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1. What country would you like to do business in? Why? What is your interest?

- Denmark is the sixth best out of 139 countries worldwide for Business, measuring which
economies the most are inviting for capital investment.
- (Why?)
“The fact that Denmark is one of the world’s best countries for doing business is simply
something to be very proud of. Denmark has something to offer foreign investors and
companies looking for an attractive and innovative place to establish or expand their
activities. This include, among other things, transparent and predictable framework
conditions, and a flexible labour market with skilled and independently working employees
and a well-functioning eco system of world-leading, innovative business clusters.”

- No. 1 on corruption, No. 1 on personal freedom, No. 7 on tax burden, No. 7 on trade
freedom, No. 10 on innovation, No. 11 on technology, No. 11 on property rights and No. 19
on investor protection.

- My interest is on “Cleantech” business because Denmark goal is to be powered entirely by

renewable sources by 2050. Cleantech business includes wind power, Bioenergy, energy
storage & smart grid, green transportation and data centers.

2. Look at the society as a whole.

- Cleantech industry brings sustainable growth; Sustainable development goes hand in hand
with economic growth. Over the past four decades, Denmark’s economy has grown almost
80%, while energy consumption remains largely unchanged.

- This Cleantech industry generates electricity at a large rate so the society is been benefited
by getting electricity at a low rate, so their saving capacity increases.

- It also generates bio gas and solar energy so the government expenditure on this mentioned
energy are been saved and at last benefits society at large.

- By Cleantech industry per capita income increases as well as natural resources are also been
protected for future.

3. Cultural norms- outside of business. And

4. Look at business culture.

- In Denmark cultural norms can be described in simplicity, politeness, and equality in

mentioned way.
- When doing business in Denmark one will soon realize that it is a strongly egalitarian nation
when it comes to commercial culture, with many more women in higher positions than
other countries. Danish business is very consensus-oriented with very open communication
and lots of teamwork.


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