Chapter 1 Question Answers

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Chapter 1

Introduction to the Internet

Very Short Answer Questions

1. What do you mean by the Home page of a website?
2. List different domain extensions.
3. What happens when you click on the hyperlink?
4. What is Wi-Fi?

Short Answer Questions

5. Define protocol.
6. What are the main components of URL?
7. Describe a website.
8. Differentiate between TCP and IP.

Long Answer Question

9. What do you understand by the term hypertext and hyperlink?
10. Differentiate between a Web browser and a Web server.
11. Describe the process of transmitting information/ messages over the Internet.
12. Define the TCP/IP protocol.
13. List the types of Web browsers. Explain them briefly.
14. How Internet is different from the Intranet?
15. Differentiate between a dial-up connection and a wireless connection.
16. Expand and explain the following terms:
c. WWW d. WiMAX
Write notes on each of them.
17. What are the types of internet connections? Explain in short.
18. Give difference between 3G and 4G.
19. Write the use of following protocol.
a. HTTP b. FTP

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