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Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

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Optimisation of the energy, water, and food nexus for food security
Sarah Namany, Tareq Al-Ansari∗, Rajesh Govindan
Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Doha, Qatar

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The food security challenge has become a major concern for many countries and regions in the light of
Received 15 March 2019 changing climatic conditions, unpredictable political instabilities and increasing consumption of resources.
Revised 1 July 2019
To overcome global food insecurity and doing so whilst conserving natural resources, a holistic energy,
Accepted 2 July 2019
water, and food (EWF) Nexus approach is proposed, involving the integration of sub-systems represent-
Available online 4 July 2019
ing EWF resources. However, computational challenges associated with Nexus systems usually hinder the
Keywords: consideration of uncertainties governing the three sectors; therefore, deter the comprehensive modelling
Food security of such systems. This study suggests a novel methodology that utilises EWF Nexus thinking to influence
EWF Nexus decision-making within the food sector and considering uncertainty related to energy prices derived from
Multi-objective optimisation natural gas. It assesses technology alternatives for a domestic food production case in the State of Qatar
BECCS based on economic performance quantified using capital and operating costs, in addition to environmen-
Negative emissions
tal performance represented by Global Warming Potential (GWP). Three different scenarios are evaluated;
the first scenario consists of the current state of the local food sector responsible for delivering 22% of
the total country requirements from perishable food products; the second scenario is illustrated using an
enhanced food profile that can achieve a hypothetical 40% self-sufficiency level from the perishable food
demand; and the final scenario suggests a hypothetical EWF Nexus configuration comprised of renew-
able and non-renewable energy sources coupled with diverse water technologies responsible for securing
the desired self-sufficiency level. The final case is assessed using a multi-objective stochastic optimisa-
tion aimed at identifying the optimum energy and water mix that investigates the trade-off between the
cost and environmental burden of the EWF Nexus proposed, whilst hedging against natural gas prices
fluctuations. Findings of this research indicate that diversifying the energy and water mix of the Nexus
studied through introducing more than 70% of renewable energy technologies and utilising reverse os-
mosis reduces the environmental impact associated with these two sectors by 60% compared to current
technologies. However, the configuration requires additional investments due to the expensive cost of the
technologies deployed, such that $1 invested in operating the hypothetical configuration could yield to
0.019 kg of CO2eq per year. Despite its high cost, the final scenario exhibits a relatively short payback pe-
riod compared to the overall lifetime of the system, which deems it a sustainable alternative that can be
adopted by the food sector in the future.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for all industrial activities responsible for producing goods and ser-
vices required for human survival and economic development. Cur-
Energy, water and food (EWF) resources and the sub-systems rently, EWF resources are subjected to increasing pressures in the
that represent them constitute complex integrated systems which light of increasing demands associated with demographic changes
are imperative for satisfying basic human requirements, such as and urbanisation and are also exposed to risks and uncertainties
electric power for homes and businesses; clean water for con- associated with climate change and volatility of energy prices, such
sumption; and the supply of nutritious food, to name a few, as natural gas. Moreover, a disproportionate utilisation of resources
guaranteeing economic growth and ensuring social prosperity will engender an inevitable environmental degradation in which
(Hussien et al., 2018). EWF resource sectors represent the pillars the severe depletion of the natural capital is inevitable (Zhang
et al., 2017). As such, efficient resource management across three
sectors is required in order to provide a secure and continuous

Corresponding author. provision of EWF resources whilst integrating potential vulnerabil-
E-mail address: (T. Al-Ansari). ities (Namany et al., 2019). It is necessary for food security, which
0098-1354/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Nomenclature p Pump
tse Treated sewage effluent
BECCS Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and storage st Stables
BIGCC Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles w Water source
CC Carbon Capture
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
e Energy technologies excluding CCGT
EWF Energy-Water-Food
FCM Fuzzy Cognitive Map
w Water technologies
FEM Finite Element Model
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GW Groundwater is cited as one of the most important challenges in the modern
GWP Global Warming Potential world. In fact, there is an incumbent need to ensure the sustain-
LCA Life Cycle Assessment able provision of food for a growing population. The global popu-
LCOE Levelized Cost of Electricity lation is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, which consequently
MILP Mixed Integer Linear Program implies an imminent increase in agricultural activities to satisfy
MSF Multi-stage flash the needs of future generations. In fact, cereal production should
OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine increase from 2.1 to 3 billion tons, along with a two-fold rise in
PV Photovoltaics meat production (FAO, 2009). The corresponding expansion of the
RO Reverse Osmosis global food system driven by primary agricultural activities and re-
TSE Treated Sewage Effluent source utilisation will in turn result in growing pressures on the
natural environment due to resource depletion and an increase in
Parameters GHG emissions.
c Unit cost of electricity, $/kWh unit cost of water EWF resources and their associated sub-systems are intrinsi-
$/m3 cally interdependent in what is considered as the EWF ‘Nexus’
CC Capital cost, $ (Hoff, 2011). Integration of resource modelling methodologies
CF Cashflow during the year, $ within an overarching EWF Nexus framework enables the iden-
E Energy, kWh tification of synergies and trade-offs between sub-systems (Al-
ef GWP factor of GHGs relative to CO2 GWP Ansari et al., 2015), in addition to developing potential cooperation
EI Global warming potential, kg of CO2eq or creating competition between them. The objective is to con-
G Emissions of GHGs, kg of CO2eq sider the multi-dimensional elements of resource systems, which
L Lift, m include the economy and the environment in order to inform
M Mass, kg decision-making. Quantification of the multi-sectoral interlinkages
OC Annual operating cost, $/year existing within EWF Nexus systems, such as flow of resources,
PP Payback period, years economic and environmental costs, is a challenging task involv-
QP Wuantity of food produced, Tons ing several computational complexities (Garcia and You, 2016). Ro-
QC Quantity of food available for consumption, Tons bust mathematical models such as multi-objective optimisation
SS Self-sufficiency level are intensively used in addressing resources systems such as en-
t Amount of groundwater, m3 /year ergy (Beykal et al., 2018). To date, many studies have developed
TC Total cost, $ methods to quantify the connections between the Nexus sectors,
UC Unrecovered cost at the beginning of the year, $ including analytical frameworks that have used a EWF Nexus ap-
Wmax Annual renewable water, m3 /year proach to develop guidelines and standardised tools for guid-
y Year before full recovery, years ing cross-sectoral decision-making. However, these tools remain
η Efficiency unable to capture holistically all interdependencies existing be-
tween the three Nexus systems, as most of the developed tech-
Continuous variables
niques address resource modelling from one-dimensional perspec-
x The percentage of contribution of energy and water
tive, either economic, social or environmental or from a single
resource perspective. This shortcoming in existing methods could
Random variable hinder the ability to address recent resource management issues
r Levelized cost of electricity of CGGT plant following which usually require a multi-dimensional analysis of the problem
a normal distribution (Albrecht et al., 2018). One way to overcome these challenges, is to
aggregate the complex resource system and modularise the EWF
Subscripts Nexus into a series of sub-systems representing EWF resources and
e Energy source to emphasise the interlinkages that exist between them.
e-f Energy for food Considering the nature of integrated resource management and
e-gw Energy used for groundwater pumping the challenges associated with EWF Nexus systems, a modularised
e-tse Energy used for treating water and holistic system analysis that emphasises the optimum inter-
e-w Energy for water actions between sectors within an environmental and economic
f Food source framework should be developed. In terms of the interlinkages be-
fer Fertilisers tween EWF resources subsystems, energy is required for the provi-
gw Groundwater sion and treatment of water, whether it is sourced through desali-
gh Greenhouses nation processes, groundwater extraction or through the treatment
is Irrigation systems and distribution of wastewater. Furthermore, energy carriers in the
j Different types of GHGs form of natural gas are required to drive the fertilisers industry for
ng Natural gas-based power plant (CCGT) feed and power generation and are essential to operate irrigation
systems used in food production. Water is used for cooling power
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 3

plants and for the cultivation of crops in addition to the raising of 2. Food security
livestock (Garcia and You, 2016). Biomass waste from the food sec-
tor (livestock waste) can be reused to generate syngas for power Food security was first defined at the World Food Summit in
generation (Al-Ansari et al., 2015; 2017). Modelling interlinkages 1996 as the “state where people have physical, economic, and so-
that exist between EWF Nexus, especially between the food and cial access to healthy, sufficient, and safe food that satisfy their nu-
energy resources can contribute towards an effective environmen- tritional body requirements in order to be productive and have a sane
tal emissions strategy, through the adoption negative emissions lifestyle at all times” (FAO, 1996). Food systems, the enabling op-
technologies in the form of bio-energy with carbon capture and erational bodies that can deliver food security objectives are com-
storage (BECCS). BECCS has been featured heavily in global climate plex structures that are characterised by multiple interrelated tem-
agreements such as Paris climate agreement as a technology to re- poral and spatial features. Therefore, the analyses of such struc-
duce and control CO2 emissions (Larkin et al., 2018). In order to tures require a holistic approach, which considers various as eco-
identify synergies and trade-offs within EWF Nexus systems, effi- nomic and environmental throughout the life cycle of all processes
cient modelling and quantification of interdependencies are impor- within the system. According to Moragues-Faus et al. (2017), pre-
tant in order to design resilient and robust Nexus systems. vious food security studies have focused on specific sub-systems
The objective of this paper is to contribute further to the of the food sector with an emphasis on the outputs generated
conceptualisation of the EWF Nexus theory, and related analy- by the systems. This problem has led to a failure in holistically
sis through the development of a unique multi-dimensional EWF addressing the sector’s weaknesses that are related to the lack
Nexus methodology, which considers both the environment and of consideration for the interdependencies between the EWF re-
the economy within an optimisation framework. With an empha- source sectors, the socio-economic inequality in the provision of
sis on the inter-linkages that exist between EWF resources, the food and food system dynamics caused by uncertainties and risks.
EWF Nexus tool presented in this study considers multiple tech- To overcome these limitations, a case study was conducted by
nology options, which are configured together for food security Moragues-Faus et al. (2017) to identify deficits in food sector gov-
scenarios specific for a Qatar based case study. A key feature of ernance through Delphi surveys. Findings affirmed that impar-
the EWF Nexus tool is the integration of the emerging negative ity in accessing food, sectorial and geopolitical interdependencies,
emission technology as an alternative eco-friendly energy source weak institutional capacity, in addition to the differing definitions
while demonstrating its integration within the EWF Nexus. Power of food security, are some of the major vulnerabilities deterring
generation from the biomass integrated gasification combined cy- food security. Considering, the multi-dimensional characteristic of
cle (BIGCC) driven by biomass as a feedstock is considered a near food systems, consisting of multiple stakeholders, diverging objec-
carbon neutral process. Therefore, negative emissions occur upon tives and decisions; the available literature related to food security
the integration of carbon capture with the BIGCC system forming analysis is diverse, as different studies have addressed the chal-
what is considered bio-energy carbon capture and storage (BECCS). lenge through multiple perspectives as illustrated in Fig. 1. The
Furthermore, the benefit of this technology is explored in this following sub-sections provide insight into the different method-
study through investigating the potential reduction in environmen- ologies that have been used to address complex food sector
tal emissions by using the BECCS system. The methodology de- challenges.
veloped in this study can be adopted by policy makers to under-
take decisions considering both risk and uncertainty as related to 2.1. Food security approaches
the EWF Nexus. The purpose of which is to ascertain the impact
of economic and environmental considerations have on determin- A portion of previous studies focused on the process level of
ing optimum configurations. The functionality of the EWF Nexus food delivery through the introduction of new techniques aim-
tool developed is demonstrated through a detailed analysis of re- ing to enhance the performance of the food sector, particu-
spective food security scenarios. As such, outcomes of this study larly in agriculture, while considering environmental impacts. Sá
will serve as an important guide for decision makers, which will et al. (2017) adopted a scenario analysis methodology to assess
present an opportunity for informed decision making considering the possible incentives for implementing Low-Carbon Agriculture
the need to balance environmental and economic objectives. (LCA) best practices in South America’s agricultural systems. Re-
The remainder of this paper provides a review of the EWF sults of this study demonstrated that adopting crop-livestock-
Nexus with a major focus on previous studies that have addressed forestry-systems such as non-till farming, livestock intensification
the issue of food security from a systems perspective that anal- and restoration of degraded fallow lands as part of LCA strategic
yse interlinkages between EWF resources using multi-objective op- plans could reduce global emissions by 7.5% from land use between
timisation as a modelling technique. It also introduces the current 2016 and 2020. Meanwhile, Kang et al. (2017) considered irrigation
state of Qatar’s food security as it forms the basis of the case study as one of the influential pillars of agriculture in China. The study
analysed in this work. Section 3 provides a detailed explanation aimed to achieve food security by enhancing water productivity,
of the methodology followed in this study, consisting of a quan- which can be realised through reducing water loss in agriculture
titative analysis of two food security scenarios that deliver dif- whilst maintaining the desired food production level. To maintain
ferent food self-sufficiency levels using current technologies. This this balance, technologies such as partial root-zone irrigation in
is followed by a hypothetical scenario, which considers the po- addition to the regulation of deficit irrigation should be imple-
tential contribution of renewable and more efficient energy and mented as they have demonstrated clear benefits to crop yields.
water sources. The scenario is introduced and formulated as a The authors have also considered water allocation through spatio-
multi-objective optimisation that hedges against the economic risk temporal optimisation along with integrative sustainability analysis
induced by the stochasticity of natural gas prices. The three pro- for efficient water use.
posed scenarios consider Qatar as a country that is uniquely striv- Irani et al. (2017) conducted a study to improve food security in
ing towards enhancing its domestic self-sufficiency in food. As Qatar through efficient waste management. The framework based
such, outcomes of this study will serve as an important guide for on a Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) combined with policy graphic
decision makers, which will present an opportunity for informed modelling interface, referred to as PolicyCompass, aims at indi-
decision making considering the need to balance environmental cating causalities existing between organisational behaviours and
and economic objectives while producing the desired amounts of practices in food supply chains in relation to waste. Outcomes of
food products. the study demonstrated that factors such as bureaucracy levels,
4 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Fig. 1. Summary of the food security studies.

stakeholders’ consciousness related to the environmental burden the shelf-life of grains. Furthermore, a 3-D Finite Element Model
caused by food wastes, and regulations applied to food supplies (FEM) was modelled to forecast moisture levels of paddy while un-
hinder food security in the State of Qatar. Fuss et al. (2015) ap- dergoing solar drying. As energy generation is crucial within the
proached crop yield differently through analysing the effect of food sector, Jurasz and Ciapała (2018) investigated the potential of
climatic fluctuations on crop yield instability and how the lat- coupling hydropower and photovoltaics with food systems for a
ter impacts realising food security targets. The authors developed smoother energy generation. Incidentally, utilising water for energy
a stochastic model known as the Global Biosphere Management generation as an alternative to irrigation could trigger competition
Model (GLOBIOM) that integrates forestry, bio-energy, and agricul- between the energy and food sectors, which could impact the per-
ture. Results of the model reveal a need to increase food produc- formance of the two systems.
tion to reach security; however, this augmentation leads to price Mathematical modelling and optimisation have been utilised to
inflation, emissions, and disruption of biodiversity. Hence, the op- enhance the performance of food systems considering production,
timisation of irrigation systems and trade relaxation is required to operations, and supply chains. The EWF Nexus system is an area of
satisfy the food supply requirements. Jha and Tripathy (2018) ex- integrated resource modelling where multi-objective and stochastic
plored a more detailed field in agriculture related to food grains. optimisation have demonstrated valuable results as they can han-
The study focused on optimising process parameters i.e. mois- dle complexities of multi-scale nature related to Nexus problems
ture, power level and air velocity of solar dryers used to extend (Garcia and You, 2016; Gao and You, 2019).
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 5

Woldesellasse et al. (2018) utilised remote sensing imagery footprints, as well as enhance economic output. The model is for-
to predict the crop yield for Alfalfa production in the State mulated as a MILP that can handle strategic and planning actions.
of Qatar whilst considering the impact of drought. A neural Wang et al. (2019) developed a more comprehensive approach in-
network-based model was developed and trained using histori- volving both MILP and agent-based modelling related to energy
cal data, namely meteorological (weather) and soil data to fore- and water resource planning and reuse. The framework is multi-
cast the crop water demand. The soil data was used for irriga- dimensional and inter-disciplinary involving optimisation of social,
tion planning using a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) model, economic and environmental decisions. The methodology devel-
which determines the optimal allocation of water to satisfy the oped is interactive and dynamic and can accommodate other sec-
crop water demand for outdoor cultivation of alfalfa. Similarly, tors.
Campana et al. (2018) adopted an EWF Nexus approach to study Optimisation of processes within the food sector is fundamen-
the influence of drought on crop yield, energy requirements and tal for attaining food security, yet it is not sufficient to achieve
nutrients of the potato crop. The framework generates climatic resilience, as food industry is not restricted to food production
data using mesoscale models, which are used as an input for a only. In fact, storage, delivery, and provision of products to end-
multi-criteria optimisation model designed to maximise the yield, users is crucial and should also be optimised to hedge against un-
minimise nutrient requirement, in addition reducing energy and certainties and risks such as supply disruptions associated with
water quantities needed for irrigation purposes. Integrating the this level of production. In this regard, Hasuike et al. (2014) sug-
three EWF Nexus systems in one model, Namany et al. (2018) pro- gested an optimisation framework for a regional scale food sup-
posed a model that determines the optimal energy and water ply chain that maximises the total revenue. The problem is sub-
mix that minimises the cost and environmental burden of a food jected to unpredictable crop demand and uncertain production
production case in Qatar. The study particularly examined the volume constraints. To account for these uncertainties, a multi-
allocation of energy and water resources based on the influ- period stochastic model was developed to generate the optimal
ence of the stochasticity of natural gas prices and the competi- distributable quantities and area of cultivated land at varying time
tion within the energy generation sector represented by a game- slots. The problem was further simplified to a linear program,
theoretic modelling framework called the Stackelberg competition which solves for the ordering quantity of a regional store using a
(Stackelberg, 2014). data-driven technique. Similarly, Mogale et al. (2018) proposed a
Considering the nutritional value of food, Mortada et al. multi-objective, multi-period and multi-modal model to overcome
(2018) suggested an optimisation framework to allocate resources shortages in storage capacity of capacitated silos. The framework
sustainably under dietary, agricultural, environmental, and socio- developed is a solution for a location-allocation problem where
economic constraints. The objective of the model is to identify the the objective is to minimise the total cost of the supply chain
optimal water and agriculture scenario, which follows nutritional network including the transportation lead-time for food grains.
guidelines whilst accounting for food preferences. Considering en- García-Flores et al. (2015) highlighted the contribution of logistics
vironmental burdens, Gephart et al. (2016) studied the nutritional optimisation in achieving food security. The authors emphasised
value of available food as an indication of food security. The frame- the importance of mathematical models and optimisation frame-
work developed generates the optimal diets that minimises a range works in orienting decision-making process in supply chain prob-
of environmental footprints i.e. water, carbon, nitrogen, and land lems and scheduling as a specific case. The model developed in
under nutritive value of food constraints. Conclusions of the study this study aims to minimise transportation costs of a dairy agri-
demonstrated that diets with minimal footprint appear to be sim- business under vehicles capacity, resources accessibility and milk
ilar for all environmental indicators. Focusing on enhancing the supply, which serves as a strategic guide for optimal food distribu-
crop yield, Berge et al. (2019) developed a framework that iden- tion in urban areas. Rajakal et al. (2019) proposed a holistic frame-
tifies the optimal nutrient intake for maize in order to reach in- work for strategic and logistic decision-making using mathematical
creased self-sufficiency levels in the future. Findings have revealed optimisation. The model developed aims at meeting the increas-
that in order to enhance the yield, the response of the crop to the ing demands for agro-products, through optimising land usage and
nutrients added is more important that randomly intensifying nu- transportation distance with an aim to reduce costs and environ-
trients intake. In fact, saturating crops with nutrients could drasti- mental burden.
cally damage the yield and results in economic and environmental In summary, existing literature that addresses the question of
losses. food security is extensive. Many studies have addressed the issue
Kravanja and Čuček (2013) proposed two multi-objective opti- of the provision of food from a food security perspective allud-
misation approaches to assess direct and indirect environmental ing to the availability, access, and utilisation of food products. This
impacts of biogas supply chains using animal and organic waste. is in addition to the consideration of diverse decision-making lev-
The first model consists of an economic analysis that generates els ranging from process design through to governance. Evidently,
sustainability metrics. In the second optimisation model, a set of optimisation and mathematical tools have been widely utilised to
mixed integer non-linear programs were used to formulate multi- enhance the output of the food system and to inform decision-
criterion sustainable synthesis based on epsilon-constraint tech- making. In terms of food security, it is important to consider the
nique that generates Pareto sets. Garcia and You (2015) applied interdependency of EWF systems as independent resource evalu-
a multi-objective optimisation concept to solve a bioconversion ation fails to capture risks and cascade failures in an event one
network comprised of several technologies and compounds. The sector is disturbed. The EWF Nexus-based methodology developed
framework aims to optimise environmental and economic perfor- in this study addresses some of the challenges by integrating both
mance based on techno-economic aspects such as capital costs, economic and environmental performance modelling and optimi-
transportation costs, capacity of equipment used as well as process sation, including the consideration for potential risks, within a
and transportation emissions. Findings of the study illustrated that holistic framework. It proposes a multi-disciplinary approach that
environmentally friendly solutions reduce footprints, albeit entail combines economic and environmental analysis to partially ad-
significant financial costs. Alternatively, cost effective options re- dress food security challenges associated with food availability. The
sult in a wider range of technologies with greater capacities. Sim- methodology suggested in this study identifies the optimum utili-
ilarly, Bernardi et al. (2012) assessed economic and environmental sation of energy and water resources required for higher food self-
performance of bioethanol supply chains through the formulation sufficiency levels. In this study, an increase to 40% from the cur-
of a multi-objective model aiming to minimise carbon and water rent 22%, in terms of the local production of perishable food is
6 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

considered. The work presented in this paper achieves two objec- Table 1
CCGT power plants in Qatar, modified from GEO (2015).
tives; (1) advances the conceptual and analytical understanding of
the EWF Nexus, and (2) provides the necessary analysis to inform Power plant Capital cost (M$) Capacity (MW)
decisions pertaining to food security, which combines the utility of Messaid 2300 2007
energy and water technologies. The value of the methodology is Ras Laffan B 1464 1025
demonstrated using a case study focusing on the local production Ras Laffan C 3900 2730
in the state of Qatar.
The challenge in Qatar is to intensify domestic production as Table 2
part of a holistic food security narrative, and to do so within a sus- Water consumption and capital costs by source of water in
tainable development framework, which demonstrates economic 2012 (Secondary Water Use, 2012; Robinson, 2002).
benefits and consideration for the environment. As such, adopting Source Water used (Mm3 ) Capital Cost ($)
a EWF Nexus perspective for resource management and control of
Groundwater 239 235,830
environmental pollution can be utilised to evaluate food systems TSE 46 16,182,988
in the context of food security scenarios. Considering the need Total 285 16,418,818
to expand domestic production, the EWF Nexus model presented
in this work will perform a comparative analysis for current and
Table 3
hypothetical food security scenarios in Qatar, through the utilisa- Sources of data used in this study.
tion of various technology portfolios represented in three scenar-
Data Source
ios and illustrated by two food profiles: (1) Current level of self-
sufficiency in perishable food products of 22% (2) hypothetical level of Food Profile MDPS (2016)
self-sufficiency in perishable food products of 40%. The main purpose CCGT, CCGT+CC and PV costs Govindan et al. (2018)
Biomass costs EIA (2018)
of the methods developed in this study is to conduct a compar-
Environmental impact values (Al-Ansari et al., 2015, 2017)
ative analysis between the current state of food production that Water costs Darwish et al. (2015)
satisfies a very narrow portion of the total local demand, and two
hypothetical Nexus system alternatives that increase the level of
self-sufficiency. This comparison will provide insight into the fu-
Nexus charged with producing perishable food; and (2) environ-
ture of the food sector in Qatar if the hypothetical system eval-
mental performance which is assessed using the annual amount of
uated is implemented. In addition, this study is an expansion of
GWP generated from the proposed system. The formulated multi-
earlier EWF system models which are representative of integrated
objective optimisation problem accounts for variability in natural
EWF resource sectors as applied to the environmental analysis of
gas prices and is solved using a genetic algorithm (Goldberg, 1989).
food security scenarios (Al-Ansari et al., 2015, 2017). Furthermore,
The methodology followed in this study is illustrated in
the study introduces a novel mathematical model coupling multi-
Fig. 1a and is demonstrated for Qatar’s domestic food security
objective and stochastic optimisation, which identifies optimum
energy, and water technologies that can achieve an enhanced self-
sufficiency level in food systems. The model enables the assess-
ment of the environmental burden and the economic performance 3.1. Data available
of the EWF Nexus studied whilst hedging against stochasticity in
gas prices, which represents an uncertainty that influences the be- The methodology proposed utilises two types of data: economic
haviour of EWF sectors. The objective of which is to identify the and environmental. Scenarios developed are formulated based on
optimum configuration that delivers the highest amount of food the EWF Nexus perspective; therefore, all data collected is re-
with the least cost and environmental burden. Furthermore, this lated to either energy, water, food or a combination of the three
study will integrate BECCS technology, which contributes towards systems. For both environmental and economic assessments, data
negative emissions within an economic and environmental optimi- was constructed based on information from literature along with
sation framework as part of the EWF Nexus tool. Moreover, the some local statistics. Capital costs of energy and water technolo-
EWF Nexus tool is built on foundational parametrised unit pro- gies were compiled from an online database (Table 1) and previ-
cesses within represented sub-systems, thus enabling a flexibility ous studies (Table 2). Capital costs for food technologies were es-
such that it can accommodate the assessment of any system in- timated based on the type of crops grown and area cultivated. As
volving identified EWF resource sectors. As such, outcomes of this for the annual operating costs used in assessing the economic per-
study will inform decision-makers in the design of optimum tech- formance of the case suggested, they are represented as the LCOEs
nology portfolios, which minimise costs and environmental im- associated with each energy technology and were assumed based
pacts with respect to food security scenarios for a case study in on a previous work conducted by the authors (Govindan et al.,
Qatar. 2018). Environmental impact values represented by GWP asso-
ciated with each technology involved in the EWF Nexus sys-
3. Materials and methods tem are computed based on local data collected from literature.
Table 3 describes the set of data used to conduct the methodol-
The methodology adopted in this study aims to improve the ogy of this study. Case-specific data is described in detail in the
current level of domestic food production in Qatar by allocat- case study and scenario formulation section of the methodology
ing multiple water and energy technologies to attain a 40% self- (Section 3.3).
sufficiency level in perishable food production. This is achieved
through a EWF Nexus-based methodology that combines quanti- 3.2. Methodology description
tative analysis of the actual economic and environmental perfor-
mance of the food sector. In addition, an optimisation functionality The methodology followed in this study is composed of two
targeting the identification of the optimal technology mix is pro- main parts: 1) an economic and environmental assessments of a
posed, with the objective to enhance: (1) economic performance EWF Nexus system charged with locally producing perishable crops
represented by the yearly total cost (TC) (capital (CC) and operating under two different levels of food self-sufficiency and using cur-
(OC)) of all energy and water technologies contributing to the EWF rent technologies; and 2) an optimisation model that serves the
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 7

Fig. 1a. General outline of the methodology adopted.

same purpose while suggesting a hypothetical EWF Nexus config- T Ce = CCe + OCe (1)
uration fuelled by diverse energy and water technologies. The fol-
lowing sections provide a detailed explanation of the computations CCe = CCng (2)
conducted to assess economic and environmental performances of
the local food production nexus system. In addition, the optimisa- OCe = OCe−w + OCe− f (3)
tion framework used to evaluate the potential of diversifying the
technology mix within the same nexus system is formulated. Water system: groundwater and TSE. To compute the total
cost of water ( TCw ) for the current EWF Nexus system, only the
3.2.1. Economic performance of current EWF nexus systems capital costs (CCw ) were considered, comprised the costs of using
The economic analysis computes the total cost of the current groundwater (CCgw ) and TSE (CCtse ). Operating costs (OCw ) were as-
EWF Nexus system responsible for providing the current food pro- sumed to be associated with the energy required to pump water
file. This cost involves capital investments in all technologies de- in the case of aquifer (OCe−gw ) and the energy to treat it for TSE
ployed in addition to the yearly operating cost of all participating (OCe−tse ). For groundwater, the cost includes bore, pump, fuel tank
entities. and motor, while for TSE it includes tanks, pipes, and pumps. Eqs.
(4)–(8) describe the steps followed to assess the economic perfor- Energy system. Economic assessment of the energy sector mance of the water system.
was conducted using Eqs. (1)–(3), where TCe is the total cost for T Cw = CCw + OCw (4)
energy, CCe is the capital cost and OCe is the operating cost. OCe is
assumed to be the sum of OCe−w , the operating cost for energy CCw = CCgw + CCtse (5)
used to produce water, and OCe− f representing the operating cost
required to produce food. OCw = OCe−w = OCe−gw + OCe−tse (6)
8 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Table 4
Key data for 22% self-sufficiency food profile (MDPS, 2016).

Crop Quantity produced Quantity Self-sufficiency Area (Ha) Water required Fertilisers Energy required
(Tons) consumed (%) (m3 ) required (kg) (kWh)

Cereals 1377.00 692,891.00 0.20 294.00 10,025,400.00 543.10 4,787,791.00

Vegetables 53,596.00 435,583.00 12.30 2140.00 366,196,800.00 29,567.00 175,094,592.00
Fruits 29,794.00 265,962.00 11.20 2652.00 202,493,460.00 53,858.00 97,635,995.00
Green Fodder 483,210.00 1,701,443.00 28.40 5935.00 174,584,663.00 124,635.00 88,223,449.00
Meat (Red and poultry) 183,988 376,732 48.83 204 220,789,222 – 105,181,532
Total 183,988.00 376,732.00 48.83 204.00 220,789,222.00 – 105,181,532.00

Energy requirements to generate water were computed using two calculated using Eq. (12) for plants, and in the case of livestock, it
different methods based on the source of water. For groundwa- is equivalent to energy for water only.
ter, which is the basis of irrigation for all human-consumed crops As mentioned previously, the total cost of the food profile pre-
and 96% of green fodder, it was calculated using Eq. (7) that is sented above is equal to the sum of the capital costs for all tech-
multiplied by the unit cost of electricity (ce ) (Rothausen and Con- nologies involved in the EWF Nexus in addition to the operat-
way, 2011). As for the energy required to treat wastewater, it is es- ing cost represented by energy fees charged by local electricity
timated to be 1.2 kWh for each cubic meter produced (Jasim et al., company (Eq. (13)). Since power is sourced solely from the grid
2016). (CCGT plants), its unit cost (ce ) is estimated using the local cost of
9.8 × L × M electricity which is $0.07/kWh (Kahramaa, 2017). Greenhouses and
OCe−gw = ce (7) livestock shelters costs are estimated using the area they cover,
3.6 × 106 × η p
which in this case are equivalent to 244 Ha and 204 Ha of total
OCe−tse = 1.2 ce (8) arable land, respectively. Irrigations systems used currently vary as
a function of the crop cultivated. For instance, vegetables and green
Where, lift (L) is assumed to be 70 m, mass (M) is converted into
fodder are watered using basins and furrows, or centre pivot for
volume and the pump efficiency (ηp ) is 40% (Wang et al., 2012).
large-scale fields. Bubblers are used for fruits, while drip irrigation Food system: food profile for 22% self-sufficiency level. For is adopted for greenhouses. The total installation cost is assumed
this study, the food system considered consists of agricultural ac- to be around $665 (MDPS, 2016). For fertilisers’ production plant,
tivities, production, and application of fertilisers in addition to food installation cost is equivalent to $0.9 million (Wordbank, n.d).
processing. It is responsible for delivering 10% by weight of the to- T C = T Ce + T Cw + T C f (13)
tal population requirements from food. In this study, the emphasis
will be on perishable food groups only i.e. vegetables, fruits and
3.2.2. Environmental performance of the current EWF nexus systems
meat in addition to primary storable food i.e. cereals, which all to-
The second target of this study is to evaluate the total environ-
gether contribute to 22% of the local food self-sufficiency level (SS)
mental impact of Qatar’s food production EWF Nexus. The lifecycle
in the stated food categories (see Table 4). In order to determine
environmental burden is represented in term of the Global Warm-
this value for each food category, the following equation is used,
ing Potential (GWP) expressed in kg of CO2 equivalents considering
where (QP) is the quantity produced and (QC) is the quantity con-
greenhouses gases GHG’s (CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O) (IPCC, 2014). The
system boundary of this EWF Nexus system is based on the base-
QP line scenario model developed by Al-Ansari et al. (2017), where
SS = (9)
QC CCGT is used to power all water and food system. Emissions con-
Perishable products are grown with by two different methods: sidered in this configuration come from energy used for water and
open fields and greenhouses. As for wheat and green fodder, it is fertilisers’ production, as well as emissions from livestock waste.
entirely based on outdoor cultivation. The functional unit is assumed to be 1 kWh/year of electricity. The
With regard to the total cost ( TCf ) of the food system consid- environmental burden is computed using the following equation:
ered in this study, it encompasses initial investments related to all
technologies involved in delivering the current quantity of goods 

produced i.e. irrigation systems (CCis ), greenhouses (CCgh ), and sta- EI = G je f j (14)
bles for livestock (CCst ) (Eq. (11)). Land is not included as areas j=1

utilised for agricultural purposes are assumed to be free in terms where Gj are emissions from GHGs, efj is the GWP factor of GHGs
of cost. As for operating costs ( OCf ), they are computed using the relative to CO2 GWP, and j is either CO2 , CH4 , or N2 O.
total energy produced to satisfy water (OCe−w ) and fertilisers re-
quirements (OCe− f er ) (Eq. (12)). Energy required for electricity gen- 3.2.3. Economic and environmental performance of an increased
eration is neglected in this analysis. self-sufficiency EWF nexus system
T C f = CC f + OC f (10) The aforementioned steps are used to analyse a EWF Nexus
system with an increased self-sufficiency level of 40%. The equa-
CC f = CCis + CCgh + CCst (11) tions previously described are used in the assessment with a slight
difference in the data utilised. At first, the quantity of food pro-
  duced is assumed to be increased to 1389,044.4 tons, denoting a
OC f = OCe− f = OCe−w + OCe− f er = ce Ew + E f er (12) 40% self-sufficiency level. This increase is assumed to be added
Regarding the energy consumed for fertilisers production, it is to vegetables, as they are products in high demand. Subsequently,
assumed to be equal to 21.73 kWh/kg including production, trans- the total costs and GWP emissions of the proposed level are com-
portation, packaging and application expenses (Gellings and Par- puted using the same steps. However, capital costs and operat-
menter, 2004). Moreover, the total energy presented in Table 4 is ing costs for CCGT are estimated using the LCOE computed by
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 9

Fig. 2. Stochastic LCOEs for CCGT with and without CC integration (Govindan et al., 2018).

Govindan et al. (2018) which is $0.093/kWh. This value considers Algorithm that finds the Pareto front of multi-objective optimisa-
both capital investments and operating expenses along with a con- tion problems in Matlab. As for the spatial and temporal scales,
sideration of time value of money over the lifespan of the energy the model developed is assumed to be uniform under different ge-
source. ographical characteristics. It is generic and can be applied to under
various settings. It is also assumed to be in a steady state over
3.2.4. Energy and water technology selection using multi-objective time.
stochastic linear programming optimisation
The final stage in this study is to ascertain the optimal water
and energy combination that could be adopted by the food sec- Mathematical representation. The following variables, pa-
tor to achieve 40% of self-sufficiency in perishable food production. rameters and assumptions were used in the model formulation:
In order to fulfil this target, a stochastic multi-objective optimisa-
tion model is developed. Multi-objective optimisation is a type of
optimisation dedicated to solving problems with a set of goals ei- Objective functions
ther conflicting or non-conflicting. The output of this framework 
min ciw xw + cie xei + rie∗ xei ∗ Identifies the optimal
highlights synergies and trade-offs existing amongst the different i=6
i=3 i=1
energy and water
targets (Sedarous et al., 2017). Some of these objectives are some- technologies technology
times governed by risks and uncertainties that deter the formula- mix that minimises the
tion of robust models and therefore hinder decision-making which total cost of the EWF
system delivering 40% of
is the ultimate goal of optimisation (Sahinidis, 2004). To account
Qatar’s demand for food.
for perturbations associated with uncertainties, stochastic optimi-
Subject to:
sation could be incorporated with the multi-objective one to de-
liver robust solutions. 
min gei xei + gei xei ∗ Identifies the optimal
i=3 i=1
energy technologies mix
that minimises GWP. Model formulation. The first objective function minimises

the total cost of the food Nexus system taking into ac- xw
= 100% The sum of all
count the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) estimated by contribution percentages
of water technologies
Govindan et al. (2018) for the gas-based and PV, in addition to the must be 100%.
cost of electricity applied to water technologies (Darwish, 2014; 
xei + xei ∗ = 100% The sum of all
Darwish et al., 2016). For all energy sources, LCOEs are deter- i=3 i=1
contribution percentages
ministic expressed using their average value, except for CCGT and of energy technologies
CCGT+CC, which are represented as a normal distribution gener- must be 100%.
ated with a Monte Carlo simulation (Fig. 2). The purpose of the xe1∗ ≤ 20% CCGT being the only
current energy plant must
second objective function is to minimise the environmental im-
contribute with at least
pact associated with energy technologies being the main source 20% in the new
of emissions in comparison to water sources. The environmental hypothetical scenario (c).
burden is represented as a function of Global Warming Potential 8 ≤ Wmax
txw Restricts the participation
(GWP) computed over the lifecycle of the plant (Al-Ansari et al., of groundwater to the
water mix, being the
scarcest water resource in
The mathematical formulation of the model is presented in the the country studied.
following section; data used to run the optimisation model is de- xw
, xei , xei ∗ > 0 Implies that all decision
scribed in Table 5 along with indexes associated with each tech- variables must be strictly
nology. The optimisation formulation was solved using the Genetic
10 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Table 5
Economic and environmental data used for the optimisation model.

Objective function CCGT (1) CCGT+CC (2) PV (3) BIGCC (4) BECCS (5) RO (6) MSF (7) GW (8) TSE (9)

Cost($/kWh-$/m3 ) μ=0.093 σ =0.005 μ=0.096 σ = 0.004 0.215 0.11 0.113 0.80 2.43 0.07 0.11
GWP(kg of CO2 eq) 994,305,184 536,835,184 98,328 0 −130,998,689 – – – –

Decision variables: the total green fodder for animal feed produced locally; the re-
maining portion and other crops are entirely grown using aquifer
: the percentage of contribution of each water source. water (MDPS, 2015). In addition to water depletion, there are mul-
xei : the percentage of contribution of each energy source exclud- tiple challenges associated with expanding agricultural production,
ing CCGT and CCGT+CC. which include difficult climate conditions and relatively low quan-
xe ∗ : the percentage of contribution of CCGT and CCGT+CC. tities of arable land that is limited to 5.65% of the total land area
in Qatar (MDPS, 2016).
The matrix illustrated in Fig. 3 details the sub-systems and sce-
ciw : the unit cost of water. narios considered in this study. Essentially, the scenarios studied
cie : the levelized cost of electricity for energy technologies ex- as part of this research vary according to the specifications of the
cluding CCGT and CCGT+CC. food profile and the deployment of the additional energy and wa-
re ∗ : the levelized cost of electricity for CCGT and CCGT+CC fol- ter sub-systems. In the first scenario, the current state or the base-
lowing a random distribution N ∼ (μ, σ ). line is highlighted, where the food sector in Qatar is responsi-
gei : the global warming potential. ble for the delivery of 22% of perishable products (approximately
t: the amount of ground water used for the production of 40% 10% of the total food requirements), wherein the remaining de-
self-sufficiency level of food. mand is imported from the global food market. The second and
Wmax : the annual renewable rate of groundwater in Qatar as- third scenarios arise from the need to design independent, and
sumed to be 58 million m3 per year (Darwish, 2014). sustainable food systems that can satisfy local demands for prod-
ucts, face unexpected trade supply disruptions, and adopt sustain-
Assumptions able behaviours in operations. To achieve this goal, the Qatar Na-
The EWF nexus adopted in the optimisation model does not in- tional Food Security Program proposed a hypothetical level of pro-
volve the food sector explicitly in the technology selection, how- duction represented by a 40% self-sufficiency (QNFSP, 2013). This
ever its contribution is translated through the water and energy level is fulfilled in the second scenario using the existing water
required to produce food. and energy technologies, while in the third one, new technolo-
The environmental impact of the water sector is expressed as gies are deployed to reach 40% self-sufficiency in perishable food.
the environmental burden resulted from the energy required to de- The methodology proposed within this study, could be applied to
salinate, treat or pump water. achieve any targeted percentage. In this work, 40% is only used as
an illustrative example to demonstrate the model, based on previ-
3.3. Qatar case study and scenario formulation ous analysis conducted by Al-Ansari et al. (2015, 2017).
The sub-systems considered as part of the baseline (scenario
In recent years, the food system has become a strategic sec- (a)) and scenario (2) EWF Nexus system includes a combined cy-
tor in Qatar as it strives to enhance its domestic self-sufficiency. cle gas turbine (CCGT) for the energy system, groundwater (GW)
Geopolitical issues and climatic conditions are considered the pumping and treated sewage effluent (TSE) for the water system.
stressors to the availability of food as historically approximately As for the food system, it is comprised of open-field and green-
90% of the local demand for food has been imported (QNFSP, 2013). houses cultivation, along with raising of livestock. The hypothetical
As such, there is an inherent need within Qatar to overcome vul- scenario (c) includes additional energy sub-systems consisting of
nerabilities associated with its traditional dependence on global carbon capture (CC) system integrated to the CCGT, photovoltaics
food markets, such as food price fluctuations and supply chain dis- (PV), biomass integrated gasification combined cycles (BIGCC) as-
ruptions. Therefore, domestic production must increase by over- sumed to be carbon neutral and bio-energy with carbon capture
coming the local stressors as part of a wider effort to enhance the and storage (BECCS) assumed to be carbon negative. Furthermore,
resilience of the Qatar food system. reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage flash (MSF) desalination are
Considering that Qatar is characterised by a disproportionate added to the water mix.
distribution of resources, it presents itself as a unique case study The choice of these technologies is not arbitrary and is de-
for the EWF Nexus analysis. This is because whilst the State of rived from the need to create a diversified and sustainable energy
Qatar is considered rich in energy resources in the form of fossil portfolio. Besides achieving food security with an effective alloca-
fuels, namely natural gas and oil, and abundance of potential so- tion of economic resources, it is also fundamental to reflect upon
lar energy to utilise, it suffers from a lack of fresh water reserves the environmental burden caused by the dependency on natural
and is situated in a hyper arid climate, which is not conducive for gas in all energy activities. In comparison to the mix proposed,
agriculture. In terms of natural gas reserves, Qatar is ranked third CCGT is the most effective source in terms of energy generation
after Russia and Iran with an approximate 910 Trillion ft2 of natu- as it can reach an efficiency level of 60% (Al-Ansari et al., 2015;
ral gas (Chedid et al., 2007). Natural freshwater resources in Qatar Breeze, 2019). Nevertheless, regarding the environmental burden
are scarce and are sourced from two sources only, groundwater, from power production, fossil-fuel fired power plants present a
and low annual precipitation. To overcome this shortage, Qatar has larger source of emissions. In fact, natural gas contributes to GWP
introduced seawater desalination (providing 99% of the municipal with 90% more in comparison to biomass and 80% more com-
requirements) and increasing efforts to reuse wastewater in what pared to solar energy technologies (WNA, 2011). Moreover, shift-
is known as treated sewage effluent (TSE). Nevertheless, agricul- ing to renewables is an advantageous alternative for Qatar as it
ture, is the second highest water consumer sector in Qatar after provides further opportunity for natural gas exports. According to
households, is fully dependent on groundwater with a minor con- Sanfilippo and Pederson (2016) savings in natural gas could be di-
tribution of TSE. In fact, the latter is used to irrigate 35% only of rected towards activities to enhance economic performance of the
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 11

Fig. 3. A matrix illustration of scenarios investigated.

country such as investing in renewable energy technologies. In fact, of livestock. This nexus configuration is responsible for locally pro-
by 2030 electricity generated from solar power plants can amount ducing 22% of the local demand for perishable crops in Qatar. Fig. 4
to 2.13 Mtoe reduction in natural gas dependency. In addition, describes the EWF Nexus adopted to produce food products within
Govindan et al. (2018) concluded that PV and biomass integra- Qatar. The same nexus configuration is denoting scenario (b). The
tion in the energy portfolio generally reduces economic risks when systems involved in the latter are the same; however, the target is
compared to pure and undiversified energy supply from CCGT with to reach and increased self-sufficiency level of 40%. The increase of
or without the post-combustion CC system. this value is achieved through a rise in the production of vegeta-
Concerning water technologies, groundwater is the main source bles crops being the most demanded perishable food products.
for irrigation in Qatar, constituting more than 90% of total wa-
ter requirements in agriculture. Besides the high dependency 3.3.2. Scenario (c): EWF nexus food production system with
on it for all agricultural activities, many farms are discharging diversified technology mix
brine generated from desalinating brackish water back into the To enhance the economic and environmental performance of
ground increasing the salinity of remaining reserves and soils the previous EWF Nexus system, new energy and water technolo-
(Darwish, 2014). Moreover, growing food with low quality ground- gies are incorporated. In fact, considering an alternative to com-
water affects both natural reserves and quality of crops (Kim et al., plete reliance on fossil fuel-based power plants, renewable energy
2016).To account for the aforementioned discrepancies associated sources, such as PVs and biomass, are added to the mix along with
with the utilisation of groundwater in agriculture, more cost and water desalination technologies. The new proposed nexus configu-
energy efficient water technologies must be introduced. Reuse of ration is based on the set of hypothetical technologies considered
TSE is a favourable alternative that can substitute groundwater, as by Al-Ansari et al. (2017) in environmentally assessing the EWF
it is a continuous of water that is generated steadily from wastew- Nexus system responsible for the production of 40% self-sufficiency
ater. More extensive exploitation of TSE is very beneficial for na- level for the State of Qatar. This study combines the economic and
tional water planning as it represents a cheaper alternative to de- environmental assessment of a hypothetical nexus system, aiming
salination, and a more sustainable option than the reliance on to achieve the same level of self-sufficiency. The energy system is
groundwater (Darwish, 2014). However, in Qatar, TSE is used to comprised of a combination of renewable and non-renewable tech-
grow animal crops due to social limitations in its use for human nologies i.e. CCGT, CCGT+CC, BIGCC, BECCS and PV, while RO and
consumption. Consequently, desalination can be considered as an MSF desalination are merged into the water system as illustrated
irrigation source for food crops produced for human consump- in Fig. 5. The interlinkages considered in this study are annotated
tion in order to reduce groundwater depletion. Currently, desali- in Fig. 5. The following relationships are not considered: (1) wa-
nation using MSF is adopted in Qatar for industrial, domestic and ter to energy, which would be used in the cooling of power plants,
recreational activities. In this study, both MSF and RO are intro- and (2) food to water represented by the concept of virtual water.
duced to assess their contribution to the economic and environ-
mental performance of the proposed food production nexus. RO is 4. Results and discussion
added as a source for water as its intake is three times less than
MSF and its CO2 emissions is 2.05 kg/m3 versus 8.18 kg/m3 for MSF The following section provides a detailed explanation and dis-
(Darwish et al., 2013). The following section represents technolo- cussion of the results. First, results for scenarios (a) and (b) rep-
gies previously described in the form of three different EWF Nexus resenting the current nexus technology configuration is discussed,
scenarios for producing local perishable food in Qatar. followed by results of the optimisation model characterising the
hypothetical scenario (c). A payback period analysis is also in-
cluded to assess the economic profitability of the hypothetical sce-
3.3.1. Scenario (a) and (b): EWF nexus food production system with nario.
current technologies
The current food production sector in Qatar is represented by 4.1. Scenario (a) and (b): EWF nexus food production system with
scenario (a) which is operating within an integrative EWF Nexus current technologies
configuration consisting of an energy system comprised of fossil
fuel-based power plants limited to CCGT, a water system based on Results for scenarios (a) and (b) are summarised in Tables 6 and
GW pumping and TSE. The food system encompasses open fields 7 and Figs. 6 and 7. Results for both scenarios are combined in
and greenhouses cultivation, fertilisers’ production and the raising the following section, since they both characterise the EWF Nexus
12 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Fig. 4. Schematic of the current food production EWF Nexus system in Qatar (scenarios (a) and (b)).

Table 6 sions from energy used in the production of fertilisers increase

Cost results of 22% self-sufficiency food profile.
significantly to satisfy the additional cultivation of vegetables. The
Capital Costs (M$) Operating Costs (M$) value of emissions from livestock manure and enteric fermentation
Water Facilities 16 – are constant, as the number of livestock is fixed for both scenarios
Energy Facilities 76 – (a) and (b). Fig. 6 illustrates the difference between environmen-
Food Facilities 0.92 – tal emissions from scenario (a) and (b). The total costs and envi-
Energy Generation – 33 ronmental burden of this section are presented in the comparative
Table 8 along with scenario (c) results.
Table 7
Cost results of 40% self-sufficiency food profile.

Capital Costs (M$) Operating Costs (M$) 4.2. Scenario (c): optimisation model
ater Facilities 16 –
Energy Facilities 179 – The genetic algorithm is adopted to solve the multi-objective
Food Facilities 916 – optimisation problem. It considers the impact of volatility of natu-
Energy Generation – 78
ral gas prices on LCOE values for CCGT and CCGT+CC power plants.
For simplicity, a sample of 23 LCOE values is used to describe the
effect of stochasticity of gas prices on the set of Pareto fronts.
system operating with current technologies. Capital and operating Fig. 7 illustrates that under different costs, optimal solutions vary
costs illustrated in Tables 6 and 7 respectively experience a sig- slightly. This change is more flagrant when the optimal solutions
nificant increase in scenario (b), due to the additional quantity of from each front are plotted against the two objective functions as
food produced, and translated as 40% self-sufficiency level. In fact, illustrated in Fig. 8. In addition, the impact of gas prices and LCOE
expanding domestic food production requires greater utilisation for values would be more significant if the energy system was fully
water and energy resources and representative systems. Expanding driven by fossil-based power. These results demonstrate that diver-
food systems represented by larger agricultural land footprints re- sification of the energy mix is an efficient option to hedge against
quire that energy systems expand in order to generate more elec- variation of gas prices and therefore reduce risks associated with
tricity to increase quantity of cultivated crops. As for water tech- the full reliance on natural gas-based energy sources. In the con-
nologies, mainly relying on electricity to treat (TSE) and to pump text of food security and food availability, in particular, control-
ground water, the cost remains the same, yet their expansion is ex- ling stochasticity in gas prices by deploying alternative energy re-
pressed as the additional energy requirements represented by the sources could help in monitoring the food production processes.
annual operating costs of energy generation. As for the GWP, emis- In fact, cultivation and raising of livestock mainly relies on energy
sions from energy deployed for water provision along with emis- in the form of electricity, i.e. water provision for irrigation and
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 13

Fig. 5. Schematic of the hypothetical food production EWF Nexus system in Qatar (scenario(c)).

Fig. 6. Comparative table of GWP emissions for the current EWF Nexus under 22% and 40% self-sufficiency levels.

Table 8
Comparative table between the three scenarios results.

Scenario Values

Cost (M$/kWh) 22% (a) 125

40% ((b), current technologies) 273
40% ((c), optimal) 6795
Environmental Impact (kgCO2eq ) 22% (a) 190,101,760.4
40% ((b), current technologies) 338,381,133.5
40% ((c), optimal) 134,760,572
14 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Fig. 7. Optimal Pareto fronts of the model under 23 LCOEs for CCGT and CCGT+CC.

production of fertilisers; therefore, any fluctuation in the energy pared to the remaining technologies, both economically and en-
sector could be risky for the food sector. vironmentally. The contribution of BIGCC is very small compared
The purpose of the optimisation model is to identify the opti- to BECCS due to the negative emission characteristics of the latter.
mal water and energy technology mix that can accommodate ad- Fig. 9 summarises the optimal results for energy sources of the op-
ditional food quantities. It aims to reduce the impact of fluctua- timisation model. As for water technologies, RO was selected over
tions of gas prices on the performance of a food production sys- all the other sources as it has the lowest cost amongst desalina-
tem targeting an increased self-sufficiency level (scenario (b)). In tion plants and is in fact the most energy efficiency. GW is not
this scenario, LCOE was used as an economic indicator to com- selected due to the capacity constraint highlighting the scarce sit-
pare the costs of energy portfolios over the economic lifetime. Re- uation of groundwater, which consists of only 58 Mm3 of renew-
sults of scenario (c) demonstrate that the average optimal solution able water per year. As for MSF, it is rejected considering its very
generated by this model occurs at an LCOE value of $0.0978/kWh high unit cost. In a similar work previously conducted by the au-
for CCGT and $0.0997/kWh for CCGT+CC and leads to a diver- thors (Namany et al., 2018), where the objective was to minimise
sified energy mix incorporating all proposed technologies to the the capital costs, without consideration of operating cost, CCGT and
energy system. BECCS is the major contributor to electricity gen- BECCS were the only energy power plants selected with a full con-
eration with a value of 67%, which can be explained by its neu- tribution of RO. The reason for this selection is due to the low cost
tral environmental impact and relatively cheap cost. CCGT partic- of the CCGT and potential for negative emissions from BECCS. In
ipation is restricted to 20% instead of a total dependency as with this study, the introduction of a second environmental objective,
the current state due to its significant emissions. Restricting CCGT gas prices fluctuations along with the consideration of operating
to 20% is an assumed governmental policy for transitioning to re- costs, have given an opportunity for BIGCC and PV to be part of
newable energy in the future. As for PV, it is introduced as an the mix. In fact, adopting a multi-objective perspective allows for
environmental-friendly option regardless of its very expensive rel- more diversity in the energy mix.
ative cost. In this case, PV represents an economic trade-off to off- Results of this scenario allow for a significant contribution from
set the environmental impact associated with producing additional the biomass sector in the energy mix. Although in some cases, this
food, which is highlighted in the results of scenario (b) (Table 8). might raise the issue of competition between the energy and the
BIGCC is also part of the mix as it is an efficient alternative com- food sector, in this case study, the biomass considered is waste
S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513 15

Fig. 8. Average optimal solution under 23 CCGT and CCGT+CC LCOEs.

the case of other countries with different resource profiles, game

theoretic approaches that can model the competition between sec-
tors can be applied within an optimisation model for a more com-
prehensive analysis of the EWF Nexus food production system.
The hypothetical food production nexus system results in
an optimal total cost equal to M$6795 per year and a GWP
134,760,572 kg per CO2 eq over a 25-year time interval. These val-
ues do not consider the cost of food system facilities and the en-
vironmental impact of livestock manure as the food system is not
considered in the optimisation model. In comparison with the hy-
pothetical case considering current technologies and 40% domestic
production, the optimal system suggests a 24-fold increase in the
cost to produce the same quantity. This significant additional cost
is due to the introduction of costly technologies that require ex-
pensive installation costs and continuous operating expenses com-
pared to CCGT only. However, the optimal scenario (c) resulted in a
60% reduction of the yearly GWP value. In other words, each 1$ in-
vested in energy and water technologies can engender a reduction
0.019 kg per CO2 eq in GWP. If the optimal results are compared
Fig. 9. The optimal energy mix of scenario (c).
with the 22% self-sufficiency case, both environmental impact and
cost functions are much less than the optimal solution since the
manure which would have otherwise been disposed of. However, remaining 18%, representing the difference between the two levels
competition may arise between the demand to convert manure is imported from abroad. In terms of cost, this percentage repre-
to compost to improve agricultural productivity and the utilisation sents M$ 764 considering the value of the goods imported only
of manure as an energy resource. In the case of Qatar, where the (MME, 2016). This new value reduces the gap between the current
biomass for energy is likely to be sourced from waste biomass such (22%) and optimal scenario. In fact, the optimal case (scenario c)
as date pits and food waste, competition between sectors would requires 4 times more funds to be implemented, which is to some
not affect the activity of the food sector and would not hinder ef- extent reasonable considering the technologies added to the mix.
forts to increase levels of self-sufficiency (Alnouss et al., 2018). In Table 8 compares economic and environmental performance of the
16 S. Namany, T. Al-Ansari and R. Govindan / Computers and Chemical Engineering 129 (2019) 106513

Table 9
Discounted cash flows summary table.

Year Cash Inflow (M$) Present Value factor Discounted Inflows (M$) Cumulative Cash inflow (M$)

1 700.50 0.95 667.14 667.14

2 700.50 0.91 635.37 1302.52
3 700.50 0.86 605.12 1907.64
4 700.50 0.82 576.30 2483.94
5 700.50 0.78 548.86 3032.80
6 700.50 0.75 522.72 3555.52
7 700.50 0.71 497.83 4053.35
8 700.50 0.68 474.13 4527.48

three scenarios without consideration for the computation of im- methodology presented is flexible and can be reproduced to as-
ports. sess any resource management problem involving investment de-
cisions. Based on the study, increasing self-sufficiency levels from
4.3. Payback period the current 22% to 40% requires larger investments, consisting of
an additional $140 M and implies almost a twofold increase in en-
The monetary gap between the two cases is still significant due vironmental burden, equivalent to 150,0 0 0,0 0 0 kg of CO2eq . How-
to the deployment of new technologies. However, in the long run ever, findings from this study assert that opting for a varied portfo-
adopting a diversified mix can be more beneficial since the current lio through investing in new technologies is both economically and
food system is based on finite natural resources. In addition, most environmentally viable. Indeed, diversifying the energy and water
of investments have an initial investment, which can be recov- mixes can reduce environmental impacts significantly, albeit with
ered through an operating profit in what is known as the payback a very high initial cost. In fact, $1 invested in sustainable energy
period, which determines the economic feasibility of the project and water systems can reduce GWP emissions by 60% equiva-
(Investopedia, 2018). In this case, payback period is computed to lent to 0.019 kg of CO2eq per year. This reduction is mainly asso-
illustrate the usefulness of the optimal scenario regardless of its ciated with the introduction of BECCS, which is a negative emis-
very high initial cost. sions technology. This value could appear minimal in comparison
The assumptions that are considered in the computation of the to the expenses it implies, yet, the third scenario illustrates a rela-
payback period include: (1) the total cost generated from the op- tively short payback period, less than 8 years, implying favourable
timisation model is assumed to be the initial investment for this economic performance. However, the implied difference between
project as it encompasses capital costs as well as initial operat- economic and environmental results can create conflict amongst
ing expenses, since it is based on LCOE values. The system is re- policymakers at the governance level of EWF resource sectors. It
sponsible for delivering 40% of food requirements in the form of can be considered that this option is economically risky; however,
perishable food. Therefore, cash inflows are computed based on there is a corresponding positive contribution to reduce the envi-
the value of crops produced every year, and it is equivalent to ronmental impacts and adopt the hypothetical scenario (c).
$700 million per year; (2) the interest rate used for the discount- The optimisation model demonstrated in this study could be
ing process it is assumed to be 5% for Qatar as per last records enhanced in future work to include resource allocation that quan-
(Trading Economics, n.d). The payback period (PP) is calculated us- tifies synergies amongst energy, water, and food systems. Addi-
ing Eq. (15) and detailed steps of computations are presented in tional constraints could also be implemented to account for other
Table 9. risks and uncertainties such as unpredictable climatic conditions
UC or competition between sectors. Finally, going forward, a modelling
PP = y + (15) of multiple stakeholders involved in this Nexus system along with
their conflicting objectives must be undertaken. In addition, to ac-
Applications of the discounted payback period method to the count for all costs and emissions associated with food sector in
optimal project propose yields a payback value of 7.63 years, which Qatar, the system boundary must be expanded to include supply
implies a sound economic feasibility, especially when compared to chains and international trade, since most of food products are im-
the useful lifespan of technologies operating within the proposed ported. Considering food security and associated technology inte-
system, which can range between 20 and 30 years. In addition, gration, smart agriculture could also be introduced to the food sec-
considering carbon pricing as a reward to compensate for the en- tor as a tool to enhance its operating efficiency. In addition, new
vironmental impact reduction may encourage the adoption of such technologies should be deployed to reduce the burden on fresh
renewable systems as it represents a monetary incentive for in- groundwater.
5. Conclusion
This research is supported by a scholarship from Hamad Bin
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