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SWOT Analysis-

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threat

Good understanding Only just starting to Great connection to Recession/ability to
of the music industry. learn business skills. the music scene. create profit.
Good understanding Technological Beginning to learn Response from
of music. experience. business skills. audience/public may
be negative.
Easy to work with. High prices. Plenty of locations to Some may prefer to
choose from. see other shows at the
same time.
Very motivated and Not well known in the Response from Financial threat.
hard working. industry. audience/public may
be positive.

Service- Running a live music event

Target audience- Students 18 years to early 20’s, my audience was people who are interested in pop
music and your funky music.

Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)-

 Improves the awareness-Social media allowed me to improve the awareness of my

artist. Social media is one of the most stress free and profitable digital marketing
platforms that can be used to increase my event. Undoubtedly, having a social
media page for my event will benefit my event and with a regular use, it can also
produce a wide audience for my event in no time.

 Cost effective- For a marketing strategy, social media marketing is possibly the most
cost-effective way. Creating an account and signing up is free for almost all social
networking platforms.

 Engaging- Social media is a good way for me engaging and interacting customers.
The more I communicate with the audience, the more chances I have of conversion.
Set up a two-way communication with my target audience so that their wishes are
known, and their interest is catered with ease.

 Increased traffic-One of the other benefits of Social Media is that it also helps
increase my web traffic. By sharing my content on social media, people are giving
users a reason to click-through to my page. On my social account, the more quality
content I share, the more inbound traffic I will generate while making conversion


 Flexible design-With posters, I had a wide range of sizes and shapes from which to
choose. I could create packages of smaller posters to advertise an upcoming event
by sliding through people’s doors and handing out, or create larger formats for just
sticking up on walls in the venue or in pubs. One of the added benefits of marketing
with posters is that I can customize them to appeal to my audience.

 Exposure-When I was hanging up posters, potential customers will see them for as
long as I left them up for. In contrast, print ads end up in the bin once magazines
and newspapers are read. In addition, when I use posters to promote an upcoming
event, I can potentially reach my audience repeatedly when I choose a high traffic
display area. This repetition increases the likelihood that my customer will convert.

 Visibility- I can also display your posters in local coffee shops, bookstores, and
banks, pubs to attract customers. Strategically choose the most effective locations
to display my posters so that as many people as possible will see my posters and
recognize my event.

 Cost- Posters were a cost-effective way to market my event as it was done through
the college, I didn’t have to pay to get them printed. They are also cost-effective as
like I did, I got a design for my poster online which only cost me £1 to do.

Here is another example of my understanding of Marketing Strategy for my EPK-

Planned Tactics for EPK-

Place- where I am going to sell my product and how I am going to deliver the product to the market.
For me I am going to try get my product on Spotify and to be able to deliver it up and about on
different social medias like Instagram and Facebook so I can post about the lead up to the release
Promotion- My promotion will tie into my place really as I am doing digital release as my product will
appear on web page or social media app (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
Price- This will be cost-effective as marketing it on social media apps, most of them are free to use
when I create an account. Making the EPK on Wix was also cost-effective as it is a free website
creator anyone can use.

Customer/consumer value- my marketing must focus on bringing value to your consumer. Also, to
strengthen your customer service with a goal of delighting your customers as how you delight/satisfy
your customers is what matters.
Communication- With communication you need to try give your customers meaningful content to
engage them. I need to make my communication more personal. Deliver my personalized
communication through your customers preferred media or channel.

Committed resources-
One committed resource I have used is Wix to create the website for the EPK. Wix helps you to find
the right template for your website if it’s for business or like this for music.
Second committed resource I have used is SoundCloud to be able to get the recording of one of Lola
songs onto the website.
Third committed resource I have used is the Artist by getting the promo shots from them that they
got taken for them by a friend in Spain and then one taken here.
Another committed resource I have used is YouTube to be able the get the music video onto the EPK
I just copied the link into the website.

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