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V er sa ti le an d m oti va te d 20 a nd 3 D ar ti st with 2 y ea rs of e du ca ti on in tr ad iti on al a nd dig ita l m edi a. Re su lt s- or ie nt ed Il lu st ra to r sk il le d at de li ve ri ng m an ua l a nd
computer illustrations from concept through revision cycles.Passionate Illustrator and designer focused on developing a unique personal aesthetic and marketable
t ra de ma rk in th e v is ua l a rc ar en a.

Art media Skills Oth skills
 Art composition Superb attention to detail D e s i g n
 D i gi t a l I l l u s t r a t i o n t ro u b l e s h o o t i n g Bar graph
Traditional fine art skills G r a p h i t e computation
Drawing Ch ar co al a nd Visual product development
P ast el 3D Sculpting Superior organizational skills
Clay Sculpting Plaster Open mind. always open to suggestion and critique Focus
Sculpting Wire Sculpting and drive to complete projects
F oa m Sc ul p ti ng Shape
Construction Ceramics
Wa t e r c o l o r

09/2012 Art Student, Visual arts
ACMA - Beaverton. OR
Incorpo rated fine oils and acrylics to create custom paintings and murals. Established a consistent visual direction for piece mood.
environme nts and characters. Designed inspiring representative art that maintained accurate scale and quality standards. Produced
imaginative illustrations in an efficient and timely manner. Adapted to the established art style of the studio for consistency and quality
p ur po se s. C ri ti qu ed o th er an is e' wo rk an d g av e co ns tr uc ti ve fe ed ba ck . C re at ed a s er ie s o f ro ug h s ke tc he s f or re vi ew , r ev is io n a nd

2016 Drawing and Writing
ACMA - Beaverton. OR. United States
2D and 3D design coursework
Coursework in Photography
Art Production coursework
Playwriting course

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