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Nutrient Mineralization and Leaf Litter Preference

by the Earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus

on Iron Ore Mine Wastes
S. R. Ganihar

Abstract earthworms and the nutrient contents of partially decom-

The effects of the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus posed leaf litter. The first three plant species were signifi-
(Muller) on the rate of mineralization of cattle dung- cantly richer in nutrients, mainly organic carbon, calcium,
amended iron (Fe2) ore mine wastes and its preference phosphorus, and nitrogen, than the other two plant spe-
for partially decomposed leaf litter with contrasting chem- cies. Acacia auriculiformis and E. camaldulensis litter
ical composition were studied in pot trials. The growth and were preferred less because of their high lignin and
survival rates of earthworms showed significant positive polyphenolic compounds, despite being rich in other
correlations with percent of organic matter. During 96 macronutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. It is con-
days of exposure, the earthworms significantly increased cluded that the introduction of P. corethrurus to cattle dung-
exchangeable Ca2, Mg2, PO43 and NH4-N. Iron ore amended (5–10%) iron ore mine wastes or revegetation of
mine wastes amended with 5–10% organic matter sup- the sites with P. reticulatus, T. indica, and A. occidentale
ported earthworm fauna better than mine wastes amended plant species should be attempted before earthworm in-
with 0–3% organic matter. The leaf litter preference shown troduction. The litter from these species acts as a source of
by the earthworm was, in descending order, Phyllanthus food for earthworms, thereby hastening the process of res-
reticulatus, Tamarindus indica, Anacardium occidentale, toration of abandoned iron ore mines of Goa, India.
Casuarina equisetifolia, Acacia auriculiformis, and Eu-
calyptus camaldulensis. A significant positive correlation Key words: amendments, earthworms, iron mine wastes,
was observed between the survival and growth rates of organic, restoration.

Introduction demonstrated the feasibility of introducing earthworms

Among the most severe forms of biological degradation into revegetated acid coal mine spoils to increase the rate of
are those associated with mining. Biologically active soil is incorporation of organic matter. Emmerling and Paulsch
completely removed or significantly reduced by opencast (2001) studied the impact of various amounts and types of
mining. Abandoned iron ore mines consisting of barren re- organic waste materials on the development of earthworm
ject dumps occupy nearly 5–10% of the total land area in communities, both in field mesocosms and laboratory mi-
Goa, India. The reject dumps are spread over hundreds of crocosm. Coelho (1990) studied earthworms in relation to
hectares of forest and agricultural land and provide envi- bacterial activity and their possible role in the rehabilita-
ronmental conditions that are extremely hostile for living tion of iron mine tailings in Goa.
organisms (Ganihar 1990). Prerequisites for restoring bio- The objectives of the present study were (1) to examine
logical activity in such sites include amelioration of limit- whether the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Muller)
ing factors, stabilization of the physicochemical environ- could be established on abandoned iron ore mines in Goa,
ment, and provision of food sources for decomposer India in association with suitable organic matter amendments
organisms in the form of organic matter or plant litter (Curry that may hasten the ecological restoration of mines, and (2)
& Boyle 1995). to determine the earthworm preference for leaf litter of dif-
A number of studies have revealed that earthworms are ferent plant species used for revegetation of mine lands.
capable of improving the fertility and productivity of re-
claimed soils (Curry 1988). The introduction of selected
earthworms into degraded or newly restored land is Methods
known to promote soil improvements (Butt et al. 1995). The tropical earthworm P. corethrurus Muller (Family:
Some studies (e.g., Vimmerstedt & Finney 1973) have Glossoscolecidae) is widely distributed in the Indian pen-
insula and Northwest region of India (Julka 1993). One of
the most dominant species in woodland habitats (Krish-
Department of Zoology, Dhempe College of Arts and Science, Miramar, namoorthy & Ramachandra 1988), P. corethrurus is known
Panaji, Goa-403 001, India
for its subsurface feeding, which occurs at depths between
© 2003 Society for Ecological Restoration International 5 and 10 cm in shady regions with low salinity and high

DECEMBER 2003 Restoration Ecology Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 475–482 475

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

organic matter (Kale 1998). It was selected for these ex- were made for dead earthworms by deducting the initial
periments because it is locally abundant, it is known to mean weight from the final total weight (Petrusewicz &
survive around mining areas in Goa (Ganihar 1996), and Macfadyen 1970). Soil samples were collected and ana-
it can tolerate temperatures up to 28oC because of its se- lyzed for chemical properties before the earthworms were
cretion of a rich mucus that prevents desiccation. It can added and again at the end of the experiment.
also tolerate a wide range of edaphic conditions, namely pH
(5.9–7.2), moisture (50–90%), organic matter (0.5–8.53%), Experiment 2. Leaf litter samples of Acacia auriculiformis
and soil texture (silt-loam to sandy-loam) (Choudhuri & (Family: Mimosaceae), Casuarina equisetifolia (Family:
Bhattacharjee 1999). The fine prostomium can be ex- Casuarinaceae), Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Family: Myrt-
tended and withdrawn and exerts a piston-like action aceae), Anacardium occidentale (Family: Anacardiaceae),
while making its way into the soil, allowing the worm to Phyllanthus reticulatus (Family: Euphorbiaceae), and Tam-
burrow without the use of body segments (Kale 1998), arindus indica (Family: Caesalpiniaceae) were collected
thus facilitating its movements through soils. The intesti- from the forest floor just after leaf fall. The first three tree
nal secretion, the mucus, and other excreta make the soil species are native to Australia and widely planted; the latter
slightly compact and cement-like, which may act as an ini- three are native to India. The leaf litter was air dried in the
tial soil binder at mine sites. Pontoscolex corethrurus is an laboratory at room temperature and kept separated by
endemic species and propagates quickly by parthenogen- species. The leaf litter and additional quantities of cattle
esis (Edwards & Lofty 1977). dung were then soaked in tap water containing 0.1%
KNO3 and 0.01% K2HPO4 to accelerate the process of de-
Experimental Design composition (Hendriksen 1990). After 24 hr the water was
drained, samples were placed in 2.5-L plastic jars, and the
Experiment 1. Earthworms were collected and hand sorted mouth of each jar was covered with a polythene sheet with
from loamy soil in the fields in and around Panaji city a few slits. Distilled water was supplied periodically to
(15o2925N, 73o4845E). They were placed for 3 days in compensate for evaporation losses. Three replicate jars for
large petri dishes (10 per petri dish) containing blotting each litter type and cattle dung combination were used.
paper to empty the gut contents. They were then added to After 2 months the partially decomposed litter and dung
red clay pots (3 L, 18 cm diameter, 12 cm height). Each pot were air dried and stored at room temperature (until the
was filled with 2.5 kg of air-dried and sieved (2-mm mesh) experiments were completed). Subsamples were crushed
iron mine waste from reject dumps and abandoned mines and analyzed for nutrients.
of Sesa Goa (P) Ltd. at Sanquelim, Goa. Cattle dung col- Fourteen sets of clay pots, each containing about 2.250
lected from fields near Panaji was air dried, finely ground, kg of mine waste plus a 250-g mixture of partially decom-
and sieved through 2-mm mesh. Various amounts of mine posed litter and cattle dung as in experiment 1, were estab-
soil waste and cattle dung (2.5 kg  0 g, 2.475 kg  25 g, lished as follows: (1) 6 contained mine waste plus leaf litter
2.375 kg  75 g, 2.325 kg  175 g, and 2.250 kg  250 g) (one pot for each leaf litter type); (2) 1 contained mine
were added to each pot and mixed thoroughly with the waste plus cattle dung; (3) 6 contained forest soil plus leaf
iron mine waste. This treatment created 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and litter (one pot for each litter type); and (4) 1 contained for-
10% (w/w) of organic matter, respectively, in the different est soil plus cattle dung. Each mixture was composed of
pots. Adequate water was added to each pot to maintain 10% organic matter, as required for the normal survival
moisture at field capacity (30%). Each pot was immersed and growth of earthworms (Edwards & Lofty 1977; Lee
in a plastic container (4 L, 14 cm height, filled with 2 L of 1985). Litter and cattle dung were mixed thoroughly with
water) such that the outer surface of the pot was kept cool the mine soil. Triplicates of each treatment were main-
to maintain the temperature between 23 and 25oC. Tem- tained (total of 42 pots). The control pots in experiment 1
peratures between 23 and 25oC provide high growth rates also served as controls in experiment 2, because both ex-
for earthworms (Van Gestel et al. 1992). The pots were al- periments were run simultaneously. In addition, forest soil
lowed to settle for 2 days before introducing earthworms. was assumed as a control in experiment 2.
Ten healthy and active earthworms were introduced from Ten days after the addition of litter 10 earthworms were
the petri dishes to each pot. The pots were then covered introduced to each pot. Before their introduction each
with muslin cloth held on with rubber bands. Five repli- earthworm was weighed to measure initial wet biomass.
cates of each treatment were maintained (total of 30 The survival and growth rates of the earthworms were
pots). measured at intervals of 14 days for 96 days. Each week 10 g
Each earthworm was weighed to obtain initial wet bio- of decomposed litter and/or cattle dung was added to the
mass. The number of survivors and their live mass were re- respective pot to compensate for the loss due to earth-
corded at 14-day intervals for 96 days. Growth rates were worm feeding (an average 8–10 mg per 1 g of body weight
estimated by taking the body weight of each surviving was suggested by Edwards & Lofty 1977). Only data col-
earthworm, weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg. Dead earth- lected at the end of the experiments were used for the sta-
worms were removed from the pots as soon as they were tistical analysis, because the corresponding chemical anal-
detected to avoid contamination. Growth rate corrections ysis was performed at the end of the experiments.

476 Restoration Ecology DECEMBER 2003

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

Physicochemical Analysis of Soil and Litter based principal components analyses (PCAs) were per-
Soil pH and electrical conductivity were measured by pre- formed (growth and survival percentages) versus physico-
paring a soil solution using distilled water (1 g in 20 mL) and chemical parameters. PCA is a multivariate statistical
calibrating the solution with an Elico-pH meter (Elico technique that attempts to explain the observed variations
Company, Pradesh, India). Water-holding capacity was in a large data set on the basis of as few (uncorrelated) at-
measured using sintered crucibles filled with oven-dried tributes as possible. The extracted “factors” are ranked in
sieved (2-mm mesh) soil samples (100 g). After 24 hr soil order of decreasing importance in terms of the amount of
samples were placed over a container filled with water in variation accounted for by each factor. The first factor axis is
such a way that the water from the container just touched positioned close to the mean so that it accounts for the great-
the bottom of the crucible. Then the water percolated est possible amount of variation (the sums of the squared
slowly, and the resulting increase in the weight of the cru- factor loadings are minimized) and each successive factor ac-
cible indicated the moisture-holding capacity of the soil counts for a progressively smaller amount of variation. PCA
sample. Soil textures were estimated by the use of sieves of was conducted using MINITAB 8.3 (Minitab 1991).
different meshes. The soil was passed successively through
a series of sieves with different size (diameter) of meshes Results
(pores). Sieving separated different fractions (different
size particles) from the sample, and then the relative pro- Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil and Litter
portions of each fraction were calculated. A particle diam- Table 1 shows the mean values (n  20) and the significant
eter of less than 0.002 mm is clay, between 0.002 and differences in physicochemical characteristics between
0.02 mm is silt, 0.02–0.2 mm is fine sand, 0.2–2 mm is mine soil and forest soils used in the experiments, namely
coarse sand, and above 2.0 mm is gravel (Arakeri et al. salinity, water-holding capacity, clay content, organic mat-
1967). Specific gravity and porosity were measured by us- ter, Fe3, SiO2 (p  0.001), bulk density, fine sand, Al2O3
ing a pyknometer (Black et al. 1965) and oven-dried soil ( p  0.01), silt, pH, specific gravity, porosity, total chlo-
samples. Soil organic matter was determined as loss-on- ride, and ( p  0.05).
ignition of oven-dried soil over 24 hr in a muffle furnace at Nutrient contents of the resource materials (Table 2) in-
550oC (Allen et al. 1976). To estimate organic carbon the dicate that litter of A. occidentale, C. equisetifolia, and E.
chromic acid colorimetric method (Black et al. 1965) was camaldulensis was significantly richer in organic carbon
used by preparing standard curves. Soil samples each than litter of other species; Ca2 was significantly higher in
weighing 5 g were kept overnight in a mixture of one nor- mine soil; Mg2 values were significantly higher in T. in-
mal K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4 and centrifuged for 10 minutes at dica, cattle dung, and E. camaldulensis litter; PO43 values
2,000 rpm. The green chromous color of the supernatant
liquid was read on a colorimeter. Carbon values were esti-
mated from the standard curve (Perur et al. 1972). Table 1. Mean values  SD of physicochemical characteristics
Exchangeable mineral nutrients were estimated as fol- of mine wastes and forest soils used in the experiments.
lows. Phosphorus levels were estimated colorimetrically Mine Waste Forest Soil
by the molybdenum blue method after extraction with Parameters (n  20) (n  20)
Trough’s reagent, calcium, and magnesium by the EDTA Grain size (% by wt.)
titration method (Allen et al. 1976) and inorganic nitrogen Clay*** 13.70  0.82 21.38  1.18
(ammoniacal nitrogen) by the micro-Kjeldahl alkaline Silt* 18.15  2.35 14.67  1.02
permanganate method (Perur et al. 1972). Total chlorides Fine sand** 16.86  2.24 12.08  1.12
were estimated by the titrimetric method. Ore oxides/ele- Coarse sand 39.39  3.32 41.80  3.10
ments were measured by the dichromate method (Fe3), Gravel 11.90  1.23 10.07  0.16
EDTA method (Al2 O3), and gravimetric method (SiO2) Texture Sandy loam Sandy clay loam
pH* 6.8  0.5 6.0  0.6
(Ray et al. 1979). The values of lignin and tannin contents EC (mmhos)*** 0.063  0.009 0.068  0.024
of plant litter were obtained from the literature (Krishna- Bulk density (g/cm3)** 0.93  0.13 0.79  0.30
murthi 1969; Chadha 1985, 1989; Shastri 1989; Phondke 1992). Specific gravity (g/cm3)* 3.02  0.32 2.59  0.11
Porosity (%)* 69.16  1.53 70.84  7.5
Data Analysis capacity (%)*** 29.0  3.6 80.6  6.20
Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) Organic matter
LOI (%)*** 6.38  0.8 10.31  1.72
to test the differences in rate of mineralization between
Chlorides (%)* 34.92  3.2 39.76  2.12
treatments and leaf litter selection. For growth and sur- Iron-Fe3 (%)*** 56.24  2.34 25.31  4.12
vival percentages ANOVA was applied after arcsine Alumina-Al2 O3 (%)** 5.53  0.20 25.4  3.1
transformation (Snedecor & Cochran 1961). The Tukey’s Silica-SiO2 (%)*** 3.20  0.6 24.92  3.14
test was also used wherever the overall F-ratio was signifi-
Parameters show significant differences among forest and mine soils: * p  .05,
cant (Haber & Runyon 1973). The Student’s t-test was ap- ** p  .01, *** p  .001.
plied for initial and final values of minerals. Correlation- EC, electrical conductivity; LOI, loss on ignition.

DECEMBER 2003 Restoration Ecology 477

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

Table 2. Mean values  SD of nutrients of different materials used in both experiments.

Organic Ca2 Mg2 Po43 NH4-N

Carbon (%) (mg /100 g) (mg /100 g) (mg /100 g) (mg /100 g)
Resource Materials p  0.01 p  0.001 p  0.01 p  0.05 p  0.01

Iron mine waste 0.71  0.06a 41.40  2.36c 13.15  1.23a 2.50  0.62a 3.36  0.64a
Forest soil 3.80  0.07b 26.14  0.86d 82.14  1.92d 58.12  3.53c 35.41  3.90b
Cattle dung 28.72  1.42c 4.80  0.62a 124.80  1.64f 133.00  4.73e 85.12  1.36d
Acacia auriculiformis 32.31  2.08c 6.41  0.35b 36.48  0.53b 62.40  3.15c 79.52  2.83d
Anacardium occidentale 40.27  2.55d 4.80  0.82a 59.62  2.05c 25.20  1.23b 59.63  1.54c
Casuarina equisetifolia 37.34  2.26d 3.20  0.41a 48.00  3.23b 55.20  2.22c 44.80  2.84b
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 38.06  1.48d 8.00  0.83b 101.76  4.46e 58.00  2.16c 47.04  1.63b
Phyllanthus reticulatus 33.75  1.96c 6.41  0.82b 45.12  1.11b 144.00  4.26e 59.36  1.84c
Tamarindus indica 25.75  0.92c 16.00  1.85c 130.56  2.09f 76.80  1.68d 78.40  2.00d

Values followed by a different letter are significantly different from other values within the same column at the 1% level, determined with Tukey’s T-test.

were significantly higher in P. reticulatus litter and cattle 10% organic matter showed a significant difference
dung; and NH4-N values were significantly higher in cattle (Tukey’s test p  0.001) from all other treatments in both
dung, A. auriculiformis, and T. indica than in other plant survival and growth rates.
resource materials. The changes in the levels of the four extractable miner-
als studied are depicted in Figure 2. There was no signifi-
cant difference in initial values of Ca2 among treatments
Experiment 1
(p  0.05), but there was a significant difference in the
Earthworms showed a 10–65% increase in survival rate final values of Ca2 (p  0.001). The increase in the final
and 1–17% increase in growth rate in amended mine soil values was significant (p  0.001), ranging from 31%
when compared with control (Fig. 1), and these rates also (treatment with 1% organic matter) to 64% (treatment
showed a significantly positive correlation with the with 10% organic matter). The initial and final values of
amount of organic matter (r  0.90, p  0.001, n  30; r  Mg2 were significantly different among the treatments
0.89, p  0.001, n  30, respectively). The amendments (p  0.05 and p  0.001, respectively). Manifold increases
containing 5% or more organic matter showed positive (7–8 times) in the final values over the initial values were
growth (8–17%) and better survival rates (80–85%) than observed.
the control. ANOVA values indicated significant differ- The initial values of PO43 did not differ significantly
ences among the treatments when comparing survival (p  (p  0.1) among treatments, but a significant difference
0.01) and growth rates (p  0.001). The treatment with was observed among the final values (p  0.01). The final
values increased significantly (60–70%), especially in
treatments with 7% and 10% organic matter. The initial
and final values of NH4-N differed significantly among the
treatments (p  0.01 and p  0.01, respectively). There
was a 50–55% increase in final values over the initial
values in all treatments (Fig. 3).
In the PCA using a 5 6 matrix (5 replicates and 6
treatments), the first two PCA factors accounted for 95%
of the variance, with individual values of 90% and 5% of
the original variance, respectively. The input variables
were earthworm growth and survival. Results are graphi-
cally represented by the projection of sample pairs onto
two axes defined by the first two pairs of principal compo-
nents axis (i.e., “factor loadings” were generally used on
coordinates). The plane projection of greatest interest is
that defined by the pair of principal components that are
associated with the two components that explain the larg-
Figure 1. Percentage survival and growth rate (means  SD) in est variance. Projection onto this plane will generally show
experiment 1 of Pontoscolex corethrurus in iron ore waste amended
the samples more discretely separated from each other
with cattle dung and (treatments) (1) 0%, (2) 1%, (3) 3%, (4) 5%, (5)
7%, or (6) 10% organic matter. Bars with different letters are
than in any other projection (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). The ex-
significantly different at the 1% level determined with Tukey’s HSD amination of the first two principal component loading
test. (Upper case letters, differences in survival rates; lower case plot (Fig. 3) indicated three groups of variables, one with
letters, differences in growth rates.) 0% organic matter, the second with 1 and 3% organic

478 Restoration Ecology DECEMBER 2003

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

Figure 3. Plot of loadings on the first two components, PC-1 and

PC-2, of experiment 1. The variables are 0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%,
and 10% organic matter.

Experiment 2
The survival and growth rates of earthworms in different
media containing litter and mine soil waste and litter and
forest soils are shown in Figure 4. Of the media compared
earthworms in forest soils exhibited highest survival rates
in cattle dung (100%), P. reticulatus (95%), and A. occiden-
tale (92%). A similar outcome was observed on mine soils.
On mine soils the best supporting materials for earthworms
were cattle dung (85% survival rate), P. reticulatus (60%
survival rate), and A. occidentale (60% survival rate). In
forest soils earthworms showed the highest growth rates
on cattle dung (150%), P. reticulatus (67%), and T. indica
Figure 2. Initial and final levels of nutrients (means  SD) in (50%). The highest growth rates attained in mine soil were
experiment 1: Ca 2, Mg2, PO3, and NH4-N. The bars with with cattle dung (8%), P. reticulatus (2.5%), and A. occi-
different superscript letters are significantly different at the 1% level, dentale (2.5%). In both mine soil waste and forest soils
determined with Tukey’s HSD test. (Upper case letters, differences
earthworms appeared to prefer cattle dung over any other
in final values; lower case letters, differences in initial values of
litter. After cattle dung P. reticulatus was the most preferred
litter material (Fig. 4). Earthworms did not survive well in
media containing litter of E. camaldulensis, C. equisetifolia,
matter, and the third with 5, 7, and 10% organic matter. and A. auriculiformis (32–40%); in fact, earthworms showed
The position of the treatments in the coordinates of the negative growth in E. camaldulensis (4.2%) and A. auricu-
two principal components are determined by the earth- liformis (25%) by losing body weight due to starvation.
worms’ activities (survival and growth rates). These activi- ANOVA indicated significant differences in the sur-
ties increase the rate of mineralization in a similar way in vival (p  0.001) and growth (p  0.001) rates of earth-
mine soils. worms in mine soils with different litter. Similarly, survival

DECEMBER 2003 Restoration Ecology 479

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

Figure 5. Plot of loadings on the first two principal components,

PC-1 and PC-2, in experiment 2. The variables are the litter of
partially decomposed Aa, A. auriculiformis; Ao, A. occidentale; Ce,
C. equisetifolia; EC, E. camaldulensis, Pr, P. reticulatus; Ti, T. indica;
and Cd, cattle dung.

Abandoned iron ore mines of Goa are highly stressed hab-
itats with no soil profile and a disturbed hydrological re-
gime. The environmental conditions, especially the physic-
Figure 4. Percentage survival and growth rate (means  SD) in ochemical characteristics, make them unsuitable for the
experiment 2 of Pontoscolex corethrurus in partially decomposed immediate growth of earthworms, thus delaying initiation
litter and cattle dung (Aa, A. auriculiformis; Ao, A. occidentale; Ce,
of the organic cycle. When left alone recovery in these
C. equisetifolia; Ec, E. camaldulensis; Pr, P. reticulatus; Ti, T. indica;
Cd, cattle dung). Bars with different superscript letters are
habitats requires several years (50 years) (Ganihar
significantly different at the 1% level, determined with Tukey’s HSD 1990). Earthworms are important processors of soil and
test. (Upper case letters, differences in survival and growth rates in nutrients in the undisturbed areas around mines (Ganihar
forest soils; lower case letters, differences in growth rates in 1996). Earthworm introduction on abandoned mines, after
mine soils.) making suitable amendments with organic matter (5–
10%), will initiate an organic cycle and potentially hasten
the process of restoration.
rates (p  0.001) and growth rates (p  0.001) of earth- The results of this study clearly indicate that a minimum
worms showed variation in forest soil with different leaf of 5% organic matter was required for maximum survival,
litter. Tukey’s HSD test indicated clearly that cattle dung, and growth continued to increase at the highest level of
P. reticulatus, and A. occidentale were significantly (p  amendment of 10%. Similar results were observed by Coelho
0.001) better than other litter in terms of survival and (1990) on iron mines of Goa amended with litter of Mangi-
growth of earthworms (Fig. 4). fera indica as a source of organic matter in his experiments
The first two principal components accounted for 87% with Pheretima orientalis. Mineralization rates of ex-
of the variance with individual values of 73 and 14% origi- changeable cations were significant (p  0.01) in mine
nal variance, respectively. Examination of the first two soils after the introduction of P. corethrurus in the present
principal component loading plots (Fig. 5) indicated two study. This is similar to the results observed by Kale and
groups of variables, the first group containing A. auriculi- Krishnamoorthy (1980) for Ca2 and by several studies of
formis, E. camaldulensis, and C. equisetifolia and the sec- Mg2 (Lee 1985), PO43, and NH4-N (Haimi & Huhta
ond group containing A. occidentale, P. reticulatus, T. in- 1990; Haimi & Einbork 1992; Binet & Trehen 1992; Curry
dica, and cattle dung. In this case projection of the sample et al. 1995; Saetre 1998 in natural soils; Emmerling &
points to the plane defined by components 1 and 2 permits Paulsch 2001 in mine wastes).
the separation of the samples into two groups by earth- Significant differences were observed in survival and
worm activities. The position of the treatment in the coor- growth rates of earthworms between mine soil and forest
dinates of the two principal components, marked by the soil that were amended with various combinations of leaf
earthworms’ activities (survival and growth rates) due to litter and cattle dung. Earthworms grow better in the pres-
their preference, is seen in Figure 5. ence of cattle dung, but the best growth seems to occur in

480 Restoration Ecology DECEMBER 2003

Nutrient Mineralization by P. corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

forest soil amended with cattle dung. However, for resto- factors (e.g., drought, heat, field compaction, etc.) threat-
ration purposes this would require that a prohibitive quan- ening earthworm survival. However, systematic field trial
tity of cattle dung be introduced on mine wastes. The al- experiments will likely provide more insight into the po-
ternative is to select plant species that can act as pioneer tential problems in meeting restoration objectives. Before
species to facilitate the recovery of earthworms on mines. undertaking soil amendments and revegetation programs
In turn this would help to restore the ecology of mines. on a large scale, pot and field trials are needed to predict
The leaf litter that earthworms preferred was P. reticu- the suitable measures for complete recovery.
latus, perhaps due to its richness in nutrients like PO43
(144 mg/100 g) and its lower concentrations of lignin (8–
10%) and tannins (10–12%) (Krishnamurthi 1969). The Acknowledgments
other preferred litter sources were T. indica, which is rich I thank the Principal and Prof. S. M. Shetty for laboratory
in NH4-N (78 mg/100 g), with 8–10% lignin and 8–10% facilities and M/s Sesa Goa (P) Ltd. for allowing me to col-
tannins (Chadha 1989), and A. occidentale, which is rich in lect iron mines wastes and for analyzing ore elements,
organic carbon (40%), although tannin content was 20% namely iron, manganese, aluminum, and silicon. I am in-
and lignin content was even less (10%) (Chadha 1985). debted to Prof. S. K. Saidapur, Prof. Raghavendra Gadag-
The least preferred plant litters were C. equisetifolia, with kar, Dr. S. N. Harkantra, and Dr. S. G. Dalal for help with
10–15% tannin and 23% lignin (Phondke 1992); E. cam- analyzing the data with PCA; Dr. S. M. Karisiddaiah for
aldulensis, with 10–12% tannins and 12–15% lignin (Shas- valuable suggestions in revising the manuscript; Dr. M. P.
tri 1989); and A. auriculiformis, with 23% tannins and 25% Tapaswi for help with the literature survey; and Prof.
lignin (Chadha 1985), even though these litters all are (Miss) Isabel Vaz for valuable suggestions. Thanks are also
moderate in nutrients, mainly NH4-N and PO43. The lat- due to Shri. S. K. Kulkarni, Shri. Prakash Pednekar, and
ter three are Australian in origin, so the native litters were Shri. Mohan Naik for their technical assistance. This re-
preferred by the earthworms. The lack of preference for search was supported by a grant (6/21/87-ER) from the De-
these litter sources is probably due to the high contents of partment of Environment, Forest and Wildlife, Govern-
lignin and tannins as suggested by Tian et al. (1995). Simi- ment of India, New Delhi. I thank Sheila Kee and two
larly, Hendriksen (1990) examined the preference of leaf anonymous referees for their critical review and construc-
litter in relation to its C:N ratio, lignin concentration, and tive suggestions that improved the manuscript immensely.
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