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1. Employees have poor working conditions and low job satisfaction.

- Classical music
- Ambient sound or music has been shown to have an impact on productivity and
creativity when it is played in moderation. The Journal of Consumer Research
found that both creative and monotonous tasks are performed best when the
participants are exposed to ambient sound at a level of 70 decibels. For
reference, a regular conversation happens at 60-70 decibels, which may be an
indicator as to why many individuals enjoy working at coffee shops.
- Lighting and colours
- Plants

Plants in the office emit oxygen and keep the air clean, providing biological
reasoning as to why plants in the office are a good idea. But it goes further
– research by the University of Technology, Sydney, has found that the introduction
of plants in an office space can have incredible effects on mental health.

The impact of plants on mental health include:

 37% reduced tension and anxiety

 58% drop in depression or dejection
 44% decrease in anger and hostility
 38% reduction in fatigue.

- Colour has been found to have an impact on productivity. For example, bright

colours have been found to cause anxiety, while muted colours stimulate a
relaxed state of mind. To create relaxed and unstressed mental vibes in the
office, avoid bright red and orange colours. Choose matte paint over glossy paint,
as the reflection can make people edgy.
- Coffee/ water

2. The workload is heavier than before

- Home office
- Asking for help from other employees
- to work overtime if necessary ( they will be paid extra with normal tariff)
- Creating a software program which contains all the solutions for problems that occurred
in the past, typing key words… (data base of previous problems)
3. The bus service is inadequate
- Evaluating other alternatives of bus services
- For employees who have personal transport, we pay the fuel
- Home office
4. Desks are shared with colleagues on the other shifts.
- Second hand furniture with company logo
- Don’t leave personal things on your work place
5. Software products have become very complex
- Survey for employees in the way to find out what exactly bothers them and the
possible solutions they have
- Tutorials from the company that provided us those software programmes
6. Advisers don’t get enough training
- The most experienced employees are going to hold a training for less experienced
7. The shift system is inflexible
- Night shift for students….
- The working day outside of the "core" period is "flexible time", in which employees
can choose when they work, subject to achieving total daily, weekly or monthly hours
within the "bandwidth" period set by employers,[3] and subject to the necessary work
being done. The total working time required of employees on flextime schedules is
the same as that required under traditional work schedules.[3] A flextime policy allows
staff to determine when they will work, while a flexplace policy allows staff to
determine where they will work. Advantages include allowing employees to
coordinate their work hours with public transport schedules, with the schedules of
their children, and with daily traffic patterns to avoid high congestion times such
as rush hour. Some claim that flexible working will change the nature of the way we
work.[4] The idea of flextime was invented by Christel Kammerer.[5]

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