Universidad Tecnologica de Honduras: Modulo # - 5

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English III

Modulo # _5_

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: _English III Código: INE206
Unidades valorativas: 4 Duración del Modulo: 10 días

 The Focus of this unit is family time, friends and free-time activities
 Opposites attract: love, like, hate, enjoy, don´t mind+ noun/-ing
 Accepting or declining an invitation

Specific Objectives:

1. The student will be able use don´t mind+ noun/-ing

2. The students will be able to Accept or decline an invitation

Skills to develop:
 Practice the correct use of don´t mind+ noun/-ing
 Practice the vocabulary of the unit.

Brief Description of Activities:

The student will practice conversations using the vocabulary learned.
Homework Description:
Exercise 1 Write about your need, likes, obligations, and wants. Write at
least three sentences for each and illustrate.

My likes
I like to wake up early to read.
I like to eat sweets.
I like to chat with my friends.
My needs
I need a new cell phone.
I need to finish the modules for my classes.
I need to buy new shoes for my daughters.
My wants
I want vacations.
I want new clothes.
I want new shoes.
My obligations
I have to lose weight.
I have to eat healthy.
I have to exercise.

Now you:

My Likes

 I like chocolate
 I like to play with my dogs.
 I like to read and watch series.

My needs

 I need to buy a protector

for my cell phone
 I need to study
Differential Equations
 I need to buy a new car.

My wants

1. I want to spend all my classes.

2. I want vacations.
3. I want to go to Brazil

My obligations

1. I have to feed my dogs.

2. I have to do my homework.
3. I have to study.

Exercise 2 Write three offerings or invitations and responses. You can

either accept or decline them. Illustrate.

A. Would you like some cheese with your burger?
B. No, really. I´m fine.

Offering 1

A. Can you come to my house tomorrow?

B. yes, I would love

Offering 2

A. Do you want some chocolate cake?

B. No thanks, I'm allergic to chocolate

Offering 3

A. Do you want tomato sauce for your slices?

B. Yes please, I would like a little

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