New Deal Debate - Research Organizer

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Deal Debate - Research Organizer


Employment Grows
In 1933 the civilian unemployment rate was 25 percent. In 1939 it was less than half that, and had been below 10 percent

before Roosevelt tried to balance the budget in 1937.

FDR established the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which put men to work in the national forests, and provided work

for 2.5 million people over the next ten years.

The 1933 unemployment figure taking government employment into account was around 22%. By 1937 it was below 10%.

It bumped back up near 13% in 1938 and then went back down to 10% by 1940.

The different programs within the new deal created work for millions of p

Population Grows Unemploymentshrinks

The population of the United States in the 1930s grew during the course of the decade but was something around 127

million. That means that, using the official numbers, unemployment decreased by around 12 million from 1933 to 1937.

create mor
more people create more programs
buissneses which



Emergency Banking
Roosevelt Holidays
declared a four-day bank holiday to stop people from withdrawing their money from shaky banks. On March 9,

Congress passed Roosevelt’s Emergency Banking Act, which reorganized the banks and closed the ones that were


supplied ulimited amounts of created loot


currency to reopeneddeposit


On June 16, 1933, a surprisingly hesitant President Roosevelt agreed to sign legislation that included the creation of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). By insuring bank deposits up to a certain amount, FDIC gave Americans a

greater sense of security that if their bank failed they would not be left destitute.
money collected fromme

pulling U.S out of great depression pool of

Finacialthe Roosevelt

administration put the banking and financial system back on a solid footing: failing banks were culled,
deposit insurance instituted, homeowners bailed out, and mortgages guaranteed. The dollar was untied from the Gold

Standard and devalued. The Federal Reserve Bank loosened up money supply. Credit began to flow again.
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The federal reserve Bank loosened up money supply

to credit began flow

6over Business

Economic increase federal
Growth revenue
The average rate of growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was around 10% for the decade, comparable to the N
phenomenal growth of China in the 2000s.

taxes on alcohol sales boosted government revenue

Helped restore state a local finances

emergency relief act of 1933 provided 3billion in grants

new deal aid brought down debts from 281 to 8 1

Helped stabilise bank failures

100 an

virtually eliminated bank failure to where bank failure never exceeded

reduced bank runs which helped reducebank failures

m t

there was a need for the


to be involved in

For the new deal

economic matters

When the Great Depression happened America was in a panic and everyone was struggling to make money
and keep the jobs they had. Businesses did not have the means to keep running and if the government didnt
step in America would just continue to go more and more in debt and no jobs would be available. The
government was stable and had the means to create jobs for the millions of Americans who lost them. If the
economy was bad it is the governments job to make it better because what affects the country affects the
government. The new deal would never have been successful if it weren’t for the governments involvement
because they had the tools to get Americans back to work.

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