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- laeks EB Paper 3HL Lohan cs Paper 3 GK -2- Nigh (PSIENGITZOIXX Section A Answer all questions. Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided. student investigates how the period T of a simple pendulum varies with the maximum speed v of the pendulum’ bob by releasing the pendulum from rest from different initial angles. A graph of the variation of T with v is plotted. a ca a 2.16 2.15 2.14 Tis 2.13 2.12 ait ‘H 2.10 2.09 reer eee 0.00 0.25 0.60 0.76 1.00 1.25 1.60 1.75 2.00 2.25 vims* (2) Suggest, by reference to the graph, why it is unlikely that the relationship between T and vis linear, a (b) Determine the fractional uncertainty in v when T= 2.1155, correct to one significant figure. 21 (This question continues on the following page) L | | | | S2EPO2 v -3- N19/4/PHY SVHP3/ENGITZOIXX (Question 1 continued) {c) The student hypothesizes that the relationship between Tand vis T= + bv’, where a and b are constants. To verify this hypothesis a graph showing the variation of T with 7 is plotted. The graph shows the data and the line of best ft 2.16 2.15 s 2.14 Tis 243 2.12 a1 : 2.10 2.09 vim s? Determine b, giving an appropriate unit for b 1) (This question continues on page 5) aL IM r N19/4/PHY SVHPSIENGITZOIXX (Question 1 continued) a (@) The lines of the minimum and maximum gradient are shown 2.16 2.16 214 Tis 243 2.12 an 2.10 2.08 vty mes? Estimate the absolute uncertainty in a a IN — a 7 ‘S2EPOS: | W201 ECB Paper s HL T -14- NIQI4/PHYSHPS/ENGITZOIXX Option B — Engineering physics 7. Aflywheel is made of a solid disk with a mass M of 5.00kg mounted on a small radial axle. ‘The mass of the axle is negligible. The radius R of the disk is 6. 00cm and the radius r of the axle is 1.20cm ‘string of negligible thickness is wound around the axle. The string is pulled by an electric motor that exerts a vertical tension force T on the flywheel. The diagram shows the forces acting on the flywheel. Wis the weight and WN is the normal reaction force from the support of the flywheel not to scale 4 to the motor | stringy axle. Y disk The moment of inertia ofthe fywheel about the axis is = 3 MR? (a) State the torque provided by the force W about the axis of the flywheel. i (Option B continues on the following page) L I 4 r ~16- N19/4/PHYSUHP3IENGITZOXX {Option B, question 7 continued) (0) ‘The flywhee| is initially at rest. At ime f= 0 the motor is switched on and a time-varying tension force acts on the flywheel, The torque "exerted on the flywheel by the tension force in the string varies with f as shown on the graph. 50. 40 T/107Nm 30 20: 10 0. 0 1.00 2.00 300 © 4.00 5.00 tis (i) Identify the physical quantity represented by the area under the graph. n (ii) Show that the angular velocity of the flywheel at t= §.00s is 200rads“. Q (ii) Calculate the maximum tension in the string, tt L ues on the following page) ML ae 4 r ~16- N1QM4IPHYSVHPSIENGITZOXX (Option B, question 7 continued) ()_ Att=5.00s the string becomes fully unwound and it disconnects from the flywheel ‘The flywheel remains spinning around the axle, (i) The flywheel is in translational equilibrium. Distinguish between translational equilibcium and rotational equilisnum io (ij) Atf=6.00s the flywheel is spinning with angular velocity 200 rads", The support bearings exert a constant frictional torque on the axle. The flywheel comes to rest after 8.00 x 10° revolutions. Calculate the magnitude of the frictional torque ‘exerted on the flywheel. 8) (Option B continues on the following page) L iM ap Cain LB Paper BL - M19/4/PHYSIHPSIENGITZ1XX Section A Answer all questions. Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided 4. Inan experiment to measure the acceleration of free fall a student ties two different blocks of masses m, and m, to the ends of a string that passes over a frictionless pulley. pulley The student calculates the acceleration a of the blocks by measuring the time taken by the heavier mass to fall through a given distance. Their theory predicts that a= 9 "7 and m, FM, m, mm, (a) _ Ina particular experiment the student calculates that a = (0.204 +0.002)ms* using 1m, = (0.125 +0.001)kg and m, = (0.120 +0.001)kg, this can be re-arranged to give g () Calculate the percentage error in the measured value of g. (1 =} (il) Deduce the value of g and its absolute uncertainty for this experiment. 2) (This question continues on the following page) L il S2EPO2 WT 4 r (0) (Question 4 continued) M19/4/PHYSUHPS/ENGITZ17XX ‘There is an advantage and a disadvantage in using two masses that are almost equal State and explain, (i) the advantage with reference to the magnitude of the acceleration that is obtained. (2) i the disadvantage with reference to your answer to (a)(i) (2) 32eF Turn over a) Sea IB Paper 8 HL -12- M19/4/PHYSUHPIENGITZ1XX Option 8 — Engineering physics 8. Asolid cylinder of mass M and radius is free to rotate about a fixed horizontal axle, A rope ited aude operand Hock nase Ms aates ott dl aoe diagram not to scale front view side view M axle] |/7) Lee © rope rope w ale 4 Oo osom The sysomis iy aretad te ls elses The manent naa obi stout aes ae (a) Show that (i) the angular acceleration a ofthe cylinder is 13] (te tersan Tine srg M2 0 L (Option B continues on the following page) IMM 4 r -1B- M1Q/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ1XX (Option B, question 8 continued) (b) The block falls a distance 0.50m after its release before hitting the ground. Show that the block hits the ground 0.55s after release. fe} (c) The following data are available: 020m M= 12kg Calculate, for the cylinder, at the instant just before the block hits the ground, () the angular momentum a (iy) the kinetic energy rl (Option B continues on the following page) [ ve eh FB Paper 3 verstn 2 AL. -16- M19/4/PHYSUHPSIENG/TZ2/XX Option B — Engineering physics 10. ‘uniform ladder of weight 50.0N and length 4.00m is placed against a frictionless wall making an angle of 60.0" with the ground. ground (2) Outline why the normal force acting on the ladder at the point of contact with the wall is equal to the frictional force F between the ladder and the ground, tt) (b) Calculate F. 2 (6) The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.400. Determine whether the ladder will slip. (2) {Option B continues on the following page) lee I 4 a 05/2014 TB paper 3B versim A HL = -17- MIQ/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ2/XX (Option B continued) ‘11. The moment of inertia of a solid sphere is / = 2 mr? where mis the mass of the sphere and r is the radius. 5 (a) Show that the total kinetic energy E, of the sphere when it rolls, without slipping, at speed vis 7 Eh 2 {b) Asolid sphere of mass 1.5kg is rolling, without slipping, on @ horizontal surface with ‘a speed of 0.50ms". The sphere then rolls, without slipping, down a ramp to reach @ horizontal surface that is 45cm lower. 0.50ms* Calculate the speed of the sphere at the bottom of the ramp, 13) (Option B continues on the following page) L nl wo err 05/2014 Taper 3 versim 2 HL v -20- M19/4/PHYSI/HPSIENG/TZ2/XX (Option B continued) 13. A solid sphere is released from rest below the surface of a fluid and begins to fall. (a) Draw and label the forces acting on the sphere at the instant when itis released tt L (b) Explain why the sphere will reach a terminal speed 2) (c) The weight of the sphere is 6.16 mN and the radius is 5.00 x 10°m. Fora fluid of } density 8.50 x 10°kgm’, the terminal speed is found to be 0.280ms *. Calculate the viscosity ofthe fluid a (Option B continues on the following page) I af | L {lle = TB paper 3 HO ie -14- N18/4/PHY SI/HPS/ENG/TZO/XX Option B — Engineering physics 8. Auniform rod of weight 36.0 N and length 5.0m rests horizontally. The rod is pivoted at its left-hand end and is supported ata distance of 4,00 m from the frictionless pivot 5.00m Be z00m support (a) Calculate the force the support exerts on the rod. fe} (b) The support is suddenly removed and the rod begins to rotate clockwise about the pivot point. The moment of inertia of the rod about the pivot point is 30.6kg mv" (i) Calculate, in rads, the initial angular acceleration «of the rod 2 (ii) After time t the rod makes an angle @ with the horizontal, Outline why the equation 0 = iat" cannot be used find the imeit takes 0 to become > (that is for the rod to become vertical for the first time). 2] (Option B continues on the following page) L mn r ~18- N18/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZOXX {Option B, question 8 continued) (©) Atthe instant the rod becomes vertical 43 rads" 3) (i) show that the anguiar speed is (ji) calculate the angular momentum of the rod. tt) (Option B continues on the following page) Turn over OEP19 05/201% TB paar 3 RL is TW -14- M18/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ1/XX Option B — Engineering physics 8. Aconstant force of 50.0N is applied tangentially to the outer edge of a merry-go-round. ‘The following diagram shows the view fram above. 50.0N ‘The merry-go-round has a moment of inertia of 450kgm? about a vertical axis, ‘The merry-go-round has a diameter of 4.00. (a) Show that the angular acceleration of the merry-go-round is 0.2rads* 2 (b) The merry-go-round starts from rest and the force is applied for one complete revolution Calculate, for the merry-go-round after one revolution, : () the angular speed 1 {Option B continues on the following page) f P r ~16- M18/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ1XX (Option B, question 8 continued) (i) the angular momentum. 1) {Lu child of mass 30.0kg is now placed onto the edge of the merry-go-round. No external torque acts on the system. (c) Calculate the new angular speed of the rotating system a) (@) The child now moves towards the centre. () Explain why the angular speed will increase. 2 (i) Caleulate the work done by the child in moving from the edge to the centre. i) - - _ (Option B continues on the following page) Turn over SEEPS oS/2018 TB papar B version 2 HL is M18/4/PHY SUHPS/ENGITZ2IXX Section A Answer all questions. Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided 1. To determine the acceleration due to gravity, a small metal sphere is dropped from rest and the time it takes to fall through a known distance and open a trapdoor is measured os not to scale point of release sphere Beer trapdoor The following data are available. Diameter of metal sphere =12.020.1mm Distance between the point of release and the trapdoor = 654 +2mm ‘Measured time for fall = 0.363 +0.002s (2) Determine the distance fallen, in m, by the centre of mass of the sphere including an estimate of the absolute uncertainty in your answer. fea} (This question continues on the following page) L iii 4 M18/4/PHYSI/HP3/ENG/TZ2/XX (Question 4 continued) (b) Using the following equation 2xdistance fallen by centre of mass of sphere eration due t Badistence fallen by centre of imsss orsphere ee (measured time to fall)? calculate, for these data, the acceleration due to gravity including an estimate of the absolute uncertainty in your answer. 4 Turn over a] os/20\6 TB paperd verston3 WH fe ~16- M18/4/PHYSVHPSIENGITZ2/XX Option B — Engineering physics 8. Awheel of mass 0.25 kg consists of a cylinder mounted on a central shaft. The shaft has radius of 1.2.¢m and the cylinder has @ radius of 4.0cm, The shaft rests on two rails with the cylinder able to spin freely between the rails, cylinder central shaft (Option B continues on the following page) L Nn 4 r -17- M18/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ2XX {Option B, question 8 continued) (2) The stationary wheel is released from rest and rolls down a slope with the shaft rolling ‘on the rails without slipping from point A to point B. A not to scale hata / ®@ B c (The moment of inertia of the wheel is 1.3 10-*kg m?. Outline what is meant by the moment of inertia fo (ii) In moving from point A to point B, the centre of mass of the wheel falls through a vertical distance of 0.26 m. Show that the translational speed of the wheel is about 1m" after its displacement 3) (ii) Determine the angular velocity of the wheel at B. ay (Option B continues on page 19) L ni a r -19- M18/4/PHYSIHPS/ENG/TZ2/XX (Option B, question 8 continued from page 17) (b) The wheel leaves the rails at point B and travels along the flat track to point C For a short time the wheel slips and a frictional force F exists on the edge of the wheel as shown direction of rotation Describe the effect of F on the (i linear speed of the wheel 2) (ii) angular speed of the wheel 2 (Option 8 continues on the following page) iL I Turn over a) Ufwit LB popr 3 HL r N17/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZOIXX 3. Astudent is running an experiment to determine the acceleration of free-fall g. She drops a small metal ball from a given height and measures the time taken for it to fall using an electronic timer. She repeats the same experiment several times (a) Suggest a reason for repeating the experiment in the same conditions. " | f (b) With the collected data she determines the value of g to be (10.4+0.7)ms* Researching scientific literature about the location of her experiment she finds the value of g to be (9.807 0.006) ms”. State, with a reason, whether her } ‘experiment is accurate, C3 Turn over L 2014 TB paper 3 rl if -14- N17/4/PHYSWHPSIENGITZOIXX Option 8 — Engineering physics 9. Ahoop of mass m, radius r and moment of inertia mr’ rests on a rough plane inclined at an angle 0) to the horizontal. It is released so that the hoop gains linear and angular acceleration by rolling, without slipping, down the plane. (a) On the diagram, draw and label the forces acting on the hoop, 2) (b) Show that the linear acceleration a of the hoop is given by the equation shown, (4 (Option B continues on the following page) L Ii = r ~15- NIZ7/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZOXX (Option B, question 9 continued) (c) Calculate the linear acceleration of the hoop when =20". Assume that the hoop ‘continues to roll without slipping. (1) {d) State the relationship between the force of friction and the angle of the incline, 2 (e) The angle of the incline is slowly increased from zero. Determine the angle, in terms of the coefficient of friction, at which the hoop will begin to slip, i] (Option B continues on the following page) IM sono C ‘36EPIS _I oS/20\F LB par 3 HL i = 16 ~ M17/4/PHYSUHP3/ENGITZUXX Option B — Engineering physics 7. Ahorizontal rigid bar of length 2R is pivoted at its centre. The bar is free to rotate ina horizontal plane about a vertical axis through the pivot. A point particle of mass M is attached to one end of the bar and a container is attached to the other end of the bar. Apoint particle of mass M moving with speed vat right angles to the rod codes with the container and gets stuck in the container. The system then starts to rotate about the vertical axis. The mass of the rod and the container can be neglected, (2) (i) Write down an expression, in terms of M, v and R, for the angular momentum of the system about the vertical axis just before the collision i ] | (ii) Just after the collision the system begins to rotate about the vertical axis with ‘angular velocity @ Show that the angular momentum of the system is equal to Suis 1) (Option B continues on the following page) L i 1 ar -17- M17/4/PHYSUHPSIENG/TZ XX {Option B, question 7 continued) v (il) Hence, show that @ =". d Gil) Hence, show that «= 3 a (iv) Determine in terms of M and v the energy lost during the collision 13) {b) _Atorque of 0.010Nm brings the system to rest after a number of revolutions. For this, case R= 0.50m, M=0.70kg and v=2.1ms” (Show that the angular deceleration of the system is 0.043 rads. 1 (i) Calculate the number of revolutions made by the system before itcomes to rest. [3] (Option B continues on the following page) : Turn over aaePIT OS/aolt XB papr3 verstma HL = ~16- MAT/4IPHYSVHP3/ENGITZ2XX Option 8 — Engineering physics 8. cylindrical space probe of mass 8 00% 10"kg and diameter 12.0m is at rest in outer space. 120m . ane : rocket @ ket 4 rocket F robe top view Rockets at opposite points on the probe are fired so that the probe rotates about its axis. Each rocket produces a force F=9.60x10°N. The moment of inertia of the probe about its axis is 1.44 x10" kgm? (2) (i) Deduve the linear acceleration of the centre of mass of the probe. fo} (i) Calculate the resultant torque about the axis of the probe. 2] (b) The forces act for 2.008. Show that the final angular speed of the probe is about 16rad s" 2 (Option B continues on the following page) L INN a ine -17- M17/4/PHYSUHPSIENGITZ2XX ea” (Option B, question 8 continued) (c) The diagram shows a satellite approaching the rotating probe with negligibly 7 ‘small speed. The satellite is not rotating initially, but after linking to the probe = they both rotate together. a) satellite LI] t ‘common axis The moment of inertia of the satellite about its axis is 4.80% 10°kg m*. The axes of the probe and of the satellite are the same. (Determine the final angular speed of the probe-satellte system 2 {ii) Calculate the loss of rotational kinetic energy due to the linking of the probe with the satelite, (3) {Option B continues on the following page) : Turn over aor

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