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A. Number 13:17-32, Old Testament (Holy Bible) - Moses sent twelve (12) scouts
to the land of Canaan where he detected directed them to spy the land, the
people and their location and the nature of their cities.

B. Sun Tzu- “Those who know themselves as well they know their enemies will
never suffer defeat". In his book "Art of War".

C. Alexander the Great- A renowned Greek conqueror had his share of advance
information when rumors of discontent circulated from among the ranks of his
men. He was able to identify those disloyal ones by ordering the communication
letters opened and was successful in curtailing the decline of esprit de corps and
morale of his men.

D. Alexander the Great- A renowned Greek conqueror had his share of advance
information when rumors of discontent circulated from among the ranks of his
men. He was able to identify those disloyal ones by ordering the communication
letters opened and was successful in curtailing the decline of esprit de corps and
morale of his men.

E. Karl Schulmeister- Renowned as "Napoleon's Eye". He was credited for

establishing counter intelligence conducted against spies. He is a master of
deceit who used black mail to obtain vital information pertaining to the personality
and identify of the enemies of Napoleon during the 18th Century

F. Frederick the Great - "Father of Organized Military Espionage". He divided his

agents into four classes.
G. Alfred Redl- A homosexual Double Spy who while working as intelligence direct
proof Austria and Hungary, spied the Russians. His treasons activities were
discovered and compelled to commit suicide. His spying led to the death of over
500,000 agents and soldiers combined in his 13 years episode as a spy.

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