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It is stated in the Character-based decision making model that all decisions must take into
account the impact to all stakeholders. In the school, the main client that we serve are the students.
That is why, their well-being should always be a priority. In this case, I noticed that there is a decline in
the progress of the lesson along with the students learning. So, I will make the decision of going back to
using English and Filipino because I find it more effective and it will be for the benefit of my students.


When a student enrols in an educational institution, an implied contract is formed where each
of the parties has reciprocal rights and obligations. The student is expected to comply with the rules and
regulations of the school. On the other hand, it is incumbent upon the school, among others, to provide
education needed by the student until he completes the course he pursues.

Furthermore, the school is expected to timely inform and furnish sufficient notice and information to the
students as to whether he had already complied with all the requirements for the conferment of a
degree or whether he would be included among those who will graduate.

In this case, it is clear that the teacher has moral and legal obligation to disclose his mistakes even
though it is not intentional. There might be legal and more serious implications on the part of the
teacher if the student would pursue an investigation for him to be clarified on the issue. Besides, the
student has the right to be acknowledged for his efforts academically.


In the Human Resource Office, there are policies and guidelines on hiring personnel. It would be
better to look into the criteria and guidelines set with regard to hiring a new teacher. And whoever got
the highest score after looking into the guidelines should be hired.


One principle in the Character-based decision making model is that ethics should always take
priority over non-ethical values. As an ethical person and teacher, I should base my decision on what is
right. And what is right is to report cheating regardless of who that person is. Because cheating is and
will always be wrong. I should not let my biases or feelings hinder me from making an ethical decision.

5. DISCIPLINING STUDENT: Traditional versus New Policy

An old phrase that said, “change is inevitable” and “change is the only permanent thing in the
world” should help every teacher understand that in time, there will be new policies, regulations, and
laws. and teachers should be law-abiding citizens. In this case, I should follow the DepEd order which is
against making any kind of abuse to students. With regard to the case of a student who misbehaves, I
will integrate positive discipline in everyday teaching and will always come up with a strategy to curb the
behaviour of the student without inflicting abuse.

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