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Inequalities - GMAT Math Study Guide

Table of Contents
1. Definitions
2. Five Types of Inequalities
1. Greater Than (>)
2. Less Than (<)
3. Greater Than or Equal to (>)
4. Less Than or Equal to (<)
5. Not Equal to (≠)
3. Operations With Inequalities
1. Example of Adding & Subtracting Inequalities
2. Example of Multiplying & Dividing Inequalities
4. Technique: Boundary Testing
5. Types of GMAT Problems

An inequality compares two statements with different values.

• Inequality - A comparison of two values or expressions.

For example, x > 10 is an inequality whereas x = 10 is an equation.
• Equation - A statement declaring the equality of two expressions.
For example, 5x + 5 = 30 is an equation whereas 5x + 5 < 30 is an inequality.

Five Types of Inequalities

Greater Than (>)

With a greater than inequality, all numbers larger than x (but not equal to x) fit the
inequality. For example, any number larger than 7 fits the above inequality (e.g., 7.1, 7.2,
8, 9, 10, ...).

Less Than (<)

With a less than inequality, all numbers smaller than x (but not equal to x) fit the
inequality. For example, any number smaller than 7 fits the above inequality (e.g., 6.9,
6.8, 6, 5, 0, -1, -100, ...)

Greater Than or Equal to (>)

With a greater than or equal to inequality, all numbers greater than x (and equal to x) fit
the inequality. For example, any number that is 7 or is larger than 7 fits the above
inequality (e.g., 7, 7.1, 7.2, 8, 9, 10, ...).

Less Than or Equal to (<)

With a less than or equal to inequality, all numbers smaller than x (and equal to x) fit the
inequality. For example, any number that is 7 or is smaller than 7 fits the above inequality
(e.g., 7, 6.9, 6.8, 6.5, 6, 5, 0, -1, -100, ...).

Not Equal to (≠)

With a not equal to inequality, any number that is not equal to the number in question (7
in this case) fits the inequality. For example, any number that is not 7 fits the above
inequality (e.g., 7.1, 6.9, 6, 8, 10, 0, -100, ...).

Operations With Inequalities

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When one action (e.g., addition, multiplication, subtraction, or division) is done to one
side of the inequality, the same action must be done to the other side of the inequality.
However, there is one major catch: if both sides of an inequality are multiplied or
divided by a negative number, then the inequality sign must be flipped.

If x+2 < y+2 is multiplied by -1 on both sides, the result is not -2-x < -y-2. Instead, the
result is -2-x > -y-2.

Example of Adding & Subtracting Inequalities

5x - 7 < 4x + 3
5x - 7 + 7 < 4x + 3 + 7
5x < 4x + 10
5x - 4x < 4x - 4x + 10
x < 10

Example of Multiplying & Dividing Inequalities

15x < 30

Since dividing or multiplying by a negative number flips the inequality sign, you cannot
multiply or divide by an unknown (i.e., a variable), as it could be negative. This is a
common trap. For example:

xz < 10z cannot be solved by dividing both sides by z to get x < 10.
If z were negative, the inequality would end up as x > 10. Unless a problem states that a
variable is positive or negative, both sides cannot be divided or multiplied by an
unknown as you cannot be certain whether to flip the inequality sign.
It is extremely important that you cement this property of inequalities into your mind as
the test makers like to trick people on this topic (more information about this important
topic within multiplying & dividing inequalities).

More Information About Inequalities:

multiplication & division
addition & subtraction
absolute value

Technique: Boundary Testing

If 2 < x - 6 < 10 and 25 < y + 10 < 45, what inequality represents the range of values of x
+ y?

1.) Solve each inequality separately.

2 < x - 6 < 10
2 + 6 < x - 6 + 6 < 10 + 6
8 < x < 16

25 < y + 10 < 45
25 - 10 < y + 10 - 10 < 45 - 10
15 < y < 35

2.) Combine each inequality by using the boundary of each inequality to find the end of
the combined (i.e., summed, x + y) inequality.

2a.) Find the smallest possible value of the inequality.

In the first inequality: x is 8.000...0001
In the second inequality: y is 15
23 < x + y

2b.) Find the largest possible value of the inequality.

In the first inequality: x is 16
In the second inequality: y is 34.9999...
x + y < 51
3.) Combine each value from step 2 to find the inequality that encapsulates x + y.

3a.) Find the smallest possible value of the combined inequality.

8.000...0001 + 15 produces x + y > 23

3b.) Find the largest possible value of the combined inequality.

16 + 34.9999 produces y < 51

Putting these together: 23 < x + y < 51

Types of GMAT Problems
1. Solving Inequalities

Like equations, inequalities are solved by isolating the unknown by performing

the same operations to both sides.

Solve for x: 4 - 2x<10

A) x<3
B) x<-5
C) x>-3
D) x>5
E) x<6

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1. Isolate x on one side.

-2x<6 (subtract 4 from both sides)
x>-3 (divide both sides by -2 and flip the inequality)
1. Isolate x on one side.
4-2x < 10
4 < 2x+10 (add 2x to both sides)
-6 < 2x (subtract 10 from both sides)
-3 < x (divide both sides by 2)

2. Combining Inequalities

In order to combine a group of inequalities, each one must be solved (unknown

isolated). Then, each inequality must be rearranged so the inequalities are all
pointing in the same way, preferably less than. The next step is to line up the
common unknown. The last step is to combine the inequalities using the most
restricting upper and lower extremes.
What is the range of possible x values given:

A) 2<x<7
B) x>6 and x<0
C) x>10 and x<-2
D) 3<x<6
E) x>3 and x<1

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3. Inequalities Involving Unknowns of Power Two

Like equations, inequalities involving powers of 2 can have up to two solutions.

To find all the answers, isolate the unknown. Since the unknown is squared, take
the square root of both sides. However, when taking the square root of the
unknown, both the positive and negative square root of the other side must be
taken. Two inequalities will be formed, one with a positive square root and the
other with a negative square root and a flipped inequality. Both inequalities can be
solved for different parts of the solution.

x2 + 9 < 34

A) x<6 and x>-6

B) x<5 and x>-5
C) x>5 and x<-5
D) x>6 and x<-6
E) x<3 and x>-3

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