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Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection Guidelines


Purposeful reflection means not just thinking about our behaviors and their effect on the work we
do but doing something about it. “What am I going to do differently in order to better meet
student’s needs?” Tony Frontier

“The goal is concrete, the intention has been set but if I don’t stop and reflect, there’s no point to
it all! Teaching is reflective practice.” Nicole Arndt


The teaching profession is very dear to me as I have mentioned throughout this portfolio,

that this has been my dream as a young girl. Everything I have done in my life has led me to this

moment. No matter the trials, struggles and challenges I faced over the years it has never

wavered my mind. As an Early Childhood Educator and the mother of two boys I am very aware

of the importance of education. Especially in the early years, it is to inspire, encourage and

motivate the love of learning. Attending Medaille College was one of the best decisions in my

life and it has been a great experience. Teaching is very important to me, it is a rewarding

profession which can have its own challenges, but challenges that I look forward to helping me

become a better teacher to all my students. I will be working hard to ensure I am teaching

students the required curriculum while hoping to instill some life skills and keeping them

motivated and engaged. I am very passionate about teaching, and I have enjoyed working as an

Early Childhood Educator for 22 years. Now working in the kindergarten classroom, I learn

something new every day and the children inspire me to be my best daily. During this section of

the portfolio, I will be reflecting on the process that has shaped me into becoming an effective
teacher. I will also be making connections to the Department of Education TEAC/CAEP Claims.

They will provide further evidence of my preparedness of my teaching career in the education

field. According to Max De Pree (2008) “At the core of becoming a leader is the need always to

connect one’s voice and one’s touch.” (p. 4). Your voice is your expression of what you believe

in and your interpretation of it. One’s touch can be interrupted as being in touch with oneself

such as never giving up, being resilient and confident. As a leader, it is important to know who

you are because others depend on you to make important decisions.

Portfolio Project/Teacher Education Learning Experiences.

Assembling and putting this portfolio together has been an enlightening experience. From

the beginning, it gave me an opportunity to look back on my journey and the process which has

been exciting and at the same time challenging. I have developed so much personally and

professionally during my time at Medaille College. I still remember my first day, I was anxious,

but all my professors were so welcoming and immediately felt at ease. They were demonstrating

(TEAC Claim:3 Caring Educators). The program at Medaille provided me with a wealth of

knowledge in areas of learning such as research and education, special education with emphasis

on diverse learners, theory and theories who are still relevant in the field of education, culturally

responsive pedagogy, Dignity for all students and they provided training and seminars to open up

our perspective into the field. The professors were all knowledgeable about their content, and

they modelled best teaching practices and pedagogy. I was challenged to be the best I could be

through critical thinking. They were an example of what an effective teacher possesses.

(TEAC Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners). These

experiences allowed me to reflect on my years of experiences, such as my education, work

experiences, creating my philosophy of education, and sharing school observation. It has given
me a deeper understanding and a brighter picture of the path I have dedicated my life to

becoming an effective Educator. (TEAC Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practice for

Diverse Learner).

I have demonstrated my knowledge and skills of the professional standards and

curriculum and my ability to create plan and implement lesson plans. Though the artifacts I have

chosen highlights my ability and showcase my preparedness of being an effective and caring


(TEAC Claim:1 Subject Matter). My first semester at Medaille was an eye-opener to the

reality of teaching. Although it is a rewarding profession it also has its challenges and I was able

to learn about all that it entails.

In the course Transition from Educations Roots to the Present, I gathered a wealth of

information I learned about the civil rights movement and education. Discrimination and

depression by race were deeply embedded into our national institution from the beginning

(Ornstein et al; 2017, p. 343). In 1964 the US Congress passed the Civil Rights Act guarantee

equal protection of the law for minority citizens. (TEAC Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching

Practice for Diverse Learners). We learned about promoting diversity in different cultural and

socioeconomical communities and students in the classroom. Teachers look at the whole child

and build relationships and communities. I also create and compose my philosophy of education

in this course. We also explored philosophers that are still relevant in the field of education such

as Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, John Dewey and Maria Montessori. (TEAC Claim:1 Subject

Matter: TEAC Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices).

During this semester at Medaille I continue to expand my knowledge by learning about

differentiating instruction in the elementary classroom. Differentiated instruction is factoring

students’ individual learning styles and levels of readiness before designing a lesson plan. It can

also be teaching the same material to all students using a variety of instructional strategies.

Teachers to deliver lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of each student.

 Design lesson based on students’ learning styles

 Group students by shared interest, topic, or ability for assignments

 Manage the classroom to create a safe and supportive environment

 Continually assess and adjust lesson content to meet students’ needs

(TEAC Claims:3 Caring Educators)

I was very intrigued by the Dignity for all Students Act in one of my classes because it

gives you a whole different perspective of how important caring for the whole child is and

building positive relationships with students, families, and community. This is the New York

State Dignity for All Students Act: It states that no student shall be subjected to harassment or

bullying by employees or students on property or at a school function; nor shall any student be

subjected to discrimination based on a person’s actual or perceived race, colour, weight, nation

origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including

gender identity or expression), or sex by school employee or students on school property or at a

school function. These took effect on July 1, 2012 the Dignity Act was amended on July 1, 2013

to include cyberbullying as part of the definition of “harassment and bullying.”

(TEAC Claims:1 Subject Matter. TEAC Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practice

TEAC Claim:3 Caring Educators).

During my first field observation, I was so excited because it was not what I had

expected, Community schools were something I have never heard of and it turned out to be a

great learning experience. It was exhilarating to see the whole community in one place learning
and participating with family spending time together and I was also exposed to different

languages. Each week I was challenged to help to meet the needs of student incorporating their

language into the activities we prepared. By the second semester I was preparing presentations to

present in front of the class. Speaking in front of people at first was terrifying and when I get

nervous, I speak very fast. Through continued learning practice and support from my teachers I

became a natural instructor and speaker. I was also exposed to Blooms Taxonomy and Howard

Gardeners multiple intelligence and how to incorporate them into my lesson plans. It is important

that all the students learning styles are met especially when creating objectives and goals. Lesson

planning became easier as I continued to practice the skills.

(TEAC Claim:3 Caring Educators).

I am very aware that setting the tone from the very beginning of the class is very
imperative to the core of classroom management. Setting clear ground rules for students so they
know the expectations and what is required of them. According to Jill Reese author of “The Four
Cs of Successful Classroom Management” are:
1. Commendation-the relationship that is built over time between the teacher and student.
Addressing student by their names, acknowledge when student does something positive
and give praise.
2. Communication-it’s the most imperative tool in the classroom management from the
teacher-child, child-teacher, and teacher-parent relationship. This is key especially if you
are addressing an issue/concern and wanting students to be refocused. Communicating to
students one to one can be useful, students feel they are being listened to and what they
have to say matters. It also allows student to approach teachers willingly.
3. Consistency-establishing a routine procedure and expectation. Then guide students
through these procedures and eventually they will understand it and saves time because
they would know what comes next and less anxiety.
4. Content- students looking forward to attending class because they know they will be
engaged in interactive learning. They leave class learning something new.
(TEAC CLAIM: 2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practice for Diverse Learners)
Feedback are vital to students learning this is to be done in a positive and respectful

manner for all students and more so when you have differentiated instruction. Assessment and

prompt feedback are essential to the students’ success. From the knowledge I had, I thought

assessment was taking a test or multiple-choice questions. I have learned so much about

assessment such as it can be informal, checking for understanding and there are number of ways

students demonstrate knowledge of lessons or the curriculum.

The Diversity and Culturally Responsive (CRT) teaching course I took at Medaille was

very insightful. I live and work in a culturally diverse city, this course includes different ways to

incorporate diversity into the classroom and lessons. From the classroom set up, pictures I post,

the variety of music I share with the class, and books I read and share. These are some ways I

can ensure students feel a sense of belonging in the classroom. (TEAC/CAEP Claim: 3 Caring


I also took another course at Medaille that moved me out of my comfort zone on to

another level. This was a technology course and at first, I was so nervous because my technology

experience could be considered not savvy. During this course I was given the opportunity to

create and develop a Weebly website, design a smart board notebook, and research apps. I had so

much fun learning about how to incorporate technology into the classroom. I became more

empowered and understanding as a teacher, and it is my responsibility to use the interest of the

students in my lesson which makes the learning process engaging, hands-on, motivated and fun.

Technology is also a great way to encourage collaboration and small group learning, teaching

students to talk, discuss, and interact with each other. Technology is a way of the future and as

we move towards its dependency it is very important that students are prepared to be tech savvy

and digital citizens. The Weebly website is an effective way to communicate with families,
sharing lessons, homework, newsletters, and events. (TEAC Claims:1 Subject Matter: TEAC

Claim:2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practice for Diverse Learners).

Professional development is vital to the development of the teachers’ role of being

committed to learning and growth not only to students but personally and professionally. I

believe lifelong learning is important. At Medaille College doing my placement I had the

opportunity to attend New York State Community School Summit in Buffalo. I learned so much

about community schools by attending the summit the keynote speaker Mr. José Munoz

Director, Coalition for Community Schools. He spoke about building strong communities

through community schooling. They provide expanded learning opportunities that are motivating

and encouraging during the school day, after school, on the weekend, and in the summer. These

opportunities were evident when I attended placement on Saturdays at one of the community

school Academy. I participated in professional development organizations that will keep you

connected and informed within the education field. (TEAC Claim:3 Caring Educators).

Another part of building community, and professional partnerships is the cohort, I started

with at Medaille College, we continued we continued through the program and we became a

team. We collaborate together on different presentations, assignments, and discussions in and out

of class. We have developed strong professional relationships where we assist, share opinions,

thoughts and support each other. Being a new teacher, it is important to have colleagues you can

turn to in time of support and seeking advice. Building communities because we learn from each

other’s experience and best teaching practices.

Readiness to Become a Teacher

Yes! I cannot believe I am this close to completing my Master of Education at Medaille

College. It feels like it was just yesterday when I started not quite sure of what would happen.
Through it all I managed to keep the goal in focus and now I am finally here. From my

experiences as an Early Childhood Educator working with children from 0 to 12 years old have

given me many opportunities to grow and learn both professionally and personally. As a resource

teacher I am experienced with planning adaptable and emergent problem-solving method

utilizing resource and tailor support to meet student’s unique needs. I have worked with students

of various backgrounds, ethnicities and learning styles. I was able to develop a great classroom

management skill through my learning here at Medaille College. I also learned that it’s very

important to listen to students to make them feel valued and they will be more receptive to

participate and be engaged in the classroom.

Looking back on my journey to get here and with all my dedication, hard work and

experiences I am very confident to say I am ready. I am a caring educator, I know my subject

matter, and I teach pedagogy, using best teaching practice for diverse learners. Through the

alignment to curriculum professional standard section, I was able to demonstrate my ability to be

to be a productive teacher by recognizing that each student is individual, and will bring different

tolerance perspectives, family traditions, interest and encouraging this multitude of diversity in

the learning environment.

Medaille College has certainly prepared me for a prosperous career in teaching no matter

the circumstances I would always have a positive outlook wherever I go. Having a positive

attitude is important because it will help you get through every day and it’s contagious. Students

deserves your undivided attention and your very best during class each day with a smile and

being respectful. Change is inevitable, so it is important to be able to adopt to change because

you grow and learn through the process with your student. One of the biggest things I will take
away from this process is the importance of reflecting. Effective teachers are always reflecting

on what works or does not and how to be better next time. (TEAC Claim: 3 Caring Educators)


This has certainly been a journey and I truly believe timing is everything. I have grown in

knowledge both personally and professionally. I have worked hard through the years as an Early

Childhood Educator, Resource Teacher, went back to school earning my bachelor’s degree,

attended professional development, and now finishing my Master of Education at Medaille

College. Still holding on to the dream/goal of being an Elementary Teacher. I can finally breathe

and know that I give my own children the gifts of never giving up on themselves. I will take this

attitude into the classroom letting students know they can achieve anything they are willing to

work hard for. Thanks to everyone who supported me through this journey, I will be forever

grateful. Next section will be the teacher candidate interview video and I am looking forward to

the learning experience.

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