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1.1 Background:

Cross boundary teaming means moving the teams from one department to another department
and maybe moving across the boundaries from one industry to another industry. This strategy is
used for innovation. The research is conducted to identify how people with different expertise
can work together by combining them in one temporary group for example; people from sales
team and researcher in a particular area are combined in one team to check how they will
perform. The research has main two attributes (1) Difference in gender, age, and ethnicity. (2)
Functional or educational background. This study covers areas such as team diversity,
knowledge and innovation. Team diversity describe the differences between members of a team
in term of age gender religion and background. knowledge describe the amount of information
facts, skills team members have or required, and innovation discuss how they use this
information to develop something new. Focus of study is on functional or educational attributes
of a team. The purpose of this study is to reveal how difficult teaming across boundary is when it
put into the practice. The article was first received in August 1, 2016. But later it is revised in
February 25, 2017 and accepted in 3rd March 2017. Different theories of work in Organization
was presented by about study of work. Their study was linked with and other advocates of
scientific management. Study was about how job can be performed in organization what should
be the rules, match workers with the capability and monitor their work performance. The
research is about differences between diversity contrast as a separation variety of disparity in
organization another theory was presented by about knowledge and boundaries. when describing
that knowledge in new product development can be both a barrier or a source of innovation. the
research identifies the process that can increase the chances that knowledge diversity can be put
to good in a team. Mata analysis of empirical research found mix support for advantages of
knowledge diversity of team performance and performance parameters of knowledge.

1.2 Research Problem:

Identify the impact of knowledge diversity and one team who working for innovation.
Discussing the complexity of a cross boundary teaming and determining the level of knowledge
in organization. what factors needed for innovation. The issue of this study is teaming across
knowledge boundary is difficult because people from different background with different level of
knowledge cannot work in one place. some people take norms and values within there on
profession. Challenges they face while teaming them in one team. Another issue is how stranger
from different expertise can be flexible in one group.

1.3 Research Questions:

This paper is built to answer the question of how people with diverse expertise and definition can
team up flexibly? How can the knowledge boundaries have identified? How temporary teams
can be formed to pursue innovation? Under what setting the diversity of knowledge can benefit
team? when and how knowledge sharing can benefit the team in creativity? How HRM practices
can be applied & how this research can identify the benefits for both a team or an individual
member? what is the possibilities of HRM include in designing the training and development of
the targeted employees? what challenges will be faced by the entire team & which model can be
used for Cross boundary teaming.

1.4 Objectives of the Study:

This paper seeks to demonstrate how knowledge boundaries can be identified or how knowledge
can be more efficiently used by cross boundary teams. organization use cross boundary teams to
contribute their collection knowledge assets. This study reveals that the teaming across
knowledge boundaries can be difficult. The challenges this research have are team effectiveness
and knowledge in organization. The two main streams are focused number team dynamics and
object of social practices. This study basically determines the impact of cross boundary teams
working in one group for innovation.

1.5 Justification:

The purpose of study is that to identify people from free teams when work in one team having
diverse knowledge can affect innovation or not. This study determines when people from free
teams merged together fail to express task related doubts, which directly affecting their
innovation. The other reason of studying is that how they can work with other leaders, but it is
analyzed that it only has a positive impact when the leadership is high. The major stakeholder of
this research is those who are selected from different expertise for conducting the research. The
benefits can be enjoyed based on individual or team, on individual level the group member
contribute towards positive learning and as a team member they can be master of other languages
taken become even broader thinker. The main benefit the individual have is the diver’s
knowledge they can become more familiar and can learn from other team members and have
more expertise.

1.6 Scope & Limitations:

The research can have better implications where teams are found for innovations. Staffing people
temporary for a project, when project completed the teams end. The managers are one who
selected the participate according to their expertise. The result will be more generalized when
group have more experience team leaders. Who can identify a better opportunity for its team
members. Study of team diversity not explore the process through which a group of diverse
individuals develop into a team ready to solve a new complex problem. According to Scholars
not everything we do or understand can be explain by the knowledge we have. According to one
observation all members of a team does not have diverse knowledge. Not only expertise they
process should be worked, but what they do and how they process their knowledge is crucial.

1.7 Definitions:

A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or
facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education, the theoretical or
practical understanding of a subject.

The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that create value for which
the customer will pay.

2. Methodology

2.1. Qualitative Research Design:

This study is designed as qualitative study. The main purpose is to identify the impact of how
different individuals having different expertise can work together. Among the qualitative
research survey-based study is used to investigate the impact of cross boundary teaming through
data collection tool. The major purpose of all the surveys conducted is to describe the question
that how people with different expertise and definition can team up flexibly. The purpose of
selecting this method is, provides the better and accurate characteristic such as behavior,
knowledge and opinions.

2.2. Phenomenological Research Methods

The objective of phenomenology is to understand human lived experience. The study captures
the participants lived experiences. Thus, for this study the phenomenological study will be a
good fit, because this will help to examine live experience of diverse teams. who teamed up for
specific time, to understand their experience that how this diversity can affect their knowledge
and innovation in work place.

2.3. Research Question

This paper is built to answer the question of how people with diverse expertise and definition
can team up flexibly?
The primary research will lead to following sub questions:
a. How can the knowledge boundaries have identified?
b. How temporary teams can be formed to pursue innovation?
c. Under what setting the diversity of knowledge can benefit team?
d. when and how knowledge sharing can benefit the team in creativity?

2.4. Selection of Participants

According to 2 to 10 participants are enough to reach the saturation point. recommended 10

interviews for qualitative research. The participants selection will be done based on non-
probability purposeful selection. This means that only those will be selected who are related to
current environment or situation. Rich data can be conducted through this method because the
live experiences can be captured here. Natural environment will be selected to conduct the
2.5. Confidentiality

Confidentiality is the condition where researcher knows the identity of participant but protect
that identity to be discover by someone else. Most of the time consent form sign by the
participant an agreement which include all the information, why this research is conducted, and
the response of the participant well keep confidential throughout the research. Confidentiality
insure the protection of participant. Anonymity is the one where consent form does not require to
sing mostly used in online surveys.

2.6. Interview Protocol Questions

Research Topic
Cross-boundary teaming for innovation: Integrating research on
teams and knowledge in organizations

Date: _____________, Time: __________________, Place: _____________

Interview Conducted By: Shamsa Akbar

Interviewee Name: ______________________________________________________________


Consent Form signed: Yes ________ No _________


Thank you; for your cooperation by contributing in this research study, I welcome you to make it
possible with your important contribution. The purpose of study is that to identify people from
free teams when work in one team having diverse knowledge can affect innovation or not. In this
regard you have selected on your employment experience. For proper facilitation, it is to inform
you that interview session with you will be recorded on audio device. Estimated length of
interview is maximum 30 minutes, but it may be finished before the stipulated time. Please note
that all information provided by you in this interview will remain confidential, your
participation is voluntary and at any time during the process you may quit. You will
receive transcription for validity and the same will be destroyed, once the research study is
completed. In order to keep the confidentiality, pseudonyms will be used in research and
the results will be shared with you.

After the interview if any clarity is needed then you will be contacted again. Whereas you can
contact me for any addition if you like in later stage
Cell #: ………………………...
Email: ………………………...

1 Please introduce yourself?

 Which department you belong?
 What is the expertise required for this job?
 What is your current designation?
 Human resource. Finance, electronics, marketing, production.
 Degree plus experience in current flied.
 Labor, sub ordinate, supervisor, team member.
Reply of Interviewee

2. how people with diverse expertise and definition can team up flexibly?
 What do you think about team flexibility?
 Diverse expertise can benefit team or not?
 Does your knowledge help the team in project succession?
 What was your last project in same type of team?
 How diverse teams can benefit the team if you say yes?
Reply of Interviewee

3. when and how knowledge sharing can benefit the team in creativity?
 Which discipline have good fit in cross boundary teaming?
 what challenges will be faced by the entire team in teaming?
 Does this diverse knowledge team have caused any problem to your own expertise?
 Does the team member help each other in understanding of any new phenomena?
 How the mixture of team having multiple expertise can help to reach toward innovation?
Reply of Interviewee

4. Under what setting the diversity of knowledge can benefit team?

 Is there should be different setting for these types of projects or normal work setting is
 This type of teams required any supervision or not?
 What should be the planning and scheduling for these types of projects?
 Does the organization provide anything except salary as reword?
 What type of supervision should be if your answer about supervisor availability in
Reply of Interviewee

Closing of interview:
Thank you very much indeed for your valued participation, the information provided by you is
great support from your side for this research study, and it will remain confidential. Furthermore,
once again I request you to permit me for follow-up at your convenience, if any clarification
required at my end.

2.7. Data Collection

Interview will be chosen by researcher as method of data collection. Here each participant will
have a chance to reconstruct their experiences and express what is most important for them as a
team member during the all phenomena. During the interview every gestures, expression, and
impressions will be demonstrated by interviewer. In qualitative research it is recommended that
all unstructured interviews must be recorded.

2.8 Scheduling the interviews

Interviews will be conducted on later stage once the proposal accepted. Initially participants

Will be contacted via phone and formal emails. Once the appointment as been fixed, a
conformation email with interview protocol question will be sent to participant.

2.9 Reliability

Reliability refers to the producer where you whiter may or may not get the same answer by using
the same instrument in multiple times. Field notes used in overall data collection to capture
records observed during the research to ensure the reliability.

2.10. Data Analysis

Data analysis is basically consisting on two things coding and data editing or data treatment. In
phenomenological study the researcher will look all the aspects such as surroundings, objects,
social interactions, emotions and attitudes. The participants will tell the stories as per questions
provided by researcher. The researcher will listen all the recordings and analysis them several
times to capture the meanings and experience of the participants.

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