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Covid-19-Exploratory Data Analysis

Lecturer: Prof. Rakesh Nigam Scribes: Roopchand parise

0.1 Topics covered

This report consist of introduction to corona virus(covid-19) and how it is emerged and also
the symptoms of corona virus,the global impact of it.We also explain the outbreak analysis
of corona virus using mathematical models.At last we will explain the safety precautions to
be taken.

0.2 Introduction
Corona viruses(COV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from common
cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS-COV) and
Severe Accute Respiratory syndrome(SARS-COV).
Corona virus are Zoonotic, i.e. it can be transmitted between animals and human beings.
Covid-19 Emergence -

• Covid-19 is the disease caused by new coronavirus that emerged in china in December
2019.The source of corona virus is believed to be a ”wet Market” in wuhan which sold
both dead and live animals including fish and animals.

Symptoms of Corona virus -

• Covid-19 symptoms include cough,fever,shortness of breadth,dry cough,headache, sore-

throat and pheumonia.Covid-19 can be severe and some cases have caused death.

Global impact of corona virus

The novel coronavirus is now a public health emergence of internantional concern,killing more
than 4000 people and infecting more than 100,000 people worldwide.

0.3 Data collection and analysis(Exploratory data analysis)

We will analyse the outbreak of corona virus across various regions,visualize them using
charts and graphs and do the exploratory analysis.

• For this analysis we are using 3-csv files the first data set is regarding the confirmed
cases and the second is number of deaths lastly the recovered cases dataset.

• The data was entered into an excel sheet, from where it ultimately found its way into

Contents -

• After this, a thorough Data preparation process ensued, which involved - dealing with
missing values - dummy coding the categorical variables in the system - arranging and
renaming the columns so as to make it usable for algorithm inputs.

0.4 The Covid-19 Data set (code outputs included)

In this section we will define the dataset used to fit the model.After this, a series of code and
code output is presented.
In the first step we shall import the required libraries and then import the dataset and filter
the dataset.

0.5 Safety Precautions

• Clean your hands often

• Avoid close contact

• Wear a face mask and seek medical care early if youhave fewer,cough and difficulty

• Practice respiratory hygiene and avoid gathering in crowd spaces

Exploratory Data Analysis -

Figure 1: import the dataset

Figure 2: pie chart

Figure 3: pie chart based on date wise
Figure 4: pie chart based on statewise

7 data preparation
Figure 5: Statewise
8 data preparation
Figure 6: state wise
Figure 7: Replacing black spaces to null spaces
Figure 8: piechart based on nationality

Figure 9: piechart based on gender

Figure 10: piechart district wise

Figure 11: piechart city wise

Figure 12: age of people infected with corona virus

Figure 13: histogram of deceased person age

Figure 14: Hospitalized age

Figure 15: Recovered age histogram


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