Mengatasi Masalah Windows Could Not Start The Apache On Local Computer - Make Money From Internet PDF

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4/9/2020 Mengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local computer | Make Money From Internet

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Home » Komputer » Mengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local computer

Mengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local

Thursday, June 17th, 2010 | Komputer, Wordpress

Bagi kita yang sering bermain wordpress dengan server lokal tentu pernah dibuat pusing karena ketika

meloading localhost tidak mau jalan, dan ketika akan mengecek

di menu service dan hendak mengaktifkannya akan keluar peringatan “windows could not start the apache 2.2 on
local computer, for more information, review the system even log. if this a non-microsoft service, refer to

service-specific error code 1”

sebenarnya masalah ini disebabkan oleh program2 yang terinstall di komputer kita yang menggunakan port 80,
misalnya Skype, Antivirus NOD 32, dan mungkin antivirus yang lain.

Berikut kutipan yang saya dapat ketika mencari dari mbah google :

There is some other program listening on port 80, usual suspects are

1. Skype (Listens on port 80)

2. NOD32 (Add Apache to the IMON exceptions’ list for it to allow apache to bind)
3. Some other antivirus (Same as above)

Way to correct it is either shutting down the program that’s using the port 80 or configure it to use a
different port or configure Apache to listen on a different port with the Listen directive in
httpd.conf. In the case of antivirus configure the antivirus to allow Apache to bind on the port you
have chosen.

Way to diagnose which app, if any, has bound to port 80 is run the netstat with those options, look
for :80 next to the local IP address (second column) and find the PID (last column). Then, on the
task manager you can find which process has the PID you got in the previous step. (You might need
to add the PID column on the task manager) 1/3
4/9/2020 Mengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local computer | Make Money From Internet

C:Usersvinko>netstat -no -p tcp

Jadi Solusinya adalah matikan fungsi program tesebut melalui System Configurasi Utility. caranya ?

klik Start ===>RUN

Setelah menu run tampil, ketik “msconfig” tanpa tanda petik

Jika menu System Configurasi Utility sudah tampil, klik bagian Tab STARUP. Buang ceklist program yang
kira-kira menggunakan port 80. 2/3
gg pMengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local computer | Make Money From Internet

Klik Applay, dan OK… kemudian Restart… dan jalankan kembali Apache anda, Insya Allah dora akan berkata

Ada Masukan Yang Lain ?

Tags: Apache, for more information, localhost, msconfig, port 80, refer to service-specific error code 1, review
the system even log. if this a non-microsoft service, RUN, Skype, System Configurasi Utility, windows could
not start the apache 2.2 on local computer —

Related Mengatasi masalah windows could not start the apache on local computer

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Little or no original con 3/3

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