Distribution of Polar Bears (Ursus Maritimus) During The Ice-Free Period in Western Hudson Bay

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Distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during the ice-free period in

western Hudson Bay

Department of Zoology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2E9


Canadian Wildlife Service, 5320 122 Street, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6H 3S5 and Department of Zoology,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6H 2E9
Received May 5, 1989

DEROCHER, A. E., and STIRLING, I. 1990. Distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during the ice-free period in western
Hudson Bay. Can. J. Zool. 68: 1395- 1403.
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/09/12

The distribution and movements of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during the ice-free period in western Hudson Bay were
studied using mark and recapture and radiotelemetry locating of animals of known age and sex collected between 1966 and 1987.
Polar bears segregated themselves by age, sex, and reproductive status. Adult males occupied coastal areas. Family groups and
pregnant females occupied areas farther inland. Subadult females and males occupied similar habitats which overlapped with
those of adult males. Avoidance of conspecifics, energy conservation, philopatry, denning habitat, and habitat selection
appeared to influence observed patterns. A southward shift in the population was evident early in the ice-free period and was
followed by a return movement northward during October and November. This may be due to ice-formation patterns which
permit earlier access to the sea ice along the north coast and hunting habitat to the northeast. All bears moved less than bears on
the sea ice, and movements were consistent with a strategy of energy conservation. Most bears appear to have travelled directly
from the sea ice to the study area and remained until the sea ice reformed. Little exchange with adjacent populations and a high
degree of philopatry were evident for all age and sex groups; this may be a function of the distribution of denning habitat, the
winter distribution of sea ice habitat and seals, and the noncompetitive conditions that prevail during the ice-free period which
make dispersal of limited benefit.

DEROCHER, A. E., et STIRLING, I. 1990. Distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during the ice-free period in western
For personal use only.

Hudson Bay. Can. J. Zool. 68 : 1395- 1403.

Des techniques de marquage-recapture et de radiotklkmktrie ont servi a ktudier la rkpartition et les dkplacements d'Ours
polaires (Ursus maritimus) au cours de la pkriode sans glace dans l'ouest de la Baie d'Hudson en permettant de repkrer les
animaux d'ige et de sexe connus entre 1966 et 1987. Les ours se rkpartissaient selon leur ige, leur sexe et leur statut reproducteur.
Les miles adultes occupaient les rkgions cbtieres. Les farnilles et les femelles enceintes se tenaient dans les zones plus
continentales. Les femelles et les miles subadultes occupaient des habitats semblables qui chevauchaient ceux des miles adultes.
La fuite des autres ours, la conservation de l'knergie, la philopatrie, le lieu du repaire et le choix de l'habitat semblent les facteurs
dkterminants des rkpartitions observkes. La population s'est dkplacke vers le sud au dkbut de la pkriode sans glace et il s'est
effectuk un mouvement de retour vers le nord en octobre et novembre. Ces dkplacements sont probablement dus aux mouvements
de formation des glaces qui permettent un acces plus rapide aux glaces marines le long de la c6te nord et aux zones de chasse vers
le nord-est. Tous les ours se dkplasaient moins durant la pkriode sans glace que sur les glaces marines et ces dkplacements
semblaient rkpondre a une stratkgie de conservation d'knergie. Les ours semblent tous s'Ctre rendus directement des glaces
marines a la rkgion d'ktude et y sont restks jusqu'au retour des glaces. Chez les ours des deux sexes et de tous les Ages, il y avait
peu d'interactions avec les populations adjacentes et une nette tendance a la philopatrie, phknomhnes probablement reliks a la
rkpartition des repaires, a la rkpartition des glaces marines et des phoques en hiver, et aux conditions qui suppriment la nkcessitk
de compktition durant la pkriode sans glace et qui font que la dispersion comporte peu d'avantages.
[Traduit par la revue]

Introduction 1977; Ramsay and Andriashek 1986). 'The breeding season

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have a circumpolar distribu- occurs while polar bears are on the sea ice from lace March
tion closely tied to the arctic pack ice (DeMaster and Stirling through May (L@n@1970).
1981). They are solitary carnivores, preying predominantly Polar bears on land in western Hudson Bay are segregated by
upon ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and secondarily on bearded age and sex class (Stirling et al. 1977). In general, adult males
seals (Erignathus barbatus) (Stirling and Archibald 1977; predominate along the coastal areas, whereas adult females with
Smith 1980). In some polar bear populations, such as the one in and without cubs are found farther inland (Stirling et al. 1977;
western Hudson Bay, the bears migrate onto land when the sea Latour 1981). The purpose of this study was to quantify the
ice melts during the summer (Stirling et al. 1977). While on spatial and temporal distribution and movements of polar bears
land, polar bears spend 70-90% of their time resting (Latour during the summer and autumn and examine possible reasons
1981; Lunn and Stirling 1985) and feed little (Russell 1975; for the observed patterns. In addition, we also examine patterns
Knudsen 1978; Lunn and Stirling 1985). Fat deposited during of philopatry and site-specific fidelity within the study area.
the previous spring is their predominant energy source. All
bears, except for pregnant females, return to the sea ice in Studv area
November Or early December. Pregnant femiles remain inland ~ h ,study area is the western Hudson Bay coast between the
in dens where they give birth to cubs in late December or Churchill and Nelson rivers, inland to94O15'W. The western boundary
January (Harington 1968). They return to the sea ice between corresponds to the maximum westward movements observed (Fig. . " 1).
mid-February and early April (Harington 1968; Stirling et al. ~ ~ ~ r o . x i m a700-900
t e l ~ bears are found in the study area during the
1396 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 68, 1990

both upper lips with a unique number to facilitate long-term identifica-

tion. Temporary letters or numbers were painted on the back of each
bear to permit identification from aircraft. Eartag, glue-on, or neck-
collar radios were placed on 166 bears. Relocations of marked and
radio-tagged bears were obtained during capture sessions, aerial sur-
veys, and from reliable observers.
Bears were classified into one of five groups: family groups
(females with cubs of the year or yearlings), solitary females (5 years
and older), subadult females (independent females 1-4 years old),
adult males (5 years and older), and subadult males (independent males
1-4 years old). Because of limited variation between adult females
with cubs of the year and those with yearlings (Derocher 1987), these
two groups were pooled. There was little variation in distribution and
movement patterns between years (Derocher 1987), so the data were
Locations of known animals were described according to their
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/09/12

distance from the coast. North-south distributional aspects were not

considered in detail because sampling constraints in some years may
have introduced biases. Only relocations of animals made within 30
days were used for the analyses of daily movement distances. Direction
of movement was calculated using movements of 2 km or more, as
shorter movements were within the range of possible mapping error in
some habitats.
Data were analyzed using BMDP (Department of Biomathematics,
The University of California, Los Angeles) and SAS (SAS Institute
Inc., Cary , NC) statistical software. Kruskal- Wallis (K- W) and
Mann- Whitney (M-W) tests were used for most comparisons, as data
distributions were highly skewed. Multiple-comparison tests were
performed by analyzing the ranks of the distance from the coast using
the GT2 method (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). For all tests, probabilities
greater than 0.05 were considered not significant. Directional data
For personal use only.

were analyzed using circular statistical methods, including the Rayleigh

test for nonrandom orientation (Batschelet 1981). Where visual inspec-
tion of plotted data indicated movement in opposite directions, an axis
of orientation was determined.
Population definition was examined using mark and recapture data
FIG. 1.. Location of the study area and locations mentioned in the and returns from tagged bears killed by Inuit. Seasonal fidelity was
text. evaluated from locations where an individual bear was recaptured
during the same month, in different years. This was done for adults,
ice-free period (Derocher 1987). The habitat is a flat peatland along the subadults relocated as adults, subadults relocated as subadults, and
ecotone between the subarctic open boreal forest and the arctic tundra. cubs relocated as independent bears. Emigration from the study area
Lichen tundra, numerous small lakes, and bogs characterize the inland was also investigated by examining longer distance movements of
area. Open scrub spruce (Picea spp.) forest is present along rivers, bears caught in the study area.
streams, some lakes, and throughout the southern quarter and along
the western edge of the study area. The coast is characterized by sedge Results
and grass meadows, extensive salt marshes, and patches of willow
Between 1966 and 1987, 1528 captures and 1073 resightings
(Salix spp.). Mean temperatures are between 12°C in July and - 12°C
in November. During the summer, daytime temperatures can exceed of known independent animals were recorded. During the
25°C. autumn of most years, there is an influx of females with cubs
The annual ice in Hudson Bay begins to break up in May and is gone and subadults into the area near the Churchill townsite, and
by mid-August. The last of the major ice floes occur off the coast of these animals constituted a large portion of the sample prior to
Manitoba and Ontario. Freezeup begins along the coast north of Rankin 1977 (Stirling et al. 1977; Lunn and Stirling 1985). After 1977,
Inlet in late October and moves southward, forming a rim of ice several the region sampled increased, and by 1980, animals were
kilometres wide. By the first or second week of November, the ice captured throughout the study area. Over 65% (1704/2601) of
extends south to Cape Churchill, and most of the bay freezes within the the locations of known polar bears have occurred since 1980.
next few weeks. The overall mean resighting or recaptured interval was 20 days
Methods (SE = 1, n = 1201) or 7 days (SE = 0.3, n = 9 13) for bears
relocated within 30 days.
Data were collected between 1966 and 1987, although the objec-
tives, methods, and intensity of tagging operations have varied. Most Distribution
animals were immobilized from a Bell 206B helicopter, between The monthly distributions of bears located between 1966 and
August and October, using remote injection equipment. Techniques 1987 are described by the mean and range of distances from the
were modified from those outlined by Lentfer (1968) and Larsen
coast (Table I). Individuals of all five groups could be found
(1971). Some bears were captured in Aldrich leg snares or culvert
traps, and others were darted from motor vehicles. The sex, reproduc- along the coast throughout the study period, and therefore the
tive status, condition, and other selected parameters were recorded range is equal to the maximum distance from the coast.
from immobilized bears. Ages were determined from an extracted pre- Significant differences were found between groups in their
molar, and weights were estimated from axillary girth (Stirling et al. mean distance from the coast (August, K-W: H = 92.3, df = 4,
1977). A plastic tag was placed in each ear and tattoos were applied to P < 0.001; September, K-W: H = 171.2, df = 4, P < 0.001;

TABLE1 . Distance from the coast (km) of polar bears of different age, sex, and reproduc-
tive status for July-November

adult Family Subadult Subadult Adult
females groups females males males

Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
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Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
For personal use only.

Mean (SD)
NOTE:Within each month (except July, when there were insufficient data for analysis), groups whose range values
are followed by the same letter are not significantly different (GT2 test, P > 0.05).

October, K-W: H = 276.2, df = 4, P < 0.001; and November, Solitary females that remained along the coast or returned
K-W: H = 49.0, df = 4, P < 0.001). Adult males were there during October and November after being inland repre-
significantly separated from all other groups during August sented 21% (221106) of the group. Solitary females found in
(Table I). There were no significant differences in distribution October within 10 krn of the coast weighed significantly less (t =
between subadult females, subadult males, and adult males -2.77, df = 62, P = 0.007) than those found farther inland
during September, October, and November, although these (coast: i = 173 kg, SE = 9, n = 13; inland: i = 224 kg,
groups occupied different areas than family groups and solitary SE = 9, n = 5 1). There were no differences (t = - 1.61, df = 62,
females during this period (Table 1). Although family groups P = 0.113) in their mean ages. During November, these
and solitary females were not significantly separated in Novem- differences persisted (t = -3.76, df = 33, P = 0.007; coast:
ber, solitary. females occupied the areas farthest inland. Sub- i = 156 kg, SE = 14, n = 16; in1and:i = 223 kg, SE = 11,
adults of both sexes and adult males used areas closer to the n = 19), although there were still no significant differences (t =
coast. There was a wide degree of variation within each group 0.62, df = 33, P = 0.542) in their ages.
and individuals of each group could be found throughout the
study area. Adult males tended to aggregate at prominent points Movement patterns
and small islands along the coast. There were no significant differences between groups (K-W
Monthly variation in observed distances from the coast was test) in mean distance moved per day. However, within groups,
found in all groups (family groups, K-W: H = 61.9, df = 4, significant variation in distance moved per day was found
P < 0.001; solitary females, K-W: H = 58.3, df = 4, P < between months for family groups (K-W: H = 8.2, df = 3, P =
0.001; subadult females, K-W: H = 20.8, df = 4, P < 0.001; 0.043), subadult females (K-W: H = 20.2, df = 3, P < 0.001),
subadult males, K-W: H = 27.8, df = 4, P < 0.001; adult arid adult males (K-W: H = 22.9, df = 3, P < 0.00 1). These
males, K-W: H = 52.4, df = 4, P < 0.001). Family groups, three groups moved less during September than either before or
adult males, and subadults were nearest the coast in July, as they afterwards (Table 2). When nonpregnant females were removed
arrived from the sea ice, and movement inland reached a from the solitary female group, there was significant variation
maximum in August or September. Changes in observed distance between months (K-W: H = 8.73, df = 3, P = 0.033) in
from the coast varied considerably between the different distance moved per day. The shortest daily movements were
segments of the population. Family groups were the last to made during November (Table 2).
leave inland areas. Solitary females differed from all other The movements of several groups showed a significant
groups because pregnant females remained inland to give birth degree of orientation. Most bears moved south along the coast
to young. or inland after arriving on land and then returned northward
CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 68, 1990

TABLE2. Distance (krn)moved per day for polar bears of different age, sex, and repro-
ductive class

Family Solitary Subadult Adult Subadult

groups females females males males

Mean (SE)
Mean (SE)
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/09/12

Mean (SE)
Mean (SE)

TABLE3. Proportion of tagged polar bears in capture and harvest ( r = 0.45, n = 111, P < 0.001), 352"(r = 0.41, n = 103,
For personal use only.

samples from locations about Hudson Bay (locations are listed clock- P < 0.001), and 329" (r = 0.41, n = 22, P = 0.027),
wise, starting from the study area) respectively. An axis of orientation was found during September
with a bearing of 348"-168" ( r = 0.48, n = 63, P < 0.001).
Capture Bears tagged Subadult males as a group had a significant nonrandom orienta-
and in study area Proportion tion during October, with a mean heading of 328" (r = 0.29,
Location harvest sample in sample tagged
n = 40, P = 0.034).
Study areaa
Eskimo Point Population definition
Whale Cove Bears tagged in the study area are recaptured or killed
Rankin Inlet throughout the Hudson Bay region (Table 3). The harvest of
Chesterfield Inlet polar bears along the western coast of Hudson Bay from Eskimo
Coral Harbour Point to Rankin Inlet is composed of 44% subadult males, 27%
Southampton 1slandb adult males, 20% subadult females, and 9% adult females (n =
Quebec coast 509). In comparison, the approximate composition of the
Belcher Islands population of independent bears from the capture sample is 28%
Southeast ~ a n i t o b a ~ adult females, 28% adult males, 19% subadult females, and
25% subadult males (n = 1528). While information from
"Includes spring captures. eastern Hudson Bay is limited and the total harvest unrecorded,
bGovernment of N.W.T. study. few bears tagged in the study area were reported there. The
'Harvest was not recorded in Quebec.
d ~ r e from
a the mouth of the Nelson River east to the Manitoba-Ontario border. proportion of bears tagged in the study area, relative to the total
number that are captured or killed in the study area or elsewhere,
provides an index of population distribution and fidelity
prior to sea ice formation. In August and October, the (Table 3).
movements of family groups had a mean heading of 196" (r = Of 122 bears originally tagged in the study area and harvested
0.44, n = 21, P = 0.015) and 30" (r = 0.42, n = 48, P < between Eskimo Point and Rankin Inlet, 46 (38%) were known
0.001). Significant orientation was not found during September to have been within the study area in the previous 6 months. Of
and November. A significant ( P < 0.001) orientation of 169" the eight tag returns from Quebec, six were from males with a
(r = 0.70, n = 15) was found for solitary females during August. mean age of 4 years (SE = 0.3, n = 6). All eight bears were
A significant (P < 0.001) axis of orientation of 339"- 159" (r = known to have been in the study area within a mean of 13
0.92, n = 12) was found during September. Subadult females months (SE = 6, n = 8), although four were killed within 5
showed no significant orientation during August and Septem- months. The single tagged bear killed in the Belcher Islands was
ber, but showed a significant mean bearing of 324" (r = 0.30, a 5-year-old male that had moved over 800 km in the 4 months
n = 41, P = 0.026) and 340" ( r = 0.32, n = 28, P = 0.046) since it was last handled near Churchill. There were 28
during October and November, respectively. Adult males recaptures in Ontario of bears that had been handled in Manitoba
showed significant orientation in their movements during and all were within 100 krn of the Manitoba-Ontario border
August, 0itober , and November, with mean bearings of 1660 (G. Kolenosky , personal communication).

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FIG. 2. Frequency distribution of relocation distances for adult FIG.4. Frequency distribution of relocation distances for cubs of the
females recaptured as adults (adult-adult), subadult females recap- year and yearlings with their mothers and subsequently located as
tured as adults (subadult-adult), and subadult females recaptured as independent animals.
subadults (subadult-subadult).
The distances between where bears were first captured and
where they were recaptured in subsequent years were similar for
all groups. These distances were also substantially shorter than
the distance between a random sample of points within the study
For personal use only.

area which had a mean distance of 91 km (SE = 4, n = 150)

Legend between points. Adult females were relocated a mean of 33 km
a3 ADULT-ADULT (SE = 3, n = 129) between positions (Fig. 2). Females handled
IZ9 SUBADULT-SUBADULT as subadults and later as adults were found a mean of 32 km (SE
= 4, n = 103) between positions (Fig. 2). Subadult female
bears, relocated as subadults, had a mean of 30 km (SE = 6, n =
47) between positions (Fig. 2). The mean distance between
relocations of adult males in different years was 32 km (SE = 3,
n = 273) (Fig. 3) and that between the locations of subadult
males and their locations as adults was 23 km (SE = 3, n = 125)
(Fig. 3). Subadult males relocated as subadults were found a
mean of 16 km (SE = 2, n = 96) between positions (Fig. 3).
The mean distance between locations of female and male cubs
of the year and yearlings with their mothers and locations as
RELOCATION DISTANCE (km) subadults and adults was 35 km (SE = 4, n = 150) (Fig. 4).
FIG. 3. ~ r e ~ u e ndistribution
c~ of relocation distances for adult During 1984 and 1985, areas outside the study area were
males recaptured as adults (adult-adult), subadult males recaptured as searched to assess the degree of emigration during a single
adults (subadult-adult), and subadult males recaptured as subadults ice-free period. Of 200 independent bears captured during the
(subadult-subadult) . autumn of 1984 and 1985, only two were known to have left
prior to freezeup. One 3-year-old male moved 94 km to the
northwest, and the second, a 19-year-old male, moved 156 km
From 1967 to 1975, 73 bears were caught along the Ontario to the southeast. Of the independent bears handled during 1984
coast and in James Bay (Jonkel et al. 1976). Only one bear, a and 1985, 86% (1721200) were resighted within the study area.
2-year-old male when captured in 1968, was recaptured in our Twenty-eight bears (14%) were not relocated. Using radio-
study area, in 1984 and 1985. In contrast, 23% (17173) have tracking data, at least 96% (85189) of the bears handled
been harvested in the Belcher Islands, Ontario, or along the remained within the study area until freezeup. Four bears with
Quebec coast. Less than 1% (11270) of the bears harvested in the radios were not relocated after release. There appears to be little
Belcher Islands were handled previously in our study area. A immigration to the study area after the ice breaks up and the
recent and ongoing study by the Northwest Territories Wildlife bears are ashore. Only 3 of over 400 bears handled in Ontario
Service in the area of Southampton Island and Wager Bay (west and eastern Manitoba during 1984 and 1985 by the Ontario
of Southampton Island) has resulted in over 200 captures Ministry of Natural Resources were sighted in the study area.
(M. Taylor, personal communication). To date, no exchange of
tagged animals has been documented between this population Winter distribution
and our study area. None of the 23 1 polar bears captured in the After freezeup, polar bears from the study area were relocated
southeast Baffin Island area during 1974- 1979 (Stirling et al. on the sea ice in western Hudson Bay (Fig. 5). In 1985 and
1980) has been recaptured in western Hudson Bay. 1986, the mean distance between the last known position of
1400 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 68, 1990

I I I I other groups because of their greater ability to defend their own

seal kills and to usurp those of subordinates.
620- Polar bears are locomotively inefficient (Best 1982; Hurst et
al. 1982a, 1982b) and are easily affected by hyperthermia,
especially when travelling under warm ambient temperatures
(Oritsland 1970; Best 1982). Therefore, reduction of unneces-
sary movement is important for conservation of energy. The rate
- at which body reserves are used will influence the condition of
an animal when it returns to the sea ice and may affect
subsequent survival and reproductive success. Through popula-
tion segregation, individuals can reduce avoidance behaviour
and confrontations and thereby reduce energy expenditure.
a 60"-
Most adult males remain in the coastal areas where they are
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/09/12

able to minimize movements and conserve energy. We suggest

that because wind alters convective heat loss (Best 1982), cool
breezes from Hudson Bay make coastal areas preferred habitat

for adult males. Fidelity to specific coastal or inland sites could

be a function of individuals finding suitable habitat for
summering when young. Although only a small portion of the
adult males are found in the inland areas during the ice-free
period, they are similar in age and weight to males along the
- 58"-
coast (Derocher 1987). Use of pits and dens in the inland area,
dug down to the permafrost, could represent a viable thermoreg-
1985-86 Spring
ulatory option to remaining along the coast.
Females leaving the denning area in the spring return during
the ice-free period (A. E. Derocher and I. Stirling, unpublished
For personal use only.

data). Philopatry to inland areas by females with cubs appears to

familiarize female cubs with habitats suitable for denning,
which they will use themselves in later years. Young female
black bears ( Ursus americanus) and brown bears ( Ursus arctos)
often remain on the maternal home range and subsequently
FIG.5. Locations of radio-collared polar bears on the sea ice. include it, or portions of it, in their own adult home range
bears on land in the study area in the autumn and their location (Pearson 1975; Jonkel and Cowan 1971;Glenn and Miller 1980;
on the sea ice during the winter was 195 krn (SE = 23, n = 12). Rogers 1987). Although polar bears in western Hudson Bay
A significant (P < 0.01) orientation of 53" (r = 0.68, n = 12) move much greater distances between denning areas and feeding
was found in the movements of bears from the study area to the and breeding habitat than do either black or brown bears, females
sea ice. The late autumn locations demonstrate northward born in the study area return there to den (A. E. Derocher and
movement along the newly formed sea ice as it rims the coast I. Stirling, unpublished data). Hansson and Thomassen (1983)
before moving farther offshore (Fig. 5). . found that polar bear cubs only spend 2 weeks near their
maternal den, after breaking out in the spring, before leaving for
Discussion the sea ice. This is probably not long enough for a cub to learn
. From Tables 1 and 2 it is clear there are significant differences the location of the denning area. Thus, the return of the female
in the distribution of different age and sex groups of polar bears to the denning area with her litter probably serves to reinforce
on land in western Hudson Bay during the ice-free period. travel routes taken between the breeding and hunting areas and
While the dispersion of resources is usually fundamental to the the denning area. Family groups in higher latitude populations
spacing and structure of carnivore society (Macdonald 1983), have also been observed during the summer in areas used for
our study population during the late summer and fall is of maternal denning (Schweinsburg 1979; Schweinsburg et al.
particular interest because of the absence of competition for 1982; A. E. Derocher and I. Stirling, unpublished data).
either mates or food. Nevertheless, individuals need to survive Adult male polar bears dominate subordinate conspecifics
for protracted periods on stored resources, and aspects of social and the threat of cannibalism can influence their distribution
organization and environmental factors appear important. (Stirling et al. 1981; Latour 1981; Kolenosky and Prevett
Seals are unavailable to polar bears during the ice-free period 1983; Lunn and Stenhouse 1985; Taylor et al. 1985). Similar
in Hudson Bay, and it is essential that they conserve body fat behaviour is found in black and brown bears where social
reserves until freezeup when they can return to the sea ice to interactions and the dominance of adult males also influence
feed. Most bears lose weight while onshore (Lunn and Stirling distribution and movements of subordinates (Beecham 1980;
1985), although the extent of the fat stores and energy expended Young and Ruff 1982; McCullough 1981; Stringham 1983;
may differ for different segments of the population. The greatest Tietje et al. 1986; Rogers 1987). On the sea ice, females with
nutritional stress is likely experienced by females accompanied young cubs of the year avoid habitats used by adult males
by nursing cubs and by subadults, which are not as experienced probably because of the threat of infanticide (Stirling et al.
at catching seals and are less able to defend their kills from 1981). Females with yearling and 2-year-old cubs, which are as
dominant animals. Conversely, adult males and adult females mobile as adults, use the same habitats as adult males because of
without cubs are usually in better condition than other bears of the higher availability of ringed seals (Stirling et al. 1981). As

older cubs can outrun adult males (Stirling 1974), intraspecific to minimize interactions with other bears and because that is
predation is probably unusual during the ice-free period. where the best denning habitat is. Pregnant females show little
Infanticide as an adaptive strategy for males may function fidelity to specific sites, but do return to the same general area
when a male can terminate a female's investment in offspring (Ramsay and Stirling 1990). Repeated visits may increase an
fathered by other males and stimulate a rapid resumption of individual bear's familiarity with the distribution of denning
receptivity and subsequent breeding opportunity (Hardy 1974; habitat.
Bertram 1975; Packer and Pusey 1984; Taylor et al. 1985). The The mean weight of pregnant females in the autumn is 234 kg
substantial temporal spacing between the ice-free period and the (Ramsay and Stirling 1988). In comparison, the mean weight of
breeding season preclude infanticide as a reproductive strategy solitary females near the coast was approximately 50-70 kg
during the summer and autumn. Given the high energetic cost to lighter, or approximately the same weight as females with cubs
an adult male moving inland to pursue the more mobile family of the year when they emerge from dens in the spring.
groups, the risk of iqjury , and the small size of cubs, the benefits Implantation in ursids is delayed (Wimsatt 1963; L@n@1972)
of infanticide to procure food appear limited. However, females and female black bears with insufficient body reserves may fail
with cubs may perceive adult males as a threat to their offspring to implant the blastocyst and forgo pregnancy that year (Rogers
1976, 1987). Similarly, it is likely that solitary female polar
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CALGARY on 10/09/12

even after cubs are large enough to evade adult males. Adult
males have been recorded chasing family groups during the bears with lower body weight may also fail to implant and not
ice-free period (A. E. Derocher and I. Stirling, unpublished receive hormonal cues associated with denning behaviour.
data), and cubs are extemely nervous in meetings with unrelated Using serum progesterone levels, Ramsay and Stirling (1988)
bears (Stirling 1974; Latour 1981). These observations suggest reported 13% of solitary females were not pregnant. Based on
that the avoidance of conspecifics could have a strong adaptive movement information alone, it appears that up to 21% of the
value. Adult females with cubs may use the inland area partly to solitary females may not be pregnant or fail to implant.
avoid adult males. Given the low reproductive potential of The distribution of subadults and the factors involved are not
female polar bears and the substantial investment represented by as apparent as for older bears. The low position of subadults in
each cub, the loss of offspring during the autumn may seriously the dominance hierarchy and their displacement by higher
affect net reproductive output. ranking bears may influence distribution and movements. In
However, intraspecific aggression does not adequately ex- contrast with subadult black and brown bears, which avoid adult
plain all of the dynamics of the spatial and temporal distribution males and may disperse when densities of adult males are high
of family groups. If the distribution of females with cubs was (Jonkel and Cowan 1971;Pearson 1975; Glenn and Miller 1980;
For personal use only.

only a function of the threat of cannibalism, then all females Young and Ruff 1982; Rogers 1987), the areas used by subadult
should move to areas where the probability of encountering an polar bears overlapped with adult males. The habitat along the
adult male is minimal. This could easily be achieved by moving coast of western Hudson Bay is very open and bears can usually
inland or by using areas where bear densities are low, such as the see each other from some distance. Consequently, since
region north of Churchill. The absence of family groups and subadults can outrun adult males, they may perceive them as
other bears in such areas indicates that factors other than less of a threat. Also, since there are no resources to compete
intraspecific aggression alone are involved. for, adult males may simply ignore subadults. Segregation of
Segregation of the population may also be facilitated by subadults and adult females is probably due to a general
greater tolerance of conspecifics of similar age and sex. Latour avoidance of conspecifics by adult females, whether or not they
(1981) reported that most of an individual's social behaviour is are accompanied by cubs.
directed at members of the same age and sex group. Similarly, Although not fully explained, the distribution patterns de-
adult female polar bears, with and without cubs, have been scribed here indicate that the selection of specific habitats is
observed to interact nonaggressively (Lutzyuk 1978; Hansson important. There are large areas in which bears were not found,
and Thomassen 1983; Lunn 1986). despite extensive surveying. In general, wet areas are not used.
Pregnant females in dens were found 10-80 km from the For example, very few bears have been seen or captured in the
coast. This .area seems preferred because of the extensive peat fen area 5-30 km south of Churchill. Bears in the inland areas
banks in which dens can be dug. Most dens are located on the utilize dry patches of lichen or habitat raised above the sodden
banks of lakes and creeks, under clumps of scrub spruce, the tundra. Along the coast, the drier sandy or gravel beaches are
roots of which help consolidate the soil and cause additional used more frequently than the wetter areas. This may partially
drifting snow to accumulate over the dens. Peat dens are cool account for the higher density of bears along the northern coast
inside, and bears resting in them during the summer escape of the study area, which tends to be drier than the southern
harassment by insects and probably find it easier to thermoreg- region.
ulate than if they were exposed to direct sunlight. Pregnant Polar bears have been reported to feed sparingly while on land
females remain in peat dens after the rest of the population has and the energetic returns are thought to be low (Russell 1975;
returned to the sea ice. When sufficient snow has accumulated, Knudsen 1978; Lunn and Stirling 1985). However, Derocher
the tunnel out into a snow den which they excavate from the (1987) reported extensive foraging on Vaccinium uliginosum
snow drift that forms over the bank. The inland movement of and Empetrum nigrum by females and subadults in the inland
pregnant females is probably constrained by the presence of areas. The importance of this feeding and its influence on
continuous coniferous forest because the deep unconsolidated distribution is unknown, but it may provide a high quality food
snow that accumulates there is unsuitable for dens and difficult source for a brief period for some bears when alternate resources
to travel through during the spring. There is also an energetic are limited.
cost to moving far inland, both for denning in the autumn and
again in the spring, when the families return to the sea ice. At Movement patterns
higher latitudes, most pregnant females den within a few All groups of polar bears on land during the ice-free period
kilometres of the coast (Harington 1968; Stirling et al. 1975: moved much less than bears on the sea ice. Daily movements of
Larsen 1985). Pregnant females in Hudson Bay may den inland 17 km (SE = 2, n = 70) were found for seven different adult
1402 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 68, 1990

females on the sea ice in the Beaufort Sea (calculated from differentiated. However, it is clear that while many of the bears
Amstrup 1986), which is eight to nine times the distance we from our study area spend the winter and spring in western
recorded during the ice-free period. The analysis of distance Hudson Bay, some bears, predominantly young males, do range
moved per day by family groups, subadult females, and adult throughout Hudson Bay.
males showed decreased movement during September. Several The conditions during the ice-free period are such that the
bears spent many weeks at the same location. Moving to benefits of dispersal by subadults may be limited and any
preferred areas during July and August followed by reduced mechanisms that induce dispersal may not function at this time.
activity until the sea ice starts to form probably functions to The benefits of philopatry and site-specific fidelity are probably
conserve energy. similar to those derived by other animals from home ranges and
Solitary females move inland soon after they arrive off the sea territories: familiarity with conspecifics and the distribution of
ice. The median distance moved per day decreased throughout resources. Philopatry may also relate to navigational patterns
the ice-free period and is indicative of pregnant females finding learned from mothers. The manner in which polar bears
suitable denning sites and remaining there. By late September, navigate is unknown, but it is essential that they return to land as
most pregnant bears have moved inland and occupied dens. Few the sea ice melts.
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pregnant females were seen outside their dens after the middle The sea ice near the study area may be productive for hunting
of October. seals and the study area represents the energetically most
Many bears arrive from the sea ice in the northeast comer of efficient place to wait until the sea ice reforms. There is little
the study area and subsequently move south along the coast or known about the distribution of seals in the Hudson Bay area,
inland. In October and November, the direction of movement is but the density of ringed seals is variable (Smith 1975) and
reversed as bears move north along the coast and begin to leave probably determines the distribution of polar bears. The separa-
the inland area. By November, many bears have reached the tion of the subpopulations that spend the ice-free period in
north coast of the study area where they await the formation of Ontario and Manitoba may be influenced by hunting in different
the sea ice. The heading that family groups took as they moved areas in the winter and spring.
inland or back to the coast was approximately the same as, or In summary, it appears that the distribution and movement
180" to, the orientation of 39" that Ramsay and Andriashek patterns of polar bears during the ice-free period are influenced
(1986) reported for bears leaving the denning area in the spring. by social and energetic factors interacting with learned beha-
They speculated that the observed orientation may have been a viour and site fidelity. The spatial and temporal segregation of
function of the bears moving to an area of active sea ice with polar bears during the ice-free period is markedly different from
For personal use only.

good hunting identified by Stirling et al. (1977). The use of the that found in other ursids and permits this normally solitary
area to the northeast of Cape Churchill was supported by the species to pass a noncompetitive season, at high densities, while
radio locations obtained from bears on the sea ice. conserving energy stores.

Fidelity Acknowledgements
Distribution and movement patterns are influenced by fidelity Dennis Andriashek provided technical support and field
to the study area and specific sites within the study area. Fidelity assistance that was crucial to the success of the field studies.
patterns were similar for all groups of bears. Polar bears born in Wendy Calvert provided invaluable assistance in the laboratory
the study area are philopatric, and adults and subadults show overseeing data management. We wish to thank M. Cattet, M.
long-term fidelity to the study area. Findings of site fidelity in Gillespie, R. Hansson, D. Jacobs, S. Kearney, L. Knutsen,
polar bears are not new. Polar bears on the sea ice in the spring S. Miller, J. Miller, K. Pontus, M. Ramsay M. Shoesmith,
return to the same feeding areas over many years (Stirling et al. C. Spencer, I. Thorleifson, R. Tease, and L. Voissey for their
1980, 1984; Lentfer 1983; Schweinsburg et al. 1982). Immigra- assistance in this study. Two anonymous reviewers provided
tion into the study area is limited, and the exchange between the constructive criticism of an earlier draft of this paper. Funding
Ontario and Manitoba populations results from bears making was provided by the Boreal Institute for Northern Studies,
periodic visits outside of their normal summering areas. Prevett the Canadian Wildlife Service, the Manitoba Department of
and Kolenosky (1982) suggested that there was an annual Natural Resources, the Natural Sciences and Engineering
exchange of bears between Manitoba and Ontario. However, Research Council of Canada, the Northwest Territories Depart-
they only considered the portion of Manitoba near the Ontario ment of Renewable Resources, the Folar Continental Shelf
border. Our study clearly indicates that extensive exchange of Project, the University of Alberta, and World Wildlife Fund
bears between our study area in Manitoba and Ontario does not (Canada).
occur within or between annual ice-free periods.
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