Solar Panel Collector

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Cagayan de Oro City

Robotics Category (group)






Research Advisers

S.Y. 2019-2020

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Background of The Study

Plastic waste is littering our oceans and threatening the lives of millions of marine

animals. Seals, whales, dolphins, seabirds, fish, crabs and many other sea animals are dying and

becoming sick because of this deadly environmental concern.

Sea animals often eat microplastics because of their small size. And plastic contains toxic

chemicals, which can increase the chance of disease and affect reproduction. After ingesting

microplastics, seals, and other animals, may suffer for months or years before they die. More

than one billion people lack access to clean water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation,

putting them at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

The main problem is we started to get a lot of trash accumulation throughout the season, birds

and other wildlife will then have to go through this kind of pollution that will lead to their deaths.

AquaSTC (Aqua Solar Trash Collector) is an aqua-culture based technology that

integrates Deadly Environmental water pollution that uses 2 layers of filters. The 2 layers of

filters contains 2 types of filters which the first one is designed to filter trash and the second one

is designed to filter oil from Oil spillage from Big factories that is spread at the ocean. The

AquaSTC cleans any types of Bodies of Water as long as the waves are not that strong or when

the weather is good. The AquaSTC is the ideal answer to every persons who are connected to the

water organization may it be in the beach, lakes, river and etc. The AquaSTC assure that it can

not harm any water animals since it will floating above the body of the water and will move

together with the movement and motion of the water. The AquaSTC is contolled by a controller

that hold or controls the GPS, Camera screen and can set the time,meters or distance that will be

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covered during the route.. AquaSTC is a very efficient method of collecting trash from any

bodies of water without destroying any corals or habitats of the marine species resulting in a

product of organic, healthful fish and clean water However, it will cost thousands of pesos to buy

a pre-made AquaSTC system, and for most people it is a big problem, especially to the

fishermens or those people who lives on nearby seas, lakes rivers and etc. that cannot afford this

product (Brook, 2013).

Through the automated AquaSTC, it will be affordable to ordinary individuals to build up this

kind robot. In cleaning and collecting trashes and filtering sea oil it will be much easier for them

since the prototype auto based, which means it is based on how much, how full or the maximized

storage of the robot from the trashes and oil collected from any types of bodies of water by the

robot. The automated Aquaponics examined several aspects of production: food safety, habitat

safety for marine life, and what the environmental impacts are for AquaSTC operations. If the

technologies are to support water pollution reduction and remain competitive in current markets,

there may be a need for greater product diversity to remain competitive in commercial markets.

Existing commercial AquaSTC systems can clean and collect trashes on a competitive footing

but could be subjected to pressure during seasonal changes and can destroy any habitats for

marine species.

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Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework used in this study is the input-process-output relationship. As

shown in figure 1, the input/output devices, components, skills, and knowledge are the input.

While the design , constucting, coding, and testing are the process. On the last table, the time-

based feeder and time-based watering system, automatic water filter system and the automated

Aquaponics is the output.


1. The Input/Output: 1.Design

2. Components: 2. Constructing

3. Skills: 1. Prototype Controller

3. Coding

4. Knowledge: 3. Trash filter collector

4. Testing

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

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Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to:

1. construct a bodies of water based Automated Aquaponics;

2. apply fundamental programming concepts in developing the Automated Aquaponics; and

3. test the possible output of the device

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the design of the automated AquaSTC?

2. What programming strategy is considered in the development of the automated


3. What materials to use for the design of the AquaSTC to last long?

4. How much trash can be collected that can maximize the AquaSTC waste storage?

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following:

Fishermen: In fishermen, they will be able to catch more good set of fishes and other

edible marine species.

Humans: In humans, they will be able to eat more healthy and fresh fish and other

edible marine species.

Nature: In nature, it lessens the water pollution.

Marine species: In marine species, they will have better ecosystem.

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Scope and Limitation

This study is designed to construct a recycled trach collector in the bodies of water.

The purpose of the study is to be able to help manage the trash and the oil spillage form big
factories that causes death of the marines species in the bodies of water.

Through this system the trash in any bodies of water can be lessen and prevent the death
population of marine species.

The study will be only limited in small waves and not in bad weathers.

Also it is limited only in getting trashes and oil spillage not assuring to clean the water that the
system will get.

Definition of Terms

Programming- Is a set of instructions for a computer to perform a specific task. A high-level

and general-purpose programming language that is ideal for developing firmware or portable
applications. Programs generally fall into these categories’ applications, utilities or service.
Sensor- A device that detects measures a s to i

Solar panels (also known as "PV panels") are used to convert light from the sun, which is
composed of particles of energy called "photons", into electricity that can be used to power
electrical loads.

Vacuum is space devoid of matter. The word stems from the Latin adjective vacuus for "vacant"
or "void". An approximation to such vacuum is a region with a gaseous pressure much less than
atmospheric pressure.

Bottle or also known as a container, typically made of glass or plastic and with a narrow neck,
used for storing drinks or other liquids.

Device is a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals.
"she faced the cameras".

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Water is one of our most important natural resources, and there are many conflicting

demands upon it. Skilful management of our water bodies is required if they are to be used for

such diverse purposes as domestic and industrial supply, crop irrigation, transport, recreation,

sport and commercial fisheries, power generation, land drainage and flood protection, and waste

disposal. An important objective of most water management programmes is the preservation of

aquatic life, partly as an end in itself and partly because water which sustains a rich and diverse

fauna and flora is more likely to be useful to us, and less likely to be a hazard to our health, than

one which is not so endowed. To meet this objective, it is necessary to maintain within certain

limits factors such as water depth and flow regimes, temperature, turbidity and substratum

characteristics, and the many parameters which contribute to the chemical quality of the water. In

waters which receive waste discharges, whether by design or by accident, one or more of these

variables may come to lie outside the limits which can be tolerated by one or more of the species

which live there, and consequently the biological characteristics of the water are altered. The

biologist’s role in the monitoring and control of water pollution is to detect and accurately to

describe these alterations, to elucidate as precisely as possible the mechanisms by which they are

brought about, and to seek to understand the qualitative and quantitative relationships between

pollution and its biological consequences. He or she may also need to be aware of the application

of biological processes in the control or amelioration of pollution, and of the serious

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consequences for public health which water pollution threatens. Finally, he or she must be able

to offer constructive advice to other specialists—chemists, engineers, administrators and

legislators—who share the responsibility for managing our water resources. (P.D Abel 1975)

Pollution of the open seas and the relatively calmer inland waterways due to oil spillage is an

ever present and growing problem with no apparent feasible solution. The problems created by

such pollution include damage to aquatic and bird life, water resources, harbors, recreational

beaches as well as health hazards to the nearby human population. Moreover, the economic loss

suffered by oil companies resulting from oil-spillage is enormous.

A number of different approaches have been suggested for dealing with oil-spillage

encompassing mechanical systems as well as chemical systems. The mechanical systerns have

proven to be fairly adequate for control of oilspillage in calm waters where waves do not pose a

problem, but are unacceptable for use in rough waters. (J.Orban,J.Brooks1971)

Now Garbage Collection is a Memory Management Technique that manages the memory for

you and your program, consider a scenario that you are developing a program that is to be run on

a very low configuration machine where you need to look out that your program should not

result in high consumption of memory when it runs. So, here comes our hero, "Garbage

Collector" that helps manage all those things When you write your program, you write various

variables etc. that in the back of your program points to a memory address.Now there are various

scenarios when you don't need the variables or instances, but still they are pointing to some

memory block and occupy them, which results to dead storage, and some other scenarios that

cause other types of memory blockages, now what our Garbage collector does is "Mark and

Sweep", i.e marks all those memory addresses that are not been referenced from any place or

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may not be used in the program, and sweeps them i.e clears them. so that maintains your system

memory. Plastic pollution is emerging as a top threat to ocean ecosystems. By 2025, there could

be 1 ton of plastic for every 3 tons of fish in the ocean. Plastic debris affects nearly 700 species

worldwide through entanglement and ingestion, alters natural biological and chemical processes,

provides a means for the introduction of toxins into the food web, and costs the U.S. economy

millions of dollars annually. The majority of this debris comes from land-based sources (e.g.,

plastic manufacturers, processors, landfills, sewage overflows, litter). With only 14% of plastic

packaging and containers recycled in the U.S., 75% of leakage is due to uncollected waste.

Past efforts to address plastic pollution have failed in stemming the flow from land to sea. As the

only high income country listed in the top 20 contributors to ocean plastic pollution, the U.S.

plays a critical role in managing the waste stream of plastics. The absence of a comprehensive

plastic pollution law and policy framework provides an opportunity for federal agencies to

explore how and whether existing law and policy mechanisms can be used to address the threat

of plastic pollution. This report provides an example by analyzing the Clean Water Act and

relevant provisions. The inability of environmental law to address growing threats, such as

plastic pollution, represents the need for a paradigm shift. The environmental laws of the 1970s

have yet to fulfill their goals and purposes. The Clean Water act has yet to prohibit discharges

and produce clean water because it allows pollution under permitting systems.

As a result, this report attempts to challenge our assumptions behind current environmental law

by introducing Earth Law, a system of law that recognizes nature’s inherent rights to exist, thrive

and evolve. An Earth Law approach would prohibit the discharge of plastic into our nation’s

waterways by considering the health of all Earth members. Therefore, this report proposes that

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the threat of plastic pollution will only be controlled if humans govern themselves in a way that

recognizes their relationship with nature.


This chapter discussed the methods that the researchers have used to collate and evaluate the data

in accordance to the goal of the study. After gathering all the needed in the study, the data is used

as supporting factor in analyzing the design which involves canvassing including the determining

of the necessary components. It will be useless to design without making a physical output of the

prototype considering the cost of materials and evaluate the prototype so that it proves to be

Figure 2: Methodological Framework


Material Selection Prototyping Program Selection

Canvassing Development Program Software

Prototype Designing Implementation Controller Selection

Prototype Assembling Evaluation Controller Software

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Research Design

The research method that was employed is quantitative and descriptive design. Quantitative

research since the data was collected in a step-by-step process dealing with numerical data.

Descriptive design since it aimed to systematically describe the prototype in terms of aesthetics,

functionality, performance and relevance to mechatronics.

Research Setting

The study was conducted in the beach of Opol Marvillia Beach Resort.



Figure 3: Opol Beach Resort Cagayan de Oro City

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Sampling Scheme

The transmitter plays a very important role it serves as the brain of the prototype. The

transmitter let the prototype move according to what has been indicated. The language that used

in programming the prototype is also important to make the prototype move on its own.

Data Collection Method

Gathering the materials. Most of the materials were bought at IC Marketing. This

includes Arduino Uno, Transmitter, Motor, led, circuit board and antenna. Solar, 1.5 litter

plastic bottle, plastic container which will be the waste storage container was bought at a

junkshop. The project was built by the researchers with the assistance of a professional


Preparing the materials. The researchers conducted the following: checked every detail

of each material if there are some damages that may contribute to a malfunction during the

process of making the device. Each material used were calibrated.

Preparing the prototype. The researchers put the motor, antenna, Arduino Uno and

circuit board at the certain part of the final prototype. Also the researchers construct the final

prototype building the waste storage, plastic bottle and putting the first and second filter.

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Connecting the materials to the transmitter. The researchers connected the

transmitter to the device using the . The water pump and relay module had a separate

connection for some purposes.

Solar Panels:

-Solar panels are devices that convert light

into electricity. They are called "solar" panels
because most of the time, the most powerful
source of light available is the Sun, called Sol
by astronomers.

Antennas are much more than simple devices

connected to every radio. They're the
transducers that convert the voltage from a
transmitter into a radio signal. And they pick
radio signals out of the air and convert them
into a voltage for recovery in a receiver.


Scrap consists of recyclable materials left

over from product manufacturing and
consumption, such as parts of vehicles,
building supplies, and surplus materials.
Unlike waste, scrap has monetary value,
especially recovered metals.


a machine, especially one powered by

electricity or internal combustion, that
supplies motive power for a vehicle or for
some other device with moving parts.

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Blower is a plumbing equipment that rotates

the fan with the force it receives from the
engine, which transfers the air in the emitted
environment at high flow or low pressure. The
fan in the blowers rotates and vacuum the air
in the suction section. The trapped air is then
pushed into the outlet side.

Roller Loader:

A road roller is a compactor-type engineering

vehicle used to compact soil, gravel, concrete,
... with rubber coated drum for asphalt

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Set up the roller, waste Connect the solar panel to the
scraper and filter to the waste motor and to the blower.

Build the prototype by

connecting the build up body Create the circuit.
storage to the solar panel.

Connect the prototype Create codes.

to the transmitter.

Create the limit Set up the system including

the time and its direction

Put the prototype in any Finish product.

bodies of water

Figure 7: Flowchart of the Procedure

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