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PT Ortho Assignment


Greek word : Grey Marrow

It is an infectious disease caused by POLIOVIRUS.

GENUS: Enterovirus


Target organ : Spinal cord (ant.horn motor cells) & Brainstem( bulbar
stem)Route : Foecal oral route, direct contact to person,mucus & phlegm
contact -------> Enters body& multiplies in intestine leading to episodes of
diarrhoea then enters spinal cord through blood.


Asymptomatic (90-91%) Symptomatic (3-8%)

Paralytic Non paralytic

Spinal bulbar spinobulbar (combo of 2)

Spinal affects arms & legs leading to paralysis & breathing problems.

Bulbar affects hearing, taste, vision, swallowing & breathing problems.

Phases of Polio
Acute Phase Convalescent Phase Chronic Residual
5-10 days 16-24 months Phase
Also called Paralytic Also called Recovery After 24 months also
Phase. Phase . called POST POLIO
Starts with fever on Recovery of muscles RESIDUAL PARALYSIS
2-3rd day & sore starts from 3-6 Some characteristics
throat,headache, months & does not like muscle imbalance,
diarrhoea occurs beyond 24 Faculty posture
If on 7-8 day month. remains.
respiratory Paralysis It has 2 phases :
does not occurs this a) sensitive in which
phase proceeds to muscles are tender &
convalescent phase spasm
B) insensitive not
tender but in recovery
phase .

In Polio main muscles which commonly paralyzed are------>

1. Partially quadriceps

2. Tibialis ant.

3. Deltoid

4. Opponens pollicis

Deformities that occur are ------>

Mainly IT band contracture occurs which results in :

• Flexion,abd & external rotation of hip

• Flexion,valgus of knee / sometimes flexion,post.subluxation &

external rotation

• Equinovarus at ankle / foot

• Lumbar scoliosis

• Pelvis obliquity

In Polio muscle dystrophy leads to fracture of supracondylar of femur


1. Prevention--> immunization : oral- polio vaccine & inactivated polio


2. IN Acute phase --> Rest , splinting , analgesic, no active ROM,

ventilatory support , anti diarrhoea drugs

3. In convalescent phase---> rest , splinting, traction, mobilization,

posture correction, gait training , strengthening & stretching of

4. Surgical---> soft - tissue release of IT band & tendon transfer

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