6-Estados Planos de Tension y Deformacion - Rotated PDF

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CHAPTER 4 PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS 4.1, The Governing Differential Equations. ‘To solve the general ‘equation (3.40) or (3.42) with boundary conditions which preseribe the values of either the stress or the displacement is the basic problem in the theory of elasticity. “The solution of this general system of equations is, however, often too difficult to carry out. Fortunately, for many prob. Jems which are of practical interest, some simplifying assumptions can be made regarding the stress distribution or strain distribution, and solutions can then be carried out in a relatively simple manner. Let us consider a long prismatical cylinder under the action of lateral loads uniformly distributed along the axis (Fig. 4.1). Assume that the . body force Z is zero, while X and ¥ are functions of # and y only. We find that in this case the deformation of a large portion of the body at some dis- tance away from the ends is independ- ent of the 2 coordinates and the dis- placements w and » are functions of 2 a andy only. If the ends of the cylinder " are prevented from moving in the direction, then w is zoro there. At the mid-section of the eylinder, by symmetry to must also be zero. We may therefore make the approximate assumption that w is zero at every cross section of the cylinder. In such a case, the strain components au a ou, av “a 9 MH EtE are functions of x and y only and the strain components oY, ou ate vanish, We have therefore a state of plane strain. ‘From Hooke's law, Eqs. (8.29), we find that in this caso the stress com= ponents es oy era are funetions of z and y only and ry and rare aero everywhere. “Hence, the equilibrium equations become O00 my Bra 4 Oe sy Beta tX=0 Sep Bayne (ay 2 aw te = + 2 a we Rt ic rees, viz. ravita- tention to the cases where the body forces are gravitational foc aly ‘and later in this chapter shall discuss the cases where the eae ince xe centrifugal forces. When the body forces are gravitations = on we may write X = pg. and Y = pgs, where p is the mass density of ony anteral and go a, are the 2 and y components of the gravitational yy ‘Equations (4.2) are satisfied if we introduce a stress function ¥(z,y) such Bee 4 Otay =0 4 + og, = 0 42) aa toy to ae x ry — Sh na — me 48) ent at Toray I the gravitational foreo is neglected, we have obviously @ ay _ a a Car problem thus seduce the determination of she stro function ¥ i epag oies eoo eet oa ete ay ae Shain th teases can be determined from formula (18) of Ch). When’ we are solving for the stresses, the compatibility equations (2.19) must be used. By examining these equations, we find the only compatibility equation which is not identically satisfied is He 4 8. M0 as) Oy?” Sa? ~ ax ay Ii the case of plane strain, the strain-stress relations are ty oo Ed — ee — od LEP = Nop — ve 46) % E (a oy J 2(1 + ») te = ee ‘Substituting these relations into (4.5) and dropping a common factor, we have Oem On by an Al File ~ oe ~ a) + Gall — Mey — vod [If we express the stress components in terms of the stress function accord- jing to (4.3) or (4.4), Eq. (4.7) becomes “ APPLIED ELASTICITY ey a ay a get +? aarayi t ay 79 4s) which is the governing equation for ¥. Since Hy Ht at an + aarag t ay = Eq. (4.8) may be written as w= The operator V* = (02/2x%) + (98/24?) is alled the Laplace or harmoni operate, nd Eq, (4.8) sell barmonts equation " ‘Next let us examine the case where the ends of the eylinder are free to expand. In such a case, we may assume that the longitudinal strain «is constant. Such a state may be called that of ycralied plane train, From Ba. (8.28), we find ° mene sea _ = (02 + 04) + Be ao) = LE — ee md = 00 (d= ney rel — 10) no 2, Where « isa constant, Substituting (4.10) into E implityi stituting (4.10) into Eq, (4.5) and simplif ve again obtain Bq, (48) as our governing differential equation, With sz and er determined, the constant value of « can be found from the ion that the resultant fores in the # direction acting on the en the cylinder is zero, viz, oe ban Sods dy = (1) n the ease of « long eylinder whero the strain distribution is essen eof al rain distribution is essential plane, the dimension of the elastic body in the z direction is large com pared with the other dimensions Now let us consider the other extreme in which the dimension of the body in the z direction is very small, viz, the 2 case of athin, flat plate. Assume that the plate is under the action of forces applied at the boundary, parallel to the plane of the plate and distributed uniformly overs thekness Fig.4.2- | | ssume also that the body force Z is zero, while X and Y are functions of z and y only, We see that Fro. 42, PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS. 45 the surfaces of the plate 2 = -£4/2 will be free of external forces and the stress components o., tan Te are zero there. If the plate is thin, without substantial error, we ean assume that these components are zero throughout the thickness of the plate and the other three stress com- ponents o», ¢y, fa Temain practically constant over the thickness of the plate, We have therefore in this case a state of plane stress, namely, ba tu = tye = O and o, oy, To are functions of z, y only. In this case, the equilibrium equations become again those given by (4.1) oF (4.2), ‘and we may again introduce the same stress function ¥ to satisfy these equations. ‘The strain-stress relations become now 20+») oe 412) 1 am Bem) 4 Substituting these relations and those given by (4.3) into Eq. (4.5), wwe ind again Bq. (4.8) as the governing equation for the stress function ¥. in examining Eqs. (2.10), we find that, by assuming 4 = roe = ry = 0 and om, cyrus independent of 2, in addition to Eq. (4.5), three other compatibility equations are to be satisfied. ‘They are (433) Integrating these equations, we obtsin ez thy be an fete) whore a,b, ¢ are constants of integration, This condition, however, will not be ia feneral satisfied in the plane-stres problems by eolving Eq. (48). Evidently the Enlution given by (4.8) eannot be exact beemse not all the compatibility equations are fatised. Am exaet solution which satisfies all the compatibility equations can be ttained if we gain sasume e, = ror = rye = 0 but do not require én ay ray to be Independent of 2. Th such aca, ican be shown’ that ifthe body forees are neglected facd if the external loads are distributed symametreally with respect to the middle plane of the plat, the stress funetion ¥ defined by Hq, (48) will have the following, for, van agp wt where ys seinfies Bq. (48). For a thin plate, zis usually very small, and the second term in the above expression ean be noglected. ‘Therefore, although the solutions sven by 12q. (18) do not satisfy all the compatibility equations, nevertheless they tive good approximations to the thin-plate problems. From the above formulation we find that for plane-stress problems, plane-strain problems, and generalized plane-strain problems, if the 1, Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity,” 24 ed., pp. 241-244, ‘MeGraw-Hill Book Company, Ine., New York, 1951. 46 APPLIED ELASTICITY body force is the gravitational force only, the stress function is govérned by the same differential equation. ‘The only difference among. those cases is that, after the stress components are obtained, in the case of plane strain, the strain components must be calculated from Eqs. (4.6), in the caso of generalized plane strain, they must be calculated from ga. (4.10), mile in the case of plane stress, they must be calculated from (4.12), ‘The fact that the stress components can all be exprossed in terms of single stress function was first recognized by Airy, and the stress function ¥ is commonly known as Airy’s stress function. 42. Bending of a Narrow Cantilever of Rectangular Cross Section under an End Load. As a first example, we shall attempt a rigorous solution for a cantilever beam of narrow rectangular cross section under an, end load P. With its width A small compared with the depth d, the loaded beam (Fig. 4.8) may be regarded as an example in plane stress. ‘The boundary conditions are that the upper and lower edges are free from: load and the resultant shearing force at z = 0 is equal to P. If P is large compared with og, the gravitational force can be neglected. From the static considerations we see that the bending moment at any section will be proportional to x and the stress component g. at any point of the section will be proportional to y. Accordingly wo shall assume for a trial that a” oe TM = cary where c: is some constant. Inte- grating, we find Gav + whl) + fla) where fi(z) and fa(x) are unknown funetions of, Substitution of the above expression into the governing equation (4.8), Fro. 43. ‘ vy =0 results in ah , dy ugh +e mo Since f: and f: are functions of z alone, the second term in the above equa- tion is independent of y. But this equation must be satisfied for all values of x and y in the beam, ‘This is possible only if ay Geno and oh or fim cath test bo tce fe = cert tent? tes boy *G. DB. Airy, Brit. Assoe, Rept, 1862, ar PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS here cy, cs are constants of integration. ‘Therefore, we have where 4, 6% «+ + 5 69 pn Slay + vost? + ext + ear + es) + eee? + ena + cot ten (414) 6 ‘Neglecting the gravitational foree, we obtain from (4.4) 0, = Oh = Glo + ede + 2 + 61) 0 = Sa OY 5 — Sh yt — Beet — Bost — 04 tH ~ aay 2" ‘The boundary conditions require that 6, = 0 on y = +4/2, or o(a$ ra)e+a(6 4 ter) o(-eg+e) 24 2(-a§+a)=0 ‘These equations must be valid for all values of x between 0 and Lj it follows therefore that @ abtan0 — agtern0 a wad torn cadtao d+ Solving, we find ex = ¢x= cs = or =0. ‘Thus, , tya yin ‘To satisly the condition that ray = 0 on y = éd/2, we must have esd? ~GFP-aH0 or am Ee On the loaded end of the beam the sum of the distributed shearing forces smut be equal to P. Hence aa 40 = [ eaayt— a9 ay =P ~ [ioewban = fb 1p from whish an - i inertia of the eross section, ting that I = dh/12 is the moment of inertia Zhe tua expressions for tho stres components are sherefore me B(E-v) ao Pry a an ow 48 vy. The salu tion, therfore, s exact en : , exact only whon the boundary force He boundary fr are ven ayer mars hs slo on exact one; but virtue of Saint-Venant’s pri rash a sent the stress distribution for some eros seton ats ceed 7 —— ae notice that in the expression for ¥, theconstente ee gzare not determined by the boundary conden. Theis dtesaieaa : ly irrelevant to the problem because the str ents do ok depend aan iress components do ith the strea components deter m ; onents determined, we can now fin aon in the beam. From the definitions of iain eee rs i ea slrain components and ae EI — # EP (19) | Ly Lt Wr DP (at ay em om = Pte A ( _) Integrating the first two equations, we obtain P ~ Bert +00) 0 = FP at + ose) biting eneeae maemo fan (10) we fad doy ir(i +3) ~ ty Ps Ato, ‘We note that the terms on the left of = ae on . tnd the terms onthe et eave functions oat, "het os Both equal to constants saya Thos ne eT end ol Integrating, we have P » 0) = 557 (143) 0 + ow +e (2) a7 Pgs A+ VP e200) = Gp — CGE ate — ase tan A funetion of 2 ly when they are given. If] PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS 49 where ox and as are constants of integration. The displacements u and v are therefore. Py pope y+, wn = pate t gag (1 tg) it tow to Poy Poy OOP ne _ og, o= gap? + GET Bay ate — on + as ‘Assurne that the point (z = L, y = 0) is fixed. ‘The boundary condi fare then u = 0 = d0/az =Oatz=L,y=0. We find by substit PLt_(i+9Pdt 48 _ PL Gl oti eueieigee Coe cosa, Pay + ob Dyer eelica e wan a+ ge (145) + [e ato$|y Py Poy PLY y PL oo gay! + gat ~ zer* + SET "The equation of the deflection curve is given by the expression of v at y = 0; namely, Px _ Plax , PL vo ™ gat ~ BRI + SET ‘The curvature of the deflection eurve i 1a (@) Pe Me > \ae),.~ ET” BT where Ris the radius of curvature and M = Pzis the bending moment at the setion 2. ‘This is the well-known Bernoulli-Euler’s formula in the clenentary theory of bending. Now consider a plane section « = 6 Defore the bending, where c is a constant. After the bending, a point (ey) on the plane + = ¢ is displaced toz’ = e+ uy =ytv. The ‘equation of the resulting surface is therefore a (+2)0-» which is substantially a plane surface ifc is small compared with L, thatis, if she section is far away from the built-in end. Now near the builtin ‘end, the surface is obviously not a plane surface. However, if the beam is under the astion of a bending moment only, it can be shown (see See. 9.1) that a plane section before bending indeed continues to be a plane after bending, geet 2 [o-oo sag|o nos, 50 APPLIED ELASTICITY “i 2 Peer ———_D wy ra = ~ BE = ay) (8M) pi oe dang = 8 (BBA) 2) sen toute Probien 2 If te od acting on th canter ean shawn ta ig 43 ad trite nd vatyitincry wi swpent or aches eae i leaded by tyro rete, Denote the dona of ena aantene Sh boundary ends ner = pny = do nen ata V= S47 Oate wO,and [M rndy =O Hd tinea fect cn stroscomponma, Hine Tae aril unio = 0409 = eho) a Bay ~ 0) — EF oy — By $a) + 0 +09 +e Problem.” tanga pnts, wit mow retanqular urn etm ‘hckness, is under the action of «uniformly distsibuted load p alg its top elae ce shown in Fig. 44. Verify that the stress function Pia. 44, pote Ye rE Toray [ a ena tay +t +09 ( ~ ssetan 2) j sates the governing difereatial equation and the boundary conditions. For the partioular case of a = 80°, examine how the normal strem i distributed ove tt Sreneettion AB and how it compares with the stres determined by the simple kent ing formula ¢, = Afe/. 43. General Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates. In discussing Problems with circular boundaries, it is more convenient to uso the culindrical coordinates r, 8, 2. In the case of plane-stress or plane-stiain problems, we have rm. = rm = 0 and the other stress components as fine tions ofr and 0 only. Hence the cylindrical coordinates reduce to tho Polar coordinates in this case. Consider the equilibrium of a small che, Bent ABCD as shown in Fig. 4.5a. ‘The radial components of the forces due to o, + (8e,/ar) dr and o, are PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS ot ( = «) (+ dr) do — or do Phe radial components of the forces due to oy + (200/98) a9, om, 710 + (@ra/99) 0, and ry can be seen from Fig, 4.50 as a #4 (v0 = (cot tae) a sin B= oy dr sin + (or + 28 z Since dé is small, the above expression becomes aes 2p) ar 8 — ear + (va 4 BP aH) dr ~ rath (v4 Mas are str + (na + F,, Fs be the components of the body foree per unit Mere tied ‘Sit apn etn eel. omming wp Ge shove Tia Components of th free megsting all quann of higher order, and dividing through by the elementary ee oh , ‘equation of equilibrium in the radial direction as follows: Gory Lore y= Bg FP ots or 32 APPLIED ELASTICITY. ‘The equation of equilibrium in the fangentnldietion canbe obafned in a similar manner. Corresponding to Ts. (4.1), the equilibriun tions for plane problems in eylindrial coordinates are 4 Lore v0 Bt ter 0 aan re a + 4K =0 : If the body forces are neglected, we observe that Eqs. (4.17) will I forces ar l, we observe 1s. will be ‘identically satised with the introduetion of the stress function y defined y (4.18) | Now let us derive the compati- bility equation for plane problems in cylindrical coordinates. Referring to Fig. 4.6, let A’B'C'D’ be the position of the element ABCD after strain, Let u,be the displacements of the point 4, in the radial and tangential directions, respectively. Then the displacements of B are 4+ (@u/ar) dr and v + (60/ar) dr, Fie. 46, and the square of the length A’B' is m= (os Ba)’ (Ba) By definition, A'B = (1 +) AB = (1+) dr By neglecting higher-order terms, we find eo a ‘The longitudinal-strain component in the tangential direction depends on both a and ». Before strain, AD = rd0. After strain, owing to the displacement u, the length of AD becomes (r + u) dé. At the same time the point A’ has undergone a tangential displacement v and the point D’ 9 tangential displacement v + (80/r d@) r dé. Hence PLANESTRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS 88. (avy = te tearane = [ot wae t aol + (rae) ‘Neglecting high-order terms, we obtain “1a Deer i i en the directions Lot usnow consider theshearingstrain. ‘The angle between tl ree WB’ or angle B'A‘T, is 00/ar, and the angle between AD and ‘AID’, or angle: D'A'H = du/r 30, ‘The change in the angle DAB, or the sheating strain 7,0, is therefore LDA'H + LBA'T = LDA'H + LBAT ~ ZIT du, w@_e ~ at er 1” Collzeting our results, we have Eliminating u and » from (4.19), it is easy to: verify that the compatibility Seng te eae hat om vn) (421) 20 +») = Gr ‘Substitution of these relations into (4.20) gives 2a 18.6, — vo) (04 — vo) +2 (ou — me) — 5 Hr — Sra 4 at +9) AO (4.22) =21+%) For a8 wheve the factor 1/E has been canceled. In terms of the stress function as defined by (4.18), the compatibility equation becomes Hy Ley LOY IMT) 9 Gas (Std +h BGS tae 0 428) ap 54 APPLIED ELASTICITY Equation (4.28) isthe governing differential equation for the stress funoe , etoeeiiat tion y. Since 3. +22 + 3.2% represents the Laplace operator Vin polar coordinates, Eq. (4.23) is merely Eq. (4.8) in polar coordinates. Itis therefore also the governing equation for plane-strain and generalized plane-stran problems Problem 1. Show tht the tes fonction ys defined by (418) i atully the some bas defined by (4) Problem 2 The relation betwown polar and artesian coordinate gven by Festy onsen! HO oe Lay wat gata ti oe 2% Fs Prove that, and therefore f 1a Lary ay atta tae) (et ion 2¥ 49 04 couaton 5. +2 roy + the biharmonio $8 = 0 in potar coordinates 44, Thick Cylinder under Uniform Pressure. Shrink and Force Fits. Let us consider a thick cylinder submitted to uniform pressure on the inner and outer surfaces (Fig.'4.7). Let w uid be the inner and outer radii of the eylinder and p, and p, be the internal and external pressures, respectively. ‘Then the boundary conditions are om Be atrea atr=b 24) From the boundary conditions, we see that the stress distribution in this ease will be sym a metrical with respect to the axis through the center of the oylinder perpendicular to the 2y plano. Thus the stress function y does not depend on @ and is a function ofronly. ‘The compatibility equation (4.23) then becomes 1a) (ay, ay +a) 3) [ ay 2ay lay id “ a trae — a ta (4.25) Equation (4.25) is a homogeneous linear differential equation which can be solved by introducing a new variable £ such that £ = log r where PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS 85 “Jog” denotes natural logarithm. ‘Then ayat Lay dé dr ~ rd 2(#) - Ae = 2) alae) > alae ~ ae 1 (2 at 4 24) = & ae tae : (#4 of 4 Yat) (od a 8% Substituting, Eq. (4.25) becomes ay ah ee ae fae tae which is an ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients of which the solution is well known. ‘The general solution is = catetl + oye" + cnt + 04 e Yo enlogr br ology + «aa ‘where ¢1, en es, and ex are constants of integration. From (4.26), the stress components are as ee rar c= Bb om o(8 +2 log r) +20 —B m=0 i have three constants of In the above expressions for the stresses, we 5 integration, while there are only two boundary conditions| To deter imine these constants uniquely, let us examine the displacements. Now, in the ease of axial symmetry, the expressions for the strain components du ow do rn all prove later that Tf the ends of the eylinder are free to expand, we shall p a, = 0 and the stress-strain relations given by (4.21) should be used. Hence du 1 ar From the first equation we find by integration Eu = exlr(d — 39) +20 — »)( log r — , + 2ex(l = »)r = ex FE bes (e,— v1) and (ee — v2) 56 APPLIED ELASTICITY ‘where ces a constant of integration. From the second equation we have Bu = ole(3 — ») + 2r(1 — ») log r] + 2eq(l — yr — eh + ot Tn order that these two expressions for u be the same, we must have a =0f and a0 and Bu = 201 — »)r — exh + at (427) Témay be pointed out that for such a problem with rotational symmetry, instead of solving Eq. (4.25), we may proceed directly from the equilib. rium equation (4.17) and define the stress function in a different manner asisearried out in See. 4.6. ‘Then by solving a compatibility equation for the rotational symmetrical case we shall obtain expressions forthe stresses where esis automatically zero. ‘The boundary conditions (4.24) now become Solving, we have pat — pat a= MI (4.28) ‘The stress components are therefore (4.29) We see from (4.29) that the sum o, + ois independent of r and is con- stant through the thickness of the wall of the eylinder. If the ends of the cylinder are free to expand, then = content snd from the stesestexn relations we ind a. = (0, + 09) + Ea = C where C is a constant to be determined from the condition that the resultant forces are zero on the ends, viz. [focm dr = x00 ~ 08) = 0 From which we find Cuan=0 HIE the strese-strain relations for plane strain or generalized plane strain are ased Instead of thom for plane ates, we wil arrive atthe atueconsasion that ey mnt PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS er Consequently, in finding the strain components, the stress-strain relations for plane stress should be used. ‘Equations (4.24) and (4.26) can be used to study the stresses in the case of shrink or force fils. ‘There are many practical eases where it is, desirable to force or shrink an external member on a shaft or wheel. ‘The inner diameter of the external member is usually made slightly Jess than the extornal diameter of the shaft or wheel. If tho external cylinder js expanded by heating, slipped over the shaft or wheel, and then allowed. to cool, we obtain a shrink ft. Steel tires for locomotives are shrunk onto the wheels. Force jits are obtained by pressing the hub onto the shaft. In either ease, once the two paris are fitted together, they exert on one another f pressure sufficient to prevent any relative move- meat, and it is often required to find the pressure which will be entailed by a given difference in diam- ler, or interference. Suppose that two cylinders are engaged by shrink fit or force fit so that, after assembly, the inner eylin- der has radii a and b and the outer cylinder has radii b and ¢ (Fig. 4.8). ‘When a = 0, this gives us the case of a cylinder shrunk on a solid shaft, ‘Now let p be the radial pressure between the two cylinders. If these cylinders were disengaged, the inner cylinder would evidently expand and the external cylinder would contract. By the principle of superposition, ‘the removal of the pressure p is equivalent to the imposition of a negative p on the outer surface of the inner cylinder and on the inner surface of the outer cylinder. ‘Thus, if we let p= 0, Po = —p, and r= in (4.27) and (4.28), we obiain the increase’ in the external radius of the inner eylinder, which is Fie. 48, bp. yay A + mat + (1 ed where Bs, 7 pertain to the material of the inner cylinder. Similarly, the radial displacement of the inner surface of the outer cylinder ean be found by substituting pi = —p, p. = 0,7 = ¢ and changing the symbols ‘and bin (4.28) to b and ¢, respectively. Hence bp 2 tam pgp lt Fede += 190 where Es, »2 pertain to the material of the outer cylinder. ‘The inner cylinder, after disengagement, will therefore have an external radius + 1, while the outer eylinder will have an internal radius} + ws. ‘The difference in diameter, corresponding to a radial pressure p, after disengagement is given by 58 APPLIED ELASTICITY (bret 4 Exe When both cylinders are made of the same material, we have nab (cuso) a= Cae - BE be For a eylinder shrunk on a solid shaft, a = 0, and the above formula reduces to Abe ope If the magnitude of 6, or 6» in the cylinders after engagement is specified, ‘the value of p can be determined from (4.29) and then 4 from the above formulas. The application of the formulas to the design of big guns has heen discussed in detail by Southwell. Problem 1. A cylinder, 4 in, internal diameter and 1 in, thick, has an external sleeve 1 in, thick shrunk on it. ‘The shrinkage is such thet, when the internal fluid pressure is applied, the maximum ehear stress both inthe tube and sleeve is 16,000 ps Caloulate the Suid pressure, and determine the preasure between the sleeve and eyline der when the fluid prearure ja absent, “Ane, 15,880 psi; 2,880 Problem 2 A tube whose external and interasl diameters are 18 in. and 12 in,, respectively, has another tube 3 in. thick shrunk onto it. ‘The internal diameter of {thie outer tube is machined to be 0.05 in. Jess than the external diameter of the inner tube. Ifthe tubes aremade of steel with B = 30 X 10¢psi, determine the expressions for the streses developed in the inner tube. 4.0. The Effect of Small Circular Holes in Strained Plates. Stress Concentration. Consider a flat plate subjected to a certain stress dis- tribution. If we drilla circular hole through it at some point, aredisteibu- tion of stress wil result, involving large additional stress in the immediate neighborhood of the hole. The high stress concentration at the edge of a circular hole is of much practical importance, for example, in the problem ‘of flaws in otherwise continuous material and holes in ship's decks and airplane fuselages. If the hole is small, its effect will bo negligible at a distance of a few diameters from its edge. Thus points at such distances may be regarded as at infinity. We shall first solve the problem of small hole in an infinite plate, and from that result the error in regarding a finite plate as infinite ean be ascertained. *R. V. Southwell, “Theory of Hlasticity,” 24 ed., pp. 408-423, Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1941. PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS 5 et us assume that the plate is subjected to a uniform tensile stress S in the 2 direction. We shall take the origin of coordinates at the center a ake tit ht ttt Fie, 49, hols, In the absence of any hole, we have obviously ae=S a= ty =0 which may be derived from the stress function v= sy" satisfies the biharmonie equation and is therefore the exact, sin 6, we have Note that vi solution. In terms of cylindrical coordinates, since y Vi = 14Sr* sin? 9 = 14Sr°(1 — cos 26) from which it follows ut a ee on = 2 + EE = 5 SUL + 0s 20) oh 1 on = 2H o 1 0 — con 26) (430) an on 3S sin 20 ‘When a hole of radius « is drilled through the plate, the boundary con- ditions become om m4 =0 rea and 4, = ony 26 = ony t= ten atr =. Guided by the expression of a, We shall assume & trial stress function of the form ¥ = ful) + Ja) c08 20 where fi(7) and f.(r) are unknown functions of r. Substituting into the biharmonie equation #149 ,1#\ (av, lo (3 +o Le) thar +33) : 0 APPLIED ELASTICITY ‘and noting that the resulting equation must be satisfied for all valués of 8, we find that f(r) and fs(r) must satisfy the following ordinary differential (431) #414 -4)(h ata) aa TF ae a rar ae tear (4.82) ‘The general solution of Eq. (4.1) has been found in the previous section as Silt) = ew? log r + car? + cs log r + ey Equation (4:32) can again be reduced to a differential equation with constant coefficients by introducing the new variable such that £ = logr ‘as in the solution of Eq. (4.25). By such a transformation, wo find that the general solution of (4.32) is Sule) = 057? + cat + be ‘The stress function is therefore ¥ = (cx? log r + car? + clog r + 04) + (cw cert + SF + ) cos 28 where cy, cx, . . . , cy are constants of integration, The corresponding stress components are crm edl +29) +204 $~ (et +53) on co~ 8 +2 log) +24 ~ 2+ (2044 220% + 8!) cos 20 = (2m + beg? — 8 22) sin 20 At r= a, the boundary condition requires that ¢, = r= 0 for all values of 6; and at r= ©, 6, = 67,06 = 06 Tr = tae From the condi- tion that o,, ¢, and r;» must remain finite for infinite r, we have a= cen 0 From the other boundary conditions, we find PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN PROBLEMS e ‘The solutions of these equations are s a ang a=-F8 an s ‘The stress components are therefore wn S(t 2) 48 (1 4-19) eae (433) From the above formulas, itis evident that maximum gs occurs at the ends of the diameter of the hole perpendicular to the direction of the tension. Substituting r = a and @ = x/2 or 3x/2 into the expression for en We find that the maximum value of ¢e is 38. Thus for a flat plate containing a small hole under the action of uniform tensile stress S at the edge, the maximumensile stress be- eames three times the value of the uniform stress. ‘Now let us examine the error in- | volved in assuming an infinite plate, Oa the cross section of the plate through the center of the hole and =} perpendicular to the z axis, we have 8 = /2 and, from (4.33), EY ans ( ++ | SA | Ce) eel fpeccaaert cis vanelee state a ese soe fam te snr ote hole, the terms containing r in the value of o», which are the stresses due to the hole, have only about }4o0 of their value at the edge of the hole. ‘Hence, we are justified in regarding a distance of five diameters from the dit oa nan pscaly x inte dotaon evoy Now let us consider the problem of a small -ular hole in a flat plate Peale pny ee eee eer re ET er ers tion and a uniform compressive stress S in the y direction, we obtain a uniform shearing stress $ on the diagonal planes, Fig. 4.10. Now, owing to a uniform compression in the y direction, we have 02 APPLIED ELASTICITY #)-$(14 8-2) o2(0-3) 254i ; +2) +8 (42) o02(e-9) mee tat = 42) saa(-3) ‘Superposing this stress system on that given by (4.33), we find oS ( + a) cos 20 (434) Itiseasy tosce thatatr = 2,0 = x/4,¢, = 09 =0,andrs= —S. The ‘maximum magnitude of o¢ is 4S and occurs at the points r =a and 9 = 0, x/2, x, 3x/2. Hence, for a large plate under pure shear, the maximum tangential stress in the plate is four times the value of the applied shear. ‘The atrescos in an infinite plate with an elliptical hole were first dis cussed by Inglis! and among others by Muschelisvili.? ‘The solution of Muschelisvili will be discussed in See. 8.11. If one of the principal ‘axes of the elliptical hole coincides with the direction of the tension S, the stresses at the ends of the axis of the hole perpendicular to the direc. tion of the tension are ons ( +28) (435) where 2a is the axis of ellipse perpendicular to the tension and 2b is the other axis. When a = 0, ¢ = 3S, which is the maximum stress when the hole is circular. If the ratio a/b is very large, the maximum stress at the edge of the hole becomes very large and there is @ high stress concentra- tion. This explains why eracks perpendicular to the directions of the applied forces tend to spread. To stop the spreading of the cracks, wo may drill holes at their ends to reduce the high stress concentration, Problem 1. A plate is undor uniform tension at infinity, that is, ox = ¢) = 8 a y= se, Pind the stress distribution in the plate and the maximus stress due to the \C. E, Inglis, Streses ina Plate Due to the Presence of Cracks and Sharp Comers, ‘Trans. Inc. Naval Arch, (London), 1918, #N. Museheliseili, Bull aoad, ect. Ruse., Vo. xi, p. 663, 1919. PLANB-STRESS AND PLANB-STRAIN PROBLEMS 63, presence of small citeular hol by using formas (4.38) and the mothod of super- so : een 8(1 See 8 (04S) r0 Osan = 8 Prien 4 Show atthe clon ofthe sone problem cn ako e bined cam forme (820) . 7 ‘Hint: First show that the condition ¢ = ¢y = 5 is equivalent to or ‘Then It b= = and pe = 4.6, Stresses in Rotating Disks and Cylinders. ‘The stress produced in a disk rotating at high speed is important in many practical instances, ‘among which is the design of disk wheels in steam and gas turbines. ‘The sitessos due to tangential forees being transmitted are usually small in these cases, and the large stresses are due to the centrifugal forces of the rotating disk. Let us first consider the ease of a thin disk with constant thiekness. ‘The body force is now the centrifugal force, which is F, = pute is it of the disk and « is the angular where pis the mass density of the material of the disk « velocity. It is evident that the stress distribution in the disk must be symmetrical with respect to the axis of rotation. ‘The equilibrium equa tion is therefore 8. de a a t+ por = 0 S (ras) — 04 + pote? = 0 (430) or ae +) + po" ses say owen hat the ov ution sts ws nts se atin #0 mnt “ent ote aan Tin the case of rotational symmetry, isa function of ronly, and v = 0 From (4.19), we have Fi (4.38) oa r Eliminating u, we obtain a simplified compatibility equation for the case of rotational symmetry as dea «= gree (4.89) Hyon c ‘Using Hooke’s law (4.21) and the stress function y, we find that the above equation becomes ee £4 @+rmwtr = 0 (4.40) 64 APPLIED ELASTICITY Or writing this in a different form, . aps $ o| ‘We observe that this differential equation can be solved by direct integrae tion, which gives — B+ r)pe% ¥ where ¢ and cy are constants of integration. ‘The corresponding. stress) components are vote Bega 8 aw 2 1438) oye a0 Ft pat TE pat For a solid disk of radius 4 with no external forces applied at boundary, we have ¢, =0 at r=. Since these stresses eannot, be: infinite in the disk, cy = 0 and tho boundary condition requires Pree pot +3 ate 1 or 2 path? ‘The stress components are ptr) oe Goo'l(S + 9) — (1+ Be)r4] (4.41) ‘The maximum stress occurs at the center of the disk and is 09 2 path If the disk has a circular hole of radius a at the center, the condition that no external forces are applied at the boundaries requires o, = 0 at r =D Eien BD ta oe ewe eag Petar S es oo from which we find that 1 3+¥ goto tor Coo 2E 20s PLANE-STRESS AND PLANE-STRAIN Propusits 68 so thatthe stress components are = 2b tp (ine 2-2) (a2) 1+3r) Str" ‘The maximum stress occurs at the inner boundary and is B+P age va orn BE eot(1 4 SEB) If the circular hole is very small, (a/)*is negligible compared with 1 and wwe ind the maximum value of the stress is now twice that for a solid disk. ‘That is, by making a small circular hole in a rotating disk, we shall double the maximum stress in the disk. For the ease of a rotating long circular shaft or eylinder, we may con~ sider the problem to be one with plane strain, Hooke's law in this case is wBee (nena ee Ea = no, = vod 141d = vor — vol (443) a +) a = ED ay E Substituting into Eq. (4.38) and using the stress function defined by (4.87), we find that the compatibility equation becomes now (4.44) In problems where the gravitational force is the only body force, we find that the governing differential equations for plane stress and plane strain are the same, ‘This is not the caso when the body foree includes the centrifugal force, as can be seen by comparing Eqs. (4.40) and (4.44). Integrating (414) as in the case of Eq. (4.40), we obtain 13-2 sy 1 port Sr beat op Ym PR at B48 Wy we LEB a, on pat pot gS 66 APPLIED ELASTICITY ‘The constants of integration can be determined in the same manner ain the caso ofa thin disk. ‘Thus, fora solid shat of radius, we have stot ~ 24) (4 (3 — 2v)bt = (1 + Br lou .) 4.48) ‘The maximum stress for the hollow shaft occurs at the inner surface and is, 13-2) ae 2ra? oe laine (+3288) We see again that the maximum stress is doubled when a solic ‘small hole drilled through its center. aoe In the above discussion, we have assumed that the i ; ; 1med that the stress on the shaft in a0 adjusted that there is no Iongitudi i ; ed ijusted that the longitudinal extension «,, With ¢. = 0, we = Hor +04) Hence, in the ease of a solid shaft, vost fem Gam py l@ — 206" — 28] (447) and in the case of a tubular shaft, 3- a Bat mote (4.48) If the shaft is allowed to expand freely in the longitudinal direction, then there is a uniform extension ¢, in the shaft. ‘The uniform longi ‘tudinal strain ¢ ean be determined from the condition (4.11) that there is no resultant longitudinal force on the ends, Hence [E [ler aaar =o PLANE-STRESS AND PLANB-STRAIN PROBLEMS 67 ‘where the lower limit a is 2oro in the case of a solid shaft and is equal to the inner radius for a tubular shaft. Sinee e, is independent: of 8, the above condition can be written as [lord =o ‘Thus, in the case of a solid shaft, f (en tage dr + Bae =0 from which we obtain on gee and an we wn (4.49) For a tubular shaft, we have » [ee benedr + BaP se o from which we obtain A) yo —(y2 +a? — Br) (4.50) and “=H Problem 4, A thin disk with extemal radius b is shrunk onto an incompressible fo that the normal pressure between the shaft and disk is p psi. Show that the angular velocity « which will just cause the disk to become looce on the shaft is given by _ ota a + oS vat where «and b are measured in inches and p is the mass per cubie inch. ‘problem 2, A thin iveular disk of uniform thickness and of radius 9 is built-up of ‘avo soncentrie portions, the surface of separation having e radius a. Find the mink sro.civlne of the radial pressure over the turiace of separation when the dil is at ‘Retin order that the outer portion of the disk may not beeome loose upon the inner portion at an angular velocity vdns. 36(3 + »)ewt( ~ a) Problem 8. A solid steel shaft 2 fin diameter is rotating at » spond of 300 rpm. 1f the sbaft is constrained at its ends s0 that it cannot expand or contract longi- odinally, ealeulate the total longitudinal thrust over a cross section due to rotational tremes, The weight of the stel is 480 Ib per eu ft, and » = 0.8 vd, 6,080 Ib (tension) Problem 4. Show that the problem of a thick tube under uniform pressure ean be solved by letting w = 0 and following the method of solution usod in this tion.

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