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Debate preparation template

First speaker guide

Topic Are social networking sites useful or harmful to people?

Speakers’ names

Speaker’s position (Affirmative/Negative)

Greeting and Introduction
Good morning classmates, tutor, and audience.

We are here to talk about a topic that has been discussed a lot in recent times and it is
the one used by social networks that will be useful or that will harm us. the debate is
open present your opinions.

The topic for today's debate is Are social networking sites useful or harmful to people?

Outline your team's case:

a) Your points:
I will be speaking about.

● Instant communication.

● information and entertainment

● meet people
b) Second speaker's points:
Our second speaker will be talking about.

● less social contact

● identity fraud

● Fake content
Your First Point
State your argument:
My first point is instant communication, I would say that instant communication is an
advantage of social networks because they provide us with the opportunity to share with
family members who are far away or strangers with whom we have something in

What's the information that supports your argument?

There are studies that have been carried out which can be found on the Internet pages
scielo, redalyc and other databases where many studies on the subject are found.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

An inquiry consulted was The Network as a Socialization Stage: A Reflection on Youth

and Instant Messaging, written by Castiblanco Carrasco, Armando; Díaz Hortúa, Yenny. In
addition, in my experience I use social networks to communicate with family members
who live in another city.

Your Second Point

State your argument:

My second point is information and entertainment, social networks offer information and
entertainment in real time there we can find the pages of the different television
channels, newspapers, magazines and news information technological discoveries that
are necessary today.

What's the information that supports your argument?

The information that supports this argument is that all these sites that are responsible for
disseminating information use social networks as a platform to display the information
they offer on the website.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

El Tiempo newspaper uses Facebook to publish information on its website

Your Third Point

State your argument:
My third point is to meet people, on social networks you can interact with people you do
not know and talk about their tastes and learn a little more about their culture.

What's the information that supports your argument?

I personally think that you can meet people through social networks and in addition to
knowing their culture.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

example of this are the couples who know each other online and form a family, a case is
that of Mr. Riki Martin who met his current partner on instagram

Closing statement
social networks are a communication resource, which allows you to interact with people
you don't know and our family and friends

Second speaker guide

Speaker’s position (Affirmative/Negative)

Expressing disagreement with first speaker’s arguments
Dear collegue,
I personally think that you should analyze some of your arguments. For the first point,
you are talking about instantaneous communication, but I do not indicate that it can be
harmful to health given that you can get addiction, being stuck all the time in an
electronic device that can affect your mental health and the eyes. In the second point, he
talks about information, but he must make reference that not all the information that is
on social networks is true, that you must be very careful because you can misinform
instead of informing. And finally, when you interact with people you don't know, they can
cause harm for you, since the vast majority of people do not publish the reality of things
on social networks.
Briefly State the Points You Will Make
Today I will talk to you about how harmful the use of social networks can be if you do not
have the precaution and if you do not know how to use them, among the points to touch
are; the least social contact, identity fraud and false content that can be found on social
Your First Point
State your argument:

My first point is that social networks can lead us to have less social contact, when you are
too distracted by social networks, you risk losing face-to-face contact, which is part of
our human condition.

What’s the information that supports your argument?

According to a study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, continued use of

social networks is associated with a greater perception of social isolation.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine study says it evaluated 1,787 American
adults ages 19 to 32 using questionnaires to determine the time and frequency of social
media use. Participants who used social media more than two hours a day were twice as
likely to be socially isolated. And participants who visited multiple social media platforms
or more times per week had about three times the odds of social isolation.

Your Second Point

State your argument:
My second point is identity fraud which consists of impersonation of a person, from
which they create a profile that is used to steal their identity and harm their life, property
and image.

What's the information that supports your argument?

There are many investigations but for this case reference is made to the book written by
Jose Rua called Guia de Buensa practices identity theft on the Internet, where he
presents case studies on the subject.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

I would say that there are many examples in our society where a person invents a profile
to harm another person.

Your Third Point

State your argument:

My third point is false content which can misinform users of social networks.

What's the information that supports your argument?

so that people can differentiate if the publications are false they have to consult the
source who is the author and the date of pulication, and the author must present the
source of the information.
Give examples, fact, figures etc.:

False news is more extensive than the truth, a very specific case is being lived these days
is the false information spread about the covid-19. some say that menthol must be taken
to cure the disease, that they must use anti-malarial drugs, which is a biological weapon.
These are all false information.

Closing statement
Good afternoon, mate.
I would say that social networks do not drive people away, what happens is that they do
not know how to use it. Regarding your second point, which is identity theft, I think it is a
fact that happens many times as you comment, but we must be very vigilant to report
these identity thefts. And for your last point you should trust people since not everyone
has a bad heart to go hurting people.

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