In Which Industry or Industries Would You Most Like To Work? Why?

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Teo P.


Where are most of these major companies

What are the major companies and What are the top programming languages
based? What effect might that have on you
Area programs/products are impacting this being used in the programs/products
as a potential programmer in that
industry? impacting this industry?
Education Udacity, Duolingo, and Canvas C, JavaScript, and Python. United States. Most of the companies are very
impressive that I can learn in education.
Art Adobe, Autodesk Maya, and GIMP C++, Python, C, and C#. United States. Programmers have a glimpse of
using technology. Most of us know about the
programming languages of the industry of
artistic simulation of graphics and colorful
Agriculture Agrivi, Farmbrite, and Farm Works JavaScript, Java, Python, and C++. United Kingdom and United States. The
programmers are more accurate in monitoring
the field of agriculture. It’s more compatible
when agricultural programmers can resolve
their framework.
Geology Surfer, GIS, GPlates Python, C, and SQL. United States. Most programmers familiar in
maps. I was very surprised that applications
can revolutionize the world navigating the
Business Quickbooks, Proofhub, Infusionsoft C++, C#, C, Ruby, Java, SQL, PHP, and United States. In business, I really like how to
Python. organize the task using their existing
platforms in electronic material.
Humanities EBSCO, FamilySearch, Gospel Library Java, PHP, Python. United States. Humanity websites and
applications are for independent and non-
organizational culture. It was very impressive
that humanities are smaller business.
In which industry or industries would you most like to work? Why?
Art and Humanities. Because both of these are very useful tools in programming languages. It was very impressive to see how people like it.

On which product(s) would you most like to work? Why?

I prefer Autodesk, Duolingo, or FamilySearch. Because these companies are positive in the use of languages in the industry.
Teo P. Catapusan

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