Edenic State

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à  à 

The familiar account of `Eden, in the Torah, is not the source of the fundamental account of our
past; nor is it a spontaneous, account that sprang into place as Moses spoke. Rather, it is the
account handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation of human existence; since
its origin with Adam. This first took place throughout the somewhat incoherent, unrecorded ages
of human history. Thus, this Message emerged piercing the darkness of our species' origins like
an inextinguishable ray of Light that ties together the time when human life began, with the time
when the human mind could express itself; setting pen to parchment.

`Eden is the most ancient story in human existence, and yet it is the most recent. It has survived
precisely because it embodies the basic fact of human life. A fact that has not changed one iota;
amid all of the superficial changes that human civilization has undergone. This fact alone
remains a constant amidst this vivid array of subjective experiences; that being the dualistic
conflict between Good and evil, the Eternal Struggle of higher evolutionary development against
iniquity, and yes even the very Struggle against such notions of duality itself.

In these latter days you will find the minds of the masses fed by the hopes, dreams, fears and
aspirations of the new and strange Earthly existence that is bursting forth at the seams of the new
dawn; apparent off in the horizon of the coming Age of ages. Not since the days of Adam have
such notions been extant in such a riotous, unrestrained manner of zestful _expression.

For many years, anthropologists have presented an idyllic view of life in simpler societies,
making them seem almost like the last remnants of `Eden. As numerous scholars of human
sociology have noted, it is one of the greatest ironies of evolution that progress in technology and
social organization has often been linked with ethical regression. Horticultural societies provide
several of the earliest examples. Some of the most shocking are the emergence and spread of
human and animal sacrifice, as well as cannibalism. For a species herbivorous in origin, this is
quite counter-intuitive, and unexplained by mainstream views of history.

These startling developments and social patterns are a cold reminder that technological advances
do not necessarily imply or entail moral progress. In fact, as stated, much the opposite is true. It
is for this reason that even the Angels, (the Malakhim, or Mala'ikah) were commanded to
prostrate before primitive Adam, and all did save the one who came to be referred to as "Satan"
or "Iblis." It is for this reason that even the technologically advanced jinn were, and are spiritual
and morally retarded in the Eyes of the Divine, despite their imagined "progress." However, if
we study the history and lives of our "`Edenic" predecessors, the last thing we find is an
enlightened people, too "morally advanced" to partake in purported "technological progress."
Rather, what we do find is a species with simple ways, from a much simpler time. Time and
research has proven many of their ways to have prevailed in their simplicity, over more modern
manners of accomplishing the same ends. However, still other aspects of their societal ways of
life have proven to be nothing more than a demonstration of righteousness enacted of ignorance.
For our hominid ancestors did not consciously "choose" to live according to certain principles
and tendencies of the world they were a part of. They simply knew of no other way to live.
Unsuccessful attempts at ways of life produced nothing but destruction for those who partook in
them. There is only one reason why primordial man lived as they did, in such a perfectly
functioning manner: out of shear ignorance. For `Eden is a tale of a lost human state of bliss and
freedom from sin. Truly, it was just that. For ignorance tends to leave one in a state of
unconscious submission to any force greater than the individual.






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There is however, a state of being beyond the Inferior `Eden of unwilling submission through
ignorance; one that does not necessitate ignorance to ensure the functioning of society, and the
individual alike. This is the state of genuine enlightenment, the Superior `Eden of Conscious
Submission. For in the beginning, we were lived in submission to the commandments because
we knew no other way. Thus, it is written:Π

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ʓ ʲ ʷʓʸʓʩ-ʬʕ˗.

In such texts as the Zohar, it is expounded that "Eden" is both our point of origin and also our
evolutionary destination. This meaning that there is a "Superior Eden," and an "Inferior Eden."
Accordingly, the Superior Eden is the endpoint, the destination, the final stage in all evolution, to
which all life in the manifest world is evolving towards. This is what is termed the "Messianic

We were commanded, and we obeyed. There was no thought of disobedience, nor was there
consequence of disharmony. This became the basis of our Adversary's challenge against us; that
we were untried, that we had no option to disobey, and thus, our evolutionary superiority was a
farce. Once the spell of blissful ignorance was broken, it was a dream which we could never
return to. For, if the `Eden myth holds true, then there is no way we can ever simply slip back
into the lost paradise of our primordial origins. We are now like the Elohim, able to know good
from evil. We have eaten from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Etz
Chayyim, the "Tree of Life," has now been hidden from view. It is for this reason the Book has
been sent in its many manifestations (to every people and culture), to serve as the instruction in
our exodus from the state of "forgetting," and as a guide into a 50,000 year long Era of Messianic
Consciousness in our imminent reality, and into the Garden of Paradise in the World to Come.
Of this Messianic Era it is written:


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Some have erroneously perceived this physical world of `Asiyah, of Dunyaa' to be nothing more
than a system of cruelty and severity; a world that neither forgives nor cares. Failure is death and
weakness is a capital crime. For them, this primal truth is embraced and set up as an idyllic state
of living. For this individual, supposed "empowerment of the self" is all that is necessary and all
that matters. For that is the carnal way.

Others see these primal tendencies and cringe; unable to face the harsh reality of the unsheltered
world. They know not why they feel such a way, nor do they comprehend why so much of the
world operates upon such animalistic principles. They envision a world where the child plays by
the serpent's nest, where the lion lays down with the lamb. They are vexed concerning the cold,
callous nature of their surroundings. They strive for a world that can never be, for all. Theirs is
the world foreseen by the prophet Yeshayah, Isaiah when he wrote: Œ*   







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ʤʕʰʩʓʲʸʍ ˢʑ ʡʖʣʕʥ ʤʕʸʴʕ ˒ .ʭʕˎ ʢʒʤʖʰ ʯʖʨʕʷ ʸʔʲʔʰʍʥ ,ʥʕːʧʍ ʔʩ ʠʩʑʸʮʍ ˒ ʸʩʑʴʫʍ ˒ ʬʓʢʲʒ ʍʥ ;ʵʕˎʸʍʑʩ ʩʑʣˏʍ-ʭʑʲ ʸʒʮʕʰʍʥ ,ˈʓʡ˗ʓ -ʭʑʲ ʡʒʠʍʦ ʸʕʢʍʥ, ˒ʶʍˎʸʍʑʩ ʥʕːʧʍ ʔʩ
ʤʕʣʤʕ ˣʣʕʩ ʬ˒ʮʕˏ ,ʩʑʰˣʲʍʴʶʑ ʺʔʸ˒ʠʍʮ ʬʔʲʍʥ ;ʯʓʺ ʕ̋ ʸʗʧ-ʬʔʲ ,ʷʒʰˣʩ ʲ ʔ̌ ʲʏ ʑ̌ ʍʥ .ʯʓʡˢʓ -ʬʔʫʠʖʩ ʸʕʷˎʕ ˗ʔ ,ʤʒʩʸʍ ˋʍʥ ;ʯʓʤʩʒʣʬʍʔʩ. -ʠʖʬʍʥ ˒ʲʒʸʕʩ-ʠʖʬ
ʭʩʑ˛ʫʔ ʮʍ ʭʕ˕ʬʔ ,ʭʑʩʔ̇ ˗ʔ ,ʤʕʥʤʍʩ-ʺʓʠ ʤʕʲːʒ ,ʵʓʸˌʕʤ ʤˌʍʬʮʕ -ʩʑ˗ :ʩ ʑ̌ ʣʍ ʷʕ ʸʔʤ-ʬʕʫˎʍ ,˒ʺʩʑʧ ʍ̌ ʔʩ.

Yet, still they often fail to question why they, and others like themselves, feel the way they do.
Why do they have compassion, while others have at best apathy, and at worst calculating
brutality? It is more than for their own benefit, they seek to bring betterment to the whole of the
system. The hunter calls them weak, the soldier claims they lack discipline. Yet, in their own
hearts, they perceive a higher Truth, a magnified perception of a conscious Order, from which
we emerged and to which we are returning. They have begun to tear down the veil concealing the
blueprints of the new paradigm. They are its vanguard. They have taken the first step to the next
stage of mankind's evolution. They have come to spread the New Ethic...

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