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CAS EC 387 Introduction to Health Economics

L2: Health measures and the value of health

Department of Economics

Spring 2020

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Health Indicators I

Distinguish between health and health care

What is health?
“a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of
disease or other abnormal condition” (Mosby Medical Encyclopedia)

A non-tradable, durable investment/consumption good that

depreciates over time

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Health Indicators II

Measuring health
Life expectancy
Absenteeism and presenteeism

Valuing health - is health not priceless?

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The Value of Life I

What is the value of life?

“Life is the most precious good and its value cannot be measured in
terms of money”

Resources are scarce – decisions have to be made

One of the most di¢ cult but often unavoidable tasks in health care is
to place a value on human life

Economist’s view of the value of life:

What are individuals and societies willing to sacri…ce for longer
expected lifetimes?
What private choices do individuals make implicitly and explicitly about
their health and safety?

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The Value of Life II

What collective (public) choices do societies make in terms of taxes,

laws, and regulations?

Why do we spend so much on health care in the last years of life?

For many of the very old and sick, their resources have very low
opportunity costs
They may rationally have “hope” for living, including the hope that
more advanced health care will be developed within their extended
Their “social” value of life may be very high
The value of an extended life year may be as high for frail patients as it
is for those of higher quality health

Thought experiment - what is the appropriate trade-o¤?

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The Value of Life III
Value of life = willingness to pay for a marginal reduction in survival
Identi…ed life versus statistical life
Suppose an individual derives utility of consumption u (c )
The individual will survive into the next period with probability
p 2 [0, 1]
If the individual does not survive, his utility is zero
Hence, his expected utility is:

E [u ] = pu (c )

Willingness to trade o¤ consumption for increase in survival

probability on the margin
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The Value of Life IV

Human capital approach

Vale of life equals contribution to GDP (If healthy, live longer and
work more)

Include cost of illness avoided

Advantage: operational


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The Value of Life V
Willingness to pay
Rooted in subjective valuations – marginal considerations
Questionnaires /surveys
Con‡icting and inconsistent results

Risk compensating wages

Advantage: actual behavior, not just stated preferences

Risk trade-o¤s in consumption

Air quality/housing values
Car prices/fatality rates in tra¢ c
Seat belt, smoke detectors, airbags
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Estimates I

Some value of life estimates

$9.1 million (EPA, 2010)

$7.9 million (FDA, 2010)

$9.4 million (TD, 2015)

$9.1 million (Viscusi, 2013)

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Estimates II

Other studies:

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Valuing Health I

Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)

Idea is to associate a given health state with a quality of life index

Weighs time with a health index that ranges between reference points
0 (death) and 1 (perfect health)

QALYs put a value on the expected years of life

Illness reduces the quality of life - discounts the value of life in poor
health: a trade-o¤ between time and health

Example: suppose illness that requires hospitalization has index 0.5 –

1 year of life in hospital equivalent to 6 months in good health

QALYs facilitates comparison between health states (and their

associated values)

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Valuing Health II

Used in cost utility analysis (CUA) to evaluate the monetary value of

health states

Physical functioning:
Number of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) limitations
Number of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) limitations

Cognitive impairment

Depression (CES-D)

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Rating and Estimation I

Rating Scales
Category scale: present rater with scenario; rate on ladder from 0
(death) to 10 (perfect health)

Visual analogue method: rater shown line, 100 centimeters in length,

with end points well de…ned. Rater marks line to indicate where
his/her preference

Approach also applied to obtain subjective probabilities (on scale of 0

to 1, what would you say is the likelihood that you will live to age 75?)

Decision Tree
Suppose surgical procedure with two possible outcomes PH and D

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Rating and Estimation II

Standard gamble:

E [u ] = (1 p )u (PH ) + pu (D )

Normalize u (PH ) = 100, u (D ) = 0

"What probability of death p would make you indi¤erent between

having or not having the procedure?”

Clear and simple but not useful for more complex processes

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Rationale and Examples I

Choices and trade-o¤s have to be made due to limited resources

(both public and private)

On what basis are choices made?

“The comparative analysis of alternative courses of action in terms of

their costs and consequences” (Drummond et al 2005)

Formal methods for comparing costs and bene…ts of a medical

intervention to determine whether the intervention worth doing
(according to some criterion)

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Rationale and Examples II

What combinations of HIV drugs should people receive?

How should disease progression be monitored?

At what clinical stage should treatment be started/stopped?

In what age groups should mammography screening be undertaken?

Which is the most cost-e¤ective type of bed net to prevent malaria?

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Various Methods I

Cost-bene…t analysis
Monetary valuation of outcomes

Cost-e¤ectiveness analysis
Natural unit of outcome eg. change in mortality

Cost-utility analysis
QALYs used to measure/value outcomes

Cost-minimization analysis
Outcomes are equivalent

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Various Methods II

CBA measures bene…t in terms of money, e.g, value of life-years

saved, dollar outlays averted (value of reductions in readmissions to
NB = (BI BA ) (CI CA )
or incremental cost-bene…t:
CB =

CEA measures bene…t in terms of clinical outcome, e.g., mortality,

blood pressure, time to reoccurrence of cancer

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Various Methods III

CEA typically de…ned:

or incremental CE ratio:

where C and E denote cost and e¤ects, respectively, and I and A

denote intervention and alternative

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Pros and Cons I

Make underlying assumptions explicit: alternatives are professional
opinion, rely on statements by special interest groups, e.g.,
pharmaceutical manufacturers, doctors’associations, etc
CBA/CEA provides a consistent framework for evaluating alternatives
Helps separate use of objective empirical evidence from subjective value

Analysis does not give decision maker full evidence on alternatives
Populations are heterogeneous: evidence on which CBA/CEA is based
may not apply to decision-maker’s population
Long-run e¤ects not adequately documented

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Pros and Cons II

Decision-maker does not have adequate technical knowledge to

evaluate strengths and weaknesses of studies

Study uses wrong perspective for decision-maker (relevant costs,

bene…ts excluded, irrelevant costs, bene…ts included)

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General Procedure I

De…ne the intervention

Identify relevant costs

Identify relevant bene…ts

Measure costs

Measure bene…ts

Account for uncertainties

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Perspective of Analysis I

Societal perspective: all costs and e¤ects (bene…ts) included no

matter who pays costs or receives e¤ects (bene…ts)

Patient and patient family perspective

Self-insured employer perspective

Public or private insurer perspective

Hospital perspective

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Cost Measures I

Concept of opportunity cost

Direct cost
Value of all goods and services consumed in provision of the
intervention or in dealing with side e¤ects or other current or future
consequences of intervention
Indirect cost
Productivity costs (morbidity costs, mortality costs, cost of replacing
sick worker)

Danger of double-counting

Intangible cost
Pain, su¤ering, dis…gurement, etc

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Cost Measures II

Other cost concepts

Future costs (discounting)

Sunk versus incremental costs

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Modelling I

Optimal decision model

No universal de…nition but should include

A relevant structure representing a disease or process

Probabilities of events occurring

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Markov Models I
Principal components
Useful for diseases with various stages and/or if events can occur
repeatedly over time (e.g., AMI, cancer recurrence)

Assigns numerical values to health states allowing a synthesis of cost

and outcomes to be calculated

Typically uses quality-adjusted life expectancy

Health states - transient or absorbing

Fixed cycle lengths

Transition probabilities (constant or time dependent)

Individuals in the same state are indistinguishable

Memory-less model
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Example I

Markov states
Localized cancer

Localized recurrence

Metastatic disease


Months, year - depends on timing of events and expected life of

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Example II

Transition probabilities
Represented by an n n matrix A = (aij )

Here, aij 2 [0, 1] is the probability that person in state i will transit to
state j

If transition probabilities are allowed to vary over time, let Ak

represent the probabilities in cycle k

Let A represent the prognosis without treatment of interest:

2 3
0.945 0.006 0.014 0.035
6 0 0.913 0.052 0.035 7
A=6 4 0
0 0.607 0.393 5
0 0 0 1

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Example III

Suppose a treatment reduces recurrence by 50% - then treatment

produces a transition prognosis:
2 3
0.955 0.003 0.007 0.035
6 0 0.913 0.052 0.035 7
AT = 6 4 0
0 0.607 0.393 5
0 0 0 1

Cost and utility

If reward is zero for death and one for all other states the model
calculates life expectancy

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Example IV

If rewards re‡ect a health-related quality-adjustment, model measures

quality-adjusted expected life
2 3
State Cost Utility
6 Local 500 0.95 7
6 7
6 Recurrence 2, 000 0.80 7
6 7
4 Metastatic 20, 000 0.40 5
Dead 0 0.00

Markov cycle tree

Cohort simulation - tracks a hypothetical cohort simultaneously
(average patient)

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Example V
Monte Carlo simulation - randomly selects patient from cohort and
sends through system one at a time

Set seed e.g. P0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) - all have localized cancer

After cycle 1, the proportions of patients in each state:

2 3T 2 3 2 3T
1 0.945 0.006 0.014 0.035 0.945
6 0 7 6 0 0.913 0.052 0.035 7 6 0.006 7
6 7 6 7=6 7
4 0 5 4 0 0 0.607 0.393 5 4 0.014 5
0 0 0 0 1 0.035

After cycle 2:
2 3T 2 3 2 3T
0.945 0.945 0.006 0.014 0.035 0.893
6 0.006 7 6 0 7 6
0.913 0.052 0.035 7 6 0.011 7
6 7 6 = 7
4 0.014 5 4 0 0 0.607 0.393 5 4 0.022 5
0.035 0 0 0 1 0.074
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Example VI

Pk = Pk 1A

Cohort simulation forms a Markov trace giving the cumulative utilities

and costs

Five cycles
2 3
Cycle 1 2 3 4 U CU
6 0 1 0 0 0 0.475 0.475 7
6 7
6 1 0.945 0.006 0.014 0.035 0.908 1.383 7
6 7
6 2 0.893 0.011 0.022 0.074 0.866 2.249 7
6 7
6 3 0.844 0.016 0.026 0.114 0.825 3.074 7
6 7
4 4 0.797 0.019 0.029 0.155 0.784 3.858 5
5 0.754 0.022 0.030 0.194 0.746 4.604

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