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Soumyaditya Kar
111407073 |  Mobile Communications | BTech | EnTC | CoEP
To study Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique in mobile communication and

 Types of PN Sequences
 Constellation diagrams of modulation schemes with varying signal, noise gains and
carrier offsets

 CDMA-DSSS Modulator Kit Scientech 2131B
 CDMA-DSSS Demodulator Kit with BER Scientech 2131B
 Ribbon cable to connect Modulator and Demodulator
 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
 Power Supplies for Scientech 2131B with Mains Cord

In telecommunications, DSSS is a modulation technique. As with other spread spectrum
technologies, the transmitted signal requires more bandwidth than the information signal that
modulates the carrier. The name 'spread spectrum' comes from the fact that the carrier signals
occur over the spectrum of a device's transmitting frequency.
• Resistance to intended or unintended jamming
• Sharing of a single channel among multiple users
• Reduced signal/background-noise level hampers interception
• Determination of relative timing between transmitter and receiver
Features of DSSS modulator kit
1. Direct sequence spread-spectrum (DS-SS) modulator.
2. Programmable chip rates up to 10 Mchip/s.
3. Spreading codes:
a. Gold sequences (up to 2A23-1 chips)
b. Maximal length sequences, (max length 2A23-1 chips)
c. Barker codes (length 11, 13)
4. Code modulation: BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK with output spectral shaping filter: raised cosine
square root filter with 20%, 25%, or 40% roll-off.
5. Internal generation of pseudo-random bit stream and unmodulated carrier for test
6. Built-in channel impairments generation:
a. Additive white Gaussian noise
b. Frequency offset (Doppler)

Procedure for CDMA-DSSS 2131 DSSS Spreading (modulation)

1. Detect COM 1012 and COM 1011 modules via RS232C serial port/LAN using
COM block s/w provided.
2. For spreading, user needs data to be spread & PN sequence in modulator. For the
generation of pseudorandom codes from DSSS modulator, user has to provide registers with
hex values only.
3. For this use registers from REG 0 to REG 12.
4. Let the other register from REG 13 to REG 17=00 HEX.
5. Register 18 Setting for Spreading.


The function of each and every registers are:
1. Chip rate:
 24-bit signed integer (2's complement) expressed as f chip rate * 224 / fs, where fs is the input
sampling rate as determined by the SAMPLE_CLK_IN clock.
 Generally, fs = fclk = 40 MHz.
 The maximum chip rate is fs/4 to allow for at least 4 samples per chip.
 REG 0 = bit 7-0 REG 1 = bit 15 - 8 REG 2 = bit 23 – 16
 We set the values of registers- Here chip rate is set to 1MHz.
 REG 0 – 66, REG 1 – 66, REG 2 – 06

2. Spreading factor (Processing gain)

 Spreading code period Range: 1 to 2A23-1
 It is important that this field be consistent with the G1 and G2 generator polynomials
below when Gold or Maximal Length sequences are selected.
 REG3 bits 7-0 (LSB)
 REG4 bits 7-0 REG5 bits 7-0 (MSB)
 We set the register values- REG 3 7F REG 4 00 REG 5 00

3. Code selection
 01 = Gold code
 10 = Maximal length sequences
 11 = Barker code REG 6 bits 2-0

 We set values
 REG 6 02
 REG 6 03
4. Gold sequence / Maximal Length Sequence generator polynomial G1

 24-bit. Describes the taps in the linear feedback shift register 1: Bit 0 is the leftmost tap
(2° in the polynomial).
 The largest non-zero bit is the polynomial order n. n determines the code period 2n-1.
 Example:
 G1 = 1 +x3+x6+x7+x9+x10+ x14 +x16 +x17 is represented as 0x01 A3 64.
 REG7 = bits 7 - 0 REG8 = bits 15 - 8
REG9 = bits 23 - 16

5. Gold code generator polynomial G2

 24-bit. Describes the taps in the linear feedback shift register 2: Bit 0 is the leftmost tap
(2° in the polynomial). The largest non-zero bit is the polynomial order n. n determines
the code period 2n -1.
 Example:
 G2 = 1 + x9 + x13 + x14 + x17 is represented as 0x01 31 00.
 REG 10 = bit 7 - 0 REG 11 = bit 15 - 8
REG 12 = bit 23-16

6. Nominal carrier center frequency

 24-bit signed integer (2's complement) expressed as fc * 2 24 / fchip rate x 4. Maximum range
to avoid aliasing is +/- 1.5 * fchip rate.
 REG 13 = bit 7 - 0 REG 14 = bit 15 - 8 REG 15 = bit 23 -
16 We set register values- REG 13 00 REG 14 00 REG
15 00

7. Input sample format

 0 = 2's complement
 1 = unsigned REG 16 bit 1

 Carrier frequency loop gain

 0 = nominal
 1 = 2x loop gain
 10 = 4x loop gain
 11 = 8x loop gain REG16 bits 3-2
 Reserved Always 0.
 REG16 bit 4 Spectrum inversion Invert Q bit.
 0 = off
 1 = on REG16 bit 5 Reserved Always 0 REG 16 bit 6

Freeze monitoring data

 As the monitoring data is constantly changing, it is important to be able to prevent
changes while reading a multi-byte parameter.
 Write a zero in bit 7 to freeze the monitoring data prior to reading it. Write a one to re-
enable the update.
 REGI6 bit 7.
 We set register value -
 REG 16 00
 REG 16 FF

8. Output sample Format

 0 = I/Q parallel
 1 = I/Q serial, I before Q (never use with BPSK as there is no information data on the Q
 REG 17 bits 1- 0 BPSK / QPSK decoding
 0 = BPSK
 1 = QPSK REG 17 bits 3-2 We set value- REG 17 00

9. Carrier frequency offset

 Residual frequency offset with respect to the nominal carrier frequency. 24-bit signed
integer (2's complement) expressed as fcdelta * 224 / fsymbol rate x 4
 REG18 = bit 7 – 0
 REG19 = bit 15 – 8
 REG20 = bit 23 – 16
 We set value of registers-
 REG 18 92
 REG 19 0C

10. AGC gain Digital AGC gain settings 8 bit unsigned REG21 bit 7-0.

11. Reserved REG22: bit 7 - 0

12. Carrier Lock status

 REG 23 bit 0
 0 = unlocked
 1 = locked

13. Code Lock status

 REG23 bit 1
 0 = unlocked
 1 = locked
14. Code Acquisition
 REG23 bit 2
 0 = code tracking mode
 1 = code acquisition mode
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used by various radio
communication technologies.
CDMA is an example of multiple access, where several transmitters can send information
simultaneously over a single communication channel. This allows several users to share a band
of frequencies. To permit this without undue interference between the users, CDMA employs
spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a
PN code).
CDMA is used as the access method in many mobile phone standards. IS-95, also called
"cdmaOne", and its 3G evolution CDMA2000, are often simply referred to as "CDMA"', but
UMTS, the 3G standard used by GSM carriers, also uses "wideband CDMA", or W-CDMA, as well
as TD-CDMA and TD-SCDMA, as its radio technologies.
Spread spectrum technique spreads the information ‘Di’ having information bandwidth BWdata
over a much larger bandwidth BWsig. The resultant spread spectrum signal acts like white noise.
The signal is generated by multiplying the data with a unique PN sequence. The same PN
sequence can be used at the receiver to recover our data. The PN sequence used in this case is
pseudorandom in nature.


Each user has a unique private code. This code is embedded with data so any user can transmit their
data at any frequency and at any time. This eliminates the need for tight synchronization among many
users and need for expensive analog filters. It also provides high channel capacity.

Frequency Reuse Planning

Each BTS in a CDMA network can use all available frequencies. Adjacent cells can transmit at the same
frequency because users are separated by code channels and not by frequency channels. This feature of
CDMA eliminates need for frequency planning.

Working of CDMA
Call Processing Stages
CDMA uses codes to convert between analog voice signals and digital signals. It uses same codes to
separate voice from control data by placing them into data streams called channels.
It achieved compression by using a variable voice vocoder thus taking advantage of pauses between
syllables and words during normal speech.

Spread Spectrum
Spread spectrum modulation refers to any modulation scheme that produces a spectrum for the
transmitted signal much wider than the bandwidth of the information being transmitted independently
from the information bearing signal. It spreads the signal over a range of frequencies in the spectrum.

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)

In Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) the data is multiplied by a pseudorandom noise code. The
PN code has noise like properties, having sequence of values -1 and +1 for polar and 0 and -1 for non-

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)

This causes the transmitted to hop or jump periodically to a new frequency, through a jumping pattern
known only to the intended receiver. Information is transmitted for a defined period which if shorter
than hopping period is termed as slow hopping, else fast hopping. This technique is used currently in
Bluetooth, WLAN, GSM, GPS, DSP etc.

Advantages of Spread Spectrum

 Low power spectral density
 Privacy due to secret random codes
 Better anti jamming performance
 Random access possible
 Multipath effects avoided
 Interference limited operation
 Difficult to trace or intercept
 Asynchronous multiple access capability

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Spread Spectrum Techniques are studied.

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