CNN Poll of Polls: Trump's Approval Ticking Down On Coronavirus Response

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CNN Poll of Polls: Trump's

approval ticking down on

coronavirus response

By Grace Sparks, CNN

Updated 3:00 PM ET, Fri April 10, 2020

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(CNN)A new CNN Poll of Polls out on Thursday finds President Donald
Trump's approval rating and the public's approval of his handling of the
coronavirus pandemic trending down in the last month.

Trump's averaged approval rating stands at 46% approve, 49% disapprove

-- ticking down from 48% approval in late-March.

About half -- 49% -- approve of how the President is handling coronavirus,

and 48% disapprove. Even though that number is higher than his overall
approval, it has also dipped slightly in recent weeks, from 51% approval
and 44% disapproval.

The CNN Poll of Polls is an average of the five most recent non-partisan,
live operator, national surveys on each topic.

Trump has seen higher than average approval ratings in recent weeks
considering that his approval has historically been notoriously stable.
However, the plummeting economy and concerns over coronavirus could
eventually spell bad news for Trump's approval ratings.

Former Vice President Joe Biden tops Trump in the 2020 matchup,
leading 48% to Trump's 43% among registered voters, according to the
Poll of Polls.

The CNN Poll of Polls is an average of the five most recent non-partisan,
live operator, national surveys on each topic.


 What it means: These states have issued stay at home orders

 What is 'essential'? States have varying standards
 Tracking the virus: Cases by state in the US

On Trump's approval rating, polls were conducted among either adults or

registered voters. The Poll of Polls includes: The Fox News
poll conducted April 4-7; The Quinnipiac University poll conducted April
2-6; The CNN Poll conducted by SSRS April 3-6; The Monmouth
University poll conducted April 3-7; and the Grinnell College/Selzer & Co.
poll conducted March 27-30.

For Trump's handling of the coronavirus, the average among adults or

registered voters includes the Fox News poll, the Quinnipiac University
poll, the CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, the Grinnell College/Selzer & Co.
poll and the Washington Post/ABC News pol

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