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Generalization and Maintenance

of Social Skills of Children with

Visual Impairments: Self-evaluation
and the Role of Feedback
Divya Jindal-Snape

Abstract: A multiple baseline design across behaviors was used with two visually
impaired girls to establish the effectiveness of self-evaluation and the role of
feedback. In both cases, self-evaluation was effective in increasing the girls' so-
cial skills and social interaction. Implications of the role of significant others in
providing feedback are discussed.

Research on the social interaction of by observing their parents and other peo-
children with visual impairments (that is, ple in the environment. However, children
those who are blind or have low who are visually impaired are restricted in
vision) has suggested that these children learning through observation (Raver,
may have difficulty interacting with signif- 1984). They are unable to learn and prac-
icant others, especially their peers (Me- tice social skills through visually mediated
Gaha & Farran, 2001). The social skills of processes like social referencing and imi-
children with visual impairments may not tation (Bandura & Walters, 1963). Since
be developed fully because of the chil- most social skills are acquired through
dren's difficulty in acquiring social behav- communication with visual cues, learning
iors through visual cues, modeling, or or modifying these skills is difficultfor chil-
feedback (Kekelis, 1992; McGaha & Far- dren who are visually impaired (Farkas,
ran, 2001) or difficulty in locating others Sherick, Matson;& Loebig, 1981). There-
in unstructured settings, such as peers in a fore, smiling or looking in the direction of
playground (MacCuspie, 1996). Their so- others, which may be natural actions for
cial skills also may not be fully developed sighted children, may be absent (Warren,
because of the lack of opportunities to in- 1984) and have to be taught to children
teract with others because of the reactions with visual impairments.
of others to individuals with disabilities in In addition, visually impaired children
general (Hodges & Keller, 1999; Rosen- find it difficult to imitate many nonverbal
blum, 1998; Van Hasselt, 1987). gestures, such as facial expressions and
Social skills are typcially learned during expressive gestures. Similarly, receiving or
day-to-day interactions through observa- sending cues for initiating a conversation,
tion (Michelson, Sugai, Wood, & Kazdin, responding appropriately, finishing a
1983). Most children learn them naturally conversation, and the like are not easily

470 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 ©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved
availableto them. These children may find not be considered to be successful unless
it difficult to receive and produce nonver- the gains are generalized and maintained
bal behaviors that usually support and (Gresham, 1981).
even replace verbal behavior and to use vi- It has been observed that self-evaluation
sual cues or facial expressions (Van Has- plays an important role in the generaliza-
selt, Simon & Mastantuono, 1982) and tion and maintenance of social skills of
hence find it difficult to initiate, respond children with visual impairments (Jindal-
to, or finish a conversation at the appro- Snape et al., 1998). However, these studies
priate time. Furthermore, even when so- included an initial phase of external rein-
cial interaction does occur, these children forcement, which could have had some
often engage in much shorter interactive influence on the effectiveness of self-
sequences and have little chance of suc- evaluation. To determine the effect of
cessfully sustaining occurrences of social self-evaluation clearly, I considered it nec-
contact (Markovits & Strayer, 1982) and essary to encourage self-evaluation without
are generally recipients, rather than initia- any initial phase of external reinforcement.
tors, of interactions (D' Allura, 2002). I also observed that for accurate self-
Therefore, it is necessary to intervene and managing skills that require visual cues,
facilitate the development of the social feedback from the environment seemed es-
skills of children with visual impairments. sential. To verify the necessity of feedback
Research has suggested that a decrease for such behaviors, I considered a subse-
in challenging behaviors (Jindal & Kato, quent phase of self-evaluation with feed-
1994), an increase in levels of adequate back to be desirable. Thus, in this study, I
and meaningful feedback (Jindal-Snape, investigated whether self-evaluation could
Kato, & Maekawa, 1998), and an in- increase appropriate social behavior with-
crease in reinforcement and opportunities out any initial external reinforcement and
for interaction can lead to the develop- whether feedback is necessary for self-
ment of high levels of social skills. In evaluation.
turn, higher levels of social skills may
lead to high levels not only of social com- Method
petence and interaction but of achieve- SETTING
ment. Some social skills interventions The study was conducted in an inte-
have been found to be effective during grated school in New Delhi, India. The
training conditions, but there was a gap classroom consisted of 30 students (6 of
between the increase in desirable inter- whom were visually impaired) and one
actions with peers and the generalization teacher. The teacher had no formal quali-
and maintenance of these skills across fications for teaching children with visual
settings or subjects (Chandler, Lubeck, & impairments. However, she had the sup-
Fowler, 1992; Gumpel & Nativ-Ari-Am, port of the school's resource person, who
2001; Jindal & Kato, 1994), perhaps be- was qualified to do so.
cause most studies have not included gen-
eralization as a goal or component of so- PARTICIPANTS
cial skills interventions (Chandler, 1992). Two girls with visual impairments, one
It has been suggested that treatment can- who was totally blind (Kate) and one

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 471
who had light perception (Anne), partici- whom she would then hit. She returned to
pated in this study. The study was under- her seat only when the teacher repeatedly
taken in two groups, each consisting of asked her to do so.
one visually impaired child and two Kate's family consisted of her parents
sighted children (with no reported disabil- and two elder sisters, aged about 12 and
ity). Kate, Anne, and the sighted children 14. No other family member had any im-
ranged in age from 9 to 11 years. Kate and pairment. Kate's mother was interviewed
Anne both resided in a hostel (known as a and reported that although Kate had al-
"residential preparatory school") that pro- ways been close to her sisters, she was ag-
vided accommodation to children with vi- gressive with them as well. Despite her
sual impairments whose families did not family's efforts, Kate always interrupted
live in New Delhi but wanted their chil- the conversations of people other than
dren to study there. The hostel provided a her family members and became aggres-
minibus to take the children to and from sive if she did not gain their attention im-
their schools. The hostel staff helped the mediately. Her mother suggested that this
children with their schoolwork and life behavior may have been due to the fact
skills. Kate visited her family nearly every that other people did not realize that
weekend, and Anne visited her family Kate was speaking to them because she
once or twice a month. Informed consent did not turn her face or body in their di-
to participate in the study was obtained rection. The mother reported that Kate
from all the children, their parents, the was always excited about going home on
teacher, and the head teacher. The names the weekends and enjoyed talking and
of the children have been changed to pro- playing with her family. During the week-
tect their identities. ends, her sisters tried to help her with her
studies. However, even though they asked
Kate her to do her homework, she did not do
Kate's chronological age was 10 years it. No family problems were reported.
and 7 months. Her social age was 5 on the When Kate was observed, she was
Vineland Social Maturity Scale (Indian found to be aggressive and tended to hit
Adaptation by Malin and Raj, 1992). Kate her classmates if they did not respond im-
came to school looking untidy, suggesting mediately or did not agree with her views.
that she had difficulty with taking care of She interrupted her classmates' conversa-
her clothes and with personal hygiene. tions and demanded immediate atten-
The teacher reported that Kate was ag- tion. She fidgeted with whatever object
gressiveand hit her peers. Kate also inter- she had in her hand, especially her braille
rupted when somebody else was answer- pen. She usually looked away from her
ing in class, but when she was asked a peers when she conversed with them. This
question directly, she never responded. behavior was observed to have a negative
Furthermore, she was off task most of effect on the sighted classmates, who
the time and fidgeted with her braille pen started conversing the same way; that is,
or stylus. In addition, Kate was seen to they turned away from Kate and focused
leave her seat to go and chat with her their attention on the other sighted class-
friend (who was also visually impaired), mates who were present in that setting.

472 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 ©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved
This change in the direction of the away from her peers with a similarly neg-
sighted classmates' gaze seemed to serve ative effect.
the function of letting the other sighted
classmates know that they were inter- TARGET AND NONTARGET BEHAVIORS
ested in the conversation, especially when Social validity refers to societal judg-
Kate's interruptions may have suggested ments about the social significance of the
otherwise. goals, social appropriateness of the proce-
dures, and social importance of the effects
Anne (of an intervention) (Wolf, 1978). There-
Anne's chronological age was 9 years fore, on the basis of observations of video
and 10 months. Her social age on the In- recordings in different settings and inter-
dian adaptation of the Vineland Social views with the teachers, parents, and the
Maturity Scale was 4.8. Like Kate, Anne director of the hostel (significant others in
dressed untidily. The teacher reported these children's environment), I chose two
that although Anne was always smiling, target behaviors for Kate: modification of
she did not respond to any conversation the direction of her gaze and conversa-
from the teacher or her sighted class- tional skills (see Box 1). On-task behavior
mates. Anne stayed on her own unless she and a decrease in fidgeting were observed
was approached by others. The teacher as nontarget behaviors for Kate, specifi-
also reported that she was not sure cally to see the generalization across be-
whether Anne was paying attention in haviors. For Anne, I chose modification of
class because Anne neither looked toward the direction of her gaze and an increase
her nor initiated any answers. in conversation as target behaviors (see
Anne's parents could not be interviewed Box 2). Play behavior was observed as a
because they lived in a distant town. In- nontarget behavior for Anne, to see the
stead, the director of the hostel where generalization across behaviors. Although
Anne had lived for the past five years was conversational skills were a target behav-
interviewed. The director reported that ior for both children, the components
Anne had always been a helpful girl. Al- weredifferent because of the children's dif-
though Anne did not initiate any conver- ferent learning needs (see Boxes 1 and 2).
sation with her peers, she always re- Also, in Anne's case, one of the compo-
sponded if she was approached. However, nents that was observed was whether the
at times her answers were irrelevant, or she conversation (initiated or prompted) was
would just smile and say nothing. original (something new emerging from
Anne was observed to be a nonassertive her) or copied (repeating the same ques-
girl who usually did not speak with others tion or response as the peer).
unless she was specifically asked a ques-
tion. Even when she tried to speak and DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL
somebody interrupted, she just stopped PROCEDURES

talking completely. In the playground, al- A multiple baseline design across be-
though her peers played nearby, she haviors was used. The total duration was
never asked them to let her join in their measured for appropriate direction of
games. Like Kate, she usually looked gaze, conversation, on-task behavior, and

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 473
Definition of target and nontarget behaviors for Kate
Direction of gaze 1. Face turned toward the person talking to her (in the horizontal
2. Face turned toward the person she is talking to.
3. Face turned toward the person who is talking to the whole
group (e.g., the teacher).
Conversation 1. Initiating conversation.
2. Positive responding.
3. Listening to others.
4. Not interrupting.
5. Giving others 'a chance to speak.
6. Nonaggressive.
On-task behavior 1. Looking toward the teacher or turning her head and body
in the teacher's direction when being taught.
2. Looking toward the appropriate teaching material or turning
her head and body in its direction.
3. Doing written work by herself or with a peer.
4. Not disturbing the student sitting next to her.
5. Reading the lesson by herself or with a peer.
6. Not talking out of turn.
7. Following the classroom rules.
8. Reading aloud when required.
9. Answering questions.
10. Discussing the task with a peer or the teacher without
disturbing others.
Fidgeting 1. Shaking her pen or other such objects violently.


positive play. Total duration is the sum- sighted children were asked to sit and chat
mation of the time the targeted behavior or play freely. Every 2 minutes, I cued Kate
was emitted during the observed 5 min- to self-evaluate by tapping softly on the
utes of every 20-minute session. There- ground. In the first intervention session,
fore, the maximum possible duration for Kate sometimes did not respond to the
any session was 300 seconds. tap. I then cued her by saying "Well?" im-
plying that she should tell me what hap-
Kate pened in the previous 2 minutes. At the be-
Therewerethree phasesof intervention- ginning of the session, Kate was required
self-evaluation, self-evaluation with feed- to set the criteria for the next 2 minutes.
back, and self-evaluation. In the first After 2 minutes, she was required to tell
phase, no feedback was provided on the whether she could actually meet the crite-
accuracy of the self-evaluation. Each ses- ria she had set. Kate then set the criteria
sion lasted 20 minutes. Kate and the two for the next 2 minutes, and so on. Then the

474 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 ©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved
Definition of target and nontarget behaviors for Anne
Direction of gaze 1. Face turned toward the person talking to her (in the horizontal
2. Face turned toward the person she is talking to.
3. Face turned toward the person who is talking to the whole
group (e.g., the teacher).
Conversation 1. Self-initiated questions: original and copied.
2. Prompted questions.
3. Self-initiated answers: original and copied.
4. Prompted answers.
5. Leading conversation (i.e., doing most of the talking).
6. Helping to smooth the flow of conversation (e.g., making
appropriate remarks).
7. Giving answers relevant to the question.
8. Listening to the conversation.
Positive play 1. Self-initiated organizing, suggesting games: original and copied.
2. Prompted organizing: original and copied.
3. Playing with peers in a positive way.

Box 2.

session was carried out without any com- about the accuracy of the self-evaluation
ment from me. The criteria were related to in five sessions for the direction of gaze
the direction of Kate's gaze and conversa- and three for conversation. Again, a gen-
tion. For example, Kate would say, "I will eralization probe was conducted for two
take turns at talking and will not interrupt sessions.
when 'X' or 'Y' are talking." This phase In the third phase, the same procedure
lasted four sessions for direction of gaze was followed as in the first phase, except
and three for conversation. After this that Kate was asked to self-evaluate every
phase, training for that behavior was 5 minutes. This phase was carried out
stopped, and on subsequent days (follow- during four sessions for each behavior. A
ing the same pattern as the training ses- generalization probe was conducted for
sions), a generalization probe (across set- four sessions. On-task behavior was ob-
ting and individuals) was carried out for served as nontarget behavior to see the
one session for direction of gaze and for generalization across behaviors.
two sessions for conversation in another
setting with two new sighted children. Anne
In the second phase (self-evaluation The procedure was similar to that used
with feedback), I provided feedback with Kate. However, only the last two

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 475
phases were replicated. The first phase during the probes. For Anne, the interob-
(self-evaluation with feedback) was car- server reliability was 88% during the base-
ried out for four sessions each, for direc- line and 91% and 86% during the two
tion of gaze and for conversation. Two phases, respectively, and was an average of
sessions of the generalization probe fol- 89% during the probes.
lowed. The second phase (self-evaluation
only) was carried out for four and three
sessions respectively, for direction of gaze
and conversation. Five sessions of the KATE

generalization probe followed. Positive Direction of gaze

play was observed as a nontarget behav- As shown in Figure 1, at the baseline, an
ior. However, for administrative reasons, appropriate direction of gaze occurred for a
the children were not allowed to leave the total of 12 seconds out of a maximum of
classroom for their "game period" on 300 seconds but reached an average of 208
most of the days. Therefore, positive play seconds during the first phase (self-
could be observed only sporadically. evaluation only). During the generalization
The maintenance probe was carried out probe, the appropriate direction of gaze
six months later for both Kate and Anne. dropped to 133 seconds, but it increased
Four sessions each were conducted for again to an average of 226 seconds during
both target behaviors. the second phase (self-evaluation with feed-
back) and lasted an average of 200 seconds
VIDEOTAPED OBSERVATIONS during the generalizationprobe. During the
All the sessions were videotaped. With first sessionof the generalizationprobe, the
the help of a video timer, minutes and sec- appropriate direction of gaze lasted 264
onds were also recorded. Two special edu- seconds (in the sessionbefore that, it lasted
cation graduate students and I later ob- 266 seconds), but it decreased to 136 sec-
served the videotapes. Since 5 minutes of onds in the second session. In the third
every 20-minute session were observed, phase (the self-evaluation-only phase), it
the maximum possible duration for a be- lasted an average of 270 seconds, whereas
havior to occur in a session was 300 sec- during the generalizationprobe, it lasted an
onds. In Session 1, the first 5 minutes were average of 242 seconds.
observed; in Session 2, the second 5 min-
utes (that is, from 5 minutes to 10 minutes Conversation
of Session 2) were observed; and so on, At the baseline, Kate conversed for an
with the first 5 minutes of Session 5 being average of 35 seconds. However, she did
observed. Interobserver reliability was so for an average of 288 seconds during
calculated using the formula: number of the first phase (self-evaluation only). In
agreements, divided by number of agree- fact, from the second session of this
ments plus disagreements, multiplied by phase, she conversed for the maximum of
100. The interobserver reliability for Kate 300 seconds. During the generalization
was 86% during the baseline and 86%, probe, she conversed for an average of
84%, and 90% during the three phases, re- 295 seconds. Again, during the second
spectively, and was an average of 88% phase (self-evaluation with feedback),

476 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 ©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved
BL Phase I GP Phase II GP Phase III GP MP

\ ~j\:VBL I

Pha se I: Self-evaluation
00 I Pha se II: Self-evaluation
1=:'-' with feedback

._ <J)

~.E I Pha se III: Self-evaluation

.... '--' 100
is I
GP: Generalization Probe

-- -
0 • MP: Maintenance Probe

\ I I I




200 I
..... I
300 150
-.--on-task Behavior


O+-----,.....;_--IL----,~I----a _ __.----------......- - - - + o
o 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 1. Total duration of the direction of her gaze, conversation, on-task behavior, and fidgeting for Kate.

Kate conversed for an average of 299 sec- during the generalization probe, it was at
onds. During the generalization probe, an average of 275 seconds.
she conversed for an average of 300 sec-
onds. In the third phase (self-evaluation On-task behavior andfidgeting
only), her conversation went down Kate's on-task behavior increased from
slightly to an average of 296 seconds, and the first-session total of 40 seconds to

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 477
300 seconds by the end of the study. Al- phase (self-evaluation with feedback).
though some fluctuations were observed, However, during the generalization
Kate was observed to be on task from probe, it dropped to 177 seconds, but it
Session 15 onward. rose again to an average of 243 seconds
Although fidgeting was at a high level during the second phase (self-evaluation
of 135 seconds in the first session, it only) and then dropped to an average of
dropped to 0 from Session 13 onward and 238 seconds during the generalization
was maintained at this level. As can be probe.
seen in Figure 2, social interaction reached
a high level with the introduction of the Conversation andpositive play
intervention for social skills. At the baseline, Anne's conversation
was low at an average of 13 seconds.
ANNE However, it reached an average of 271
Direction of gaze seconds during the first phase (self-
As can be seen in Figure 3, at the evaluation with feedback). During the
baseline, Anne's appropriate direction first session, Anne conversed for 65 sec-
of gaze was at an average of 21 seconds onds, but by the third session and dur-
out of a maximum of 300 seconds. It in- ing the generalization probe and the
creased remarkably and reached an av- second phase (self-evaluation only), she
erage of 260 seconds during the first did so for an average of 300 seconds.

• Between Kate and peers

o Between peers, without interaction with/from Kate



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Figure 2. Social interaction of Kate and her peers.

478 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August2004 ©2004AFB, All Rights Reserved
BL Phase I GP Phase II GP MP


o I::
I:: 0
o ~

~ BL: Baseline

Phase I: Self-evaluation
with feedback
'-0 rJ'J
o0) I::
'--' Phase II: Self-evaluation

GP: Generalization Probe

...... MP: Maintenance Probe


r ............ ............... . . , . .
"',--.. 200
..... I::
1:: .....
0'--' 100

16 l

Figure 3. Total duration of the direction of her gaze and conversation for Anne.

Anne also conversed for the maximum Follow-up

of 300 seconds during Session 3 of the Both girls were followed up after six
intervention and maintained this level months, and the class teacher confirmed
till the last session of the generalization the results. As can be seen in Figure I,
probe. Kate's direction of gaze was maintained
Anne's play behavior could not be ob- for an averageof 248 seconds, and her con-
served for more than 5 sessions in all. versation was maintained for an average of
However, a definite increase was ob- 293 seconds. As can be seen in Figure 3, at
served in positive play from the time follow-up, Anne's direction of gaze was
Anne started self-evaluating. Her social maintained for an average of 234 seconds,
interaction reached a high level with the and her conversation was maintained for
introduction of the intervention for so- an average of 288 seconds. Hence, good
cial skills (see Figure 4). maintenance was observed in both cases.

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 479
• Between Anne and peers

o Between peers, without interaction with/from Anne




o .............'"T-L-
234 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Figure 4. Social interaction of Anne and her peers.

Self-evaluation helped to improve that feedback from the environment actu-
Kate's use of the appropriate direction of ally comes (or should come) before a per-
gaze. However, at times, Kate was found son self-evaluates. That is, the conse-
to self-evaluate inaccurately. When I gave quences of the behavior becomes a basis
her feedback about the inaccuracy, she al- for the self-evaluation. However, it is to
ways denied it and maintained that she be noted that Kate's peers stopped look-
had directed her gaze toward her peers. ing at Kate, started looking only at each
This denial could have been due to two other, and started conversing among
reasons: either Kate was overassertive themselves when Kate stopped looking at
and did not like to be told that she was them. It can be assumed that feedback
wrong or she actually assumed that she would have been more effective had it
had turned toward her peers, which was come naturally, that is, from the peers as
confirmed by the peers continuing to part of the conversation, rather than as a
converse. Thus, the peers' behavior may seeminglyjudgmental statement from me.
have acted as feedback that suggested to However, it was observed that feedback
Kate that she was looking in the right di- subsequently helped to increase the accu-
rection and may have become the basis of racy and duration of Kate's direction of
her self-evaluation. This possibility sug- gaze, which were maintained even when
gests that before self-evaluating, a person there was no feedback in the third phase.
needs to look for cues in, or feedback Once the duration of Kate's conversa-
from, the environment on which to base tion increased during the first phase (self-
his or her self-evaluation. It also implies evaluation only), it was maintained at high

480 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 ©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved
levels throughout. The self-evaluation was appropriate behavior, she hesitated to say
also accurate. Hence, it can be assumed so. This observation points to the rela-
that for skills that do not require visual tionship between self-efficacy and criteria
feedback and for which the other person's setting, as Bandura (1977) suggested.
behavior acts as a direct means of feed- Asking the girls to self-evaluate every
back or reinforcement, no outside or two minutes was necessary because a
planned feedback is necessary. longer time frame might have affected the
Furthermore, it was found that the ef- accuracy of their self-evaluations. How-
fects were generalized to on-task behav- ever, this frequency of cuing for self-
ior, with Kate working continuously in evaluation is not recommended because it
the class. Kate also stopped fidgeting may obstruct the flow of conversation be-
(shaking her pen vigorously). Although tween children, especially in the later
Kate was sometimes observed to take out stages. It may be worth trying to increase
her pen, fidget for no more than a second, the duration in the later stages of the in-
and put it away, by the end of the train- tervention and basing the duration on the
ing, she had stopped fidgeting entirely. needs of each individual.
The direction of Anne's gaze was 0 b-
served to improve in the first phase (self- Conclusion
evaluation with feedback). Although, it For the two girls in the study, feedback
initially declined after the removal of was found to be necessary to facilitate
feedback, it was observed to return to the their self-evaluation and to develop their
high levels of the first phase. Again, as social skills. For most behaviors, when
was the case with Kate, once the duration the consequences are clear, no verbal
of Anne's conversation increased, it was feedback is necessary for children with vi-
maintained at that level, irrespective of sual impairments. However, when the
feedback. This finding further supports consequences are not clear, feedback that
the assumption that direct feedback re- is understandable and meaningful to
lated to behavior is essential only for them is necessary. Therefore, this study
skills that require visual cues and is re- expanded the concept of self-evaluation.
quired before self-evaluation. Once Anne Researchers have thought that self-
started conversing freely with her peers, evaluation provide feedback per se (see,
she was found to be a good storyteller for example, Cartledge & Milburn, 1986).
and soon became popular with them. In However, the findings of this study sug-
fact, other peers from outside the training gest that although self-evaluation may
setting were also observed to approach help children to become more aware of
her, asking her to tell them similar stories. the feedback and may help them to pick
Anne's play behavior also increased sig- up on it, for some social skills it is diffi-
nificantly, and she actively participated cult for children with visual impairments
with her peers. to pick up on feedback or to understand
However, Anne, who seemed to be a the consequences by themselves. That is,
nonassertive child, did not seem to want it is difficult for them to judge by them-
to establish high-level criteria for self- selves whether a behavior was actually
evaluation. Even when she performed the emitted or not. The findings also suggest

©2004 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, August 2004 481
that feedback is initially provided by the proaches (2nd ed.). New York: Pergamon
environment as the consequences of a be- Press.
Chandler, L. K. (1992). Promoting children's
havior and that self-evaluation makes a
social/survival skills as a strategy for transi-
child aware of this feedback and helps tion to mainstreamed kindergarten pro-
him or her to pick up on it. grams. In S. L. Odom, S. R. McConnell, &
However, it was observed that the sig- M. A. McEvoy (Eds.), Social competence of
nificant others in the environment usually young children with disabilities: Issues and
fail to give this feedback, and they have strategies for intervention (pp. 245-276).
Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
to be trained to do so. Such feedback can
Chandler, L. K., Lubeck, R. C., & Fowler, S.
be provided by a researcher or other ex- A. (1992). Generalization and maintenance
ternal agents and can be effective in of preschool children's social skills: A criti-
bringing about positive changes in behav- cal review and analysis. Journal of Applied
ior. However, when feedback is given in Behavior Analysis, 25, 415-428.
this way, it may not only obstruct gener- D'Allura, T. (2002). Enhancing the social in-
teraction skills of preschoolers with visual
alization and maintenance, but be consid-
impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment
ered unfavorable by the child. Therefore, & Blindness, 96, 576-584.
feedback will be more effective when it is Farkas, G. M., Sherick, R. B., Matson, 1. L.,
provided naturally by the significant oth- & Loebig, M. (1981). Social skills training
ers in the environment. Furthermore, of a blind child through differential rein-
both the role of the significant others forcement. Behavior Therapist, 4, 24-26.
(Jindal, 1996) and the importance of re- Gresham, F. M. (1981). Social skills training
with handicapped children: A review. Re-
constructing the environment need to be view of Educational Research, 51, 139-176.
explored further (MacCuspie, 1996; War- Gumpel, T. P., & Nativ-Ari-Am, H. (2001).
ren, 1994). Evaluation of a technology for teaching
Therefore, it can be concluded that complex social skills to young adults with
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