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Social media

social media guidelines

We are primarily a network,
services and digital content
supplier, but we are also a brand At Orange,
Chez Orange,
involved in conversations, listening we think
nous pensons
to our customers and our that these
que ces interactions
peuvent can
vous aider
Taking part in online conversations help
à you tovos
can offer real advantages to Orange
relations youraussi
employees. Possibilities which we
vos but

encourage and help you with.
also your
Social media has changed the way
we work; we communicate both on

a personal and professional level,
which offers a new way of
communicating with our customers,
our colleagues and the general

Social networks have

significantly changed the
way we communicate on a
day-to-day basis:
with our friends, our family
and even our Social networks now
relationship with brands. allow each one of
It is a digital revolution that you to communicate
about your jobs and
Orange has fully more generally all
understood, by becoming a the subjects that are
major player in the close to your heart
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

internet ecosystem.
Do you know SOLOMO? This “smartphone culture” For brands the challenge is twofold:
significantly affects the relationship developing a global strategy whilst
between customers and brands, respecting local needs;
requiring the brands to constantly we therefore refer to a “Glocal” vision
reinvent consistent communication

Social networks:
which is adapted to all screens.

They connect
How can you

people across
the world (SOcial).
protect your
private life? What
should you do to
distinguish yourself
They also provide
local information.
(LOcal). professionally?
This document will
support you
They are
as you take your
accessible thanks
to smartphones. first steps on social
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

Everything that you share - whether They can help you to build and
photos, videos or information - is maintain a solid professional
saved and could potentially be used network.
against you. However they can also be useful for
implementing targeted monitoring
Focus on of a sector or service, responding
personal use to customers, asking for their
opinions on an offer or a service,
of social and even seizing business
networks opportunities in some
in a professional

#2 Private use of social networks is

Ensure that you
separate your

allowed where reasonable, just as
we allow the use of emails or the personal and
telephone. professional
Social networks are also useful

tools in professional circumstances.

Do you already use social networks?
Looking after your online identity and image
is vital in order to protect yourself on these
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

platforms. Reputations are built and lost very
quickly online!
Take advantage The Group provides internal social
networks which you can use to
of social networks communicate with your colleagues.

Social networks now offer access to a

multitude of information about your job.

This might include:

Share your
- Monitoring various topics respective
(including changes to a job

and a sector) expertise.
- Observing trends and changes
in current use and corporate image

Social media,
- Listening to user feedback
on products and the competition
As a result you can exchange your
- Attending online conferences

a professional
ideas, opinions and successes with your
- Carrying out professional colleagues in a simplified and centralised
presentations manner.
- Accessing professional forums They also allow you to enrich your

asset - Meeting with your peers to exchange own experience by developing expert
ideas contacts within the Group itself.

Understanding, learning, using and communicating

on social networks is an opportunity offered to
everyone, whether you are communicating or not.
Social media is a real social accelerator, allowing
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

thousands of people with similar interests to
communicate with each other.
At Orange, we encourage Biography and description
employees to create personal You can obviously add your role
accounts. within the Group, ensuring that you
However, there are some rules in add the statement: “All opinions
place so that social platforms are expressed are my own”. This is a

used in the best possible way. commonly used sentence to show
that it is not an official account.
However, please be aware that
Here are some simple steps:

internet users can associate your
Email address recommendation comments with the company and
We recommend that you create an this statement does not protect you
account with a personal email legally.

address and that you completely fill
in your profile
Be creative! We recommend using a

for professional
The visual identity of your account password with at least 10
is also very important. Be aware characters, using a mix of upper and
that the profile photo that you lower case letters and numbers. It is
also recommended that you use a

choose must be copyright-free and
appropriate. We do not allow the different password for each account
use of the Group logo in order to to avoid a hacker taking control of all
separate official accounts from of your accounts.
accounts created by employees.

You can create several accounts on social networks. Warning!

Choosing a username The misuse of brand
As stated previously, it is recommended that you keep As with all visual identity, the attributes (goodies, logo,
your personal and professional accounts separate. username must not be linked to the stores, etc.) in a private
Orange brand. Choose an setting is forbidden.
You can therefore have a Facebook profile which you appropriate pseudonym for Use of the logo or any brand
use with friends and family, and a Facebook profile professional use which can take the element is governed by a
following form, as an example: detailed, identifiable and
dedicated to developing your professional
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

Albert Dupond, @adupond, etc. clear charter.
relationships or for monitoring purposes. Where possible, keep the same
username for different networks.
Be selective with your personal
information: Only enter information which is
actually required to create your account or
You are often not obliged to fill in all the fields.

Avoid stating personal opinions in public:

We recommend that you do not share
information such as political beliefs, marital
status or religious beliefs.

Best Make sure you are not tracked!
Most applications and telephones allow
you to activate a geolocation service. We

recommend that you think about whether or
not you need to turn on this service in order to
protect your data when travelling.

Protect your private life:

Data protection Be careful not to share your personal life with
everyone. Anything that is shared online or
The protection of login details (usernames and on social networks no longer belongs to you

once the information or photos have been
passwords) and your personal information is
uploaded. Follow the principle that anything
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

vital. that you put online could be shared. Would
you be happy with this information being
Here are 4 tips to protect your reputation and
private life:
10 best practices to follow 8 Be transparent on social
All employees must state their identity and
professional role within the Group, or that they
are part of the Group at the very least.

9 Do not mention your On social networks without their prior

1 Be selective with your Only provide information that is truly required to
10 Gain your Digital … in order to increase your understanding of
create your account or profile. You are often not
personal information. Academy passport. social networks!
obliged to fill in all the fields.

2 Before publishing, If needed, contact your Communication

check your sources and Department. When talking about the company,
try to focus on content which has already been
How should you 2 What to do if an internet
user defames the brand
the accuracy of your
published on official platforms. respond to brand
attacks? It is important to identify who has

3 Remain courteous and Conflicts are dealt with in private. Ask for help sent the message. Identifying the
polite. from your communications director if you are person who has sent the message
attacked as an Orange employee
1 What to do if you is in fact more important than the
discover false Orange message itself: is it a real person
accounts with normal network use, a parody
4 Always maintain the Social networks are public spaces, so you must
principle of confidentiality. never publish internal or confidential account, or spam? If in doubt, send
information. It could be used against you. If you the information to management and
are not sure if information is internal, check if it The Group is regularly mimicked on
has previously been published on an official social networks. the communication department.
False accounts are created using
5 Avoid publishing private Your reputation online and on social networks is Orange media (visual identity, logo,
a mirror of your personal and professional
content on professional name, brand, etc.). If you come
accounts. Take care! across what seems to be one of
these false accounts when using
In all cases,
social media, send the information avoid taking
Dans tous les cas,
6 Do not publish content … management, Group employees or even the to your communications director
which is negative towards competition. Maintain a fair position to protect and take screenshots of these partdeinprendre
évitez the part
the company.
yourself legally. à la conversation.
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

7 Feel free to repost any … on Group official accounts in order to
contribute to social networks.
published content
Official accounts are ideal ways to
communicate and they help govern
the sharing of information between Only official
different corporate entities and accounts
Seuls les comptes
internal and external communities. An
official account is controlled by an
are allowed
officiels sont habilités
Orange manager - or a Group toutiliser
à use Group
les logos du
subsidiary manager - or by a person Groupe
logos and et les brand
who has received permission to de nos marques.
manage the account.

#6 Creating
Creating official

and managing If you have the opportunity and

an official
requirement to create an official
Orange account, regardless of the
platform used,
you should contact the Corporate

Communication department. There
are many prerequisites to creating
official accounts and it is advised that

for Orange
you check these before taking the
initiative to start up an account.
Through its different departments,
the Corporate Communication
department is the only entity allowed
to approve the creation of official
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

accounts and to support you in this
Do you want to create an official Orange account
as part of your assignements?
Each network has an editorial
policy and a particular target.
As messages are different from
one network to another, they
allow everyone to establish a link
with various audiences on these
networks (customers, journalists,
bloggers, ambassadors)
The following link has more
information on the global
presence of the Orange brand on
social networks:

on social
The Group and its subsidiaries have a significant
and active presence on different social networks
social media guidelines

social media guidelines

such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn
and even Dailymotion and YouTube.

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