Pre-Tender Tender Award Post Award

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Procurement Process

The diagram below provides a depiction of the procurement process and the various responsibilities, tasks, and actions taken by the Sector at each stage of
the process that in many aspects is only achieved through corporation with other Sectors within Musanada. It is made available herein to provide readers with
a holistic overview of the procurement process and responsibilities. It also provides important information and actions for suppliers



Pre-Tender Tender Award Post Award
Registration & Pre- Pre-tender Tender stage Evaluation Stage Award Stage Post award
qualification announcement/
• The Procurement Sector The Procurement Dept., in Procurement undertake the Technical Evaluation: Upon securing approvals, Contract Management:
have automated the coordination with End-user following: Procurement dept. issues
Vendor registration Sectors finalize the tender • Issuing the tender into the • Procurement initiates the Notice of Award, the The Management of the
strategy, bidders list, tender technical evaluation stage agreement and the purchase contractual obligations is
process through the e- Market

documents, specifications and by opening the received orders needed to formalize being managed by the End-
procurement portal.
scope of work and obtain • Manage clarification technical response the award. user Sector “Contract
• Procurement currently approvals to proceed with received from bidders and envelopes up holding policy Manager”.
reviews, follows up and issuing the tender. responses provided by and government regulations
updates the registration technical team, site visit and and standards. Contract Administration:
status of requests being pre-bid if necessary contract administrative
submitted as accounts
• Procurement Audits
Technical evaluation report requirements are handled by
through the portal. • Receive, accept or reject
issued by the technical procurement. Contract
evaluation team administrative requirements
• Pre-qualification is
conducted whenever is
required by inviting • Formalizing Change control
registered vendors only to Commercial evaluation: • Claims
either general pre-
qualification exercise or • Procurement Opens and • Contractual issues
project specific pre- evaluate commercial
qualification exercise. responses, prepare • Settlement
commercial report and
obtain approvals on
recommendation of award
in line with regulations and
applicable policies and
Registration: Suppliers need to actively • All tendering activities are • the status of tenders is • Awarding project is a result • Agreements and related
• Registration is a pre- monitor the e-procurement being solicited via the updated on the e- of dual evaluation process vendor performances will be
requisite for participating portal as well as electronic procurement procurement portal. To view that includes technical evaluated upon frequencies
in Tenders. announcements published in portal, to access it click here the status of a tender, kindly aspects, vendor capability determined with services
the local newspapers for click here assessment and commercial receivers and depending on
• Please click here to view tendering opportunities. • To view all active tendering suitableness. the type of the services
Important Notes for Suppliers

the registration user opportunities click here received

guide • The procurement process
• To understand what is within Musanada is
• Please click here to expected from vendors in governed from start to end
commence the tendering stage click here by an advising body to the
registration process CEO known as the
• For guidelines on how to
• Please note: Being respond to a tender, click Procurement Committee.
registered with Musanada here • Once an agreement is
doesn’t guarantee signed vendors are expected
participation in tender • Submission rejections:
Musanada would reject to:
and/or awarding of
projects; you have to tender submissions in the 1. Deliver all obligations
actively remain updated following conditions: contained in the
with musanada’s Tenders, agreement
• Inclusion of commercial
for an updated tender list information/ prices in the
click here
2. Deliver the insurances
technical envelope. and performance bank
guarantee(s) requested
• Submitting tender
by the agreement
Pre-Qualification responses (hardcopy and/
• For further information or soft copy) after the
on pre-qualification click deadline set in the tender
here for guides documents/amendments.

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