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Name: Abrar M. Dawud Faza

University: State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UINSU)
Designation: Lecturer
Education: cand. Dr., UINSU
Fields: Islamic Spirituality, Islamic Philosophy, Literature
Teaching: Tasawwuf Science, Islamic Philosophy, Ethics
Selected Publications
1. Perspektif Sufistik Ali Syariati [Ali Shariati’s Sufi Perspective] dalam Puisi “One Followed by
Eternity of Zeroes”, 2011, Panjiaswaja Press, Medan.
2. Islam Wacana: Berbagai Kajian Sosial Keagamaan [Islamic Notions: Variety of Socio-
religious Studies], 2011, Panjiaswaja Press, Medan.
3. “Revitalisasi Tasawuf” [Tasawwuf Revitalization], dalam Tasawuf Kota, (ed.), 2011,
Panjiaswaja Press, Medan.
Selected Events
1. Seminar “Islam Nusantara Ekspedisi Sumatera Utara [Islam Nusantara: North Sumatra
Expedition]”, Gedung PWNU Sumut, Medan, 2015.
Societal Involvement
1. Speaker, Seminar on “Islam Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah [Sunni Islam]”, STAIN P. Sidimpuan,
Organizational Involvement
1. Vice Head, Social and Environment Division, Indonesian Ulama Council
(MUI), North Sumatra, 2015-2020.
2. Vice Katib Syuriah, Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Leadership, North Sumatra,
3. Chief Editor, Jurnal Akademika, 2010-now.
4. Chief Editor, Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu, 2012-now.
5. Secretary, Panji Aswaja Press Pubsliher, 2006-now.
6. Chief Editor, Warta NU Magazine, 2010-now.
Selected Honors and Awards:
1. Contributor, NU online (, Nahdlatul Ulama Headquarter (PBNU),
2. Champion, Scientific Writing Competition, Faculty of Ushuluddin, IAINSU,

I believe the challenge for Muslims in Indonesia is the building of a modern

yet religious society, hence my study of Ibn ‘Athaillah’s rational theology. As
an active member of the Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest Islamic mass-
organization in Indonesia, I am well-placed to contribute to the debate
between religion and modernity at a local and national level. However, I have
no experience at a higher, international level. That is why my interest is
piqued when I heard of the NISIS NOSTER Autumn School program with the
theme ‘religion and modernity’, especially the perception that they seem
clash in Western societies. The program has many interesting speakers, and
their specializations on religious radicalization and Islamic history, to name
two, can help me in placing the work of Ibn ‘Athaillah in a broader context. I
hope the program can also help me in obtaining more sources and knowing
more methodology in completing my dissertation.




Ibn ‘Athaillah, the third ‘grand master’ of the Shadiliyyah sufi order, has provided a very well-
developed theology through the inclusion of tasawwuf, kalam, and fiqh in his arguments. The
writer of al-Hikam, a book so beautifully written the ulama regarded it as the second most
inspired book after the Qur’an, Ibn ‘Athaillah used spiritual, philosophical and juridical methods
to expound his theology. Using library-research method, data for this paper were obtained from
the many works of Ibn ‘Athaillah, such as: (a) Allah: al-Qasd al-Mujarrad fi al-Ma’rifah al-Ism
al-Mufrad, (b) al-Tanwiir fi Isqat al-Tadbir, (c) Miftah al-Falah wa Misbah al-Arwah, (d)
Latai’f al-Minan, (e) Unwan al-Taufiq fi Adab al-Tariq, and (f) Taj al-‘Arus al-Hawi li Tahzib
an-Nufus. In today’s mostly post-modern world, it has been found that theology plays an
important role even in ‘pure’ scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and biology. The
scientists of these disciplines have discovered that they cannot escape the ‘unlimited
object/subject’ that is God. In countries where many of its population aspire towards becoming a
modern religious society, Ibn ‘Athaillah’s theology becomes important due to its rational
understanding of God. In several of his works, Ibn ‘Athaillah conveyed that to achieve
perfection, humans should not only approach God from textual sources, but also from
‘contextual’ sources such as nature and society. God is rational and His actions can be
understood logically.

Keywords: theology, Ibn ‘Athaillah, modern religious society


Abrar Faza is a lecturer at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UINSU). Writing a
dissertation on Ibn ‘Athaillah, he is interested in the relevance of the sufi’s theology in the
modern world. A regular contributor to the Nahdlatul Ulama website, he holds editorial positions
in several academic journals.
Dear Dr. Petra,

My name is Abrar Faza, a Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and

Islamic Studies at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra

I am told by Dr. Zainul Fuad to send my application to you before 2 pm

Indonesian time on 19th September 2016.

Kindly find attached a document containing my CV, motivation letter,

title and abstract of presentation, and short biography.

I have not included a one-page description of my PhD project as the

topic is only tangentially relevant to the School. However, if
requested, I would be glad to send it to you.

Thank you for your time and kind attention.

Dear Abrar,

Thank you for your application for the NISIS NOSTER Autumn School.
Your application has been received in good order.
You will be informed about the status of your application before 1 October 2016.

Kind regards,
Laura Prak

Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS)

+31 (0)71 527 2329

Visiting address:
Witte Singel 25 | Matthias de Vrieshof 4 | room 1.06a | Leiden, The Netherlands

Sayang Abrar,

  Terima kasih untuk aplikasi Anda untuk NISIS Noster Autumn School.
  Aplikasi Anda telah diterima dalam keadaan baik.
  Anda akan diberitahu tentang status aplikasi Anda sebelum 1 Oktober 2016.

  Laura Prak

  Belanda Antar Sekolah Studi Islam (NISIS)

  +31 (0) 71 527 2329

  Mengunjungi alamat:
  Witte Singel 25 | Matthias de Vrieshof 4 | Ruangan 1.06a | Leiden, Belanda

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