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Managerial Guidelines

for Trade Show

Joseph A. Bellizzi DelilahJ.Lipps

This article examines some managerial aspects of successful IMPORTANCE OF MARKETING OBJECTIVES
trade show promotions. In particular, trade show objectives.
advantages, preshow and postshow campaigns, and exhibit Most industries hold trade shows annually, inviting
evaluation are stressed. companies in that industry to open a booth and display
products and services to interested industry members.
The most fundamental element a company must have
INTRODUCTION before opening an exhibit is a clear definition of a prod-
uct/market objective. This will in turn determine the
Imagine a marketing approach in which businesses invest trade show selection and content of an exhibit. For exam-
upwards of $4 billion a year. Next, hypothesize that this ple, one expert advises that an exhibit geared toward
technique can secure approximately 25% of your annual writing orders or obtaining leads should be designed
sales goal, at considerable savings over traditional sales differently than an exhibit designed to promote company
approach. Now assume that 83% of all those persons at- image, introduce or gauge reactions to products, or con-
tracted by this effort have not been seen by a salesperson in duct market research [ 1J. In another situation, a booth
the last year [ 11. designed for building leads may be built around a “break
The above describes an important sales promotional the ice” theme and feature products typically purchased
method commonly used by the marketer of industrial by first time buyers. New customers and loyal existing
products-the trade show. The purpose of this article is customers may very well differ in terms of the product
to show the more effective use of trade shows in the benefits that motivate their purchase. A display designed
industrial promotion mix. Particular attention is devoted to produce leads should emphasize new customer product
to trade show objectives, recent growth, advantages, benefits. Not only should the booth be designed with
preshow and postshow campaigns, and exhibit evalua- objectives in mind, but it is important for the people who
tion. man the booth to know the objectives, in addition to
knowing how to achieve the objectives [8].
Address correspondence to: Professor Joseph A. Bell&i. Department of In order to be effective and make the investment in the
Marketing, Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA. exhibit worthwhile, a company must first have defined

Industrial Markefir~~ Muna~rmenz 13, 49-52 ( 1984) 49

0 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.. 1984
52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, New York 10017 0019-8501/84/$03.00
its marketing objectives and trade show purpose. When a number of interested people at one time, introduction of
company has a well defined set of product/market objec- new products to a large number of people, potential
tives, exhibit design, show selection, and show evalua- customers may be uncovered, goodwill may be en-
tion can be carried out more easily and effectively. Some hanced, and free company publicity is gained [3 1.
common trade show purposes are: to secure customer
leads, introduce new products, obtain industry exposure, IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS
develop good will, obtain favorable publicity in local
media, reach otherwise hard to find technical buyers or Aside from the creative aspects of exhibit design,
other influencers, and of course, to obtain orders. certain aspects of exhibit design and certain managerial
concerns ought to be addressed by exhibitors. An exhibit
VALUE OF TRADE SHOWS cannot be put together in a haphazard way. In order for a
show to be successful, preshow and postshow campaigns
Although trade shows have been accused of being are essential [ 51. While you have only seconds to pull in
expensive [I], the cost per trade show is relatively inex- a prospect at a show, it really takes months of planning.
pensive. According to a survey of Exhibitors Survey. the The exhibitor cannot rely solely on the display to attract

"Some Keys to Selectand Utilize

cost per visitor in 1979 was $56.88. This was compared customers. Potential customers should be reached prior
to the cost of an industrial sales call, which in 1979 was to the show. For example, two or three weeks before a
$137.02. In addition, an efficient exhibit may reduce the show, formal invitations could be sent out requesting
$56.88 figure by one third according to one estimate [S]. customers to come to your booth at specific times. Or a
Dun and Bradstreet surveyed 125 executives on their campaign could include teaser mailings designed to in-
reaction toward trade shows. Sixty percent felt they were trigue prospects [ 51.
very effective and only 17% felt they were ineffective Various other methods are available to build traffic at
[4]. In addition, various unique opportunities may be the trade show booth which have proven to be quite
achieved only through trade shows. Included among successful yet inexpensive. Included among these are:
these are: advertising in the print and broadcast media, outdoor
advertising, newspaper and broadcast publicity, promo-
. the possibility of immediate follow-up, the knowledge
that the prospect is there because he is interested in the
tional methods, specialized media, and tie-ins or other
product, the fact that the show is not an interruption of other ideas for attracting last minute attention (21. It must be
concerns, the one-to-one exposure to clients, and the oppor- remembered however, that the preprogram campaign
tunities for hands on experience with materials [I]. should be consistent with the exhibit’s theme. Any atten-
tion getting promotions should be tailored to the purpose
Trade shows also offer other significant advantages. of the exhibit and the marketing objectives to be attained
They include; a selling message delivered to a large
Like the preshow campaign, postshow follow-up is
DR. BELLIZZI received a Ph.D. from the University of critical for the success of an exhibit. Trade show inqui-
Nebraska and is an Associate Professor of Marketing at ries should be responded to before enthusiasm dies [ 11. A
Colorado State University. He was previously employed by follow-up mail campaign reinforces the purpose con-
Hilti Fastening Systems as a Market Research Analyst.
veyed at the exhibit booth. It also allows the exhibitor to
DELILAH LIPPS is a Research Associate for the Marketing place more literature in the hands of the prospect. Al-
Department. though the prospect may have picked up literature at the
show, it was just one piece in a mass of other literature,
often not carefully read, and if it was, most likely not audience who have buying influence in regard to one or
remembered. If literature is received in the mail two or more of the major products displayed. Another measure
three weeks after the show, it is more likely to be noticed of quality is the audience interest factor or the average
and can revive the whole effect created by the show [5]. percentage of the audience who stopped by a minimum
If preshow and postshow campaigns are not made, the 20% of the exhibits. This measure can be used as a
exhibit probably will not reach its potential. As long as measure of the ability of the exhibits to attract visitors.
you have decided to use trade shows you might as well For all three of the audience quality indicators, the higher
do it right. the percentage, the better.
Like other promotional programs, trade shows should The second classification measurement to consider in
be evaluated to determine their effectiveness. Many man- determining the effectiveness of an exhibit is the au-
agers from marketing, advertising, and sales promotion dience activity indicators. The first among these is the
still question trade show expenditures. Many claim that average number of hours spent at a show. Generally this
there is difficulty in accurately determining the effective- amount is determined by the number of exhibitors at the
ness of shows [4]. Numerous services and measures, show. The second audience activity indicator is the aver-
however, can be used to both plan and evaluate trade age number of exhibits visited. A correlation seems to
shows. One such service that evaluates the results of a exist between the average number of exhibits visited and
trade show and is available to exhibitors upon request is the total square footage of the show.
an exposition audit. This service, provided by Business A third set of measurements are made to evaluate the
Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc., audits registered effectiveness of an exhibit. The first of these is exhibit
attendance at trade shows. It provides detailed and ver- efficiency, an overall performance measurement which
ified statistical information about the visitors at a show, tells how well the exhibit attracted prospects to the exhib-
who they are, what markets they represent, and their its and how well the personnel manning the booth estab-
product interests [6]. The information provided by the lished person-to-person contact with them. Exhibit effi-
exposition audit can help an exhibitor determine the ciency is simply measured by recording the total number
effectiveness of a booth. of show visitors attracted by a display. By trying various

“Reasons a show was remembered were:

seeing a demonstration, product interest,
obtaining literature, and exhibit design. ‘I

In addition to the exposition audit, a variety of other techniques at a variety of shows and then measuring the
measurements could be taken by exhibitors to determine efficiency, determination may be made of which tech-
the effectiveness of an exhibition at a trade show. While niques work the best for a particular company. Another
the burden of measurement and evaluation falls heavily effectiveness measure is the cost per visitor reached. This
on the exhibitor, trade show organizers often make data measure gives an indication as to the economic success
available to exhibitors thus reducing some of the mea- of an exhibit. A visitor reached is any person who stops
surement and evaluation burden. Useful measurements by and talks to those at the booth or acquires literature,
can be classified into three categories, audience quality, shows an interest in the product, and remembers the
audience activity, and exhibit effectiveness. exhibit eight weeks after the show. It is considered to be
The prime audience quality indicator is a measure of a valid contact comparable to a sales call. The costs in
total buying plans, or the percentage of the audience who this measurement include: exhibit space cost, exhibit
are planning to buy at least one product as a result of construction cost, refurbishing costs, set-up and disman-
what they saw in the show. A second audience quality tle costs, shipping costs, and other miscellaneous costs.
indicator is the net buying influences or percentage of the An exhibitor should keep in mind that the cost per visitor

reached in the trade show may be reduced by doing a talking to the right people about the right product. Show
more effective job in the exhibit. For example, adding audit data needs to be reviewed carefully before selecting
more display personnel may be more effective than re- shows to attend and products to promote. Many firms
ducing display expenditures. have measured recall increases immediately after the 5-6
Finally, memorability is an essential exhibit effective- week following the show which can be attributed pri-
ness characteristic. The results of a study by Exhibits marily to postshow follow up [7]. In addition to show
Surveys, indicated that the single most important element evaluation after-the-fact, data can be used to select ap-
in becoming most remembered is the size of the exhibit. propriate shows for exhibits and offer some clues for
However, at a large show it takes a large display. A selecting display themes and products to be displayed.
mathematical formula has been used to determine how All promotional programs including trade shows.
much space is needed to become remembered as the size should be evaluated. Improvements over time can only
of the show increases [7]. When attendees in the study by be achieved by evaluating how well an exhibitor has
Exhibits Survey were asked to give their reasons for done in the past.
remembering shows, four reasons were cited: they were;
seeing a demonstration, product interest, obtaining litera-
ture, and exhibit design.
I. Calginaitis. Carol, “Trade Shows Exhibit Some Promise.” Adrertisin,q
Age. sl4-~15 (June 9, 1980).
2. Greif. Ed. “On-Site Support: Cost Effective Trade Show Traffic
Builder,” I~~dustrial Murkding. 78-85 (April 1979).
For all promotional efforts marketing objectives need
3. Hutt, Michael D., and Speh. Thomas W.. Industrid Marketing Munugr-
to be specified before a plan can be developed. Trade ment. The Dryden Press: Chicago, 463 pp. 198 I.
show managers need to avoid the temptation to jump into 4. Konopackl. Allen, “More Products, Competition and Companies =
trade show planning before marketing objectives have More Exhibit Dollars.” Industrial Marketing, p. 71 (April 1978).
been set. Both preshow and postshow efforts can make a 5. Paget. Dennis. “Trade Show Success Depends on More Than a Good
well designed exhibit pay off. Exhibit planners should Exhibit Booth.” /ndu.strict/
Murkrting. p. 7.5 (April 1978).

consider ways to enhance exhibit recall and memo- 6. “Service Available to Evaluate Results of a Trade Show.” Imhstriul
Murkding. p. 8 (March 1979).
rability. Perhaps a demonstration would be helpful. Ac-
7. Swandby. Richard K.. and Jonathon Cox, “The 14 Most Remembered
tion always gets attention. Provide each booth attendee
Trade Show Exhibits of 1978,” lttrluwial Markctitrg. 71-76 (April
with take home literature. It may not be read immediately 1979).
but sooner or later it reminds attendees of what they have 8. “Zager Didn’t Estimate Trade Show Objectives.” Industrial Murkcvity.
seen at a show. Make sure that you are at the right show p. 17 (April 1979).


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