Functional Analysis of A Product

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Functional analysis of a product

Method is a detailed interaction between tools and materials. A user hastobe sit
properly and comfortably in a chair.So, its construction mustbe in such a manner
which satisfies its user and comfortability of user is also important. The curvy back
supported is to be provided in such a manner thatdoesn’tmake any backpain for
those who use to sit for a
Correct utilizationof product comes under this category.Being a chair,its use is to
provide a resting space to people. To do its correct functioning the design provides
a vital part. Also, it hasto accommodatedifferent kind of people. So that its support
mustbe strong enough for that.
The need of a perfect chair arises when others in the market are not atall suitable for
a particularsituation. Before the design it’s important to know the market needs and
design according to that only. After manufacturingchecking the chair with one who
uses itwillincrease the market demand of product.
The purposeful utilization of the products advantage is the main theme of
functional analysis. The culture of the society gets modified based upon the
technological development. We people always tries to be smart and to live smart.
Theavailabilityof different kind of chairs increased the need for Human
comfortableness is the reason for this. Chair is considered like a status symbol now.
Technology raised a chair’s value to that
The development of chair from early days to now is drastically too high. It started
like a placeto sit and work and design was also simple with 4 legs and a small
seating. As the environment and culture grows faster the advancement in the
i.e. Chairhas been grown up too smarter. They are none other related to their family
Aesthetics plays a vital role in the modern design world. A product gets succeed in
the world market not only because of the function but also due to its aesthetic look.
The shape of chairpertaining now are smaller,curvyand good lookingone
compared to their ancestors. They also have many advanced features than
previous ones. Many identic values are added to them to make them shine
aesthetically a better product in the design

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