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Time Result of sleeping/waking up: Physical exercises: Studying: Eating: General activity (summary):

00:00 Absolutely essential sleeping time. Tiredness, very Milk only. Absolutely essential sleeping
01:00 Physical energy, ojas, prana and poor time. Physical energy, ojas, prana
the deepest psyche functions are performance, and the deepest psyche functions
restored at this period. Results of degradation of are restored at this period.
going to sleep after midnight: the intellect and
chronic tiredness, faded colors of consciousness.
life, nervousness, irritation, lack of
self-control, addictions, ruinous
habits, premature death (if
prolonged). Rising time for saints.
02:00 Very good time to wake up, Sleep, deep meditation, prayers,
although too early. Maximum japa, spiritual diary, religious
results. May lead to fatigue or worship.
hypersensitivity if prolonged. Ideal
for monks. Restoration of
emotional faculties during sleep.
03:00 Best time to get up, activates and
opens the third eye, gives gigantic
amount of energy, will power,
health, optimism and ability to
conquer own destiny. Tremendous
success in meditation and self-
realization. May cause tiredness
and hypersensitivity for some who
don't engage in spiritual practice, if
prolonged. Restoration of
emotional energy during sleep.
04:00 Rising leads to ability of great Japa, prayer, meditation, writing
successes, very positive and proper diaries, spiritual practice,
attitude, health, vigor, victory, affirmations, mantras, analysis of
growth in spiritual and all other life, higher goal setting,
areas of life. Highly recommended attunement for the day and all
and suitable for all. kinds of self-realization practices.
05:00 Rising gives harmony with Time, Too early. May be good to
optimism, positive attitude to life, Meditative, relaxed plan Your day,
health, pleasant mood, breathing/ tai chi/ analyze Your
successfulness, getting things done usui/ tsi gun life, studying
in due time. (Cumulative results practices. motivation and
backwards). process.
06:00 Too late for getting up, psychic Mild exercise, static Great for vivid Breakfast. Allowed Working on Yourself, training,
center on the crown asanas, kriyas. Yoga permanent foods: Sugar (best studying, organizing, planning.
(brahmarandhra) becomes and pranayama. memorization. before 8am), honey,
blocked. Reluctance to get up from fruits, nuts, dairies,
bed, drowsiness, inability to be in buckwheat. No
harmony with time, mild heavy foods or grains
dissatisfaction, lack of ability to are allowed. No
advance spiritually, no optimism, predominantly salty,
difficulty in sense control, inability pungent, sour or
to be truly selfless or remain in the bitter foods. Food
mode of goodness. (Cumulative must be light, in
results onwards). small quantity,
07:00 Beginning of degradation of Dynamic physical Ideal for avoiding too vast or
consciousness, weakness of will exercises. Yoga and memorization incompatible variety.
power, irritation, stress, poor pranayama. with deeper May use sweet
digestion, increase in chronic understanding spices such as
illnesses. Reluctance to get up and analysis. cinnamon.
from bed, drowsiness.
08:00 Inability to control oneself, spoiling Best time for heavy Optimal for all Worst case timing
of character. Aggravation of exercises, workout. logical for breakfast.
chronic disorders, passion, Yoga and pranayama. processing and
irritability, accidents, misfortune, learning. Math.
quarrels, stress, chance of Good for
premature death. memorizing.
09:00 Unfortunate events, illnesses, Best time for heavy Learning and Sugar causes over-
agitation, lust, anger, grimness, sports and work out. introductory relaxation, laziness,
weakness, anxiety, negative process. slowness and
perception of other people, Working with disrupts immune
criticism, early death. papers, system (increase
organizing. linearly after 9am).
Too early for lunch.
10:00 Depression, aggravation of all Best for red Lunch: Biggest meal Same as one above and one
symptoms, weakness, desperation, tape work, of the day. Even below.
lethargy. papers, order, heavy foods will be
organization, digested easily at
planning. this time as the
Generally good jatharagni is at
for learning and maximum. Grains,
absorbing new legumes, salads,
material. vegetables. All kinds
11:00 Mental debility, schizophrenia, Generally good of foods are allowed
serious psychiatric illnesses, for planning, in maximum quantity
misfortune, sorrow, apathy. learning and at this time. Ideally
12:00 Suicide, depression, wrecked Generally good time absorbing new should include all 6 Constant vigorous effort to
health, insanity, calamity, for any physical material. Short tastes. Sweet taste efficiently fulfill own duties for
inevitable doom, early demise. activity. term planning should be moderate the welfare of others, making
and decision (less rigid for people happy by our activities
making. women). and being selfless. Job, studies,
13:00 Worst case timing assignments, projects, debts
for lunch. The earlier before other people, promises,
the lunch the more responsibilities, duties. Business
energy it gives as the attitude. No leisure, ease,
digestive fire is on laziness, wasting of time, idle and
it's peak at 12pm. senseless talking, internet
Also lunch should browsing, etc.
not be taken before
previous meal was
14:00 Very good time After 2pm
for all routine increasingly: grains
mental work, and legumes cannot
solving be digested properly,
problems. Not cause heaviness,
favorable for possible indigestion
planning or and highly
making new deteriorate the
important thinking and working
decisions. efficiency.
15:00 Supper: No grains or
16:00 legumes. No salty,
17:00 pungent, sour, bitter Same as above, being more
tastes. No sugar or reflective, analyzing. Finishing
sweets. Cooked things.
18:00 During sandhyas or periods of time Mild, slow, relaxing Studying can be vegetables, dairies, Cooling down. Taking things easy,
±24 minutes before/after sunset or easy exercise, done in an easy buckwheat or working without stress or strain,
sunrise, sleeping (leads to preferably static with and relaxed quinoa. Minimum being more calm, analysis of the
nightmares) and eating should be minimum effort. manner. light non-stimulating day and life, spending time with
avoided. Yoga. spices. Fruits that are the family and friends, spare
soothing (unlike time, reading, spiritual lectures
citrus). Milk can be and sadhu-sanga, good and
taken after 6pm. pleasant association with good
19:00 Good resting sleep. Milk only. people, chilling and hobbies are
allowed. No horror or thriller
movies. Television is usually the
worst choice. Avoid strong
artificial lighting. Avoid computer
for insomniacs.
20:00 Refreshing sleep. Mild Soft relaxing poses or Inhibited Same as above, no use of
regeneration. Optimal time to go stretching. performance, computer. Analysis of life,
to bed. may meditation, purification,
overstimulate. repentance, forgiveness, learning
lessons, attuning the mind to the
higher thoughts by reading a
spiritual book about saintly
persons with sublime ideals,
listening to a spiritual lecture or
writing a diary. One must not go
to bed in a disturbed state of
mind, without forgiving others,
wishing well to all and being
21:00 Deep rejuvenating sleep. Nervous Yoga-nidra (deep Poor results, Sleeping.
system and the mind functions are relaxation) only. leads to
restored. Optimal time to go to hyperactivity.
22:00 Absolutely essential sleeping time. Leads to
23:00 Nervous system and the mind unhealthy mind
functions are restored. Necessary and thinking
for mental health and revitalizing patterns,
the brain. Going to bed after 10pm overstimulation
causes difficulty to fall asleep. of the nervous
Fatigue, fading colors of life and system and
nervousness for the next day. degradation of
the intellect.
Information is based on lectures of Dr. Torsunov ( ), Bhakti Vigyana Goswami Maharaj and other authentic Vedic seminars and
books. For more information about the motivation/philosophy of this, read:,%20the%20Daily

Note: All the recommendations are given according to the actual solar time only!

Simple way for calculating the solar time. Example:

I wish to go to bed at 20:30 solar time, what time on my clock that would be?
1. Finding times of sunrise and sunset for today in my local area: {05:44 and 17:53}
2. Calculating the solar noon: (sunrise + sunset)/2 = 05:44 + 17:53.
Adding minutes first: 44+53=97 = 1 hour 37 minutes.
Adding hours: 05 + 17 = 22.
Total: 23 hours 37 minutes.
Dividing by 2: 11.5 hours, 18.5 minutes = 11 hours, 48.5 minutes.
Solar noon is: 11:48.5 or 11:48:30.
Thus the total shift is -11.5 minutes.
3. adding 8:30 to the solar noon (to get 20:30)
Adding minutes first: 48.5 +30 = 78.5 = 1 hour, 18.5 minutes.
Adding hours:  11 + 08 = 19.
Total 20 hours, 18.5 minutes.
The answer is: 20:18:30.
Another option is simply to add the time shift calculated in (2) to 20:30.

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