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Format and Rules for LLM Dissertation

The LLM dissertation submitted to the University shall be in accordance with the structure and
format laid down as follows:

1. Dissertation report should be printed on A4 size paper on one side with font size 12,
1.5 Line spacing in “Times New Roman” along with foot notes font size 10 line
spacing 1 in “Times New Roman”(End notes shall not be accepted) between 100-
130 number of pages.
2. There must be a preliminary submission of Research synopsis to the panel of
faculty members appointed for the said purpose. Modifications (if any) suggested by
Panel members must be incorporated and then the final copies shall be submitted.
3. Research report (Final) should be in properly hard bind form (in black colour with
golden font in the specified format) and must be submitted in 03 copies to the
University after panel approval.
4. All students are required to submit their respective topic and Synopsis of
dissertation on or before 10th of January, 2020 positively. Students must consult
and take advice of their nominated supervisor / guide for selecting their
dissertation topic. They have to send their topic of dissertation and synopsis to
their respective guides within stipulated time limit only.

5. Allotted Supervisor / Guide are required to submit final list containing details of allotted
students along with dissertation topic assigned to them to Dr.Ashu Maharshi
Programme coordinator(LL.M) in writing on or before 1st of February 2020.
6. No request for change of dissertation topic will be entertained after submission of the
said topic.
7. Students are required to submit progress report of research on regular intervals i.e.;
15th February, 1st March , 31st March 2020 to their respective allotted guide
8. All the students are expected to submit their original work. Any form of plagiarism
exceeding 20% found in the final copy of the research report submitted by the
student(s), he/she shall be subjected to deduction of marks by the appropriate
9. The allotted guide shall have the discretion of not to accept the final research report
submitted by the student(s), if he/she is not satisfied by the work done by the said
10.Students are supposed to submit their final Dissertation research report along with the
soft copy within the stipulated time. It is mandatory to have signatures of
Researcher and Scholar in the Research Project at the time of presenting final copy
before the panel.
11.Dissertation Research report submitted after the said stipulated date shall not be
considered by the appropriate authority and such student will be awarded “ZERO”
marks and will be declared fail in this subject.
12. It is mandatory for a Student to give presentation on Dissertation for minimum 10
minutes to maximum 15 minutes before the panel. Students are required to be in
formal uniform on the date of final presentation and should have his/her own
arrangements of pen drive and laptop for the presentation.
13.Citations should follow the rules as detailed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of
Citation, (19th Edition) for a simple idea, contributors may refer to the table below
which deals with some important formats of citation according to the Bluebook. This is
not an exhaustive list and is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the Bluebook
itself. Contributors are encouraged to adhere to the Bluebook in its entirety for the
purpose of maintaining uniformity in their citation format.
Source to be Cited Citation Guide
Books Tripathi, S. C, Competition Law, First Edition
2012, Central Law Publication, Allahabad,
Mishra, S. N, Indian Penal Code, Sixteenth
Edition 2008, Central Law Publication,
Journal Article David C. Fortney, Thinking Outside the
“Black Box”: Tailored Enforcement in
Environmental Criminal Law, 81 TEXAS L.
REV. 1609 (2003).
Newspaper Article Charles Lane, Law Curbing U.S.-Funded
Attorneys is Rejected, WASH. POST, Mar. 1,
2001, at A4.
Website Jonathan H. Adler, A Few Thoughts on the
Second Circuit’s DOMA Decision, THE
VOLOKH CONSPIRACY, (Oct. 19, 2012, 8:26
decision/ (last visited Nov. 20, 2012).
Cases Pro. Govt. C.P. & Berar v. Balaram, A.I.R.
1939 Nagpur 139
Mahesh Mahto v. State of Bihar, 1997 Cri. L.J
4402 (S.C.)

Signals (Supportive citations when the text cited

may be derived from the footnoted
(Contradiction used to show that the
authority cited expresses a different
viewpoint than the preceding authority)
Ibid(Background – used to provide a
background for the statement in the text)
e.g.(Supportive –used when giving one
example among several in support of the
Id. (Used when the citation is exactly the
same as the citation made directly before
the said citation; may be followed by a
different page number if required with ‘at’ in
no italics succeeded by the relevant page
Supra (Used when the same source has been
cited elsewhere in the document but not
immediately preceding the said citation;
must be followed by the words ‘note
[number of the citation]’)

14.Research report should be properly page numbered, aligned, Justified and

chronologically arranged as per the under mentioned format.

Chronological structure of the Research Report:

Title Page

Certificate (Duly Signed by the Supervisor)

Acknowledgement (Duly Signed by the Student)

Table of Contents

List of Cases (alphabetically order)

Literature Review

Objective of Study

Statement of Problem


Research Methodology

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Historical Background

Chapter 3, 4, 5… (According to the Topic)

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Suggestions

Bibliography (Alphabetically Order)

Important dates:
 Date of submission of topic : on or before 31.10.2019
 Date of submission of synopsis: on or before 30.01.2020
 Final Submission: on or before 10.04.2020
 Date of Final Viva- Voce : Second Week of May, 2020
(Tentative ) (A firm date will be intimated well in advance )

:: Marks Distribution::

 Total Marks 200

 Distribution of Marks will be as under:-
(i) Dissertation Max Marks 150
(ii) Viva Voce Max Marks 50

Sub distribution of Marks will be as under:-

(i) Dissertation 150 Marks

1 Synopsis: 27
1 (a)
Submission on time as
per deadline
( considering criterion
1(b) 11 of the rules of
submission of
dissertation )
2 Table of Content 7
3 Certifications 3
4 Literature Review: 29
Origin of problem
4(a) statement
Development of Established
4(b) theory /Principle concept
Identification of research
4(c) gap 05
5 Aim & Objective: 25
Statement of Problem
( Precise / Achievable )
5 (a) 12
5(b) 13
Methodology ( Survey,
Field Work, case studies,
6 Comparative reviews ) 30
7 Discussion of Result 10
8 Future Scope 9
9 Bibliography 10
Total 150
(ii) Viva Voce 50 marks
a. Presentation skills (10 Marks)
b. Domain of Subject Matter (20 Marks)
c. Conclusion Drawn (08 Marks)
d. Viva-Voce (12 Marks)

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