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 Read the text and put the words in the best place.

waiter (x2) / eat out / main course / tip / menu / washing up / tender
dessert / dish / mushrooms / bill / starter
Give me a nice ___tender__, medium - cooked steak with __mushrooms___and fried potatoes and I’m
happy. Ask me to cook it, and the result is a disaster! I love eating, but I really hate cooking.
If my girlfriend doesn’t feel like cooking (or I don’t feel like doing the __washing up___ after the meal!) I
prefer to __eat out___in a restaurant.
I like Spanish restaurants because the food is good and the atmosphere is usually informal. I’ve been in
Spain for five years, and now I can understand the ___menu___ that the ___waiter___gives me when I
sit down in a Spanish restaurant. My favourite Spanish__dish___is paella. I usually have salad first as a
__starter___ , paella as a __main course__, and chocolate cake for dessert
I sometimes have a problem at the end of the meal when I have to pay and the __waiter___ brings the.
__bill__ I never know how much extra money I should leave for a __tip__

Match the meat to the animal. Duck/pork/veal/ox/chicken/turkey/beef/lamb/ham/bacon

Beef duck pork pavo

Lamb ham chikcen


In the following groups of words there are two which do NOT go with the noun at the end.
Write the words below.

fizzy tender fast nice

soft nice frozen cheap
tough rare pork frozen
alcoholic delicious vegetarian   fish
cool medium- fizzy wonderful
frozen tough disgusting delicious
well-done alcoholic take-away expensive
hot well-done Indian vegetarian
delicious   vegetarian tasty Indian
 drink  steak  food  restaurant
tough well done vegetarian
alcoholic fizzy pork frozen

Match the following fruits and vegetables with the pictures.

mushrooms / cauliflower / blackcurrants / eggplant / cabbage / celery / grapes / turnip

/plum / lettuce / zucchini / cherries / broccoli / peas / onion / strawberry / pineapple /
carrots / green beans / cucumber

Grapes mushrooms cucumber onion cauliflower broccoli carrots

green beans cherries eggplant lettuce pineapple peas celery strawberry

Plum turnip cabbage zucchini blackcurrants

Now make two lists from the following words, one list for vegetables and one for fruit. Check any difficult words in
your dictionary.

peas / avocado / potato / cucumber / onion / melon / cauliflower / mushroom / banana /pineapple / carrots /
zucchini / apple / brussel sprouts / grapes / sweet corn / tomato / celery / plum / cabbage / lemon / green beans /
peach / leek / blackcurrants / lettuce /peppers/ cherries / broccoli / pear / eggplant / strawberry / turnip / orange
broccoli apple leek peach
Brussel avocado lettuce pear
cabbage banana mushroom pineapple
carrots blackcurrants onion plum
cauliflower cherries peas strawberry
celery grapes pepperspotato tomato
cucumber lemon sweet corn
eggplant melon turnip
green orange zucchini

Write all the cooking words that you know (verbs, adjectives, nouns, objects, etc)
Listen to the second conversation and write the missing words in the spaces.
- Another ____confusing___________group Val is fry, to grill, to bake and to roast. fry for example, how
would you describe to fry food?
- Normally, frying would be to put in some kind of a _____oil____ or the.. the food. Under a
__high___ __heat___, like in a.. in a fry pan.
- So you fry ___chips___ , for example.
- Yes.
- And to grill?
- To grill, would be __under___  a high heat or ___over___a high heat, whatever you’re… whatever food you’re.. cooking.
- So you’d barbecue for example, that would be grill.
- Yes, you would grill __meat___ on a barbecue.
- And to bake and to roast?
- Roasting is __normally___used for meat. So, roasting could be roast vegetables, but __generally___it’s for meat and
it’s in a very hot__oven__ Whereas baking is cooking in the __oven__with a..a heat all around.
- So you’d bake a cake, for example, or you’d bake..erm..potatoes.
- Yes, you could bake potatoes, you can bake __chicken___  as well, but the heat is not normally as __high___.
- Okay, so that would be the difference between roast chicken and baked chicken.
- Yes, you have a more crispy crust on a roast chicken than a baked one.
- Oh, it sounds _lovely_!

Now read the following transcription,   listen again and write the missing words.
- We're back with Stephanie on cooking. Stephanie, can you recommend a typical Spanish __dish__ that
you cook at home?
- Well, I like cooking tortilla. Obviously everyone has their own _recipe__, but I will tell you how I cook it.
I take some potatoes and_peel__ them, then _chop__them up very small, put them in water, and
_boil__them up 'till they are soft. Then I put them in a _frying pan_with some olive oil, and some onions
which I've also _chopped_.And then I _fry_ these over until they're cooked.
In another bowl, I _break_four eggs, put in some salt and pepper, _beat_them up.
Then I take the potatoes and the onions from the frying pan and __mix__them in with the eggs.
I then put them back in the _frying pan_under a low _heat__and cook it until It is thoroughly brown.

Listen to the following words and write them in the correct stress group. Follow the example.

bacon Indi pota
ert an toes
won deli
derf ciou
ul s
fizz disa
y ster
chic expe
ken nsiv
frozen disgusting
When using imperatives, the position of always and never is before the verb.

Never cross the road without looking. Cross never the road without looking
Always check your car before you go on a long journey. Check always your car...
 Write the following sentences with always or never.
1. Boil the water before you make tea. _Always boil the water before you make tea__
2. Leave sharp knives where there are young children. _Never leave sharp knives where there are young
3. Put a metal object in an electrical appliance. __Never put a metal object in an electrical appliance.__
4. Close the car windows when it’s going to rain. _Always close the car windows when it’s going to rain._
5. Be polite to your bank manager __Always be polite to your bank manager_
6. Pick up broken glass with your hands. __Never pick up broken glass with your hands.__

Some words in English are used to join clauses and sentences together.
I’ve got a digital camera, but I don’t know how to use it.
Tengo una cámara digital, pero no sé como usarla.
Although I’ve got a digital camera, I don’t know how to
I’ve got a digital camera. I don’t know how to use it.
use it. Aunque tengo una cámara digital, no sé como usarla.
Tengo una cámara digital. No sé como usarla. I’ve got a digital camera. However, I don’t know how to
use it.
Tengo una cámara digital. Sin embargo no sé como
 equivalentes en español.
Although /
In spite of/a pesar
So/así que
'although' y 'in spite of'

- Although it was raining, we went to the beach. (Although +

- We went to the beach in spite of the rain. (In spite of

 Read the following email that Steph wrote to Val and choose the best words for each space.
Hi Val,

Terry’s washing up in the kitchen __so___I thought I’d write a quick email.
How are you and John getting on in France? Is the guest house business going well? 
Terry and I were thinking of coming to see you in December __in spite of__ the bad weather. We bought
warm coats and winter clothes __because__I know it can be very cold where you are at Christmas time.
_however_.we are having problems with our car and I don’t think we can drive from Spain to France and
over the Pyrenees _while_ it’s giving us so many problems.
Thank you for the recipe you sent me for apple crumble. I don’t know _if_it’s a good idea to make it
_because_Terry’s getting so fat, bless him. You’re such a great cook, _but__your recipes have got so
many calories!
I must go now. I think I’ll make Terry a salad again _while_ he’s watching the football on TV. We’ve got
such an exciting life!

Miss you. Love to John.


     Steph X
PS. How are the dogs?

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