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This HSK words list or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, 汉语 水平 考试) words list is the
name for the international Chinese standard test to check how well someone has mastered the Chinese
language correctly. It is also known as the "Chinese TOEFL". We are providing you the following tools to
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 HSK1-6 Vocabularies with all HSK Chinese characters, Pinyin, English explanation
 HSK1-6 Flashcards
 HSK1-6 Official Test Exam(s)
 HSK1-6 Practicing example sentences
 HSK Chinese character radicals
 HSK Pinyin Pronunciation
 HSK Checklist
 HSK Registration form

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爱 八

爸爸 杯子

北京 本

不 不客气

菜 班 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 1

eight; 8|ba1 to love; affection; to be fond of; to like|ai4

cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],枝 (informal) father; CL:個|个[ge4],位

[zhi1]|bei1 zi5 [wei4]|ba4 ba5

roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this;

the current; root; foundation; basis; Beijing, capital of People's Republic of
classifier for books, periodicals, files etc; China; Peking; PRC government|Bei3 jing1

you're welcome; impolite; rude; blunt;

(negative prefix); not; no|bu4
don't mention it|bu2 ke4 qi5

hundred; numerous; all kinds of; surname dish (type of food); vegetables; vegetable;
Bai cuisine; CL:盤|盘[pan2],道[dao4]|cai4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 2

茶 吃

出租车 打电话

大 的

点 电脑

电视 电影 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 3

to eat; to have one's meal; to eradicate; to

destroy; to absorb; to suffer; to tea; tea plant; CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]|cha2

to make a telephone call|da3 dian4 hua4 taxi|chu1 zu1 che1

of; structural particle: used before a noun,

big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep;
linking it to preceding possessive or
oldest; eldest|da4
descriptive attributive|de5

drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot

stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal
point; point; mark (of degree or level); a
place (with certain characteristics); iron
computer; CL:臺|台[tai2]|dian4 nao3 bell; o’clock; a little; a bit; some; (point)
unit of measurement for type; to touch on
briefly; to make clear; to light; to ignite; to
kindle; period of time at night (24 minutes)
(old); a drip; to dibble; classifier for small

movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4], television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个

場|场[chang3]|dian4 ying3 [ge4]|dian4 shi4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 4

东西 都

读 对不起

多 多少

儿子 二

饭馆 飞机 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 5

thing; stuff; person; CL:個|个[ge4],件

all, both; entirely (due to) each; even; already|dou1
[jian4]|dong1 xi5

unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse to read; to study; reading of word (i.e.
me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1
(please repeat)|dui4 bu5 qi3 yin1]|du2

many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-

number; amount; somewhat|duo1 shao3

two; 2; stupid (Beijing dialect)|er4 son|er2 zi5

airplane; CL: 架[jia4]|fei1 ji1 restaurant; CL:家[jia1]|fan4 guan3 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 6

分钟 高兴

个 工作

狗 汉语

好 喝

和 很 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 7

happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful

minute|fen1 zhong1
mood|gao1 xing4

job; work; construction; task; CL:個|个 individual; this; that; size; classifier for
[ge4],份[fen4],項|项[xiang4]|gong1 zuo4 people or objects in general|ge4

Chinese language; CL:門|门[men2]|Han4

dog; CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]|gou3

good; well; proper; good to; easy to; very;

to drink; to shout (a command); My
so; (suffix indicating completion or

and; together with; with; sum; union;

(adverb of degree); quite; very;
peace; harmony; surname He; Japanese
related; Taiwan pr. han4|he2 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 8

回 会

火车站 家

叫 今天

九 开

看见 块 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 9

to circle; to go back; to turn around; to

can; be possible; be able to; will; be likely to; be sure to; answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic
to assemble; to meet; to gather; to see; union; group;
association; CL:個|个[ge4]; a moment (Taiwan pr. for
group (Chinese Muslims); time; classifier for
this sense is hui3)|hui4 acts of a play; section or chapter (of a
classic book)|hui2

home; family; classifier for families or

businesses; refers to the philosophical
schools of pre-Han China; noun suffix for
specialists in some activity such as musician train station|huo3 che1 zhan4
or revolutionary, corresponds to English -
ist, -er, -ary or -ian; surname Jia; CL:個|个

to shout; to call; to order; to ask; to be

today; at the present; now|jin1 tian1 called; by (indicates agent in the passive

to open; to start; to turn on; to boil; to

write out (a medical prescription); to
nine; 9|jiu3
operate (vehicle); abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文
degrees Kelvin|kai1

lump (of earth); chunk; piece; classifier for

pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc; colloquial
word for yuan (or other unit of currency to see; to catch sight of|kan4 jian4
such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually
as 塊錢|块钱|kuai4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 10

来 老师

了 冷

里 零

六 妈妈

吗 买 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 11

teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]|lao3 shi1 to come; to arrive; to come round; ever since; next|lai2

(modal particle intensifying preceding

clause); (completed action marker)|le5

zero; nought; zero sign; fractional;

fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed
between two numbers to indicate a smaller lining; interior; inside; internal; also written
quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; 裡|里 [li3]|li3
(in mathematics) remainder (after division);
extra; to wither and fall; to wither|ling2

mama; mommy; mother; CL:個|个[ge4],位

six; 6|liu4
[wei4]|ma1 ma5

to buy; to purchase|mai3 (question tag)|ma5 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 12

猫 没

没关系 米饭

明天 名字

哪 哪儿

那 那儿 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 13

(negative prefix for verbs); have not; not|mei2 cat; CL:隻|只[zhi1]|mao1

(cooked) rice|mi3 fan4 it doesn't matter|mei2 guan1 xi5

name (of a person or thing); CL:個|个

tomorrow|ming2 tian1
[ge4]|ming2 zi5

where?; wherever; anywhere|na3 r5 how; which|na3

that; those; then (in that case); commonly

there|na4 r5 pr. nei4 before a classifier, esp. in
Beijing|na4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 14

呢 能

你 年

女儿 朋友

漂亮 苹果

七 钱 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 15

to be able to; to be capable of; ability;

capability; able; capable; can possibly;
(question particle for subjects already mentioned)|ne5
(usually used in the negative) to have the
possibility of|neng2

you (informal, as opposed to polite 您

year; CL:個|个[ge4]|nian2

friend; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]|peng2 you5 daughter|nv3 er2

apple; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1]|ping2
pretty; beautiful|piao4 liang5

coin; money; CL:筆|笔[bi3]|qian2 seven; 7|qi1 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 16

前面 请

去 热

人 认识

日 三

商店 上午 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 17

to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); ahead; in front; preceding; above|qian2
to request|qing3 mian4

to go; to go to (a place); to cause to go or

send (sb); to remove; to get rid of; (when
used either before or after a verb) to go in
heat; to heat up; fervent; hot (of weather); order to do sth; to be apart from in space or
warm up|re4 time; (after a verb of motion indicates
movement away from the speaker); (used
after certain verbs to indicate detachment
or separation); (of a time or an event etc)
just passed or elapsed|qu4

to know; to recognize; to be familiar with;

acquainted with sth; knowledge; man; person; people; CL:個|个[ge4],位
understanding; awareness; cognition|ren4 [wei4]|ren2

sun; day; date, day of the month; abbr. for

three; 3|san1
日本|日本 Japan|ri4

store; shop; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]|shang1

morning; CL:個|个[ge4]|shang4 wu3
dian4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 18

少 谁

什么 十

时候 是

书 水

睡觉 说话 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 19

who; also pronounced shui2|shei2 few; little; lack|shao3

what?; who?; something; anything|shen2

ten; 10|shi2

time; length of time; moment; period|shi2

is; are; am; yes; to be|shi4

water; river; liquid; beverage; additional book; letter; CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部

charges or income; (of clothes) classifier for [bu4]; see also 書經|书经 Book of
number of washes|shui3 History|shu1

to speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell

to go to bed; to go to sleep|shui4 jiao4
stories; talk; word|shuo1 hua4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 20

四 岁

他 她

太 天气

听 同学

喂 我 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 21

classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop

harvests)|sui4 four; 4|si4

he or him; (used for either sex when the sex

is unknown or unimportant); (used before
she|ta1 sb's name for emphasis); (used as a
meaningless mock object); other;

highest; greatest; too (much); very;

weather|tian1 qi4

to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword

(fellow) classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个
from English "tin"); classifier for canned
[ge4]|tong2 xue2

hello (interj., esp. on telephone); hey; to

I; me; my|wo3
feed (sb or some animal)|wei4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 22

我们 五

喜欢 下

下午 下雨

先生 现在

想 小 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 23

five; 5|wu3 we; us; ourselves; our|wo3 men5

down; downwards; below; lower; later;

next (week etc); second (of two parts); to to like; to be fond of|xi3 huan5
decline; to go down|xia4

to rain; rainy|xia4 yu3 afternoon; p.m.; CL:個|个[ge4]|xia4 wu3

teacher; Mister (Mr.); husband; doctor

now; at present; at the moment; modern;
(topolect); CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]|xian1
current; nowadays|xian4 zai4

to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to

small; tiny; few; young|xiao3
want; to miss|xiang3 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 24

小姐 些

写 谢谢

星期 学生

学习 学校

一 衣服 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 25

young lady; miss; CL:個|个[ge4],位

some; few; several; (a measure word)|xie1
[wei4]|xiao3 jie5

to thank; thanks|xie4 xie5 to write|xie3

student; school child|xue2 sheng5 week; CL:個|个[ge4]|xing1 qi1

school; CL:所[suo3]|xue2 xiao4 to learn; to study|xue2 xi2

one; 1; single; a (article); as soon as; entire;

clothes; CL:件[jian4],套[tao4]|yi1 fu5 whole; all; throughout; "one" radical in
Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)|yi1 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 26

医生 医院

椅子 有

月 在

再见 怎么

怎么样 这 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 27

hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]|yi1
doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]|yi1 sheng1

to have; there is; there are; to exist; to

chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4]|yi3 zi5

(located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the

moon; month; CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮
middle of doing sth; (indicating an action in

how?; what?; why?|zen3 me5 goodbye; see you again later|zai4 jian4

this; these; (commonly pr. zhei4 before a how?; how about?; how was it?; how are
classifier, esp. in Beijing)|zhe4 things?|zen3 me5 yang4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 28

这儿 中国

中午 住

桌子 字

昨天 做

坐 这 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 29

China; Middle Kingdom|Zhong1 guo2 here|zhe4 r5

to live; to dwell; to stay; to reside; to

noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4]|zhong1 wu3

letter; symbol; character; word; CL:個|个

[ge4]; courtesy or style name traditionally table; desk; CL:張|张[zhang1],套
given to males aged 20 in dynastic [tao4]|zhuo1 zi5

to do; to make; to produce; to write; to

compose; to act as; to engage in; to hold (a
party); to be; to become; to function (in
some capacity); to serve as; to be used for; yesterday|zuo2 tian1
to form (a bond or relationship); to
pretend; to feign; to act a part; to put on

how?; how about?; how was it?; how are to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane
things?|zen3 me5 yang4 etc); to bear fruit; surname Zuo|zuo4 This template is copyright protected. No commercial usage without license. Page 30

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