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Reference Check Form

Name of Referee : Dr. Kartick Mondal

Designation & Organization: Assistant Professor Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Contact No.: 9485250803 Hand phone Number- 7755057820

Reference Check for (Name of Employee) - Sankalp Sinha

1. In what Capacity is the candidate known to you? – Student

Previous Employer (Y / N) : NA Others : (Please Specify) NA

2. How long have you known the candidate? 4 years

3. In the case of previous employer, please specify :

a) The position held by the candidate in your organization- ( Student , batch 2015-19 )

b) What were the circumstances of your separation with the candidate? After completion of his

4. How do you evaluate the person across the following parameters :

a) Professional Capabilities : Good

b) Integrity / Character : Good

c) Interpersonal Skills / Leadership : Good

5. Does the candidate have any criminal record?


6. Is there any occurrence of security violation – Data / Information / Physical – that you are aware of,
concerning this candidate?
7. Is there any other information about the candidate, which you would like to mention?

Name (who conducted the check): Dr. Kartick Mondal.

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