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The Process

I connect with the Creator, the source of all healing

I accept blessings for all of creation
My intention with this process is to be Diabetes free.

I journey back in time, my soul knows exactly when, to just before the time I
contracted Diabetes. From that place and time I make a new choice. I will
not participate in negative decisions but will follow the amazing path of my
spiritual purpose that will enable me to attain a life free of Diabetes that the
Creator and I had planned for me to have now.

Having removed the cause of contracting Diabetes, I can now release the
effects, as by changing the past I allow the present moment to change.
This allows the process of regeneration to begin in my new reality. So it

Body Regeneration

I connect with the Creator, the source of all healing

I accept blessings for all of creation
My intention with this process is to commence with work of regeneration of
my bodily systems.

Working with my energetic body I select stem cells from my spine to place
in the areas of weakness, the connective tissue (the system that is
connected to every structural cell), the related organs, the neurological
systems, and bodily fluids. Using the energy, that the Creator supplies, I
add new life and purpose to the sites of the potential new systems. Using
the basic building matter from the sphere of energy I completely integrate
these systems and can visualize them working perfectly with each other
These new systems attain the standard that the Creator and I had planned
I am abundantly blessed.
Emotional Regeneration

I connect with the Creator, the source of all healing

I accept blessings for all of creation
My intention with this process is to commence the work of regeneration of
my emotions.

I go within to communicate with my Higher Self and sources of guidance.

From this place of safety and security, I seek access to the flow of healing
and love which is the source of all regeneration and miracles. It is here
where I let go of victim mentality, embarrassment, anger, rejection,
separation, isolation, scarcity, stinginess, poverty-thinking, bitterness,
difficulty in processing the sweetness of life, and any other emotion that is
personal to me. I know that access is always available.

I know that I receive all the healing that I can accept as I come into
alignment with my soul purpose and my gratitude is limitless.
I see the usefulness in everything.
I am blessed by the Creator-in-All.

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