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8 The Norse Code October 2017

From Bigfork to
Leave Bigfork the Big World
in the Dust 17 Bigfork High School students are making the long
journey to Europe for a hands-on learning experience
this spring. These students will embark upon many
Traveling is often seen as an expen- neat adventures.
sive leisure, but science proves other- BY MEREDITH BEDFORD
wise. More people are finding that “to
travel is to take a journey into your-
Junior Kristen Hutz holds a cardboard sign T his spring of 2018, Bigfork
High School students are
reading “ANYWHERE OR BUST.” Traveling can taking a trip to Europe. For 11 days,
self” (Danny Kaye). be extremely beneficial for high school stu- their classroom will consist of
dents. castles, coastlines, and cathedrals.
History teacher Stormy Taylor is

S ome who live in Bigfork, is the social and communication to try these new things, such as the head organizer for the trip.
Montana agree that the skills it provides. By exploring more flavorful foods or traditional “The kids [will get] to see stuff
summertime is the worst time new places and meeting new dances. that they will hear about for the
to do anything. Tourists tend to people, it expands the traveler’s rest of their lives,” Taylor says, “It
crowd everything from Flathead horizons exponentially. Learn- is a cultural change and it opens
Lake to the local Harvest Foods
grocery store. It is for this reason
ing to navigate foreign languages
helps the brain grow sharper.
“Sometimes we are kids’ eyes wider...sometimes we
are so narrow in our [own] cul-
that traveling in a small town is
frowned upon; after seeing the
Empathy is a topic that some
people have trouble understand-
so narrow in our ture that when we go to another
culture you get to see people live
mess one’s mere adventures can
cause, no one wants to become
ing at times, and the best way to
walk in someone else’s shoes is
own culture that differently.”
Junior Hailey Boisvert is one of
Sophomore Ben Keller is hap-
pily partaking in the excursion
one of the nuisances. However,
traveling has many benefits for
through a week-long “vacay.” For
instance, by visiting Haiti, one
when we go to an- the
17 students planning to go on
to England, Ireland, Wales, and
Paris. Learn more about the
high school students and should
be embraced by the community.
can more easily empathize with
the victims of the 2010 earth-
other culture, you “I have always loved to travel,”
Boisvert revealed, “and I have
significant benefits of this trip
and how you can help support
In 2013, a study from the Global
Commission on Aging and
quake. This is why people who
visit the Anne Frank House in
get to see people never
I found
out of the country so
out about the trip,
the kids who plan on going.

live differently.” I knew I had to take advantage of will be more expensive due to late
Transamerica Center for Retire- Amsterdam feel that they are not
such a great opportunity.” enrollment. If you are not interest-
ment Studies concluded that 59% able to stomach it through the
The 11 day excursion is com- ed in going on the trip but would
of people plan to travel during end. Sometimes, empathy can
prised of six days in Ireland, two like to help support the kids who
retirement. For teenagers, retire- be overwhelming:
days in London, as well as two are, then you can do your part by
ment is certainly a ways away, and undertaking new cul-
days in Paris. Finally, the students purchasing a $10 raffle ticket from
the benefits of travel take time to tures, eating habits,
will depart back home on the any of the travelers for a chance to
fully develop. Why not start the and activity helps
eleventh day. win a $500 Costco gift card. This
memory-making journeys now? refresh the brain of
If you are interested in becoming would be the perfect gift just in
One reason traveling is essential more colorful images.
a part of this great travel group, it time for the holiday season.
to the developing human brain Traveling gives indi-
is not too late. However, the cost The students will experience
viduals the chance
ferry boat rides,
trips to the
birthplace of
and a cultural
awakening. As
for the rest of
us, we will get
an Instagram
feed filled with
incredible pho-

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