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Volume 55, No.

December 1961 CASE REPORTS

Cortisone Responsive Hypercalcemia in Proved


Galveston, Texas

T HERE is NO AVAILABLE ASSAY for parathyroid

hormone in the serum. I n the absence of
rely o n nonspecific procedures to differentiate
hyperparathyroidism from the other hypercal-
such a specific determination, it is necessary to cemic states. T h e effect of the administration of
corticosteroids o n the elevated serum calcium
Received February 27, 1961; accepted for publi-
levels is o n e such procedure currently applied
cation May 22, 1961.
From the Department of Internal Medicine, The in difficult problems of differential diagnosis.
University of Texas—Medical Branch, Galveston, It is the purpose of this report to present an
Texas. exception to previous experience with this pro-
Requests for reprints should be addressed to cedure in a patient with proved hyperpara-
Grant Gwinup, M.D., Department of Internal Medi-
cine, Division of Endocrinology, Ohio State Uni- thyroidism.
versity Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. T h e hypercalcemia of sarcoidosis has con-

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Annals of
1002 G. GWINUP AND B. SAYLE Internal Medicine

sistently responded to steroid administration

(1-4). In one case of proved sarcoidosis in
which the elevated serum calcium did not re-
turn to normal when steroids were given a
parathyroid adenoma was subsequently found
when the neck was explored (5). Vitamin D
intoxication has also regularly responded even
when the administration of vitamin D has been
continued (6). The hypercalcemia associated
with neoplasm with or without bony metastasis
may or may not be affected by corticosteroid
administration. This appears to be the case
also in multiple myeloma and lymphoma (7-9).
Hyperparathyroidism, on the other hand, has
been found to present a hypercalcemia which
is consistently unresponsive to steroids, and no FIGURE 2. Tumor attached to the inferior portion of
case is yet reported in which an effect on the the right lower pole of the thyroid gland.
elevated calcium levels was observed (5, 6). The
following case presents an example of hyper-
There was no history of vitamin D ingestion and
parathyroidism in which the persistently ele- no symptoms suggesting sarcoidosis.
vated serum calcium levels became normal with The patient was a mildly obese Latin American
the administration of hydrocortisone. female in no distress. Blood pressure was 140/90
mm Hg, pulse 72, respirations 16. Examination of
the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat was com-
CASE REPORT pletely negative. The thyroid gland could be felt
A 40-year-old Latin American female presented but was not unusual, and there was no neck
with a chief complaint of left lower quadrant pain mass. The chest was clear. The only positive physi-
of 17 years' duration which had been present almost cal findings were vague left lower quadrant tender-
constantly and could not be related to bladder, ness and a well-healed right nephrectomy scar.
bowel, or menstrual function. Six months pre- X ray revealed the chest examination, barium
viously a nephrectomy had been done for a stag swallow, upper gastrointestinal examination, chole-
horn calculus of the right renal pelvis discovered cystogram, and complete skeletal survey to be nega-
during investigation of the chief complaint. There tive. Hemoglobin was 13.3 g/100 ml, white blood cell
was mild constipation but no dyspepsia, no poly- count, 4,800/mm8, with a normal differential. The
uria, and only questionable generalized weakness. urinalysis was negative with a specific gravity of
1.010 on a random specimen. On the fourth and
fifth days of a diet containing 125 mg calcium, the
urine contained 285 and 209 mg of calcium, re-
spectively. Fasting blood sugar was 89 mg/100 ml,
blood urea nitrogen was 9 mg/100 ml, phenol-
sulfonphthalein excretion was 30% in 15 minutes,
and total serum protein was 7.2 g/100 ml, with a
normal electrophoretic pattern.
Serum calcium levels were consistently above the
normal range of 9.2 to 10.5 of our laboratory (Fig-
ure 1), and serum phosphorus levels ranged from
slightly low to normal with no significant change
throughout the period of observation. Following
the administration of 50 mg of hydrocortisone every
eight hours for five days, the serum calcium levels
were consistently normal. At operation a 2.5 by 1
cm pedunculated tumor was found attached to the
inferior portion of the right lower pole of the
FIGURE 1. Elevated serum calcium levels fell to thyroid gland (Figure 2). On microscopic examina-
within the normal range with hydrocortisone ad- tion this proved to be a parathyroid adenoma
ministration. Following parathyroidectomy, tempo- (Figure 3). Following operation the serum calcium
rary hypocalcemia was followed by a return to levels remained at subnormal levels for several
normal levels. days but then returned to normal.

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Volume 55, No. 6
December 1961 CASE REPORTS I003

fying the gastrointestinal absorption of calcium

(5, 11). In malignancies, a direct action upon
the neoplastic cells has been presumed (7). The
mechanism by which hypercalcemia was re-
stored to normal levels in this case of hyper-
parathyroidism must remain speculative; how-
ever, there is evidence implicating the influence
of adrenal steroids on the action of parathyroid
hormone both on the bone and at the renal
level (12, 13). The question why this case re-
sponded to the calcium lowering effect of
steroids, while other cases of hyperparathyroid-
ism reported have not responded, must remain
FIGURE 3. Microscopic picture of parathyroid ade-
noma showing predominant chief cells with no The purpose of this report is not to imply
prominent fat. that no additional information can be obtained
by the administration of steroids in the various
DISCUSSION hypercalcemic states, but rather to point out
In this case of proved parathyroid adenoma that as with most other diagnostic procedures
there was a most significant change in the serum there may be exceptions to the expected result.
calcium levels following five days of hydrocorti- Only continued experience with this particular
sone administration. There was no clinical or procedure will determine how statistically im-
laboratory evidence to suggest an additional portant such exceptions will prove to be.
cause of the hypercalcemia.
It is felt that variation in the laboratory SUMMARY
determination was excluded by carefully control-
A report is presented in which the hyper-
ling the procedure. The serum calcium values
were determined by the method of Williams calcemia secondary to a proved parathyroid
and Moser using the autoanalyzer (10). The adenoma promptly fell to within normal limits
serum was dialyzed into an aqueous ammonium with the administration of therapeutic doses of
purpurate solution following the addition of hydrocortisone. This case represents an excep-
hiamine reagent and the color was measured tion to previous experience in which no instance
at 550 millimicrons using a flow cuvette and a of hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism
6 millimeter light patch. Calcium carbonate has been reported to fall with steroid adminis-
standards remained the same throughout the tration.
observation period. The patient's serum calcium
levels were also compared at each determina- SUMMARIO IN INTERLINGUA
tion with duplicate samples from the same pool
Le responsa del elevate nivellos serai de cal-
of normal serum with a predetermined calcium cium al administration de corticosteroides ha
level of 10.1 milligrams per 100 milliliters. essite usate como adjuta in le differentiation
It is known that the elevated calcium levels de hyperparathyroidism© ab altere statos de
of hyperparathyroidism may occasionally show hypercalciemia. Le hypercalciemia de sarcoi-
appreciable variation, and a spontaneous return dosis e de intoxication per vitamina D ha res-
to normal levels coincident with the period of pondite uniformemente. In casos de neoplasma
hydrocortisone administration cannot be ruled metastatic, myeloma multiple, e lymphoma, le
responsa ha essite variabile. Tamen, se trova
out in this case; however, there was remarkable
reportate nulle caso de hyperparathyroidism©
constancy of the elevated calcium before hydro- in que le elevate nivellos serai de calcium
cortisone was given and a suggestion of return respondeva al administration de steroide.
toward those levels after hydrocortisone was In le presente studio, un patiente—in qui il
discontinued. esseva demonstrate subsequentemente que ille
In sarcoidosis and vitamin D intoxication, habeva un adenoma parathyroidic—manifestava
it is felt that the steroids act primarily by modi- un prompte renormalisation del elevate nivello

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Annals of
ioo4 G. GW1NUP AND B. SAYLE Internal Medicine

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