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DCE 5632




F12, Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education
Faculty of Educational Studies
University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor
Tel: 603 89468235
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri (3.00-5.00 P.M.) or by Appointment
TUGASAN (60 peratus daripada gred)
ASSIGNMENTS (60 percent of grade)

Kursus ini mempunyai dua tugasan yang perlu diserah pada tarikh-tarikh yang ditetapkan.
Kertas kerja bertulis hendaklah mengikuti stail dan format Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Gunakan ringkasan APA yang diedarkan
sebagai panduan atau anda boleh akses halaman web APA di www.apastyle.org
This course has two assignments that are to be submitted by the respective due dates.
Assignments should be written according to the style and format as prescribed in the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Use the APA
guidelines that have been distributed in the class or you may access the APA website at

Tugasan 1: Organisasi, Persekitaran Organisasi dan Perubahan. (Penyerahan Tugasan:

Perjumpaan Bersemuka Kedua; 20 peratus daripada gred)
Terangkan makna organisasi seperti definisi dalam bahan bertulis, matlamat organisasi,
bentuk-bentuk organisasi, struktur dan perbincangan lain berkaitan organisasi serta
persekitaran organisasi beroperasi. Bincangkan kesan persekitaran terhadap organisasi anda
dan tindakbalas organisasi terhadap kesan tersebut. Bincangkan tindakan yang organisasi
ambil bagi menangani persekitarannya.
Assignment 1: The Organization, its Environment and Change. (Submission: Second
Face-to-face Meeting; 20 percent of grade)
Explain the meaning of organization as found in the literature. The discussion may include
definitions, goals, types of organizations, and organizational structure, and the environment
that the organization operates. Discuss the effects of the environment towards your
organization and the organization’s responses to its environment.

Tugasan Kumpulan: Kajian Kes Pembangunan Organisasi. (Penyerahan Tugasan:

Peperiksaan Akhir; 40 peratus daripada gred)
Pilih satu organisasi untuk dibuat diagnosis organisasi dan berikan saranan-saranan untuk
pembangunan organisasi. Kertas kerja ini perlu menerangkan organisasi tersebut dan
perubahan yang diperlukan. Beri penerangan metodologi serta model diagnosis yang
digunakan. Sediakan rancangan intervensi yang sesuai bagi organisasi tersebut. Gunakan
bahan rujukan dari jurnal dan penulisan lain untuk menyokong perbincangan dalam kertas
Sebagai alternatif, kumpulan boleh mendokumenkan satu kajian kes pembangunan organisasi
yang telah dilaksanakan. Kumpulan perlu memberi penerangan mengenai organisasi,
masalah, intervensi yang telah dilaksanakan dan kesan intervensi kepada organisasi.
Rumuskan kajian kes dengan analsis dan perbincangan terhadap usaha pembangunan
organisasi tersebut.
Group Work: Organizational Development Case study. (Submission; Final Exam;
40 percent of grade)
Choose an organization for diagnosis and provide recommendations for its organizational
development. The paper should describe the organization and the changes that it requires.
Explain the methodology and the diagnostic model that you used. Provide an intervention
plan for the organization. Use the literature and other written works to support your
As an alternative the group may document an organizational development case study that
has already been implemented. The group will provide an introduction to the organization,
its problem, the intervention(s) that was carried out and the effects of the intervention(s) on
the organization. Conclude the case study with an analysis and discussion on the
organization development effort.

UJIAN (40 peratus daripada gred)

EXAMINATION (40 percent of grade)

Ujian bertulis pada akhir semester akan mengandungi 25 soalan Betul atau salah, 25 soalan
pelbagai pilihan dan satu soalan karangan ringkas. Ujian akan dikendalika dalam dua
bahagian. Bahagian soalan betul atau salah dikendalikan secara “Tutup-buku” Anda tidak
boleh membuet sebarang rujukan pembacaan. Bahagia soalan karangan ringkas pula
berbentuk “Buku-Terbuka” di mana anda boleh merujuk kepada lima halaman nota tertulis.
Anda TIDAK boleh merujuk kepada sebarang bahan bercetak lain.
The examination at the end of the course will comprise 25 True or False questions, 25
multiple choice questions, and one short essay questions. The examination will be in two
parts. The True and False part is a "closed book" examination, while the short essays are in
an "open book" format. For the “open book” part of the examination, you need to prepare a
five-page note for your reference. You may NOT refer to any other printed matter.


Buku Teks (Text book)

Brown, D. R. (2011). An experiential approach to organization development (8th

Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Atau (or)
Harvey, D. F., & Brown, D. R. (2005). An experiential approach to organization
development (7th Edition).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Lain Rujukan (Other References)

Burke, W. W. (1993). Organization development: A process of learning and changing.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
French, W. L. & Bell, C. H. (1995). Organization Development: Behavioral science
interventions for organization improvement (5th Edition.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. New York, NY:
Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership (2nd ed.). San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline. New York, NY: Double-day.
Watkins, K. E., & Marsick, V. J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Jurnal – Organizational Dynamics; Organization Science; Organization Studies; The
International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

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