally filled with oil. In exceptional cases,
SF6 filling can be used.
During installation, the termination is fitted onto
the cable up to and including the epoxy insulator
and then installed in the GIS or transformer.
A main advantage of this classic design is that the
termination can easily be applied to a various
number of cable diameters and tolerances, making
Installed explosion resistant terminations
it particularly suitable for applications on site
where tolerances of cables are sometimes different
than previously given.

5.3.4 Classic SF6 and transformer


The technology for connecting cables to SF6 filled

gas insulated switchgears (GIS) and transformers is
very similar. The distinguishing features of the
transformer terminations are the lower field
5.3.5 Dry-type plug-in terminations

Design and working principle

A big disadvantage of the classic GIS termination is
that the termination cannot be tested together with
the GIS bay. This means that after the testing of the
GIS, the gas compartment has to be opened again.
This may not be an issue for the cable termination,
but results in a higher effort for the GIS erection
process. To meet the needs of GIS manufacturers
who do not wish to open their installation after
testing, plug-in systems, or so-called “dry-type Principle design of a dry-type plug-in termination with
plug-in” terminations, have been developed. the XLPE cable (1), the cable screen connection (2), the

The principle of this application is simple. The ter- silicone rubber stress cone (3), the connection bolt in-
cluding pluggable current contact (4), the insulator of
mination is separated into two main parts, the insu-
epoxy resin (5) and the spring assembly (6)
lator (often called the “female part”) and the plug-
in connection (often called the “male part”). The
female part can then be delivered directly to the
GIS manufacturer, who can insert it into the GIS in
the factory or when erecting the GIS on site. All the
work for the GIS erection in terms of termination
insertion is then done.

The cable connection is usually performed later

than the erection of the GIS. When the cable is be-
ing connected to the GIS, the male part of the ter-
mination can be plugged into the GIS without the
necessity of re-opening the GIS, thus the name

However, the term “plug-in” should not lead to the

assumption that the cable can be snapped in and
out with a twist of the wrist. The work involved at Example of a dry-type plug-in termination

the installation is considerable, especially for larger

conductor cross-sections. The advantages of such terminations clearly lie on
An epoxy insulator is also used in this system with the GIS side as well as that of project management,
the appropriate field control elements embedded in as the gas system of the GIS must not be evacuat-
the insulator. A silicone stress cone performs the ed again after the GIS test. Consequently, any addi-
field control on the cable side and when slipped on tional work or travel expenses of the GIS manufac-
in a cavity-free manner to the epoxy insulator. turer can be avoided. An additional advantage is
Since there is no oil or SF6 used for the insulation the dry design of the termination. Although classic
(only a larger silicone slip-on body and the epoxy (oil-filled) terminations are very reliable, there is a
insulator) the termination is called “dry-type”. strong trend towards dry terminations that do not
require the handling of oil or SF6. Another ad-
To maintain the dielectric strength on the epoxy-
silicon interface, a certain contact pressure must be vantage of the dry-type plug-in termination is its

achieved. Since under thermal load the cable insu- smaller size. That makes it additionally attractive to
GIS manufacturers as they can design a smaller
lation and the silicone material of the termination
sized system and save material costs. In addition, a
experience substantial thermal expansion, the
reduction in size also requires less time for installa-
pressure is maintained constant by means of a
spring system.
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 81
internal life of the termination, such as the shape,
size and material of the insulator and stress cone,
remains in the hands of the accessory manufactur-
er. This has led to a variety of designs. It means
that although all dry-type plug-in terminations fit
into each GIS, they cannot be exchanged between
the different accessory manufacturers. Consequent-
ly, the male part of manufacturer A has to go with
the female part of manufacturer A and so on.

Installation of a dry-type plug-in termination

A disadvantage of this system is that the silicone

slip-on body must be made exactly in accordance
with the type of cable used. This is because the
body must fit exactly into the inside of the epoxy
insulator. Because of this, the termination manufac-
turer must supply a high number of silicone slip-on
bodies and the cable manufacturer must guarantee
the cable dimensions without a large variation in
tolerances. Another disadvantage of the dry-type
design is the higher space requirement for installa-
tion, as the cables, when being slipped on, have to GIS termination plus standardised elements (green)
be pushed back somewhat (approx. 1 m). and individually designed element of the accessory
manufacturer (red)

Example 5-2:
For the end user, the above described variety
Æ A significant difference can be seen in the num-
means that he has to identify the type of accessory
ber of classical slip on bodies needed in compari-
supplier when the GIS is tested in the factory or at
son to those with a dry-type design. Thus, for a
the latest when it is erected on site. This may be a
range of 60 – 100 mm of the diameter over cable
insulation, only two of the former may be required, substantial disadvantage especially when a consid-

whilst approximately 20 of the latter may be need- erable period of time lapses between the erection
ed. of the GIS and the cable system, in particularly
when the supplier of the cable system is unknown
at an earlier stage.

The normative issue

In order to ensure that the terminations of different
Dry-type terminations for transformers
cables and accessory manufacturers are compati-
ble with the GIS of various manufacturers, the de- In most cases, the dry-type plug-in terminations are
sign is standardised in IEC 62271-209. applied to connect high voltage cable systems to a
GIS. However, dry-type plug-in terminations can
However, this standardisation often leads to misin-
also be applied to connect cable systems to trans-
terpretation. The standard determines only the out-
formers. The design and working principle is very
er dimensions, such as the diameter, the length or
the head armature of the termination just enough
that the dry-type plug-in termination of each manu-
facturer fits into the GIS of each manufacturer. The
Further uses for dry-type terminations 5.4.2 Conductor connections
Dry-type plug-in terminations are standard for the
Variety of conductor clamps
voltage levels of up to 245 kV. Although this type of
Conductor clamps connect both conductor ends of
termination is potentially more problematic for the
the cables. They have to fulfil the following main
accessory manufacturer and the installation, the
tasks [Peschke 99]:
advantages of this product, as far as project man-
agement is concerned, leads to a more frequent - Carry the rated and maximum permissible
use of dry-type plug-in terminations, especially for short-circuit current, where the joint must not
GIS. Since they are available up to 550 kV, further heat up to a greater extent than the conductor
uses for dry-type terminations at higher voltage in the non-disturbed area of the cable
levels are also expected in the future. - Provide sufficient mechanical strength to with-
stand stresses during assembly, stresses of
temperature fluctuations and short circuits that
occur during operation

- Meet the challenges of economic issues, in-

5.4 Joints cluding cost aspects and ease of installation

5.4.1 Basic design

In principle, three main methods are used to con-
Joints for polymer cables consist of a conductor
nect the conductor of high voltage cables. These
connection, an insulation body with semiconduc-
tive deflectors and middle electrode, a moisture
barrier, a mechanical protection and the grounding - Compression
connections. - Soldering, welding or brazing

- Mechanical or screwed connection

Radial metallic Conductor Filling Mechanical
moisture barrier clamp material prtotection


In power cable connection technology, the pressing

of conductors is an established practice. This pro-
cess is applicable for both aluminium and copper
Polymer cable Deflector SiR Slip-on Middle conductors. The conductor type spectrum ranges
insulation body electrode
from round to sector-shaped and from multi-wire
Principle design of a joint
to solid. For a pressed conductor connection, both
conductor ends are connected with a pressing cas-
As described in detail in Section 5.2, the insulation ing, which is pressed several times at both ends.
body is an element which ensures field grading be- The advantages are a good conductor connection
tween the outer semiconducting layer, the conduc- with a low contact resistance, fast fitting and the
tor clamp and the insulation. ability to connect conductors of different cross-
The insulation body consists of semiconductive de- sections easily together.
flectors, the semiconductive middle electrode, the The disadvantages are that the connection points
insulation compound and a conducting layer at the are somewhat long and that higher power pressure
outside of the slip-on body. equipment on site is required, such as pumps or
pressing dies.
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 83
The disadvantages arise from the heat that is re-
quired for welding. An improper heat shielding
may destroy the polymeric insulation of the cable.
In addition, a considerable amount of welding
equipment is needed on site. A further disad-
vantage, especially for terminations, is the possibil-
ity of corrosion of the connection.

Screw-fastened connections
With the increased use of polymer-insulated power
cables, screw-fastened connection technology

Pressing of a copper conductor (sometimes referred to as mechanical connections

or simply screwed connections) has taken on an
increasingly important role for high voltage cable
connections. Nowadays, the majority of conductor
Soldering is a method of connecting metal materi- connections are realised with screw-fastened tech-
als with the aid of a melted solder metal. The sol- nology.
der melting temperature lies below that of the con-
The screwed connectors are pushed over the two
ductor materials to be connected. With copper
ends of the cable conductors. After the final ar-
conductors, the solder connection can only be used
rangement of the cable, the screws in the connect-
if short-circuit temperatures of no higher than
or are tightened piece by piece. The convex shape
160 °C are assumed.
of the screws causes the conductor to expand and
The advantages of soldering are the good and low presses the single conductor strands onto the inner
resistance of the conductor connection. surface of the connector. The inner surface of the
The disadvantages arise from the heat that is re- connector has a rippled structure. This ensures a
quired for soldering, which may destroy the poly- very low conductor resistance when the conductor
meric insulation of the cable. In addition, a consid- strands of the cable are pressed onto them.
erable amount of soldering equipment is needed The application of the required torque is achieved
on site and the soldered connection can only be with breakaway screws. Their head is designed in
used up to a short circuit temperature of 160 °C, such a way that it breaks off at a specified torque.
which is usually below that of the cable and the ac- At the end of the process, only the holes left by the
cessories. Therefore, soldering is not very widely broken screws need to be filled with a fast-curing
used for the conductor connection of high voltage epoxy resin.
cable systems.
Two main principles of screwed connectors are
used, thus being one-piece and two-piece connect-
Welding ors. While one-piece connectors are mainly used

Welding is an exothermic bonding process, where- for cables with smaller conductor cross-sections,

by the two cable conductors are joined together two-piece connectors are used for cables with larg-

with the help of alloy materials. The result is a er conductor cross-sections.

permanent connection of the two conductors. The

chemical reaction that produces the heat is usually
achieved with a mixture of aluminium and copper
The advantages of welding are connections with a
low resistance and the fact that the diameter of the
connection is only slightly larger than that of the
Overview of main connection methods

The main connection methods, their advantages,

disadvantages as well as their typical applications
for high voltage cable systems are given in the table

Main advantages and disadvantages of different

conductor connection methods for high voltage ca-

Connec- Main ad- Main disad-

tion type vantages vantages
Easy handling of a one-piece screwed conductor con- Pressed - Low contact re- - Greater amount
nector sistance of equipment
- Cables with dif- required on site
ferent cross- - Long connection
sections can easi-
ly be connected

Soldered, - Very low contact - A greater

welded, resistance amount of addi-
brazed tional equipment
needed on site
- Risk of damag-
ing the cable
- Difficult to install

Screwed - Low contact re- - Must be made

sistance separately for
- Same diameter as cable and con-
cable ductor size

- Very easy to in- - Higher lead time

- No additional
equipment re-
quired on site
Top: Structure of a two-piece screwed connector; from
left to right: empty hole, hole with breakaway screw,
hole with broken screw, hole with finished epoxy cov- 5.4.3 Moisture and mechanical
ering; Bottom: Finished two-piece screwed conductor protection of joints
Moisture protection with metal shield
In all high voltage cables, a metallic shield covers
The advantages of the screwed connectors are that
the polymeric insulation (see Chapter 4). This me-
they are easily and rapidly installed, they enable
tallic shield protects the insulation against radial
the connector to take on the same diameter as the
moisture and is achieved by a copper or aluminium
insulation and that no additional equipment is
corrugated sheath, lead sheath or copper and alu-
needed for installation on site.
minium-laminated sheath.
The disadvantages are the slight increase in price
Considering the importance of the reliability of the
and that for each different diameter of the cable
cable system, as well as the fact that joints are of-
and the conductor cross-section, a different
ten installed under the influence of moisture or
screwed connector must be made. Another disad-
even water, it is surprising that radial moisture bar-
vantage is that the connection of cables with differ-
riers have not become a standard in all joints for
ent conductor cross-section values is more difficult
high voltage cables.
and expensive.
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 85
Proper moisture protection of the joint can only be - Metal sheet with protection box and insulation
realised by a radial moisture barrier made of a compound
metal shield, leading to increased reliability and a
- Cu tube with coating of high density polyeth-
prolonged lifetime. The metallic shield can consist
ylene (HDPE coating)
of either a metal sheet (usually copper) or a metal
- Cu tube with protection box and insulation
tube of stainless steel or copper.

- Steel housing

- Steel housing with protection box and insula-

tion compound

Joints with different designs of moisture protection;

top: metal sheet of copper and polyester protection
box filled with insulating compound, bottom: copper
tube with polymer coating

Joints with different designs of mechanical protection;

Variety of designs for mechanical protection top: heat shrink cover, bottom: stainless steel tube and

Greater reliability and a long lifetime are further polyester protection box filled with insulating com-

ensured by a first-rate mechanical protection of the pound

Suited to the diverse applications of the customer’s Finally, it should be mentioned that some
application, a wide variety of mechanical protection measures for mechanical and moisture protection
designs are available. Basic protection is provided fulfil the same effect, such as that of using copper
by a heat shrink cover. For a higher degree of pro- or stainless steel tubes.
tection, steel or copper (Cu) housing and/or a box
of polyester can be chosen. This polyester protec-
tion box is filled with an insulating compound, giv-
5.4.4 Application of joints with
ing excellent sealing and mechanical protection to
the joint. different protection degrees
The different designs of mechanical protection en- As mentioned above, different types of joint protec-
able the customer to select the best technical and tions are designed for different applications. The
cost-efficient solution. recommended application for each joint type
The main protection designs for polymer cable should be given by the accessory manufacturer. An
joints are: example of such an application table is given be-
- Metal sheet with heat shrink cover

- Protection box with insulation compound


Applications of joints for polymer cables

Type Radial moisture Mechanical pro- Advantages Application
barrier tection

MPAH Metal sheet Heat shrink * Extremely compact * For limited dimensions, such as small
cover dimensions manholes
* Basic sealing against * In tunnels or concrete manholes without
moisture permanent water ingress
* Cost effective
MPAP Metal sheet Protection * Good mechanical protec- * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
box tion in different environ- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
ments tions
* Total sealing against * In buried installations with humid soil
MPCC Cu-tube Cu-tube with * Compact dimensions * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
HDPE coating * High degree of mechani- concrete pits or directly buried installa-
cal protection tions
* Total sealing against * In installations with permanent humidity
moisture or shallow water
MPCP Cu-tube Cu-tube and * Highest degree of * In all types of laying, such as in tunnels,
protection mechanical protection concrete pits or directly buried installa-
box * Total sealing against tions
moisture * In installations with permanent humidity
or shallow water

Example for an application table of different joint types

Depending on the type of laying, the different de-

signs of joints should then be applied accordingly.
The following pictures show different applications
of different joint types.

Joints with protection box and insulation filling in a

concrete tunnel

Joints with copper tube and HDPE coating in a cellar

5.4.5 Grounding connections

The grounding of joints is essential for the proper

working of the cable system. The need and detailed
solutions for different groundings of the cable sys-
tem are given in Chapter 4 and 7, respectively.
In this section, the grounding variations of the joint
as a product are described. In general, there are
three different variations for grounding of joints.

These are:

- Straight-through connections

Joints with protection box and insulation filling in a - Straight-through connections with a direct
concrete basement earthing link

- Cross-bonding of joints
5. High Voltage Accessories for Polymer Cables 87
is conducted to either end of the joint, the separa-
tion of the two sections is made at the joint itself.
Each side of the joint is then connected to a sepa-
rate outer cable. In most cases, coaxial cables are
used for this purpose. More information on this is
given in Chapter 7.

Joint with cross-bonding connections

Different grounding connections for joints; top:

straight-through connection, middle: straight-through
connection with grounding link, bottom: cross-
bonding connection

The straight through-connection can usually be

achieved very easily at the joint. The outer sheath
of both cable sides is connected to both ends of the
metallic protection sections of the joint, which are
further connected to each other.

The straight-through connection with an earthing

link is achieved in the same way as a straight-
through connection with an additional link to the
Joints in a joint bay with cross-bonding cables
outside of the joint and a grounding link.
The cross bonding version must be achieved dif-
ferently. Since the outer sheath of both cable sides

Chapter 6

Additional Accessories
6. Additional Accessories 91

6.1 Cable clamps

6.1.1 Main requirements

Cable clamps are essential for the reliable function-

ing of a cable system. They protect against me-
chanical forces during service or in case of failure,
and ensure that the cable system continues to func- Force of
tion reliably during its entire lifetime in all loading gravity
conditions. Consequently, their purpose is to:

- Reduce mechanical tension on lead plumb of

terminations and joints

- Compensate expansions due to increasing Force of gravity FG caused by the weight of the cable
temperature with load current at a GIS termination

- Fix the cable when laid in non-horizontal condi-

tions or on ceilings
Example 6-1:
- Guide the cable in horizontal laying Æ A cable system with a cable weight of 30 kg/m
and terminations mounted at a height of 5 m
- Prevent cable movements at short circuit
 Forces caused by the weight of the cable
P According to Equation 6-1, the force that the cable
6.1.2 Forces in a cable system clamps have to cope with can be calculated as:
𝑘𝑔 𝑚
General 𝐹! = 30 ∙ 5 𝑚 ∙ 9.81 ! = 1.5 𝑘𝑁
𝑚 𝑠
During operation, different mechanical forces influ- 9 Based on the weight of the cable, the cable
ence a cable system. These are: clamps have to be designed for at least 1.5 kN.

- Gravitational force FG
Shearing forces during thermal expansion
- Shearing forces FF
Thermal expansion of a cable is caused by a
- Short-circuit forces FS (may occur)
change of its temperature, which results from:

- Different ambient temperatures

Gravitational force due to cable weight
- Change of cable load
The gravitational force on the cable FG occurs at
terminations and at vertical cable laying in an axial - Short-circuit currents

direction, as well as horizontal cable laying on ceil- Although the cable consists of a combination of dif-
ings or walls in a radial direction. Particularly at ferent materials, the elongation of the conductor is
terminations, all gravitational forces on the lead the main cause of the forces of the cable. The elon-
plumb or on the termination itself must be avoided. gation of the conductor can therefore be calculated
The gravitational force is given by the weight of the as:
cable and can be expressed as:

ΔL = L0 ⋅ α ⋅ Δϑ (Eq. 6-2)
𝐹! = 𝑚 ∙ 𝑔 (Eq. 6-1)
In which:

In which: ΔL: Elongation of the cable

m: Weight of the cable L0 : Length of the cable at installation

g: Acceleration of gravity (g=9.81 m/s2) α: Expansion coefficient; αCu = 16.8⋅10-6 1/K,

αAl = 23.9 ⋅ 10-6 1/K [Friedrich 93]
Δϑ: Temperature difference

The thermal expansion of the conductor generates flexible cable laying and requires the cable clamps
shearing forces FF in an axial direction. The shear- to be positioned at a minimum distance of 2.5 m
ing force can be calculated as: from one another. The holding forces of the cable
clamps have to be strong enough to fix the cable at
its position. As a general rule, it can be said that
FF = α ⋅ Δϑ ⋅ E ⋅ A (Eq. 6-3)
per 1 mm length of the cable clamp, a holding force
of 10 N is achieved in an axial direction.
In which:
In flexible cable laying, the cable deflects in either
FF : Shearing force of the cable direction with increasing temperature. Such deflex-
A: Conductor cross-section ion depends on the distance between two cable

E: Elasticity module*; ECu= 125 ⋅ 103 N/mm2 clamps, the expansion coefficient and the tempera-
ture difference. Hence, it can be calculated as:
EAl= 72 ⋅ 103 N/mm2 [Friedrich 93]

* Since the metallic conductor is the main influencing

factor of these forces, the values for the elasticity h= ⋅ α ⋅ Δϑ (Eq. 6-4)
modules are taken from copper or aluminium π

In which:
h: Deflexion of the cable due to increasing

l: Length of cable between two clamps

Forces during short circuits

During short circuits the cable is loaded with both
thermal forces caused by the temperature increase
of the short-circuit current flow and mechanical
forces caused by the force of the short-circuit cur-
rent. The force caused by the thermal expansion

Shearing force FF caused by the elongation of the con- can be calculated according to Equation 6-3.
ductor at increasing temperature

Example 6-2:
Æ Two cable systems with the following values:
- Cable 1 with copper conductor
- Cable 2 with aluminium conductor
- Total length of 300 m for both cables at
 Length of expansion of the cable system at max-
imum operating temperature of 90°C.
P According to Equation 6-2, the expansion can be
calculated as:
ΔLCu = 300 m ⋅ 16.8 ⋅ 10-6 1/K ⋅ 70 K = 0.35 m Forces during
short circuit
ΔLAl = 300 m ⋅ 23.9 ⋅ 10-6 1/K ⋅ 70 K = 0.50 m
9 A cable with copper conductors will expand Magnetic short-circuit force FS
0.35 m; a cable with aluminium conductors 0.5 m.
The mechanical forces during a short-circuit FS are
based on magnetic stress that is caused by the
short-circuit current inside the conductors.
Shearing forces can be compensated by the flexi-
bility of the cable in a radial direction. This is called
6. Additional Accessories 93

Aside from the distance between the conductors of

𝜇! 𝐼!!
each phase, the maximum real short-circuit current 𝐹! = 𝛽 ∙ ∙ (Eq. 6-6)
2𝜋 𝑎
IS provides the basis for the calculation. Potentially,
the most damaging scenario is one in which a short
circuit occurs far away from the generator. The In which:

maximum real short-circuit current is given by a FS : Radial force on the cable per meter due to
coefficient depending on the impedance in the the short-circuit current in N/m
power grid and the initial symmetric short-circuit µ0 : Magnetic constant = 4 ⋅ π ⋅ 10-7 N/A2
current [ABB 92].
a: Distance of the cable axis in m

β: Geometrical factor representing the kind of

𝐼! = 𝜅 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝐼!" (Eq. 6-5) cable laying
In which:

IS : Real short-circuit current in kA For flat cable laying the factor β is about 0.4, for tre-
κ: Coefficient depending on the impedance in foil laying this factor is about 0.5.
the power grid at the moment of the short-
circuit (κmax = 1.8) [ABB 92]

IK’’: Initial symmetrical short-circuit current in

6.1.3 Types of cable clamps
To handle all the above-mentioned forces, a com-
bination of several types of cable clamps is neces-
Based on Equation 6-5, the radial force per meter
sary. Typical cable clamps and their associated
on the cable during a short-circuit can be calculated
compensation forces are given in the table below.

Different types of cable clamps and compensation forces

Type Brifix belt 3-core cable Holding clamp Holding Fixing clamp Fixing
clamp plastic clamp metal short clamp long


Yes, very
of forces in axi- No No No Yes, little Yes, strong
al direction

Yes, very
of forces in ra- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, strong
dial direction

6.1.4 Cable clamps at joints 6.1.5 Cable clamps at terminations

To protect the joint from the above-described forc- It is vital for the functioning of terminations that the
es, clamps have to be applied on each side of the cable goes straight into the termination. Otherwise,
joint. Generally, this can be done in two different the cable becomes bent within the insulator, thus
ways, either by a long fixing clamp or by a short influencing the electric field grading negatively as a
fixing clamp together with a holding clamp on each result of which breakdowns may occur.
side of the joint. Long fixing clamps should be
placed as close to the joint as possible.

Recommended application of long fixing clamps close

to joints in a directly buried installation

Not properly applied cable clamp at a termination (ca-

ble may become bent in the termination)

Recommended application of normal sized fixing and

holding clamps close to joints in a manhole

Properly applied cable clamps at a termination (cable

goes straight into the termination)

Cable clamps positioned next to terminations are

Fixing clamps at each side of a joint; in this case, the
used to hold the weight of the cable, guarantee a
fixing clamps hold the weight of the cable, prevent
straight insertion of the cable into the termination,
negative influence of forces caused by thermal expan-
protect the termination from expansion forces
sion and protect the joints from forces caused by a
short circuit caused by temperature increase during current
6. Additional Accessories 95

flow and protect the cable from damages during metal and polymer to polymer” applies. This
short-circuit currents. means that for cables with a metal sheath (alumin-
It is generally recommended to apply a fixing ium or steel), cable clamps without rubber inserts
clamp approximately 100 – 150 cm below the base should be applied, whereas for cables with a poly-
plate of the termination and to apply an additional mer sheath (PVC, PE or similar) cable clamps with
holding clamp approximately 100 cm below the fix- rubber inserts must be applied.
ing clamp. If adequate space is not available below
the termination, a large fixing clamp can also be Cable clamps next to conduits
A fixing cable clamp should be applied at both
sides of a conduit. This fixing clamp not only en-
sures that the deflexion of the cable remains inside
the pipe but also compensates the remaining
shearing forces. In addition, the fixing clamp guar-
antees that the cable is not damaged as a result of
forces at the edge of the conduit.

Recommended use for fixing and holding clamps at a

Recommended use for fixing clamps next to conduits

Example of fixing clamps as they should be applied

Properly applied fixing and holding clamps below a
next to a conduit

Cable clamps along flat laying of the cable

Cable clamps positioned along the cable are need-
6.1.6 Cable clamps for cable laying
ed when the cable is not buried.
Cable clamps for cables with polymer or Flat laying is the most popular design for high volt-
metal outer sheath age cable systems, the advantages being that the
The outer sheath of a cable is usually made of a axial spacing between the conductors reduces the
polymer material (PE or PVC). In rare cases, the magnetic short-circuit forces, the proximity effect is
outer sheath is reinforced with a metal layer. When lower and the cooling of the cable is far better.
applying cable clamps, the general rule “metal to

for this limitation are costs and short-circuit forces.

Consequently, as a general rule, the distance be-
tween two cable clamps for flexible laying should
be between 2.5 and 3.5 m. However, an exception
to that rule is the laying of cables in a trough.

Example of a cable in a flat laying arrangement Cable clamps of flexible cable installation in flat laying

For flat laying, two different ways of fixing are pos-


- Fixed installations

- Flexible installations

The advantages of fixed installations include the

fact that the cable is protected against undercutting
of the minimum bending radius and that the cable
remains in the laid position. The disadvantage of
fixed laying is that the shearing forces caused by
temperature differences must be completely com-
pensated by the holding force of the cable clamps, Cable clamps of flexible cable installation in flat laying
which requires a considerable number of such in a cable tunnel (with sneaking of the cables)

Types of cable clamps for flat laying

Max. short-
Brugg Type Example
circuit force

BCT 14 kN
Cable clamps of fixed cable installation in flat laying

The advantage of flexible installations is the limited

number of required cable clamps needed, thus
BFB(T) 20 kN
making the laying cheaper. The shearing forces are
compensated by the deflection of the cable, which
is known as “sneaking”. A disadvantage is that dur-
ing sneaking, the minimum bending radius of the BAF(T) 76 kN
cable must be considered. Another disadvantage is
that the cable does not remain in a fixed position.
To profit from the advantages of flexible laying, the
distance between the clamps should not be less
than 2.5 m. However, the distance between the
clamps should also not exceed 3.5 m. The reasons
6. Additional Accessories 97

Cable clamps along trefoil laying of the cable Types of cable clamps for trefoil laying

The advantages of trefoil laying are the limited

Max. short-
amount of space required and the reduced magnet- Type Example circuit
ic field of the cables. The disadvantages are higher force
short-circuit forces, a higher influence of the prox-
9 kN, 1 s
imity effect and poor heat dissipation. Brifix belt small
6 kN, 3 s

10 kN, 1 s
Brifix belt large
8 kN, 3 s

KH clamp* 25 kN

Similarly, clamps in trefoil laying also require the

distance between two clamps to be at a minimum
of 2.5 m.
*If the magnetic short-circuit forces can’t be compensated
by the KH Clamps, forces that occur during short-circuit
must be compensated by additional Brifix belts between
Trefoil laying of two cable systems
two cable clamps. These belts must be fixed symmetrical-
ly between two KH Clamps.

Application table for cable clamps

The following table gives the application for cable
clamps with respect to the maximum operating
voltage and conductor cross-section:

Application table for cable clamps

Location of Max. operat- Conductor Type Type Type BAF(T) Type BA(T)
installation ing voltage cross-section BCT BFB(T)
[kV] [mm2]


Both sides of a
60 – 550 120 – 2500 Yes

Both sides of a
60 – 550 120 – 2500 Yes Yes

1 – 1.5 m below 60 – 170 120 – 2500 Yes Yes

a termination > 170 120 – 2500 Yes Yes

120 – 800 Yes

2 – 2.5 m below < 110
1000 – 2500 Yes
a termination
110 – 550 240 – 2500 Yes

120 – 800 Yes

Along the cable < 110
1000 – 2500 Yes
(distance of 3 m)
110 – 550 240 – 2500 Yes

6.2 Surge arresters Termination Termination

6.2.1 Fundamentals

In high voltage cable systems, the outer (polymer)

cable sheath must be protected from overvoltages SVL
as these may destroy the outer polymeric sheath.
Once destroyed, the outer metallic screen can suf-

Induced voltage
fer from corrosion and the grounding current will
flow incorrectly, causing additional losses and rep-
resenting a potential danger.
Overvoltages in the outer sheath can be caused by
induced voltages resulting from lightning strikes or Distance along the cable sheath
switching pulses. Surge arresters – in the case of
Typical application of a sheath voltage limiter at the
high voltage cable sheath protection, these are end of a short cable length
called “sheath voltage limiters (SVL)” – limit the
induced overvoltages to an acceptable level.
Modern zinc oxide (ZnO) surge arresters consist of
varistor discs enclosed in a polymeric housing. Var- Termination Termination

istors – a combination of the words variable and

resistor – have an extreme non-linear current volt- Joint
age characteristic. This means that the varistors
change within a small voltage range with increas- Groun- SVL
ing voltage from an insulating material to a con- ding box
ductive material. The high non-linearity is caused
Induced voltage

by the microscopic structure of the ZnO grains and

the grain boundaries.

Distance along the cable sheath

Typical application of sheath voltage limiters at cross-

bonding boxes of a cable system


Non-linear U-I characteristic of a ZnO varistor

6.2.2 Application of sheath voltage

limiters in cable systems

Sheath voltage limiters are installed either at the

Sheath voltage limiter at a termination
end of the cable at the termination or at cross-
bonding boxes.
6. Additional Accessories 99

rester. A safety margin of about 25% is


To choose the right SVL for cable sheath protec-

tion, it is necessary to calculate any induced volt-
ages that might occur at the point where the ar-
rester is installed. The induced voltage Uind is calcu-
lated as:

𝑈"!# = 𝐸 ∙ 𝐿 (Eq. 6-7)

Sheath voltage limiter in a cross-bonding box (grey

item on the top right of the cross-bonding box)
In which:

𝐸: Electric field

6.2.3 Dimensioning of sheath 𝐿: Length of earthing section

voltage limiters

When it comes to the classification of sheath volt- The electric field E can be calculated according to:
age limiters, the following voltage definitions are
! !
Uc: Maximum continuous operating voltage 𝐸= 𝐸"!$# + 𝐸!#$" (Eq. 6-8)

Ur: Rated voltage

Ures: Residual voltage In which:

Eimag Imaginary component of the electric field

In this context, the rated voltage Ur is the highest
Ereal Real component of the electric field
permissible voltage at power frequencies of limited
duration and is given by the manufacturer of the
SVL (for example: Ur = 1.25 Uc) [Richter 99]. The re- The values of Eimag and Ereal depend on the cable
sidual voltage Ures defines the protection level of laying. For a flat laying with an equal distance S be-
the SVL. It is the maximum voltage at the arrester
tween the phases Eimag and Ereal can be calculated
during an 8/20 µs current impulse of the nominal
with the following equations:
discharge current (e.g. 10 kA).
When selecting a voltage limiter for cable sheath
protection, the following criteria have to be consid- 𝐸"!$# = −𝜔 ∙ 𝐼 ∙ 10!! ∙ ln (Eq. 6-9)

- The maximum continuous operating voltage

UC of the limiter must be higher than the calcu-
lated induced voltage (generally for cable 𝐸!#$" = 𝜔 ∙ 𝐼 ∙ 10!! ∙ 3 ∙ ln (Eq. 6-10)
sheath protection, the minimum UC of the SVL
should be 3 kV, even if the calculated induced
In which:
voltage is much lower).
ω: Angular frequency = 2⋅π⋅f in 1/s
- The residual voltage of the SVL at the nominal
discharge current impulse should be lower I: Short-circuit current in A
than the protection level of the cable sheath.
(The residual voltages for different current im-
S: Phase distance in mm

pulses are listed in the data sheets of the ar- D: Diameter of cable screen in mm

Example 6-3: 6.3.2 IP and NEMA protection

Æ To determine a sheath voltage limiter (SVL) classes
placed at a joint, the following data are given:
- Calculated voltage at a cable end of 5.4 kV
- SVL from a supplier with the rated voltage All earthing and cross-bonding boxes must have a
values of Ur = 3, 6, 10, 15 kV certain degree of protection. This is necessary for
 Which type of SVL should be used? two reasons. Firstly, to protect the outside from the
P The SVL should have a continuous operating volt- contacts inside the earthing boxes as these may
age of Uc higher than the calculated voltage at the carry dangerous voltage potential. Secondly, to
cable end. Therefore, the SVL with Uc = 6 kV should
protect the inside contacts of the earthing boxes
be chosen.
from outer influences, such as animals, humidity or
9 After selecting the SVL type with Uc = 6 kV, it must
additionally be checked whether the residual voltage water, which could influence the performance of
at the maximum current is below the protection lev- the earthing and cable system.
el of the joint. In the data sheet of the arrester, the
Two main systems have been established as a
residual voltage at 10 kA is listed as 21.8 kV, which
is below the insulation level of the given joints. means of providing protection: the “International
Protection” (IP) system and the American “National
Electrical Manufacturers Association” (NEMA) sys-
For more detailed information about the selection
of an SVL – as well as for other applications – see
the application guidelines for overvoltage protec- It is worth mentioning that the degrees of protec-

tion [Richter 99]. tion are valid for all technical systems, not only for
earthing devices (IP numbers are therefore also
given on household devices, such as hair-dryers).

6.3 Earthing devices for The protection according to IP is based on the

joints and terminations standard IEC 60529 [IEC 60529]. In addition to the
two letters “IP” the code also contains two num-
6.3.1 Fundamentals bers.

The first number defines the level of protection

High voltage cable systems must always be
against penetration of solid objects into the hous-
earthed. The earthing, sometimes referred to as
ing. The second number defines the level of protec-
grounding, very much depends on cable parame-
tion against penetration of liquids into the housing.
ters and on the application of the cable system.
This section describes the properties of the prod-
ucts themselves, such as those of cross-bonding
boxes for joints. All issues concerning application
of the earthing equipment, such as why and how to
apply a cross-bonding system, are described in de-
tail in Chapter 7.

The following types of devices for the earthing of

terminations and joints are available:

- Earthing boxes for terminations

- Cross-bonding boxes for joints

- Earthing clamps for terminations

6. Additional Accessories 101

1st in- Example Degree of protec- 2nd in- Example Degree of protection
dex tion dex
figure figure
“I” “P”

Protection against Protection against vertical and

contact with fingers diagonal water drops up to
2 or solid foreign bod- 2 15° angle
ies with ∅ > 12 mm

Protection against Protection against vertical and

tools, wires or similar diagonal water drops up to
3 objects and solid for- 3 60° angle
eign bodies with ∅ >
2.5 mm

Same protection as 3, Protection against splash-

but with ∅ > 1 mm water from all directions
4 4

Full protection Protection against water from

against contact and a nozzle from all directions
5 protection against 5
interior injurious dust

Total protection Protection against ingress of

against contact and water in case of temporary
6 6
protection against flooding
penetration of dust

Protection against ingress of

water in case of temporary

Protection against ingress of

water in case of continuous


The NEMA code has a successive numbering from

NEMA 1 to NEMA 13 and distinguishes between
indoor and outdoor applications.
The transfer from IP to NEMA enclosure types can
only be roughly given. There is no direct compari-
son between IP and NEMA as the specifications
and way of testings are significantly different [Sie-
mon 11], [Moeller 09].

Analogy transfer of NEMA to IP classes

NEMA code Application IP analogy

1 Indoor IP 10 – IP 20

2 Indoor IP 11 – IP 22

3 Outdoor IP 54 – IP 55

3R Outdoor IP 14 – IP 24

3S Outdoor IP 54 – IP 55

4 Indoor / Outdoor IP 56 – IP 66

4X Indoor / Outdoor IP 56 – IP 66

5 Indoor IP 52 – IP 53

6 Indoor / Outdoor IP 67

6P Indoor / Outdoor IP 67

7 Indoor

8 Indoor / Outdoor Earthing box for single-phase earthing with SVL and
protection degree of IP 54
9 Indoor

10 Mining industry

12, 12K Indoor IP 52 – IP 54

13 Indoor IP 54

6.3.3 Earthing boxes

Earthing boxes are used to realise the earthing at

terminations or joints. Earthing boxes can be real-
ised for three-phase or for single-phase earthing.
Earthing boxes can also be equipped with SVL.

Earthing box for three-phase earthing without SVL and

protection degree of IP 54

Since earthing boxes are usually used for the earth-

ing of terminations and are not directly buried, they
have a typical protection degree of IP 54.

Earthing box for three-phase earthing with SVL and a

protection degree of IP 54
6. Additional Accessories 103

6.3.4 Cross-bonding boxes

Cross-bonding boxes are used to realise the inter-

connection of the outer cable screen of different
phases. Similar to earthing boxes, cross-bonding
boxes can also be equipped with SVL.

Since cross-bonding boxes are used for joints and

are usually directly buried, they have usually a pro-
tection degree of IP 68.

Disconnecting earthing knife at an outdoor termina-


Flexible grounding connections with smaller cross-

Cross-bonding box without sheath voltage limiter and
a protection degree of IP 68 sections at GIS terminations

6.3.5 Earthing clamps for


In order to realise the earthing at terminations, sol-

id connections or connections that can be re-
opened are applied. Amongst the different manu-
facturers, various types of such connections are
available. The appropriate current rating must be
ensured (the short-circuit current must also be con-
sidered). In order to ensure high current ratings,
more than one connection or connections with
larger cross-sections are typically applied. Fixed grounding connections with larger cross-
sections at GIS terminations
7. Installation and Operation 105

Chapter 7

and Operation
7. Installation and Operation 107

7.1 Installation of cesses to ensure that minimum requirements are

met. If trained installers are not available, the com-
accessories bination of supervisors and personnel with basic
qualifications is another option for the installation
7.1.1 Basics process. However, this should be an exception and
General it is repeated here that qualified and well-trained
installation personnel are a must in order to ensure
For a reliably functioning of a high voltage cable
a high-quality reliable high voltage cable system.
system, one of the most important factors is the
carrying out of a properly conducted and high-
quality installation process. Failures during installa- Well-described installation instructions
tion, even tiny inclusions of dust or dirt, can deteri- As well-described instructions of the installation
orate significantly the electric field and cause die- steps reduce the risk of failures, installers should
lectric breakdown [Weissenberg 09-1], [Weissen- be provided with a good description of these. Since
berg 09-2]. some installers may have difficulties with installa-
Since a main cause of cable system failure is instal- tion instructions, the language and supporting illus-
lation (failures caused by external factors, such as trations must be presented in a clear and compre-
digging into the cable, are not considered here), hensible manner.
particular attention must be given to the accesso-
ries installation process. For an optimum accessory
installation process, the following is essential:

- Installation friendly accessories

- Qualified installers

- Well-described installation instructions

- Cleanliness on site

Installation friendly accessories

Installation friendly methods for different accesso-

ries were described in Chapter 5. There it was
shown that single-piece insulation bodies of sili-
cone rubber are the most convenient means for in-
stalling high voltage accessories.

Qualified installers Example of clearly described installation instructions

with illustration and text (Operation 6 for termination
Qualified and well-trained installation personnel
installation: Removing cable insulation end)
are a must. Although due to financial constraints
insufficiently trained and certified installers are
sometimes employed, this is not to be recom- Cleanliness on site
mended for the installation of high voltage acces- As mentioned above, tiny particles may be very
sories. Considering the costs of the cable system harmful for the performance of the cable system.
and any failures that might occur, the costs of in- Therefore, cleanliness during installation is essen-
staller training are negligible. As a means of deal- tial. Consequently, the installation work should be
ing with the issue of such costs, many cable and done under cover in order to protect personnel and
accessory suppliers offer on-site supervision equipment from outside disturbances, such as
teams. These teams, consisting of supervisors to- wind, dust, moisture, sun or rain. If the installation
gether with basically qualified installers, provide a is done outside, a container (frequently climatised)
cost effective means of conducting installation pro-
or at least a tent should be used. If the installation ensured. As different countries have different
is done in a tunnel, protection is usually given. standards of security, local laws must of course be
adhered to.

Before installation, a cable sheath insulation test

and a phase test has to be carried out. This ensures
that the cable has not been destroyed during ship-
ment or installation and that the different phases
are labelled correctly.

Preparation of the cable

In the first step, the cable must be cut. After cutting,
the cable has to be straightened and fixed into its
final position. In order to avoid any forces at the

Tent for installation of terminations in medium tem- stress cone, it is essential that the connection in-
perature and low-dust environment side the termination is straight and, consequently,
also the cable end. The straightening of the cable is
done with the help of a metal (mostly aluminium)

Climatised container for installation of joints in hot

and dusty environment

Straightening the cable end in a metal angle

7.1.2 Installation of terminations

Removing cable jacket and sheath
Introduction After bringing the cable into position, the cable
Although there are several types of terminations, jacket and metallic sheath has to be removed. How
the general steps for their installation are very simi- this is actually done depends on the type of metal-
lar. So despite the fact that some outdoor termina- lic sheath present, which might be of lead, copper
tions can be installed indoors, whilst certain indoor or aluminium. The copper or aluminium sheath
terminations (GIS or transformer terminations) may might be corrugated or laminated.
be installed externally, a similar method of installa- The polymer outer cable jacket has to be removed
tion can be applied. whilst taking care not to damage the metallic
sheath positioned below. Particular care must be
General preparation before mounting taken with laminated sheaths (aluminium or cop-
per), as these are much more sensitive than corru-
All parts of the termination and the necessary tools
gated or lead sheaths.
should be on site. In addition, the installation loca-
tion should be clean and personnel safety must be
7. Installation and Operation 109
Due to the limited amount of material, welding of
laminated cable screens (especially laminated alu-
minium screens) is much more difficult and hence
requires more sophisticated installation skills.
Prior to welding, the metallic screen and the bed-
ding tapes have to be removed up to the tinned ar-
ea. If present, additional screen wires must be bent
back. However, aluminium screen wires should not
be bent back too intensively and need to be treated
very carefully to avoid breakage.

Removing cable jacket with a hand-driven peeling tool Insulation cutting

The insulation must be removed along the length
of the terminal stud. To avoid damage at the con-
ductor, the insulation must be cut up to the inner
semiconducting layer of the cable. The final cut
should be carefully done manually by a jointer.

Insulation cutting at a termination cable end

Heating of insulation
During the extrusion process of the cable, the mol-
ecules of the cross-linked polyethylene are pre-
orientated in one direction. Once the cable is heat-
ed, such as during current flow, the orientated
Removing cable jacket from laminated sheath; top:
molecules relax and the insulation shrinks back. To
heating of the polymer cable jacket, bottom: removal
of the cable jacket with the aid of a wire in order not to
prevent the back-shrinking process of the insulation

damage the laminated aluminium sheath below from affecting the electrical insulation parts of the
termination, the shrinking process must be kept to
a minimum. This can be achieved by heating and
Metallic screen treatment
pushing back the polymeric cable insulation. While
To make a proper electric connection of the metal- the pushing-back is typically done to joints, it is not
lic sheath and cable screen to the termination needed for terminations, as the cut of the polyeth-
ground, the cable screen must be tinned and weld- ylene insulation is far away from the stress cone as
ed to the base plate of the termination. Welding well as from the critical electric regions.
corrugated and lead sheaths is usually not an issue.
By heating the insulation for 6 to 12 hours at 80 C,
the majority of the insulation shrink-back process
can be achieved. For the heating of the insulation,
heating tubes or heating mats are typically used. In
order not to waste too much time during the instal-
lation process, the heating is typically done over-
night. After heating, the warm cable should be laid
on a frame (or angle) to straighten it. The cable is
left in this position until ambient temperature has
been reached.
It should be mentioned here that for the prepara-
tion of the dry-type plug-in termination, the insula-
Pressing the terminal stud at a cable end
tion must be heated or pushed back as the cable
insulation length at the dry-type termination is ra-
ther short. Cable screen connection

The metallic screen of the cable is welded to the

Conductor connection to terminal stud base plate of the termination, thus providing a
moisture-tight and strong electric connection.
As the conductor connection to the terminal stud is
an electrical contact, it has a certain contact re-
sistance. In order to limit electric losses and avoid
unnecessary high temperatures at the terminal
stud, a good conductor connection with a low con-
ductor resistance must be made. If present, all
tapes between the conductor segments and each
single conductor layer inside the conductor must
be removed. If swelling powder is present inside a
conductor, it should be removed carefully by
knocking with a hammer. If present, any varnish on
enamelled wires must also be removed. Although
this is very time consuming and costly, the varnish
has to be removed over the whole length of the Welded cable screen connection
conductor connection on each single wire. This can
be done by single stranding or sand blasting.
For earthing purposes, the metallic screen of the
Three methods are applied for the conductor con-
cable must be connected outside the termination.
nections of terminations: pressing, screwing or
The different grounding mechanisms, such as di-
rect earthing or earthing via surge voltage limiters,
If pressing is carried out, the elongation of the con- are realised by equipment at the base plate. More
ductor must be considered. In addition to this, spe- information about the realisation of such earthing
cial crimping tools are needed. is given in Section 7.2.
In the case of a screwed connection with brake-
away screws, the conductor does not suffer from
Removing semiconducting layer and prepara-
elongation. Also, no additional tools are needed,
tion of insulation
only a screw wrench.
For preparing the termination, the outer semicon-
Welding is seldom used to connect the cable con-
ducting layer of the cable has to be removed. This
ductor to the terminal stud. The risk of damaging
process is done by hand-peeling or machine-
the cable with hot welding products as well as the
peeling, mostly depending on the number of ter-
amount of effort and tools needed makes it less
minations being installed.
7. Installation and Operation 111

Removing semiconducting layer by hand-peeling Polishing the insulation surface

Mounting of the stress cone

After the cable surface has been prepared, the

stress cone must be slipped on the cable. In order
to reduce friction forces, the cable surface and the
stress cone must be greased before the stress cone
can be slipped on. It should be mentioned that only
special insulation grease which do not affect the
material of the stress cone or the semiconducting
layer should be used.
In general, the stress cone can be slipped on by
hand. If this is not possible, such as in the case of
very large cable diameters, special stress cone pull-
Removing semiconducting layer by machine-peeling
ing devices can be used. During the slip-on pro-
cess, damage at the stress cone and cable surface
Since the surface of the cable insulation needs to must absolutely be avoided.
be very clean and the area where the stress cone is
The stress cone must be placed so that the deflec-
applied extremely smooth, additional steps need to
tors cover the outer semiconducting layer of the
be taken after peeling. One of these is the process
cable. After the stress cone has been mounted, the
of sanding around the area of the stress cone. This
cable surface and stress cone must be cleaned
is done in several steps, first by machine and then
again. No dust particles are allowed into this area.
by hand. The sanding is done with sand paper of
different grading, moving from rough to fine. In or-
der not to get semiconducting parts into the insula-
tion, the direction of sanding should be towards the
semiconducting layer. It should be stressed that no
semiconducting parts or particles are allowed in
the region of the insulation. After sanding, the ca-
ble surface is cleaned using special cleaning

To achieve a very smooth insulation surface, the

insulation should undergo a final heating in the
sanded area. This is done with a hot air gun up to
600 °C. An open flame should on no account be
used next to the polyethylene insulation.

Mounting of stress cone by hand

Sealing and mounting of insulator

To avoid insulation fluid of the termination entering
the cable, the areas at the conductor connector and
between the insulation body and the metallic cable
screen must be sealed. This step is achieved with
Sealing of the termination at the terminal stud (top)
the aid of different tapes and heat shrinkable and at the stress cone (bottom)
sleeves, which are applied below the stress cone
and at the top of the terminal connection.
After sealing, the insulator must be mounted over
the cable. The time needed to complete this pro-
cess depends on the type of insulator. For small
and light insulators, such as a composite insulator
of 145 kV, the process is simple. The insulator only
needs to be put over the cable end. For big and
heavy insulators, such as porcelain insulators, lift-
ing equipment must be used. In both cases, the
surface of the cable and stress cone must not be
damaged whilst the insulator is being mounted.
Once the insulator is in place, it must be fixed onto
the base plate.

Installation of a composite insulator by hand

7. Installation and Operation 113
Final installation steps and fixing of the
The final steps of the installation involve the
mounting of all remaining additional accessories,
such as fixing cable clamps or earthing equipment.

To prevent any movements inside the termination

as well as forces on the lead plumb, the termina-
tion must be fixed with cable clamps. A detailed
guideline for the use of cable clamps is given in
Section 6.1.
To enable the cable system to function appropriate-

Fixing of the insulator at the base plate ly, the terminations must be earthed. More detailed
information on earthing principles and appropriate
devices are given in Section 7.2 and 6.3, respective-
After the insulator has been mounted onto the ca-
ble, the base plate and gland must be soldered on-
to the cable sheath. In order not to overheat the ca-
ble, the soldering should be divided into at least
two steps. For additional cable protection, a tinned
copper tube can be mounted in between the gland
and the metal cable sheath.

Insulation filling
One of the last steps involves the filling of the ter-
mination with an appropriate insulation. For gas
filled terminations, the SF6 gas has to be filled into
the termination at an appropriate pressure level.
Fluid filled terminations need to be filled with sili-
cone oil. Only special silicone insulation oil, com- Complete installed (GIS) terminations including cable

patible with the insulation body, should be used. clamps and earthing equipment

The oil must be clean and free of air bubbles.

Terminations without expansion tanks must be Final installation step for dry-type plug-in
filled with insulation oil only up to a specific level. terminations
Enough space must be left for the thermal expan- The installation steps for dry-type plug-in termina-
sion of the oil. Terminations with expansion tanks tions are very similar to those of standard termina-
will be filled with insulation oil until a certain pres- tions. However, the final step (filling in the insula-
sure inside the expansion tank has been reached. tion fluid) is not required.
The filling level and the filling pressure of termina- For dry-type plug-in terminations, the insulator can
tions have to be calculated for each arrangement. be installed inside the gas insulated switchgear or
The calculations depend on the oil volume, oil transformer. The cable with the installed stress
temperature, ambient temperature, maximum and cone (the “male part”) can now be plugged into the
minimum oil temperature on line and the height of insulator that is already installed in the GIS (the
the expansion tank in comparison to the termina- “female part”). During the plug-in process, the
tion. All data are given in the installation instruc- male part must be plugged in very carefully into
tions of the terminations. the female part to prevent scratches or damage at
the inside of the insulator and to prevent contact
grease from polluting the insulator surface.
ment or installation and that the right phases have
been installed.

Preparation of the cables

In a first step, the cables have to be placed, laid
down and cut. The cables need to be placed over-
lapping so that enough length is available for the
conductor connection. In general it is recommend-
ed to have a little extra overlapping length as this
facilitates the installation.
In a second step, the cables have to be straightened
and then fixed into its final position. To avoid any
forces at the insulation body, it is important that
the cable is straight inside the joint.

In order not to damage the cable surface after it has

been peeled off, all parts that are later required on
the joint, such as housings, should be positioned
on either side of the cable.

Finished male part at a dry-type cable termination

7.1.3 Installation of joints


In contrast to terminations, joints require a greater

variety of installation procedures. This is due to the
different technologies used for slip-on joint bodies Cutting of a cable with a saw
and the great variety of product types available.
When dealing with high voltage joints, the installa- Removing cable jacket and sheath
tion steps described here mainly involve the instal-
After bringing the cable into position, the cable
lation of single-piece slip-on elements.
jacket and metallic sheath must be removed. The
manner in which this is done depends on the type
General preparation before mounting of metallic sheath present, which might be corru-
All parts of the joint and the necessary tools must gated, laminated or made of lead.
be on site. In addition, the installation location For all types, the cable sheath must be removed on
should be clean and personnel safety ensured. As both sides of the cable along the entire joint length.
different countries have different standards of A more detailed description of how cable jackets
working security, local laws must be adhered to. and sheaths should be removed is given in the
Before installation, a cable sheath insulation test terminations section in Section 7.1.2.
and a phase test has to be carried out. This ensures
that the cable has not been destroyed during ship-
7. Installation and Operation 115
Insulation cutting

The insulation should be removed with a straight

cut along the length of the conductor connection.
To avoid damage at the conductor, the insulation
should be cut until the inner semiconducting layer
of the cable has been reached. The final cut should
be carefully done manually by a jointer. As this
process is similar to that used for terminations,
more pictures are given in Section 7.1.2.

Cutting of a lead sheath

Cable end with properly cut insulation

Heating and insulation pushback

During the extrusion process of the cable, the mol-

ecules of the cross-linked polyethylene are pre-
Overlapping cable length for installation of a joint and
starting to remove the cable jacket orientated in one direction. Once the cable is heat-
ed, such as during current flow, the orientated
molecules relax and the insulation shrinks back.
Metallic screen treatment
Back shrinking of the insulation can be very harm-
To ensure that a proper electric connection be- ful to the joint. If the insulation shrinks back and no
tween the metallic cable screen and the joint is longer covers the area of the middle electrode of
achieved, the cable screen should be tinned and the insulation body, the joint will fail. Because of
welded to each side of the cable joint. The welding this, the shrinking process must be kept to a mini-
of corrugated and lead sheaths is usually not an mum. This can be achieved by heating the polyeth-
issue. Due to the limited amount of material, weld- ylene insulation and – in contrast to standard ter-
ing of laminated cable screens (especially laminat- minations – pushing back the polyethylene insula-
ed aluminium screens) is much more difficult and tion. The pushback tool needs to be installed before
hence requires more sophisticated installation mounting the heating system on both cable ends.
By heating the insulation for up to 6 to 12 hours at
Prior to welding, the metallic screen and the bed- 80°C, the main shrink-back of the insulation can be
ding tapes have to be removed right up to the achieved. To heat the insulation, heating tubes or
tinned area. If present, additional screen wires heating mats are typically used. In order not to
must be bent back. However, aluminium screen waste too much time during the installation pro-
wires should not be bent back several times and cess, the heating is typically done overnight.
should be treated very carefully to avoid breakages.
After heating, the warm cable should be laid on a
frame (or angle) to straighten it. The cable is left in
this position until ambient temperature has been An open flame should on no account be placed
reached. This process ensures that the cable re- next to the polyethylene insulation.
mains straight.

Heating insulation surface with a hot air gun and view

Heating tubes and pushback devices as used at instal- of the smooth region at the end of the semiconducting
lation of cable joints layer

Removing semiconducting layer and prepara- Positioning of insulation body at the parking
tion of insulation position
To enable insulation properties of the joint to come Before the conductor is connected, the insulation
into effect, the outer semiconducting layer on both body must be slipped onto the cable. In the case of
sides of the cable must be removed. Depending on one-piece slip-on elements, whether silicone rub-
the number of joints being installed, this process ber or EPDM, the insulation body is placed onto a
can be done by hand or by means of machine- “parking position” on the cable. For cold-shrink in-
peeling. As this process is similar to that used for sulation bodies, the insulation bodies are placed on
terminations, more information are given in Sec- the outer sheath at one side of the cable. Three-
tion 7.1.2. piece slip-on elements need to be slipped onto
In contrast to terminations, the insulation body co- both cable sides.
vers the whole length of the peeled cable surface. To slip the insulation body onto the parking posi-
Because of this, the whole surface of the cable in- tion, both the cable surface and the inner side of
sulation must be extremely clean and smooth. the insulation body need to be greased. Only spe-
After the semiconducting layer has been peeled off, cial insulation grease which do not affect the mate-
sanding must be done. This is done in several rial of the stress cone or the semiconducting cable
steps, first by machine and then by hand. The sand- layer should be used.
ing is done with sand paper of different grading, The slip-on process using mechanical insulation
moving from rough to fine. In order not to get sem- tools carries two possible risks: the surface of the
iconducting parts into the insulation, the direction cable insulation may be damaged and, due to the
of sanding should be towards the semiconducting considerable amount of force needed, the inner
layer. It should be stressed that no semiconducting surface of the insulation body may get damaged by
parts or particles are allowed in the region of the friction during the slip-on process.
insulation. After sanding, the cable surface is
cleaned using a special cleaning agent.
For a very smooth insulation surface, the insulation
should undergo a final heating in the sanded area.
The heating is done with a hot air gun up to 600 °C.
7. Installation and Operation 117
limits the risk of damaging the cable or insulation
body surfaces. This method requires a special
adapter for the insulation body. The gas used can
be nitrogen or dry air, whichever is most readily
available on site.

Conductor connection
The conductor connection between the two cables
is an electrical contact. Consequently it has a cer-
tain contact resistance. In order to limit electric
losses and avoid unnecessary high temperatures in

Preparing insulation body for installation with gas the joint, a good conductor connection with a low
cushion method conductor resistance has to be made.
If present, all tapes between the conductor seg-
ments and each single conductor layer inside the
conductor must be removed. If swelling powder is
inside the conductor, this should be carefully re-
moved by knocking with a hammer. If present, any
varnish on enamelled wires must also be removed.
Although time consuming and costly, the varnish
must be removed along the entire length of the
conductor connection at each single wire. This can
be done by single stranding or sand blasting.

Three methods are applied for the conductor con-

nection of joints: pressing, screwing or welding.
If pressing is applied, the elongation of the conduc-
Sliding on insulation body for installation with gas tor should be considered after crimping. In addition
cushion method to this, special crimping tools are needed for instal-
lation. With specially designed compression con-
nectors, different conductor cross-sections can be
connected. The gap between the pressed connec-
tion and the surface of the insulation must be cov-
ered by supporting tubes.
For screwed connections with breakaway screws,
the connection does not suffer from an elongation
of the conductor. Only a screw wrench is needed
for this connection method.
Welding is seldom used for cable connections. The
risk of damaging the cable with hot welding prod-
ucts and the amount of effort and tools needed
makes it less suitable. More details on the different
Joint body and mechanical protection of the joint
connections are given in Chapter 5. All conductor
(black coated copper tube in the background) in park-
connections need a smooth and clean surface
ing position before finishing the conductor connection
without any scratches, edges or small pieces in or-
der not to damage the inner surface of the insula-
The “gas cushion” installation method, in which tion body when slipped over into its final position.
the insulation body is moved on a gas cushion be-
tween the insulation body and the cable insulation,

Screwed conductor connector (with insulation body in Applying grease before moving the insulating body
parking position) into its final position

Clean surface of the shelves at a pressed conductor Final position of the insulation body
connection after its installation

Cable screen connection and bonding

Final positioning of the insulation body The outer metallic cable screens on each side of the
After connecting the conductor, the insulation body cable must be connected to the joint. This can be
is put into its final position. For the slip-on process, done with:
the connector and insulator need to be greased - Straight-through connection
again. To ensure that a proper electric field control
- Straight-through connection and an earthing
is achieved, the middle electrode of the insulation
body must be placed exactly over the conductor
connection with its deflector ends at the end of the - Cross-bonding of the cable screens
semiconducting layer on each side of the cable.
In order not to allow the slip-on insulation body to How the cable screens are connected is determined
settle too much onto the cable surface, thus requir- by the earthing scheme of the cable system. Fur-
ing higher friction forces when to be moved, the ther information is given in Section 7.2.
movement of the insulation body to its final posi- For joints with straight-through connected cable
tion should be done within 1 h after placing it in the screens, the semiconducting layer and the cable
parking position. screens from both sides of the cable have to be
connected. The outer semiconductive layer of the
insulation body must be connected on both sides
with the cable screens.
7. Installation and Operation 119
For joints with direct earthing of the cable screen, ably. Different types of mechanical and moisture
the method of connection is the same as that of protections are:
straight-through connections. In addition, the con- - Heat shrink cover with or without metal sheet
nections are linked to the system earth, which is
- Copper tube with polymer coating
normally done at an earth-linking box.
- Steel tube with polymer coating
For joints with cross-bonded cable screens, only
the semiconducting layer and the screen on one - Metal sheet, copper tube or steel tube with ad-
cable side need to be connected to the insulation ditional polyester protection box
body. The cross-bonding link is realised with spe-
cial cross-bonding cables. In most cases, concentric Common to all types of protection is the fact that if
cables are used, whereby the inner conductor has present, the metal cover (metal sheets, copper or
the same cross-section as that of the outer wires steel tubes) must be fixed to the outer screen of the
and both are insulated to each other. The cross- cable. To ensure that the connection is moisture-
section of the cross-bonding cable must not be less tight, soldering should be used.
than the cross-section of the screen of the high
In many types of joints, a polyester protection box
voltage cable. The inner diameter of the cross-
is used, which is additionally filled with an insulat-
bonding cable is connected to one side of the ca-
ing compound. This compound usually consists of
ble, the outer wires are connected to the other side.
two components. Depending on type and manufac-
The cross-bonding itself is realised in special cross- turer, the two components must be mixed in a cer-
bonding boxes. More information on possible tain ratio within a certain time with special mixing
types of cross-bonding and earthing boxes is given tools. The performance of the compound is deter-
in Section 6.3. mined by the mixing process and must be done
For cable sheath protection, the use of surge volt- exactly as described in the mixing-procedure or in-
age limiters is sometimes necessary. Such limiters stallation instructions. When filling-in the com-
can be used inside the cross-bonding box. More pound the area of the polyester protection box
information is given in Section 6.2. around the joint must be tightly sealed, so that no
compound can flow out. In addition, it must be en-
sured that the insulation compound fills the whole
volume of the polyester protection box.

Fixing of the joint

For directly buried joints, a secure and sturdy un-

derlying base is required. Joints directly buried in
earth should be backfilled carefully with sand. To
avoid unnecessary mechanical loads, dumping of
sand directly onto the joint should be avoided. If
the joint is installed inside a manhole, tunnel or cel-
lar, the joint must be fixed on both sides with cable
Cross-bonding cables (green cables) at installed joints
More information on the application of cable
clamps is given in Section 6.1.
Realising moisture and mechanical protection
of the joint

After having placed the insulation body into its final

position, the mechanical and moisture protection of
the joint needs to be made. Since many types of
mechanical and moisture protection are available
on the market, these final steps can differ consider-
sheath must be sufficiently connected to the earth-
ing system.

7.2.2 Induced voltages at cable


When laying out a cable system and selecting

surge voltage limiters, knowledge of the range of
the induced voltage during normal conditions and
during failures is essential.

Installed and fixed cable joints with copper tube in a The induced voltage within a cable screen general-
concrete tunnel ly depends on:

- The mutual inductance between core and


- The conductor current

- The length of the cable

The mutual inductivity LM between core and sheath

depends on the:

- Mean sheath diameter

- Axial spacing between the different phases

- Type of laying of cables, these being trefoil or

flat laying

Installed and fixed cable joints with polyester protec- - Assumed conditions in the system (normal op-
tion box in a concrete base in soil erating, one-pole short-circuit, three-pole short-

The induced voltage and the appropriate earthing

solution, including additional devices (such as
7.2 Earthing sheath voltage limiters or earthing connections) are
usually given by the cable manufacturer.
7.2.1 Background of earthing
Depending on the calculations of the induced volt-
As described in Chapter 4, high voltage cables have age, several different types of earthing or bonding
an outer conductor screen. This conducts the earth systems can be applied.
fault current in case of a short circuit, returning the
capacitive charging current, limiting the radial elec-
trostatic field and shielding the electromagnetic
field. 7.2.3 Principles of earthing systems
Due to electromagnetic induction, a voltage is in- Both-end bonding
duced in the outer conductor and metallic screen,
For both-end bonding, both ends of the cable
thus depending on the operating or short-circuit
screen are connected to the ground. The advantage
current. In order to handle all induced voltages and
of this method is that no standing voltages occur at
to guarantee a good earth connection during a
the cable ends, making it the most secure as far as
short circuit, the outer conductor and the metallic
safety is concerned.
7. Installation and Operation 121
The disadvantage is that circulating currents may
Termination Termination
flow inside the screen as the loop between the two
earthing points is closed through the ground. As
these circulating currents can be as high as the
conductor current itself, they can reduce the cable
ampacity significantly. SVL

The losses incurred by both-end bonding means

that it is the most disadvantageous earthing system

Induced voltage
method as far as economic issues are concerned. It
is therefore only applied in selected cases and for
very short distances and medium voltage systems.

Distance along the cable sheath

Single-end bonding

Joint bonding
Joint bonding is applied to cable systems with one
joint in the middle of the system. Here, the cable
screen is connected in the joint by means of a
straight through version with a grounding connec-
tion, which is directly connected to the earth.

Both-end bonding Termination Termination


Single-end bonding
Groun- SVL
For single-end bonding, only one end of the cable ding box
screen is connected to the earth while the other
end is left floating. The induced voltage increases
Induced voltage

linearly along the whole cable length and at the

“open end” a standing voltage occurs. The open
end should be protected with a sheath voltage lim-
iter (SVL). This diminishes the chance of overvolt-
Distance along the cable sheath
ages occurring inside the cable screen, protects the
cable system and ensures that relevant safety re- Joint bonding

quirements are upheld. More information on the

selection of the SVL is given in Section 6.2. The advantage of joint bonding is that losses
The advantage of single-end bonding is that losses caused by circulating currents cannot occur. The
caused by circulating currents cannot occur. An- disadvantage of joint bonding is the voltage that
other advantage is that one end is firmly grounded. occurs at the terminations. The “open end” should
be protected with an SVL. This diminishes the
The disadvantage of single-end bonding is the
chance of overvoltages occurring inside the cable
voltage which occurs at one end of the termination.
screen, protects the cable system and ensures that
This method is typically used for high voltage sys-
relevant safety requirements are upheld.
tems with a length of up to 1 km.
Joint bonding is used for cable systems with one long route lengths can consist of several cross-
joint up to a length of approximately 2 km. bonding systems in a row.

Cross-bonding Termination Termination

Cross-bonding is used for long cable segments Joint

with many joints. The cross-bonding system con-

sists of three sections, each followed by a cyclic ding box Cross-

Induced voltage
box with
sheath crossing. At the terminations, the earthing SVL
must be solidly bonded to the ground. In an ideal
cross-bonding system, the three sections are of
equal length. Distance along the cable sheath

The advantage of cross-bonding is the absence of Cross-bonding system for longer distances
residual voltages at the end of the three sections.
With no driving voltages, the sheath currents and
therefore the losses in the system are zero. In reali-
ty, some minor differences between each section
7.2.4 Earthing of terminations
and a low current-flow in the sheath do actually As shown above, different layouts of cable systems
cause some losses. However, with a good cross- require different grounding layouts of the termina-
bonding system, the sheath losses can be kept very tions. Because of this, terminations are normally
low. Another advantage of regular cross-bonding is insulated to ground. The different grounding
that at the grounded terminations the voltage is ze- mechanisms, such as direct grounding, grounding
ro. via SVL or insulated design, are realised at the ter-
mination itself when being installed.
The insulator of the termination is connected to the
Termination Termination
base plate. The base plate is mounted on the me-
chanical support of the termination (that is normal-
Joint ly on the ground) via small insulators. Between the
baseplate of the termination and the support, the
different earthing schemes can be realised by dif-
bonding ferent devices, such as an SVL or earthing clamps.
box with
Induced voltage


Distance along the cable sheath

Cross-bonding system

The disadvantages of cross-bonding are the in-

creased amount of additional equipment needed
(cross-bonding boxes and cross-bonding cables)
and the fact that in reality three sections of equal Direct earthing of GIS terminations with earthing
length cannot always be realised. clamps
Cross-bonding is the most typical means of
grounding for high voltage cable systems. Very
7. Installation and Operation 123
At cross-bonding joints, the cable screens are sepa-
rated and connected to the cross-bonding box.
Since this is easy to realise and cost effective, coax-
ial cables are typically used for cross-bonding ca-
bles. The cross-bonding of the system is then real-
ised inside a cross-bonding box.
More information about the different protection
levels and further aspects of cross-bonding and
earth-link boxes is given in Section 6.3.

SVL between the termination base plate and the outer

sheath of the cable

Cross-bonding box with coaxial cable links and SVL

(red-blue-yellow partial discharge sensor in the centre
of the picture is not part of the earthing system)

Grounding box and grounding cables for direct earth-

ing at terminations (mounted in the central phase)

7.3 Operation
7.3.1 Terminations in non-vertical
7.2.5 Earthing of joints
To realise all the various bonding possibilities as
described above, three types of joints must be Terminations typically operate in a vertical direc-

available: tion. Terminations can however be mounted in

other positions. Particularly transformer or GIS
- Straight-through connected joints
terminations are often mounted in a variety of posi-
- Straight-through connected joints with direct tions, such as horizontally. If required, outdoor
earthing terminations can also be mounted in non-vertical
- Cross-bonding joints directions.
For non-vertical mounting, both insulation filling

At straight-through connected joints, both cable types, SF6 and silicone oil, can be used. If silicone

screens are connected inside the joint itself. oil is used, an additional expansion tank is required
for each termination at an installation degree of
For straight-through connected joints with a
equal or more than 45° (this is a general rule of
grounding link, both cable screens are connected to
Brugg Cables, different accessory suppliers may
each other and to an earthing cable. The earthing
adhere to other rules).
of the joint is then realised in an earth-link box.
However, no matter what the position of the termi- 7.3.2 Terminations on high voltage
nation, the stability of its location, such as a ceiling
for upside-down installation, must be guaranteed.
All outdoor terminations can also be installed on
high voltage towers. This takes, however, a little
more effort for the installation and especially for
safety measures of the installation personnel. In
addition, the weight of the terminations must be
considered. Therefore, outdoor terminations with
composite insulators or terminations with insula-
tors without silicone oil (so called non self-carrying
or dry-type insulators) are most frequently applied
for this purpose.

Expansion tanks in horizontally installed GIS termina-


Installation of terminations on a high voltage tower

Termination in diagonal position

Outdoor terminations with composite insulators on a

high voltage tower

7.3.3 Wind load for terminations

Termination in upside-down position
In some cases, the issue of wind load on termina-
tions may be of relevance for the cable system.
7. Installation and Operation 125
Any force caused by wind which affects a body is a cable system. This may be particularly relevant
influenced by the air density, wind speed, the for regions where the possibility of higher earth-
cross-sectional area (shaded area) of the object, as quake values occur.
well as the resistance coefficient of the body. In Since terminations are exposed, the analysis of the
general, this can be calculated as follows: seismic resistivity mainly focuses on calculations of
the termination structure. The calculation of the

1 seismic resistance is achieved with the aid of mod-

𝐹= 𝜌 ∙ 𝑐 ∙ 𝐴 ∙ 𝑣! (Eq. 7-1) ern Finite Element simulation tools. In the calcula-
tion, several cable system related factors are con-
sidered, such as the cable weight, the weight of the
In which:
terminations, the fixing of the cable and termina-
F: Force on the termination
tions, cantilever forces of the termination and
ρ: Air density more. In addition, external influencing forces are
taken into account, such as seismic accelerations.
c: Air drag coefficient
By considering all the influencing forces, the simu-
A: Cross-sectional area of the body exposed lation of seismic load gives the distribution of forc-
to the wind load es on the steel structure, which can then be com-

v: Wind speed pared to the steel structure resistance. The compar-

ison of these values determines the safety factor of
the structure.
Whereas the cross-sectional area and the air drag
coefficient are determined by the specific form of
the object (the termination), the anticipated wind
speed is naturally determined by the location of the
assembled system. Wind zone maps are particular-
ly useful for the calculation of the anticipated wind
speeds of specific locations. These provide tables
of various zones showing the strength of wind
speeds together with their corresponding velocity
pressure (force per area).
When calculating the exerted force on a specific ob-
ject, the form of the object must be considered. The
influence of the form upon the calculation is ex-
pressed by the air drag resistance coefficient c. If
the dimensionless value is low, then the force of
the wind upon the object of a given cross-section is
also low (and vice versa).
Simulation result of seismic load for a steel structure
As the exact calculation of the air drag coefficient
of cable terminations (Picture: AK Technology AG)
can only be determined by relatively complex
methods of measurements within a wind tunnel,
Once all the cable-related and external data has
the calculation for terminations can be done by as-
been put into the simulation tool, additional forces,
suming the air drag coefficient of cylinders (c = 0.8).
such as forces during normal operation or during
short-circuits, gravity forces or forces during ther-
mal expansion of the cable, can also be calculated
7.3.4 Seismic calculations easily.

In some cases, it can be of interest or even neces-

sary to consider the seismic withstanding ability of
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 127

Chapter 8

and Diagnostics
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 129

8.1 Introduction and basic 8.1.2 Basic definitions

definitions Discussions on cable systems often vary in their

use of key terms. This can be observed in the man-
8.1.1 Introduction ner in which “measurements”, “monitoring” and
“diagnostics” are used, as well as certain terms
Measurements of cable systems, together with
within these fields, such as “offline” and “online”.
their associated diagnostics and monitoring, have
To prevent confusion, the following section clarifies
been in increasing demand over the last years.
the meaning of these terms as applied here.
Three factors were particularly influential in this
development: the increasing popularity of low-cost
products, the increasing quality of measurement, Measurements
monitoring and diagnostics equipment and the age Measurements determine the state of a (physical)
of the equipment still in service. system at a certain moment of time under certain
While the focus on quality and reliability of the conditions. They deliver snapshot information
primary system was a key issue in the past, recent about the system.
years have seen a shift towards the wish for meas- In the case of cable systems, an example might be
urements, diagnostics or monitoring of cable sys- a partial discharge (PD) measurement during an
tems due to a variety of problems occurring around after installation test. The snapshot covers the pe-
low-cost cables or accessories. Since the meas- riod in which the after installation test is being car-
urement and monitoring of equipment is, in itself, ried out. The conditions represent the voltage and
costly and the personnel that operate those sys- temperature level during the test.
tems too, it is questioned by the authors whether
saving by means of low-quality primary equipment
and monitoring solutions of any kind is advisable.
Monitoring is the continual determination of the
However, monitoring equipment has become more
condition of a (physical) system. The main differ-
reliable in recent years and increased knowledge
ence to measurements is that monitoring involves
concerning the use of the measured data is now
constant surveyance over a prolonged period of
available. This makes the application of monitoring
time and, thus, provides very different insights into
and diagnostic equipment as part of an overall as-
the condition of the system.
set management particularly attractive, especially
for assets of strategic importance. In the case of cable systems, an example is the dis-
tributed temperature sensing (DTS), in which the
In addition, the use of monitoring and diagnostics
temperature of the cable is surveyed (monitored)
can help to survey the system in order to extend
lifetime and operate the system close to its limits –
solutions that undoubtedly make sense. In the case
of cable systems, this might be the diagnostic of oil Diagnostics
in a termination that has been in operation for dec- Diagnostics determine the state of the (physical)
ades or temperature monitoring of highly loaded system with respect to its past. In addition, diag-
cables. nostics may estimate future behaviour. The mini-
The decision to use measurements, monitoring and mum requirement for diagnostics is at least one
diagnostic tools is not as clear as engineers would measurement. An estimation of the future behav-
like it to be. This chapter aims to lift some of the iour of the system is made with the aid of certain
fog on this topic with the intention of revealing the information sources, such as the results of different
possibilities and limitations of the various devices measurements, knowledge gathered on the history
and strategies that are currently available for HV of the system, applications of existing evaluation
cable systems. It is intended to help the end-user to schemes and experiences of experts.
make a decision on how best to apply these In the case of cable systems, this might be a diag-
measures for the benefit of his cable system. nosis of silicone oil in a termination. The basis
measurement could be a gas-in-oil analysis and a 8.2 Possible PD phenomena
determination of the moisture content. Together
with the experiences of the experts, the behaviour in high voltage cables,
of the system could be identified as good or bad
terminations or joints
and the indication could be given whether oil must
be replaced or not. A general look at PD phenomena
Partial discharges (PD) are “… localised electrical
Offline discharges that only partially bridge the insulation
between conductors and which can or cannot occur
When measurements or monitoring actions are
adjacent to a conductor.” [IEC 60270].
done during a period in which the system is out of
service conditions, they are called “offline”. Out of PD usually begins in voids, cracks, or inclusions
service does not necessarily mean that the system within a solid dielectric, at conductor-dielectric in-
is not under voltage. Offline measurements can be terfaces, along the boundary between different in-
PD measurements at an elevated voltage during a sulating materials or in bubbles within liquid die-
service break of the system. lectrics. Since discharges are limited breakdowns in
only a portion of the insulation, they are called par-
Most of the diagnostic measures are done offline.
tial breakdowns or even partial discharges. In all
cases, PD only partially bridges the distance be-
Online tween electrodes.
When measurements or monitoring actions are External PD are discharges to the surrounding air,
done during a period in which the system is in ser- the so-called “corona” discharges.
vice conditions, they are called “online”. Most of
Internal PD are discharges in a closed (mostly) solid
the monitoring systems work online. Examples of
or fluid insulation system.
this are online temperature measurements or mon-
The reason why PD in an insulating material usual-
itoring of the cable system.
ly occurs in gas-filled voids within the dielectric is
because the dielectric constant of the void is less
Typical measurements, monitoring and than the surrounding dielectric. Here, the electric
diagnostics for cable systems field appearing across the void is significantly
For high voltage polymer cable systems, meas- higher than across an equivalent distance of the
urements, monitoring and diagnostics are mainly dielectric. If the voltage stress across the void is in-
used for: creased above that of the inception voltage for the
- Measurements (or monitoring) of PD for high gas within the void, then PD activity will start. A
voltage cables and accessories calculation example of that effect is given in Exam-
ple 1-3. Once begun, PD causes progressive deteri-
- Infrared temperature measurements (or moni-
oration of insulating materials, ultimately leading
toring) of terminations
to electric breakdown.
- Temperature monitoring of cable systems,
mostly made as online monitoring
Possible PD occurrences in cables
- Moisture monitoring of cables
In cables, only internal PD may occur. Since inter-
- Leakage and pressure monitoring of oil or SF6
nal PD are related to gas-filled voids, PD in a cable
pressure for terminations
can occur when there are voids in the polymeric
- Diagnostics of silicone oil in high voltage ter- insulation material itself or at the interfaces semi-
minations conducting layer – polymeric insulation material.
Additional PD may occur at inclusions of different
material in the XPLE insulation. At such inclusions,
elevated electric field strength values can occur,
thus causing electrical tree growth together with
PD in the tree channels (which are gas-filled voids).
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 131

Loose contact(s)

Microvoids in Scratched
insulation corona shield

Voids at interface
outer semicon. layer
Voids at interface
inner semicon. layer
Bubbles in Si-oil
Inclusions of different Voids at interface
material in insulation stress cone - cable
Voids in
stress cone
Possible PD sources in a cable

Possible PD occurrences in joints

In joints, only internal PD may occur. They may oc-
cur in void inclusions in the slip-on insulation body
Possible PD sources at a termination
or at the interface insulation body – cable surface.

Additionally, PD may occur at a gap between the

cable insulation and the conductor connection. This Conventional and unconventional PD meas-

can occur when the back shrinking of the cable urements

takes place and appropriate measures (during in- In some of the publications around PD, the terms of
stallation, such as pushing-back of the insulation) conventional and unconventional PD measure-
have not been taken properly. ments are used. Conventional PD detection mainly
refers to that according to IEC 60270. Any other
means of PD detection is mainly considered as an
Voids at interface Voids in insu- Gaps at
insulation body - cable lation body cable insulation unconventional PD measurement or detection.
More detailed information is given in [IEEE 444] or
[CIGRE D1.33.05]. This book focuses on what
measurements are best suited to cable systems, a
closer distinction between conventional and un-
Possible PD sources in a joint
conventional PD measurements is not made.

Possible PD occurrences in terminations

At terminations, both internal and external PD may

occur in the following locations:

- In void inclusions in the stress cone (internal 8.3 Measurements of PD

8.3.1 Introduction
- In gas-filled inclusions at the interface stress
cone – cable surface (internal PD) PD measurements are an established method to
assess the majority of electric equipment in power
- In gas bubbles in the silicone oil (internal PD)
systems. For many insulation systems, PD meas-
- As creeping discharges due to loose contacts
urements are a useful tool for evaluating the quali-
at the conductor-screening electrode(s) (exter-
ty of the insulation. Consequently, PD measure-
nal or internal PD)
ments have become a mandatory part of routine
- On the outside of the termination at the corona and type testing according to the relevant technical
shield or at the insulator itself (external PD) standards for most high voltage assets [IEC 60840],
[IEC 62067].
The correct design of cable systems is checked in
type and prequalification tests and the production
quality of cables and accessories is checked in rou- 8.3.2 Challenges of on-site PD
tine tests. However, on-site installation poses a po-
tential risk as far as defects are concerned. Small
particles, such as dust, humidity or other tiny traces Experiences show that the highest numbers of all
of substances, or minor damage to the insulation defects caused during installation are related to ac-
surfaces may go undetected during the installation. cessories. As a result, particular focus has been
If occurring in critical locations of the high voltage given to the technological development of reliable
cable or accessories, they can cause defects, which and sensitive systems for measuring local PD activ-
in turn can lead to severe insulation failures and a ity in joints and terminations.
reduction in lifetime of the cable system. A PD inside a joint or termination is usually an ex-
Despite final high voltage tests after installation, tremely low-magnitude signal. Cable terminations
the possibility of such deterioration occurring can- usually stand in an industrial environment, such as
not, although unlikely, be fully excluded. In re- power plants or substations with a harsh electrical
sponse to such difficulties, additional PD meas- environment. A low measurement signal combined
urements can be helpful. Although PD measure- with a harsh electrical environment with numerous
ments are typically used as additional measure- interfering signals and background noise results in
ments during after installation tests, they can also a poor signal to noise ratio and makes it extremely
be conducted during operation. challenging to carry out reliable PD measurements.
Any kind of measurement must be able to distin-
guish relevant (mostly internal) PD from external
interferences [Vogelsang 09], [Rethmeier 09-1],
[Weissenberg 07] [Weissenberg 04-2], [Lemke 06],
[IEEE 444], [CIGRE D1.33.05].
The manufacturers of PD equipment have respond-
ed to this by developing new and improved meas-
urement methods.

8.3.3 Measurement methods

PD pulse phenomena and relevant variables

A PD impulse has visual, acoustic and electromag-

PD measurements at terminations on site (HV source netic manifestations. The detection of PD can there-
and voltage divider is in the middle of the picture, PD
fore be detected by various visual, acoustic or elec-
evaluation equipment is on the truck)
tromagnetic measurements.

A PD pulse is a “… current or voltage pulse that re-

sults from a partial discharge occurring within the
object under test. The pulse is measured using
suitable detector circuits, which have been intro-
duced into the test circuit for the purpose of the
test” [IEC 60270].

≈ 10 µs

PD measurements at a joint cross-bonding box on site
during service of the system PD impulse according to IEC 60270
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 133
The “…apparent charge q of a PD pulse is that
charge which, if injected within a very short time
between the terminals of the test object in a speci-
fied test circuit, would give the same reading on
the measuring instrument as the PD current pulse
itself. The apparent charge is usually expressed as
Picocoulomb (pC)” [IEC 60270].
The pulse repetition rate n is the “… ratio be-
tween the total number of PD pulses recorded in a
selected time interval at the duration of this time
interval” [IEC 60270].
The pulse repetition frequency N is the “…
Optical discharges in air; top: at a sphere-plane ar-
number of partial discharge pulses per second, in
rangement; bottom: at an insulator under rain (Pic-
the case of equidistant pulses” [IEC 60270].
tures: TU Dresden – IEEH)

Optical PD detection
The PD is caused by collision of electrons. When
the electrons collide with atoms, light is emitted. A
low intensity of PD causes emission of light in the
ultraviolet (UV) range. As the PD increases, the
light turns into the visible range. Both can be de-
The visual detection of PD is mainly used as a UV
detection method in test laboratories to locate the
source of PD or as a means of conducting meas-
urements of connections at high voltage lines, coil
ends at high voltage rotating machines or other
equipment where external PD can occur. Example of PD at overhead lines measured with UV
method and graphical enhancement; red spots are the
graphic display of the physical PD (Picture: UViRCO

Recent improvements in the properties of optical

fibres and the according sensor electronics have
opened another possibility to detect PD by optical
means. Such detection requires transparent insula-
tion material that is applied in absolute darkness.
This might be the silicone oil and a transparent sili-
cone rubber of stress cones in terminations or
transparent silicone insulation bodies in joints. Alt-
hough the feasibility of such measurements has
been shown in principle, more research and devel-
opment work must be done to show the practicabil-
ity depending on the different materials available
on the market [Habel 11].
Acoustic detection While IEC 60270 describes PD tests for high voltage
The colliding of electrons that causes a PD also equipment in general, IEC 60885-3 specialises in PD
produces sound. This sound can also be detected. tests for cables. It contains similar information to
The acoustic detection of PD is seldom used for that described above [IEC 60885-3]. It is worth men-
measurements in high voltage cable systems itself; tioning that IEC 60885-3 is currently under revision.
only in exceptional cases for the determination of
noises during different types of tests. Acoustic PD
UHF measurements
detection is mainly used to locate corona with an
One solution for measuring a low-value partial dis-
ultrasonic directional microphone [IEEE 444].
charge signal in an electrically noisy environment
is the measurement of PD at ultra high frequency
Standard PD measurements according to (UHF) [Rethmeier 09-1], [Weissenberg 07],
IEC 60270 and IEC 60885-3 [IEEE 444].
A measurement of PD with a coupling capacitor is PD measurements with UHF has been established
one of the longest standing traditions. In this for decades. It originates from measurements of
measurement, the capacitive current that flows by gas insulated switchgears (GIS). A common defini-
recharging the PD source is measured with a cou- tion of UHF is the measurements at a frequency
pling capacitor. Since the amount of charge q is bandwidth of 300 MHz – 3 GHz. Measurements are
measured, but not directly at the PD-source, it is typically done at 0.2 – 1.5 GHz [Rethmeier 09-1],
called “apparent charge” [IEC 60270]. [Rethmeier 09-2], [CGRE D1 33.05].
This measurement method is often used in the la- As mentioned before, each PD event is an electro-
boratory or in applications with low noises. magnetic signal. When travelling along the cable,
this signal is dampened and loses its high frequen-
cy parts. By measuring with ultra high frequency,
only the PD signals close to the place of measure-
capacitance Coupling ment are detected. Any other (unwanted) signals,
like background noise from the switchgear or the
Test overhead lines, are not registered during the

Shielded room

Principle of measurements according to IEC 60270


Propagation of a PD signal on either side of a cable

Internal PD: Far PD:

Low attenuation Strong attenuation

PD signal
Internal PD

Area of PD signal

Termination PD
Filter and measurement
PD measurement on site with coupling capacitor (yel- UHF-Sensor converter system
low part in the middle of the picture)
Principle of UHF measurements at a termination
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 135
UHF PD measurements provide a good solution in
terms of costs and reliable results. They are there-
fore often applied for the measurements of PD in
cable systems, especially in terminations. However,
a highly skilled measurement personnel is neces-
sary for this kind of measurement as selecting the
appropriate frequency range for the PD signals is of
great importance.

Measurements with directional coupling

Application of a sensor for DCS measurements
The purpose of PD measurements with directional
coupling sensors (DCS) is (again) to realise a
measurement of low-magnitude PD in an electrical- The method of DCS measurements works very
ly noisy environment. DCS measurements take into well. However, as it requires a high number of sen-
account that PD mainly occurs in joints or termina- sors and expensive electronic equipment, it has
tions and that PD signals travel in each direction of rarely been realised on site. Today this method is
the cable and will be dampened along the distance mostly used in laboratories.
to the source [Vogelsang 09], [Lemke 06].

When placing sensors at either side of the joint and Inductive measurements
measuring the intensity of the PD signal, the direc- As each PD impulse is an electromagnetic signal
tion of travel of each PD event can be determined. that propagates in all directions, it also travels
Signals that travel from only one direction are con- along either side of the high voltage cable and
sidered to come from the outside of the joint. Sig- along either side of the earthing connections.
nals that can be determined to come from both di-
The signal at the earthing connections can be
rections are considered as coming from inside the
measured with an electromagnetic sensor. If the
joint. By applying suitable electronic means, the
sensor is sensitive enough, low-magnitude PD sig-
direction of travel of the PD signals can be deter-
nals can also be detected [Rethmeier 05], [Weis-
mined and, hence, it can be distinguished whether
senberg 04-2]. Therefore, the ground conductor,
the PD comes from inside the joint or from outside.
which is used for cross-bonding of a joint and
earthing of a joint or termination, is used for such
1 measurements. Since the measuring principle is
2 3
based on inductive coupling in a current trans-
Joint former, it is called “inductive” measurement.
Directional coupling Directional coupling

1 2 3
Signal at coupling output A A A
PD joint - X X - C C C
Noise left cables X - X - D D
Noise right cables - X - X t t t

Principle of signal evaluation during DCS measure-

ments at a joint [Vogelsang 09], [Lemke 06]

Inductive measurements at a cross-bonding box of a

cable joint (sensor as blue-red-yellow coloured device)
8.3.4 Sensor types established for
on-site measurements
Recommended sensors for terminations

UHF PD measurements have established them-

selves as the standard for PD measurements for
terminations on site [Avila 10], [Rethmeier 09-1],
[Weissenberg 07], [Lemke 06].

This is a useful reliable method as measurements

with low interfering signal deterioration can be
made. Another advantage of measuring with UHF
sensors is that they can easily be applied after the
Inductive measurements at earthing connection at a cable system has been installed. This provides the
termination (sensor as blue-red-yellow device)
customer with considerable flexibility as far as ad-
ditional UHF PD measurements on the terminations
Since inductive sensors are relatively cost effective are concerned.
and the measurement of three joints in one cross-
bonding box is possible, this method has now be-
come increasingly popular for on-site PD meas-
urements of joints.

Capacitive-inductive measurements
PD events in a joint insulation cause capacitive re-
charging currents. As such currents can be detect-
ed with a small inductive sensor, this method of
measuring is called “capacitive-inductive” meas- UHF sensor at a termination
Particularly for joints, capacitive-inductive meas-
urements provide extremely reliable PD detection
results. However, since the joint must be addition-
ally equipped with sensors, resulting in an increase
in effort and costs, this method is rarely used.


Mounting of a UHF sensor at a termination

A disadvantage of UHF measurements is that they

Principle of capacitive-inductive PD measurements in require somewhat more equipment than that need-
a joint ed for standard HF/VHF (high frequency/very high
frequency) measurements. In addition, a direct
comparison of the measured data of UHF meas-
urements to those of HF/VHF measurements is
hardly possible. As an example, for most of the PD
measurements, such as for standardised PD meas-
urements according to IEC 60270 / IEC 60885-3, the
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 137
PD magnitude is given in pC. For UHF measure- Recommended sensors for joints
ments, the determination of PD in pC is not possi-
In the case of PD measurements for joints, two
ble; UHF-PD values are mostly given in mV
main methods have been established. One method
[IEEE 444]. A second example is that for standard
focuses on achieving an exact measurement for
PD measurements, a calibration of the devices is
each joint; the other on finding an optimum eco-
necessary. For measurements with UHF sensors, a
nomic solution for the measurement process.
calibration is not possible, only a so-called “check
As mentioned before, PD measurements with an
of performance” can be carried out [IEEE 444].
integrated sensor provide a good and exact detec-
For these reasons, additional HF/VHF measure-
tion of potential PD. Hence, the capacitive-inductive
ments in some applications are expected to remain
measurement principle is used. The sensor is di-
in use.
rectly integrated into the joint. Because of this, cus-
Since the trending of PD is of no great importance tomers requiring this type of measurement must
for cables and terminations and the main ad- specify their choice before the joints are manufac-
vantage of the UHF measurements (the extremely tured.
good signal to noise ratio) is highly relevant for
PD measurements using sensors in the cross-
measurements at cable systems, the use of UHF PD
bonding box provide the customer with an eco-
measurements is expected to become increasingly
nomic alternative to the method with integrated
popular, especially for terminations of high voltage
sensors. This method offers several advantages.
cable systems.
The PD can be measured at a sufficiently high reso-
lution and only one sensor per joint-bay is re-
quired, thus making the system much less expen-
sive. In addition to this, the sensor can be applied
after the installation of the cable system.

The disadvantage of one sensor per joint bay is

that the PD signal, once present, cannot be related
to the phase of origin. This can be avoided by in-
stalling three sensors in the cross-bonding box.
Practical experiences show that inductive PD
measurements in the cross-bonding box are very
reliable [Weissenberg 04-2].

Inductive PD measurements at site with one sensor

PD pattern of noise at a termination, measured with a

UHF sensor at 220 MHz (top), 520 MHz (middle) and
820 MHz (bottom)

PD pattern of internal discharges in a prefabricated

EPR joint (Picture: Power Diagnostix)

Inductive PD measurements at site with three sensors

(Picture: OMICRON)

Recommended sensors for cables

Since cables are tested in a final routine test and

damage during laying is assessed by a sheath test,
PD measurements for cables are rarely required. PD pattern of several flat cavities in silicone fat due to
However, if requested, the PD in a cable can be improper mounting (Picture: Power Diagnostix)
measured with inductive sensors applied at the
termination and/or joint.

8.3.5 PD pattern recognition

The display of the PD events (failures as well as

noise in high voltage systems) over the time inter-
val of the line frequency can be viewed as so-called
PD pattern of discharges in a wrapped XLPE joint
“PD patterns”.
(Picture: Power Diagnostix)
The physical underlying principle of such patterns
is the expansion of electrons during a PD event that
differs according to each different type of failure or
noise. For example, surface discharge will cause
the electrons to spread in a wide way, whilst the
occurrence of a round bubble in a polymer will
produce a different type of electron spreading. The
different types of electron discharging cause differ-
ent PD signals, hence different PD pattern.

Decades of experiences and measurements have

provided a good base of knowledge for relating dif- PD pattern of contact problems of the field control of a
ferent PD patterns to different failure types [Pdix wrapped mass impregnated termination (Picture:
08]. Power Diagnostix)
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 139
UHF X-bonding box with
PD sensors Joints inductive PD sensors

1 x PDM 1 x PDM 1 x PDM

3 x PDM 3 x PDM

PD measurement device
PDM Measurement
Server / System PC

PD pattern of small voids in the insulation at the inter- PD measurement system with sensors in the joint
face of a semiconductive layer during a laboratory cross-bonding box
setup (Picture: Power Diagnostix)

UHF Integrated
PD sensors PD sensors Joints

3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM

PD measurement device
PD Measurement
Server / System PC

PD measurement system with sensors in the joint

As mentioned before, both types of PD measure-

PD pattern of delamination of the outer semi-
ments have their advantages. The former is particu-
conductive layer of a prefabricated EPR joint (Picture:
larly beneficial for those requiring a wide variety of
Power Diagnostix)
detailed results. The latter provides an economic
solution as it enables an appropriately detailed PD
detection to be achieved, whilst still limiting costs.
In both cases, measurements at terminations are
mostly done with UHF sensors.

Applications for PD monitoring systems

PD monitoring systems are usually applied for

long-term assessments of systems. This requires
PD pattern of a floating potential (Picture: HPS Berlin)
durable measuring equipment [Avila 10].


8.3.6 PD measurement and UHF

PD sensors
PD sensors Joints

monitoring system design

Applications for PD measurement systems

3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM 3 x PDM
PD measurements provide a snapshot assessment
PD measurement device
of the state of a system and are usually carried out PD Monitoring
Server / System PC Client control tool

parallel to the after installation test. Customers

choose between two recommended PD measure-
PD monitoring system with sensors in the joint
ment types. The first measures by placing a sensor
within each joint; whilst the second measures by
placing a sensor in each joint bay in the cross-
bonding box.
Variety of system solutions

For the customer, it is often difficult to decide

whether PD measurements are necessary or not,
especially because of the costs of PD systems,
which can be considerable. To provide the custom-
ers with an economic solution for measuring PD,
modern companies provide innovative solutions in
which PD systems, or parts of it, can be bought or
rented. Renting can be particularly practical, allow-
ing the customer to choose a part-time solution,
which makes the whole system more cost effective.
PD monitoring system at terminations
A practical recommendation for the application of
the different sensors and system solutions for PD
measurements and monitoring is given in the table

Electronics of the PD monitoring system close to the


Recommended application of sensors for PD measurement and monitoring

Type and location of PD sensor Signal to Costs Construction Can be applied Recommended application
noise ratio effort after installation
PD measurements with UHF sensors For after installation tests, continuous
Very good Medium Low Yes
for terminations measurements and monitoring
PD measurements with UHF sensors Very good Medium Medium Yes For after installation tests, continuous
in cross-bonding box measurements and monitoring
PD measurements with integrated Very good Medium High No For continuous measurements and
PD sensors in joints monitoring
PD measurements with inductive Good Low Low Yes For after installation tests, continuous
sensors in cross-bonding box measurements and monitoring

Systems for PD measurement and monitoring solutions

PD measurements Costs Availability time of Effort to Recommended application by considering

measurements customer measurement accuracy and costs

PD measurements with PD equip- Low Short Low For after installation tests
ment and sensors rented
PD measurements with PD equip- For after installation tests and sporadic
Low Medium Low
ment rented and sensors purchased measurements (e.g. 0.5x/a)
PD measurements with PD equip- For after installation tests and sporadic
ment and sensors purchased Medium Long Medium measurements (e.g. 1x/a)
PD monitoring

PD monitoring with equipment For after installation tests and a limited time
rented Medium Short Medium after (e.g. 2 weeks)
PD monitoring with equipment High Long High For monitoring over a long period for cable
purchased systems of particular importance
8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 141

8.4 Temperature measure- tered light one can determine the location of the
scattering, which means the location, where the
ments and monitoring of temperature has changed.


Spectral position
8.4.1 Basics at
Solid structure
of quartz glass
Raman scattering Light wave

The temperature in high voltage cables is meas-

ured with special optical fibres. Such measure- Laser light

ments are based on the effect of Raman scattering. Stoke

The optical waveguides (fibres) are made of doped
quartz glass, a SiO2 molecule bond. The incoming
laser light (photons) interacts with electrons of the Wavelength

molecules. Besides the elastic scattering (no Principle of Raman scattering

change of the wavelength of the scattered light)
there exists also the inelastic scattering, the so-
Measurement setup
called “Raman scattering”. The energy of the ine-
lastic scattered light differs from the incoming laser The measurement setup consists of the fibre optic
light just by the energy of the first excitation level cable, a detection unit and a signal evaluation unit
of the molecules. One part of the scattered light has – typically a personal computer.
a wavelength larger than the laser wavelength. This
scattered light is called the “Stoke” line or the Sending and detection unit
Semi permeable
“Stoke” peak. The other part has a wavelength, mirror Optical fibre (forward)

which is smaller than the laser wavelength. This

Laser pulse
light is called “Anti-Stoke” line or “Anti-Stoke” generator Fibre
Optical fibre (backwards) splice
peak. The intensity of the “Anti-Stoke” peak de-
Emitted light
pendents on the temperature, whilst the “Stoke” receiver
Reflected light
peak is closely independent of temperature. The Signal evaluation
and storage unit
relationship between the intensity of the “Anti-
Principle of temperature measurements with fibre op-
Stoke” and the “Stoke” peak reflects the tempera-
ture. By measuring this relation, the temperature
can be determined.
Usually the incoming laser light is not continuously
but pulsed. From measuring the time between
sending the pulse and the detection of the scat-
8.4.2 Applications Measurements at the cable

Sensor in the cable In the case of cables, temperature can be measured

along the cable very easily. The spatial resolution
The application of a temperature measurement or
of such temperature measurements is less than 1
monitoring system is very simple. The fibre optic
m, which is an appropriate value for the tempera-
wire can be easily integrated into each type of high
ture monitoring of cable systems [Avila 10]. The
voltage cable. In terms of accessibility it is prefera-
result of the measurements is a temperature profile
ble to install the fibre optic cable on the outer
along the cable.
sheath. However, other solutions can also be real-
ised. The advantage of temperature monitoring is that
detections of unexpected hot spots in the cable can
be conducted as they may occur when the sur-
rounding undergoes change (e.g. a heating line
crosses the cable after the cable has been laid or
different back-fill material is used after additional
construction work close to the cable line). An addi-
tional advantage is the possible load management
of the cable (with additional calculation systems).

The disadvantages are that the lifetime of the fibre

optic cable can only be estimated from today’s per-
spective. Manufacturers of fibre optics claim that a
lifetime of about 15 – 30 years is to be expected.
Taking into account that the lifetime of a cable is
Cable with integrated optical sensors at a lead sheath
about 40 – 50 years, 15, even 30 years for the life-
time of the fibre optics is probably too short. An-
other disadvantage is that the electronics and soft-
ware for the monitoring or load evaluation system
must be updated at particular time intervals.

Temperature profile along a cable length

8. Measurements, Monitoring and Diagnostics 143
To conclude, it can be said that temperature moni-
toring for cable systems makes sense when the ca-
ble is expected to operate at the maximum load or
when the surrounding area of the laying place is
populated or occupied in some way. In such cases,
the higher costs can be seen as being justified, as
the system can help to prevent overheating and,
therefore, failure of the entire cable system.

IR temperature profile of a high voltage termination

with a hot spot
8.5 Other measurement and
monitoring methods
8.5.1 Infrared temperature measure- 8.5.2 Water monitoring for cables

ments for terminations The presence of moisture inside a cable inevitably

leads to a breakdown. Thus, it is vital to ensure that
Infrared temperature measurements have been in
no moisture or water reaches the semiconducting
increasing use over the last decades. Indeed, since
layer of the cable. This is achieved by the use of
the drop in price of measurement devices, they
metallic shields in the cable, such as lead sheaths,
have become standard within the field of power
corrugated sheaths or the application of laminated
engineering, enabling hotspots in the equipment to
sheaths. Should the outer sheath be damaged and
be detected from outside. For cable systems, such
water reaches the inside of the cable, the applica-
measurements can be used to determine hotspots
tion of a moisture or water sensor can help to warn
at terminations. Although rare, the possibility of the
of water ingress.
termination heating up cannot be entirely excluded.
The advantage of a cable with such an integrated
Too much moisture in the silicone oil or partial dis-
water sensor is that monitoring of moisture or wa-
charges in the oil may lead to unwanted heating of
ter ingress in the cable is possible with a prompt
the termination. This can be detected with a ther-
detection. The disadvantage of this simple and reli-
mal camera.
able system is the higher costs involved due to the
additional sensor.

Cable with integrated moisture sensor

IR temperature profile of a high voltage termination in
good condition

8.6 Other diagnostic Caused by the fact, that the dielectric strength of
silicone oil depends very sensitive on its humidity,
methods the measurement of the humidity of the oil is an-
other important diagnostic tool for high voltage
8.6.1 Oil analysis for terminations terminations.
The method of gas-in-oil analysis has been in use Both, the gas-in-oil analysis and the measurement
for many years, its main application being for of the humidity are important and very cost effec-
transformers and oil-filled cable systems. This type tive diagnostic tools for high voltage terminations.
of diagnostic method is based on the fact that elec- They have also the advantage that sampling of the
trical discharges and the degradation of material silicone oil can be done quite fast, so that there is
due to service load and time generates gases in the only a short interruption time in the operation of
oil. Typical gases that are generated by electrical the cable system.
discharges are methane, ethane, ethylene and
acetylene. If the insulation consists of paper, as e.g.
in oil-filled cables, also the gases carbon dioxide
and carbon monoxide are generated in the oil. 8.6.2 Diagnostics based on loss-
From measuring the concentrations of these gases factor and polarisation-
in the insulating oil, one can determine whether depolarisation measurements
there were electrical discharges or whether the oil
had a too high load. Diagnostics of insulation materials based on loss-
factor measurements or measurements of the po-
In the case of gas-in-oil analysis in terminations for
larisation-depolarisation current have been in use
high voltage polymer cables, this method is rela-
for many decades.
tively young and until today there exists no interna-
tional standard or guide, which explains how to in- The majority of the measurements are still used for

terpret the different gas concentrations. medium voltage cables and for certain types of flu-
id-filled cables. However, for high voltage polymer
However, after producing and applying oil-filled
cable systems, this diagnostic method has not
terminations for more than 30 years, the manufac-
proved itself as useful in finding answers for the
turers of the terminations got a good knowledge
reasons behind ageing effects of such a system.
about the interpretation of the different gas concen-
trations. Nevertheless, the possibility of future improve-
ments within this area cannot be excluded, as an
The most important points for the gas-in-oil diag-
application of this method for the diagnostics of
nostics for terminations filled with silicone oil are:
cable systems, or parts of them, may in time be re-
High concentrations of methane (in the range of
1000 µl/L) are not always a sign of electrical dis-
charges. The gas methane is a by-product of the
cross-linking process of the XLPE in the cable. Even
in a very good degased cable there is always me-
thane left in the XLPE. This methane may diffuse
with time slowly into the silicone oil of the termina-
Even very small concentrations (in the range of
1 µl/L) of the gas acetylene are a sign that electrical
discharges occurred in the termination. If acetylene
is detected in the silicone oil of a termination, one
has to investigate the reason for the discharges in
the termination, to prevent further damage.
9. Tendencies and Future Developments 145

Chapter 9

Tendencies and
Future Developments
9. Tendencies and Future Developments 147

General tion increases over the next decades, so will the

energy demand and, thus, the need for cables.
Some years ago, innovations in the business of ca-
ble systems were few. After triple extrusions for
Another trend is that more suppliers are enter-
polymeric cables had become standard and prefab-
ing the market. This can currently be seen in Asia
ricated slip-on elements had replaced taped joints,
– particularly in China or India – as well as in the
it looked as if there was nothing more to be invent-
Middle East, America and Africa. Many companies
ed. Those involved in developing cable systems
producing products in the field of cable systems
technology were busy concentrating on the devel-
share their knowledge and expertise, such as those
opment of high temperature super conducting ca-
producing extrusion machines, or (XLPE) raw ma-
bles as components for high-energy underground
terials, as well as the established cable manufac-
turers themselves. These activities will lead to an
The liberalisation of the energy market as well as
increase of cable manufacturers on the market. And
the opening of new large markets, such as Asia and
although the new cable manufacturers start with
the Middle East, lead to quite a different turn of
low and medium voltage cables, tendencies show
events so that cable systems become increasingly
that they will go on to extend their product portfo-
in demand with new applications being erected in
lio to include high voltage cables. This is good
numerous locations. As a technology, cable sys-
news for customers and producers of high voltage
tems have a bright future. Consequently, develop-
accessories as product variety increases and costs
ments and trends in cable systems are on the in-
decrease. However, end-users require greater
knowledge in order to evaluate the different cable
The most relevant trends and tendencies from the manufacturers and assess the different cables.
authors’ point of view are named below. They need to be aware of this and having once de-
The trend for cost savings is not mentioned here as cided to use low-cost cables, they must be able to
it has been, is, and will always be a constant ten- deal with the related issues technically.
dency amongst the producers of cable systems
(and technical systems).
The customer will increasingly require full con-
tractor solutions. This means turn-key solutions,
in which civil works are also included in projects.
This trend can lead into two basic directions. One
Tendencies towards a pre-
being that classic civil works companies become
ference for cable systems customers of cable system producers; the other
that cable system producers include civil works in
Due to the ongoing urbanisation and the fact that
their projects and civil work providers become cus-
during the past few decades the technology of high
tomers of cable producers. Which direction will ac-
voltage cables has proved itself to be of a solid and
tually be taken is, currently, difficult to predict. A
reliable nature, the trend towards cables (in-
solution in which providers, cable manufacturers
stead of high voltage overhead lines) is
and civil work providers set up consortia may also
bound to continue. This trend is characterised by
a greater number of cable manufacturers, which in
turn leads to lower prices, an increased variety of
types of cables and a greater availability of the ca- The general interest in a reduction of the elec-
bles themselves. In addition, the increase of tech- tromagnetic field is likely to increase in years to
nical possibilities, such as higher load-carrying ca- come. Although cable systems are, for the most
pability or higher reliability, will encourage cus- part, far from being a cause of problems for hu-
tomers to decide in favour of cables. Finally, in the mans, the sensitivity of the public will lead to a lim-
case of certain applications, such as in urban areas, itation of acceptable electromagnetic fields. Certain
the public will rarely accept overhead lines, leaving maximum permissible values for the electromag-
cables as the only remaining solution. As urbanisa- netic fields are under continuous discussion, the
issue being that these values vary from country to Trends towards more
country. Whether stringent or less stringent regula-
tions will be put in place has yet to be seen. At the accessory suppliers
moment, the International Commission on Non-
Similar to the trend toward a preference for cable
Ionizing Radiation Protection recommends a max-
systems, accessories are in increasing demand.
imum value of 100 µT for electromagnetic fields at
Thus, more accessory suppliers are entering the
an AC system of 50 Hz for those areas that have
market. In Asia, particularly in China, more compa-
public access. However, clever cable laying will re- nies are starting to produce (high voltage) accesso-
duce the electromagnetic field values at the ground ries. These new accessory manufacturers will start
surface. with low and medium voltage accessories and go
on to extend their product portfolio to include high
Since cable systems require intensive investment voltage accessories. The future field of accessories
and the utility (or user of the cable system) only will see the development and production of a
earns money when current is flowing, the load for greater variety of technologies as well as designs.
cable systems will be increased in future cable In general, this trend bodes well for the end-user,
systems. The previous state of affairs in which ca- but from the buyer’s perspective, it will be difficult
bles were only loaded with about 20 – 50 % of their to anticipate whether the different products will ful-
maximum load capacity will mainly become a thing fil their expected lifetimes (approximately 30 – 40
of the past. As current load increases, so will the years) or not. This issue will require a considerable
thermal load of the cables. To prevent overloads of degree of knowledge and experience on the part of
the cable systems, the application of temperature the end-user or final customer. Because of this,
measurement or monitoring systems or load calcu- consulting and training efforts, both from inde-
lations may become increasingly popular. In addi- pendent technical consulting companies as well as
tion, new designs of cable systems may be devel- from manufacturers themselves, are expected to
oped or used more frequently. These might be ca- increase also.
bles with 3000 mm conductor cross-sections, ca-
bles with enamelled wires, cables with cooled con- As far as accessories are concerned, the trend to-
ductors or cable systems with special concrete or wards dry-type plug-in terminations will contin-
backfill material with better thermal conductivity. ue. Despite this solution being somewhat more
complicated for accessory producers than previous
Although the technology of transmitting electrical conventional solutions, the advantages for the
power via high voltage direct current (HVDC) overall projects are unmistakable. This may well
connections has been available on the market for lead to improved applications of this type, possibly
many decades, it is recently undergoing a renais- used far more frequently and with voltages up to
sance. In particular, the possibility of transmitting the highest levels.
power over considerable distances (of more than
100 km) with HVDC underground cable systems is a Similar to the wish to reduced electromagnetic
huge advantage. Since polymer cables for HVDC fields when it comes to operating devices both the
systems is becoming state of the art up to voltage public and customers desire a greater degree of
levels of 500 kV and more suppliers are entering safety. Although highly reliable, a breakdown of a
the market (thus making the technology more ac- termination cannot fully be excluded. To limit the
cepted and causing prices to fall), an increased effects upon the surrounding people and assets, an
demand of HVDC cable systems is expected. Aided increased use of explosion resistant terminations is
by the plans for a restructured supply grid (at least to be expected. These terminations limit the effects
in the European market), the market share for of an internal breakdown in the termination and
HVDC systems is expected to increase in years to provide a higher degree of protection to the sur-
come. rounding area than do standard terminations. Alt-
hough more costly, when it comes to public and
9. Tendencies and Future Developments 149
critical applications, such explosion resistant ter- ular is questionable. The effort required for such a
minations are bound to be used more frequently. monitoring system is great and the reliability of ca-
ble systems from well-established suppliers is ex-
tremely good.
In the case of high voltage accessories, another
trend can be observed in which companies produc-
ing medium voltage accessories are pushing
their products (and technologies) towards the
Consulting trends
application in the high voltage range. This trend
has been underway for several years but at the Many of the above-mentioned trends, such as
moment it cannot be said how successful it will be. those demanding a greater variety of products and
However, considerable efforts have already been technologies in high voltage cables and accessories
made in this area, a fact that can be seen in the par- or an increase of monitoring and diagnostic tools,
tial implementation of cold shrink technology for will result in the need for information sources with
high voltage accessories. the function of explaining the pros and cons of all
these. Therefore, it is likely that an improvement in
the business of cable system consultancy will con-
The variety of applications for accessories is on the
tinue. Such consulting might occur as in-house fea-
increase. As customers become more sensitive to
tures available from the cable and accessory manu-
the costs, the variety of applications requiring dif-
facturer, or as free consulting businesses within in-
ferent designs will cause a larger variety of
dependent companies or engineering offices.
product designs. Joints will be particularly affect-
ed by these changes, as an increase in the cable
system length requires the application of more
products. It can be anticipated that joints with sim-
ple protection degrees will be used for areas with
solid basins (such as concrete tunnels); whilst
those with high protection will be merely used di-
rectly buried in soil.

Upcoming measurements,
monitoring and diagnostic
High voltage cable systems are not the only field
affected by new developments. Measurement and
monitoring systems are also undergoing significant
developments. From blood pressure surveys with
the aid of simple watches to full-blown surveys of
the entire values of a power station, measure-
ments, monitoring and diagnostic tools and sys-
tems are everywhere. How this will affect cable sys-
tems is not, as yet, obvious. It can be estimated
that partial discharge measurements for after in-
stallation tests will become a standard, at least as
far as voltages equal to or higher than 245 kV are
concerned. Whether or not the continuous monitor-
ing of whole cable systems will become more pop-
10. References 151

Chapter 10

10. References 153
The references are given in alphabetical order irre- [Habel 11] M. Habel, K. Vaterrodt, G.
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CIGRE paper B1_103, CIGRE ses- und Hochspannungsnetzen, Düs-
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11. Symbols and Abbrevations 157

Chapter 11

and Abbreviations
11. Symbols and Abbrevations 159

Symbols Symbol Description

Symbol Description ρ Resistivity, air density

ω Angular frequency
A Cross-section
a Axial phase distance
B Magnetic flux density
b Thickness (common); slope pa- Abbreviations
rameter in Weibull distribution
C Capacity Abbreviation Description
c Air drag coefficient a.c., ac, AC: Alternating current
cos ϕ Power factor BD Breakdown
D Diameter BIL Basic Impulse Level
d Distance / insulation thickness BImSch “Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz”
E Electric field, electric field strength, (German regulation for electro-
elasticity module magnetic pollution)
F Force DAC Damped ac voltage
f Frequency d.c., dc, DC: Direct current
H Magnetic field strength DIN “Deutsches Institut für Normung”
(German standards organisation)
h Deflexion of the cable
DTS Distributed temperature sensing
I Current
EHV Extra high voltage (> 220 kV)
l length
EMF Electromagnetic force
L Inductivity, length
EPDM Ethylene propylene diene monomer
N Number of turns in a coil, pulse
repetition frequency EPR Ethylene propylene rubber
n Lifetime coefficient / exponent, FEM Finite element method
pulse repetition rate GIS Gas insulated switchgear
P0, 1 Reference point(s) for the electric HDPE High density polyethylene
charge HF High frequency
P Power, effective power HV High voltage (≤ 220 kV)
Q Electric charge, reactive power IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electron-
q Electric charge ics Engineers
R Resistance, radius of outer semi- IEC International Electrotechnical
conducting layer Commission
r Common for radius, radius of in- IP International degree of protection
ner semiconducting layer IR Infrared
S Apparent power IPH German testing institute
s Distance LSR Liquid silicone rubber
T Temperature MV Medium voltage (< 72.5 kV)
t Time NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
tan δ Power loss factor Association
U Voltage OPGW Optical ground wire
V Voltage, volume PD Partial discharge(s)
v Wind speed PE Polyethylene
W Energy PQ Prequalification (test)
X Reactance PUR Polyurethane
x Position PVC Polyvinylchloride
α Temperature coefficient, expan- RTV Room temperature vulcanisation
sion coefficient SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
β Geometrical factor representing SI System international
the type of cable laying SiR Silicone rubber
ε Permittivity SVL Sheath voltage limiters
Φ Magnetic flux, UHF Ultra high frequency
κ Conductivity, coefficient depend- UV Ultraviolet
ing on the impedance in the power VHF Very high frequency
grid VLF Very low frequency
µ Permeability WHO World health organisation
XLPE Cross-linked polyethylene
12. Appendix 161

Chapter 12

12. Appendix 163

12.1 SI units and SI prefixes Most relevant SI coherent derived units with names
and symbols according to [BIPM 06]
SI units
Name Symbol Unit
All measures in this book are based on SI units. SI
Frequency f Hz (1/s)
units are derived from the French “le Système in-
Force F N (m⋅kg/s2)
ternational d'unités”, a system for units based on
metric numbers [BIPM 06]. Pressure, stress p Pa (N/m2)
Energy, work, amount
Today, it is the world’s most widely used system of E J (Nm)
of heat
measurement, both in everyday commerce and in Power P W
science and technology. An overview of the seven Electric charge q, Q C (As)
basic SI units is given in the table below.
Electric potential dif-
V (U) V
ference (voltage)
(Electric) capacitance C F (As/V)
The seven basic SI units according to [BIPM 06]
Electric resistance R Ω (V/A)
Name Symbol Unit Electric conductance S (A/V)
Length l m Magnetic flux Φ Wb (Vs)
Mass m kg Magnetic flux density B T (Vs/m2)
Time t s Inductance L H (Vs/A)
Electric current i, I A Celsius temperature ϑ °C
Temperature Τ K Illuminance lx lx (lm/m2)
Amount of substance n mol
Luminous intensity Iv cd SI prefixes
In order to address smaller and larger amounts of
Numerous other units are derived from these seven the given SI units, prefixes are defined. Based on
basic SI units, many of which are used in our daily [BIPM 06], the most relevant SI prefixes are given
technical life. According to [BIPM 06], the most im- in the table below.
portant coherent derived units are given in the ta-
ble below.
Most relevant SI prefixes according to [BIPM 06]

Most relevant SI coherent derived units according to Name Symbol Unit

[BIPM 06] Ato a 10-18
Femto f 10-15
Name Symbol Unit
Pico p 10-12
Area A m2
Nano n 10-9
Volume V m3
Micro µ 10-6
Speed, velocity v m/s
Milli m 10-3
Mass density ρ kg/m3
Centi c 10-2
Current density j A/m2
Deci d 10-1
Magnetic field H A/m
strength Deca da 10
Hecto h 102

Some coherent derived SI units have special names Kilo k 103

and symbols. The main expressions are given in Mega M 106

the table below. Giga G 109

Tera T 1012
Peta P 1015
Exa E 1018

12.2 Conversion table to the

metric system
In this document, technical data are given in metric
values. However, certain different units are used
internationally. The most relevant of these have
been converted to metric SI units. The focus is
therefore to give a relation to the main values as
used in this book.

Weight values Length values:

The weight in a metric system is typically given in Length values in the metric system are typically
kg, g or t (tons). In other countries, such as Anglo- given in mm, cm, m or km. In other countries, such
American countries, the weight is also given in “lb” as Anglo-American countries, length values are

or “lbs” (pound or pounds). The conversion of g, given in “ft” (feet) or “in” (inch). Often the short

kg or t to lbs is defined by [Wikipedia 09-1]: sign (‘) for feet and (’’) for inch is used. The conver-
sion of mm, cm and m to ft and in is defined by
1 kg = 1000 g = 0.001 t = 2.2 lbs
[Wikipedia 09-1]:
1 lbs = 454 g = 0.454 kg
1 foot (‘) = 30.48 cm = 304.8 mm = 0.305 m = 12 zoll

1 inch (‘‘) = 1 zoll = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm

10 mm = 1 cm = 0.394 inch (’’) = 0.033 feet

8 0.8

7 0.7
6 0.6

5 0.5


4 0.4

3 0.3

2 0.2

1 0.1

0 0 Conversion
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
between mm,
inch and feet
12. Appendix 165
Cross-section values The conversion of mm to kcmil or sqin is defined

For cross-section values, the SI unit is square mm, by [Wikipedia 09-1]:

often written “mm2“, “sqmm”. This unit is most 1 kcmil = 0.507 mm2
frequently used throughout the world. In the US, 1 sqin = 645 mm2
the term kcmil is given, whereas in British coun-
1000 mm2 = 1974 kcmil = 1.55 sqin
tries, the term sqin is used.

5500 4.5

kcmil 4
4500 sqin

3000 2.5

2500 2

0.5 Conversion
0 0
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 sqmm, sqin
sqmm and kcmil

Temperature values: 5
𝑇! = 𝑇! − 32 ∙
The temperature in most countries is typically giv- 9
en in °C (degree Celsius). In the US, the tempera- or:
ture is given in °F (degree Fahrenheit). The conver-
sion of temperature TC in °C to TF in °F is defined by 𝑇! = 𝑇! ∙ + 32
[Wikipedia 09-1]:





Temperature / °F








-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Conversion be-
Temperature / °C tween °C and °F
Pressure values: The conversion of Pa, bar and psi is defined by

The pressure in a metric system is given in Pa (Pas- [Wikipedia 09-1]:

cal) or bar. In other countries, such as Anglo- 1 Pa = 10-5 bar = 0.01 mbar = 0.147 ⋅ 10-3 psi
American countries, the pressure is given in “psi”
10 psi = 68948 Pa = 0.6895 bar
(pound per square inch).
1 psi = 6.895 kPa

10000 100

1000 Pa-psi 10

1 0.1

0.1 0.01


0.00001 0.00001 Conversion

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000
between Pa,
Pa bar and psi

Fluid volume values This conversion takes the US values of fl oz and

The fluid volume in the metric system is given in gallons. The conversion of l, fl oz and gallons is de-
litre. In some other countries the fluid volume is fined by [Reckenpferd 09]:
given in fl oz (fluid ounces) and gal (liquid gallons). 1 l = 0.264 US gal = 33.86 US fl oz
In addition to this, fl oz and gal differ between the
1 US gal = 128 US fl oz = 3.78 l
British and the US systems [Reckenpferd 09].
1 US fl oz = 1/128 US gal

3500 30

3000 fl oz 25

fl oz





0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 between litre,
litre fl oz and gal
Brugg Cables
Brugg Group
In 1896, Gottlieb Suhner founded a cable factory in Brugg, Switzerland, which was the origin for a group of indus-
trial companies belonging today to the Brugg Group. The Brugg Group consists of 5 divisions with 60 companies
in 20 countries. Brugg is represented in all the important industrial countries. Approximately 2000 employees are
responsible that the following products are manufactured conforming to the best technical know-how and quality

• Power- and telecommunication cables and accessories

• Special cables for industry and security
• Process control systems for water treatment and energy management
• Pipe sytems for the efficient and safe transport and distribution of liquids
• Ropes for aerial ropeways, elevators and cranes
• Rope protection systems against natural hazards

Brugg Cables (Brugg Kabel AG)

After its founding in 1896, Brugg Kabel AG, which operates under the
name Brugg Cables, developed into the largest company within the
Brugg Group and is one of the leading cable manufacturers in Switzer-
land. Brugg Cables has an international presence. With a product line
that ranges from high-voltage cables rated up to 500 kV and all the
associated connection technology to medium and low-voltage cables
and fiber optic systems. In doing so, Brugg Cables is one of the few
cable manufacturers in the world that is successful in manufacturing
cables and accessories up to the highest voltage level of 500 kV. Its
internal R&D department is continuously working on new and innova-
tive products. In close collaboration with its customers, Brugg Cables also develops custom-tailored system
solutions. Brugg Cables develops, manufacturers, tests and installs its products according the highest standards
of quality and using state of the art production methods.

Brugg Cables Industry AG is a subsidiary of Brugg Kabel AG. The company specializes in the manufacturing of
customer-specific cable systems for industrial applications. From the initial concept through to the finished solu-
tion, specialists from Brugg Cables Industry AG work hand in hand with customers.
Head office
Brugg Kabel AG
Klosterzelgstrasse 28
CH-5201 Brugg
Tel. +41 56 460 33 33

Brugg Cables Academy

Klosterzelgstrasse 28
CH-5201 Brugg
Tel. +41 56 460 33 33

Please find more details on the courses currently offered in the online documentation

Subject to change 04.2015

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