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International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014


Diptesh Majumdar 1, Dipak Kumar Kole 2, Aruna Chakraborty 2, Dwijesh Dutta
Majumder 3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati, Assam, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Thomas’ College of Engineering & Technology,
Kidderpore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Professor Emeritus in Electronics and Communication Sciences Unit, Indian Statistical Institute,
Director in Institute of Cybernetics Systems and Information Technology,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Farmers find it difficult to keep an eye on each and every plant in the cultivation area to
detect manifestation of any infection. Many an image processing approaches has been
developed in recent years to serve the purpose of a watch-dog, i.e. detecting the growth of a
disease at an early stage, determining the type of the disease the leaf is infected with and
suggesting necessary actions. This paper will go through most of the research work that has
been done in the field of Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network for the purpose of
detection and diagnosis of disease in a plant leaf from its image.

Keywords: Image Processing, K-Means Clustering, Artificial Neural Network, Support

Vector Machine

Agriculture has always been the mainstay in economy of most of the developing
countries, especially the ones located in South-Asia. The amount of crops that are damaged
every year, due to adverse climatic conditions or invasion of pathogens, can never be
neglected. [Table-1] is an illustration [57]. Hence, it is important for the farmers to detect the
growth of disease in plant at an early stage, and take necessary steps in order to prevent it
from spreading to others parts of the field.
Crop Value of Damage ($ Cost of
millions) Control
Apple 0.073 0.267
Blueberry 0.14 2.555
Bunch Grape 0.112 0.27
Corn 12.4 0.5
Cotton 81.7 12.2
Muscadine Grape 0.026 0.096
Ornamental 41.22 21.2
Peach 0.177 3.19
Peanut 58.7 41.2
Pecan 0.64 17.4
Soybean 5.3 1.9

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 1

Strawberry 0.32 0.683

Turf 126.6 61.2
Vegetable 18.1 20.6
Wheat 0.99 1.8
Totals 346.49 185.06
Table: 1. Summary of total losses due to disease damage and cost of control in Georgia, USA in 2007 [58].

Researches in Image Processing and Analysis for Detection of Plant Diseases have
grown immensely over the past decade. Various methods have been devised that are used to
study plant diseases/traits using Image Processing. The methods studied are aimed at
increasing throughput & reducing subjectiveness arising from human experts in detecting the
plant diseases [23].

Figure: 1. Architecture of the General System for Detection and Recognition of Disease in Plant Leaf

As shown in [Figure-1], the general system for detection and recognition of disease in
plant leaf consists of three main components: Image analyzer, Feature extraction and

Diseased Grape Analysis &

Grape Leaf Leaf Classification of
Segmentation Segmentation Disease

Figure: 2. Overall Grape Leaf Disease Diagnosis System

The processing that is done by using these components is divided into two phases. The
first processing phase is the offline phase or Training Phase. In this phase, a set of input
images of leaves (diseased and normal) were processed by image analyzer and certain
features were extracted. Then these features were given as input to the classifier, and along
with it, the information whether the image is that of a diseased or a normal leaf. The classifier

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014

then learns the relation among the features extracted and the possible conclusion about the
presence of the disease. Thus the system is trained. An example of such a system to detect
grape leaf disease is shown in [Figure-2].
The second processing phase is the online phase, in which the features of a specified
image is extracted by image analyzer and then tested by the classifier whether the leaf is
diseased or not, according to the information provided to it in the learning phase (offline
phase). The image analyzer component is described in Section 3. Section 4 deals with feature
extraction. The classifier is discussed in section 5.
This paper explores each of the stages involved and presents all the methods that have
been incorporated in each of the stages in all research works done till date on detection and
recognition of plant leaf disease. Some of the plant leaf diseases we aim to detect, diagnose
and identify in this paper are shown in [Table-2].
Plant Leaf Diseases of Leaf Considerd
Apple Apple mosaic, Apple rust and Apple alternaria leaf spot [19]
Cassava Brown leaf spot [1,25]
Citrus Citrus canker [12, 50-53]
Cotton a) Bacterial disease: e.g. Bacterial Blight, Crown Gall, Lint Degradation.
b) Fungal diseases: e.g. Anthracnose, Leaf Spot.
c) Viral disease: e.g. Leaf Curl, Leaf Crumple, Leaf Roll.
d) Diseases Due To insects: e.g. White flies, Leaf insects. [15]
e) Red Spots, Leaf Crumpel [24]
GroundNut iron, zinc and magnesium deficiencies [3,43,44]
Maize gray spot & common rust disease [10]
Paddy Blast Disease (BD), Brown-Spot Disease (BSD), and Narrow Brown-Spot
Disease (NBSD) [9]
Rice a) Rice blast caused by the fungus Pricularia Grisea, Leaf brown spot
caused by the fungus Bypolaris Oryza [2,38-40]
b) RBLB, RSB and RB [8]
Sugarcane Fungi-caused brown spot disease [7]
Tomato Early Blight, Late Blight Septoria Leaf Spot [18,29]
General Early scorch, Cottony mold, ashen mold, late scorch, tiny whiteness [14]
Table: 2. Leaf Diseases whose detection and recognition have been discussed till date


The Leaf images are usually captured using CCD camera [14], such as Canon IXY55
[1] or Nikon COOLPIX [2, 6], and stored in RGB format [45] for further processing.
Variance in light intensities are avoided either by keeping the leaf to be captured, in a black
box [3, 4] or by placing them on a white background with light sources at 45 degrees on each
side of the leaf, thus eliminating reflection and introducing better brightness [7].


Image enhancement is a sub-field of image processing and consists of techniques to
improve the appearance of an image, to highlight important features of an image, and to make
this image more suitable for use in a particular application (e.g. make features easier to see by
modifying the colors or intensities).

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 3

The acquired leaf images are first resized according to the requirements [1, 8, 9].
Before further processing, images are transformed into a different color space. Most popular
is transformation into HSI color space [1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26], given by Equation 1-4. An
Example of HSI transformation is shown in Fig. 3. Some authors prefer a hybrid color space-
taking H and B components from HSI and LAB color spaces respectively [13, 15]. This
reduces the effect of illumination and helps in efficient distinction between diseased & non-
diseased leaf color.

Figure: 3. (a) Original Image of Cassava Leaf, (b) Hue Transformation, (c) Saturation Transformation, (d)
Intensity Transformation

Another option is creation of a device-independent color space transformation structure

[14], specifying various parameters of the transformation. For example, Phadikar et. al. [2]
used Equation 5 to obtain grey-level image from the RGB colored image of Rice leaf. Yao
et. al [8] transformed rice leaf images to y1 and y2 representation using Equation 6.


The techniques generally used to remove unnecessary noise from the acquired leaf
images, are:
1. Erosion and dilation, used on Cassava leaf images [1].

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014

2. Mean filter or smoothing filter [27], used on Tobacco [16], Paddy [9] and Rice leaf
[2] images.
3. Median filter of color image with 3*3 rectangle filter window, also on Rice Leaf
images [8].
4. Anisotropic-diffusion technique used on Cotton [12] and Grape Leaf [13] images.
5. Gaussian Filter, used on Pomegranate leaves [6].
[Figure-4] shows an example of usage of median filter to remove noise from a binary
image of paddy leaf [9].

Figure: 4. (a) Original Image, (b) Binary Image with noise, (c) Noise free Binary Image


Image segmentation is the first step in image analysis and pattern recognition. It is a
critical step, as it determines the quality of the final result of analysis. Segmentation
subdivides an image into its constituent regions or objects. The level to which the subdivision
is carried depends on the problem being solved. That is, segmentation should stop when the
objects of interest in an application have been isolated. Segmentation algorithms for
monochrome images generally are based on one of two basic properties of image intensity
values: discontinuity and similarity. In the first category, the approach is to partition an image
based on abrupt changes in intensity, such as edges. The principal approaches in the second
category are based on partitioning an image into regions that are similar according to a set of
predefined criteria.
Segmentation techniques that are generally applied on plant leaves are:

I. Optimum Global Thresholding using Otsu’s Method- This method [55]

minimizes the between-class variance, a well-known measure used in statistical
discriminant analysis. The basic idea is that well-thresholded classes should be
distinct with respect to the intensity values of their pixels and, conversely, that a
threshold giving the best separation between classes in terms of their intensity
values would be the best (optimum) threshold. In addition to its optimality, Otsu’s
method has the important property that it is based entirely on computations
performed on the histogram of the image, an easily obtainable 1-D array. Otsu’s
method is mostly applied on I plane of HSI color space [1, 9, 16] with few

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 5

exceptions, such as application of the method on H plane [2] or on all planes in the
transformed color space [8]. Example of the latter case is shown in [Figure-5]
where Otsu’s Method is applied on y1 and y2 representation of the color
image of rice leaf.

Figure: 5. (a) Original Image, (b) Image after segmentation using Otsu’s Method

II. Other Thresholding Methods: Rajan et. al. [9] used local entropy threshold
method of Eliza and Chang [17] for segmentation for segmentation of Paddy
Leaves, and compared the results with that, acquired using Otsu’s Method. Simple
threshold and Triangle thresholding methods were used on Sugarcane Leaf images
[7] to segment the leaf area and lesion region area respectively.

III. K-Means Clustering: K-means is one of the simplest unsupervised learning

algorithms that solve the well known clustering problem. The main idea is to
iteratively determine k centroids, one for each cluster, by optimizing the sum of
distances of data-points from their corresponding centroids. In most applications,
K-Means Clustering Algorithm is used to segment the leaf image into clusters
such one [6, 16] or more than one [14] clusters contain the disease. [Figure-6]
shows an example of the output of K-Means Clustering for a leaf infected with
early scorch disease [14].

Figure: 6. (a) The infected leaf picture. (b, c, d, e) the pixels of the first, second, third and fourth cluster,
respectively. (f) a single gray-scale image with the pixels colored based on their cluster index.

IV. Artificial Neural Network: The colour pixels are clustered by the unsupervised
SOFM network to obtained group of colour in the image. The back propagation
neural network is then applied to extract leaf colour from diseased part of image.
This approach has been applied for segmentation of images of Cotton [15] and
Grape [13] Leaves.

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014


The purpose of the feature extraction [46] is to reduce the image data by measuring
certain features or properties of each segmented regions such as: color, shape, or texture. The
most popular features used to describe an image of plant leaf are:

I. Percentage of Leaf Area Infected (PI): Image Segmentation by any of the methods
mentioned above, characterize some pixels in the image as that of the diseased portion
of the leaf, while the others lie in the undiseased portion. Thus we can calculate values
of Area of diseased portion (AD) and the total area of the leaf (AL). Then, we calculate
percentage of area infected, using Eq. 7:

This value of PI has been used as one of the features of Cassava [1], Pomegranate [6]
and Sugarcane [7] leaf images.

II. Color Moments: In order to extract the features based on color [28], we have used the
3 color moments. Firstly, we separated each color image into 3 planes- H plane, S plane
and I plane. Then we found out 3 color moments- Moment 1 or Mean, Moment 2 or
Standard Deviation and Moment 3 or Skewness, for each plane [30]. Hence each image
consists of 9 color moments, 3 moments for each color channel. These 9 color moments
form a part of the feature vector for an image. This feature has been used for
characterizing Tomato [18], Maize [10], Apple [19] and Cotton leaf [15] images. An
example of such feature values in case of Tomato Leaves [18] are shown in [Table-3].

Image CM1 CM2 CM3 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM1 CM2 CM3

0.438 0.184 0.226 0.494 0.177 0.208 0.426 0.191 0.215

Early Blight

0.467 0.171 0.211 0.484 0.196 0.227 0.311 0.154 0.184

Early Blight

0.309 0.245 0.281 0.471 0.234 0.266 0.296 0.227 0.259

Late Blight

0.271 0.261 0.304 0.477 0.248 0.277 0.167 0.165 0.192

.Late Blight
Table 3: Color Moments (CM) Feature Values of images of Tomato Leaves

III. Texture-Based Features: In case of feature extraction based on texture of the image,
we used gray level co-occurrence matrix [20, 21]. The co-occurrence matrix C(i,j)

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 7

counts the number of co-occurrence of pixels with gray-levels i and j respectively, at a

given distance d. The matrix [31] is given by:
(( x1 , y1 ), ( x2 , y2 ))  XY * XY
 f ( x , y )  i, f ( x , y )  j

C (i, j )  cord  1 1 2 2

( x2 , y2 )  (x1 , y1 )  (d cos  , d sin  )

0  i, j  N
Where d is the distance defined in polar coordinates (d,  ) with discrete length and
orientation.  takes values 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315. Cord {} represents
the number of elements present in the set.
The texture features that have been obtained from the co-occurrence matrix of the gray-
level image [37] are:

a. Inertia
Also known as Variance and contrast, Inertia measures the local variations in the

Inertia   (i  j )2 c(i, j ) (9)

i j

b. Correlation
It measures the sum of joint probabilities of occurrence of every possible gray-level
(i  i )( j   j )c(i, j )
Correlation   (10)
i j  i j

i   i  c(i, j ) (11)
i j

 j   j  c(i, j ) (12)
j i

 i   (i  i )2  c(i, j ) (13)
i j

 j   (j  j )2  c(i, j ) (14)

i j

c. Energy
Also known as uniformity or the angular second moment, It provides the sum of
squared elements in the matrix.

Energy   (c(i, j )) 2 (15)

i j

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014

d. Homogeneity
It measures the closeness of the distribution of the elements in the matrix to their
diagonal elements respectively.
c(i, j )
Homogeneity   (16)
i, j 1 | i  j |
Texture based features are essential for description of Maize [10], Apple [19], Beans,
Banana, Guava, Lemon, Mango [11] and Rice [8] Leaves.
IV. Features obtained by Color Co-occurrence Method or CCM method: It is a
method, in which both the color and texture of an image are taken into account, to
arrive at unique features, which represent that image. Bashish et. al [14] used these
features to describe plant leaf images. The color co-occurrence texture analysis method
was developed through the use of Spatial Gray-level Dependence Matrices or in short

V. Shape based Features: The area (A) and perimeter (P) of disease spots were calculated
from the binary image of disease spot. The minimum enclosing rectangle (MER) of a
disease spot were obtained by the method of rotating image with same angle [22]. The
long axis length and short axis length of MER represented the length (l) and width (w)
of a disease spot. The shape features including rectangularity, compactness, elongation
and roundness were calculated using area, perimeter, MER of disease spot in Rice Leaf
images [8]. Lesion shape and lesion colour feature of disease spot has also been used in
detection of disease in Paddy Leaves.

VI. Other Features: Zhang et al [12] proposed Two-level features to describe citrus canker
lesions: at the first level, global features are extracted for detecting canker lesion area
from the image background; these global features are mean, standard deviation,
variance and correlation coefficient in RGB color space and HIS color space; FFT
texture features, and edges. At the second level a kind of combined local features are
constructed to identify canker lesion from other confusable citrus diseases lesions.
Local Binary Pattern based on Hue [54] was used for this purpose. Gulhane et al [24]
used Eigen feature regularization and extraction Algorithm [49] for feature extraction
from cotton leaf images. In Rice Leaf [2] Radial distribution of the hue from the center
towards the boundary of the diseased spot has been considered as feature to distinguish
the spots since the color of the spots vary from center towards the boundary.

An improved AdaBoost algorithm [12] or KPCA based feature selection [19] are
adopted on the large feature set to select the most significant features to produce the


A classifier is a system which classifies input images of leaves according to the degree
of presence of a disease in a leaf, and this classification is based on the features we evaluated
in the previous step. The most common classifiers that have been used for the purpose of
proper detection and recognition of disease in leaves are:

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 9

I. Percentage Infection (PI): The range of PI values [48] will be divided into regions for
each of the possible outcomes. Eg: In case of Cassava Leaves [1], the range of PI values is
divided into two regions- one corresponding to the leaves having Brown Leaf Spots and the
other is for the ones not having Brown Leaf Spots. Thus, the value of PI evaluated will
determine the type of disease the leaf is infected with. The same principle is used for
detection of disease in Sugarcane Leaves [7]. Accuracy of usage of PI can be tested [7] by
estimating the percentage standard known area covered by standard known area shapes like
Triangle, Circle, Square, and Rectangle drawn by using a tool such as paint. Estimated
values are compared with actual area covered to calculate Percentage Deviation (D) and
Percentage Accuracy (A) as given by Eq. 17 and 18 respectively. Table 4 determines the
accuracy of usage of PI for different shapes.

Where SM is Standard Measurement and EM is Experimental Measurement.

Table 4: Determining Accuracy of PI usage. Average Accuracy is 98.60%

PI along with Fuzzy Logic (FL) is used [47] for the purpose of disease grading in
Pomegranate Leaves [6]. A Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is developed for disease grading by
referring to the disease scoring scale. For the FIS for disease grading, input variable is
Percent Infection (PI) and output variable is Grade. Triangular membership functions are
used to define the variables and six fuzzy rules are set to grade the disease.

II. Support Vector Machine (SVM): Support vector machine [56] today is one of the most
common of machine learning classification techniques. The aim of support vector machines
is to create a decision boundary (Fig. 7) using which we can classify a point as belonging to
two classes based on which side of the decision boundary it lies on.

Fig. 7: The optimal plane of SVM in linearly separable condition

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014

This decision boundary or optimal hyperplane can be obtained from the solution of a
problem of quadratic programming [41, 42]. If data points are linearly separable, the
function of this surface is estimated by Eq. 19.

Where is a Lagrange multiplier, is the bias.

If data points are linearly separable, the function of this surface is estimated by Eq. 20.

Where is a kernel function. Most common kernel functions are linear, polynomial
and radial-basis kernel function.
SVM was used to test the accuracies of classifying three diseases of Rice Leaf: RBLB,
RSB and RB [8]. 3 classification models were developed: Model 1 consisted of 4 shape and
60 texture features. Model 2 consisted of 60 texture features. Model 3 consisted of 4 shape
features. Classification results are shown in [Table-5].

Table 5: Classification Results from Testing Data for Model 1, 2 and 3.

Phadikar et. al [2] used SVM classification with 10 fold cross validation for detecting
disease in rice leaf and achieved classification accuracy of 68.1%. In case of classification of
Apple leaves [19], feature selection is done using KPCA [5,34], and then genetic algorithm is
used to determine the parameters of SVM [35,36]. The orthogonal experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed KPCA/GA-SVM model recognition rations are 98.14%,
94.05%, and 97.96% for apple mosaic virus, apple rust and apple alternaria leaf spot,
respectively. Multiclass SVMs are deployed for grape leaf [13] disease classification.

III. Back-Propagation Neural Network: This type of Artificial Neural Network is excellent
for performing classification task. The developer of the Artificial Neural Network has to
decide which configuration of the Artificial Neural Network is appropriate for a good out-
of-sample prediction. The configuration of the Artificial Neural Network needs to be
determined accurately to give an optimal classification result. This configuration includes
the number of layers, the number of neurons in each layer, and the minimal number of
training samples. This configuration is also called the topology of the Artificial Neural
Network. It is known that too many neurons in any layer degrade the effectiveness of the
model, leads to the undesirable consequences, long training times, and local minima. Large
number of connection weights in the Artificial Neural Network model may cause over-
fitting and loss of the generalization capacity. On the other hand, choosing less than
required number of neurons may not capture the full range and dynamicity of the data.
Many heuristic rules were suggested for finding the optimal number of neurons in the
hidden layer, and several techniques are now available. Most of them employ trial-and-
error methods, in which the training starts with a small number of neurons, and additional
neurons are gradually added until some performance goal is satisfied. Unfortunately there is

Diptesh Majumdar, Dipak Kumar Kole, Aruna Chakraborty and Dwijesh Dutta Majumder 11

no theoretical consideration for determining the optical network topology for the specified

We now show an example of usage of this classifier for plant leaf disease recognition.
The number of hidden layers in the neural network was 10. The number of inputs to the
neural network is equal to 10 texture features listed above. The number of output is 6 which
is the number of classes representing the 6 diseases (Early scorch, Cottony mold, Ashen
mold, late scorch, tiny whiteness) and the normal leafs. The neural network used is the feed
forward back propagation. The performance function was the Mean Square Error (MSE) and
the number of iterations was 10000 and the maximum allowed error was 10-5. With these
parameters, the network was trained. Once the training was complete, the test data for each
class of leaves was tested. The results for NN classification strategy that were used are given
in Table 6.

Table 6: Percentage Accuracy results of the test data from various diseases

The results conclude that Model M1 achieves the highest overall classification
accuracy. One more advantage of using M1 is the decrease in computation time for training
and classification because of the elimination of intensity features.

This paper presented the approaches taken by researchers for detection, diagnosis and
recognition of plant leaf diseases. The methods that one should follow at each step depend on
the leaf of the crop that has been considered. Feature Extraction is arguably the most
important phase of all, and it is very important to choose the most appropriate set of feature
for the images at hand. This proper selection sets the tone for better results by the classifier. It
has been found that the classifier based on neural network works better than others in most of
the cases. The proposed approaches in this paper have great potential to be applied in real
world. Future study will involve evolving the existing algorithms and proposing new and
better ones for identification of leaf diseases. Researches will also continue exploring other
crops and it will be interesting to find out whether the existing methods yield satisfying
results for the new crops as well.

International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume VI, Issue-III June 2014


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