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Introduction to HRM & Framework

 Definitionand Concept of HRM.

 Evolution of HRM.
 Nature and Scope of HRM.
 HRM: Functions and Objectives.
 HRM: Policies and Practices.
 Nature of SHRM.
 Global Competitiveness and Nature of HRM.
 Linkage of Organisational and HR strategies.
 SHRM Models.

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 “The HRM is the process of attracting, holding and
motivating all manager line and staff.” By Dunn and

 HRM is “that part of management which is concerned with

people at work and with their relationship within an
enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an
effective organization of the men and women who make up
an enterprise and having regard for the well-being of the
individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make
their best contribution to its success.” by NIPM.

Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 4
 HRM is concerned with the human beings in an
 “The management of man” is a very important and
challenging job because of the dynamic nature of the
 No two people are similar in mental abilities, tacticians,
sentiments, and behaviors; they differ widely also as a
group and are subject to many varied influences.

 People are responsive, they feel, think and act therefore

they can not be operated like a machine or shifted and
altered like template in a room layout.
 They therefore need a tactful handing by management

Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 5
Evolution of HRM in INDIA

Period Development Outlook Emphasis Status

1920 – Beginning Pragmatism Statutory, welfare, Clerical
1930’s paternalism

1940 – Struggling for Technical, Introduction of Administrative

1960’s recognition legalistic techniques
1970 – Achieving Professional, Regularity, Managerial
1980’s sophistication legalistic, conforming,
impersonal imposing of
standards on other

1990’s Promising Philosophical Human values, Executive

productivity thru

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Functions of

Managerial Operational

Planning Procurement

Organising Development

Staffing Compensation

Directing Maintenance

Controlling Integration
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Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 10

 It is concerned with the optimum utilization of the human

resources within and organization.
 It is concerned with the creation of conditions in which each
employee is encouraged to make his best possible
contribution to the effective working of the undertaking.
 It is also concerned with the development of the sense of
mutual respect and trust between management and workers
through sound relations.
 It endeavors to increase the productive efficiency to the
workers through training, guidance and counseling and
 It tries to raise the morale of the employee.

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• To maintain the contribution of department at

an appropriate level organization should fulfill
the needs.

• Resources are wasted when HRM is either more

or less sophisticated to suit the organizations

Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 12

• To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about

organizational effectiveness.
• HRM is not an end itself. It is only a means to assist
the organization with its primary objectives.
• Simply stated, the department exist to serve the
rest of the organization.

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• To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and

challenges of the society while minimizing the negative
impact of such demands upon the organization.
• The failure of organizations to use their resources for
the society’s benefit in ethical way may lead to
• For example, the society may limit HR decisions through
laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that
address discrimination, safety or other such areas of
social concern.

Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 14
 HR policies and procedures
are required to ensure that
human resource
management issues are
dealt with consistently in
line with the values of the
organization on how
people should be treated,
and that legal
requirements are met.

Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 15
 A policy provides continuing guidelines and
generalized guidance on how HR issues should be
dealt with to ensure that an appropriate approach
is adopted throughout the organization.
 A procedure spells out precisely what steps should
be taken to deal with major employment issues
such as grievances, discipline, capability and

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 Equity.
 Consideration.
 Respect.
 Organizational learning.
 Performance through
 Quality of working life.
 Working conditions.

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Specific HR policies cover:
 age and employment;  grievances;
 AIDS;  health and safety;
 bullying;  managing diversity;
 discipline;  promotion;
 e-mails and the internet;  redundancy;
 employee development;  reward;
 employee relations;  sexual harassment;
 employee voice;  substance abuse;
 employment;  work–life balance.
 equal opportunity;

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 HR procedures set out the ways in which certain
actions concerning people should be carried out by
the management or individual managers.

 In effect they constitute a formalized approach to

dealing with specific matters of policy and practice.

 The main procedures are: discipline, capability and


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1)Employment Careful delineation of Aim to go beyond
contract written contracts contract
2)Rules Importance of devising Can do outlook,
clear rules impatience with rules
3)Guide to Mgmt. Procedures Business need

4)Behaviour Norms/customs & Values/ mission

referent. practices

5)Managerial task- Monitoring Nurturing


Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 21
6)Key relations Labor Mgmt. Customer
7)Initiatives Piecemeal Integrated
8)Speed of decision Slow Fast
9)Mgmt. Role Transactional Transformational
10)Communication Indirect Direct
11)Prized Mgmt. skills Negotiation Facilitation
12)Selection Separate, Integrated, Key task
marginal task
13)Pay Job evaluation Performance related
(fixed grades)

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14)Conditions Separately negotiated Harmonization
15)Labour Mgmt. Collective-bargaining Individual contracts
16)Job categories & Many Few
17)Job design Division of labor Team work
18)Conflict handling Reach temporary Manage climate &
truce culture
19)Training & Controlled access to Learning Companies.
Development courses
20)Focus of attention Personnel Wide-ranging
for interventions procedures cultural & personnel
Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 23
21)Respect for Labor is treated as People are treated as
employees a tool which is assets to be used for
expendable & the benefit of an org.,
replaceable its employees & the
society as a whole
22)Shared interests Interests of the Org. Mutuality of interests.
are uppermost
23)Evolution Precedes HRM Latest in the evolution
of the subject

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1) Fairness & Firmness,
2) Tact & resourcefulness,
3) Sympathy & consideration,
4) Knowledge of labour
& other terms,
5) Broad social outlook,
6) Academic Qualifications,
7) Competency, confidence,
8) long-term perspective.

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 SHRM is the explicit link HRM has with the strategic
mgmt. process of the organization.

 In simple terms, strategic HRM is all about

systematically linking people with the firm.

 As a body of ideas, this field asserts a critical

relationship between environment, overall business
strategy and human resource strategies.

 It also emphasizes coordination or congruence

among the various HR practices like HR planning,
recruitment, selection, training, development,
compensation, retention, evaluation and promotion
of personnel within an organization.
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The matching model of HRM as developed by Fombrun, Titchy, and
Devanna (1984) is illustrated below.


Performance Performance


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Dr.Anuradha Phadnis 34
 Define HRM. As a HR Manager of a MNC, how would
you face the challenges of the modern business
 What is SHRM. Explain the process of SHRM
implemented in organizations for overall
 Discuss the Devanna SHRM matching model.
 Explain various functions of HRM and differentiate
between HRM & PM.

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