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Empowering Individuals for Lasting Peace

From Inner Change to Global Change

Bodhisattvas of the Earth

By its very definition, the word identity suggests an exclusiveness, a uniqueness, a
distinctiveness. Often, this leads to a separation from others. But for the practitioners of
Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, discovering their true identity is the happy discovery of their
oneness with all.

Amongst all the roles we play in life, there is one that acts as the propellent of our lives,
because it is, quite simply, our true identity—that of a Bodhisattva of the Earth. It may be
hard to come to terms with the fact that we are the same entities as those mentioned in the
15th chapter of the Lotus Sutra; the same bodhisattvas who emerge, literally from the earth,
when Shakyamuni is about to entrust the propagation of the Law to his disciples; they
emerge dancing with joy at the prospect of being able to spread the Law, in the evil age.
They are the ones who have been entrusted with the mission of spreading the Lotus Sutra
after the Buddha’s passing.

“Ever since the long distant past/ I have been teaching and converting this multitude [of
bodhisattvas that has emerged from the earth],” (LSOC15, 261) says Shakyamuni to the grand
assembly that has gathered to receive his instruction.

That gathering of the resplendent Bodhisattvas of the Earth has not yet dispersed. It is, in fact,
none other than the ordinary members of the Soka Gakkai.

Ordinary but Awakened. As Bodhisattvas of the Earth we do not come with supernatural powers.
But with a gradual awakening to our noble mission for kosen-rufu, we awaken also to our
inherent limitless potential. In the words of Ikeda Sensei, “Those who have awakened to their
mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth fear nothing. When we take on the mission to help others
become happy, courage and strength well up spontaneously from within us.”1

Unbegrudging. Uncomplaining. Bodhisattvas of the Earth chose the “time” and the “place” to
carry out their mission. The time is the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law—Now. And the
place is this saha world—Here. Having chosen the most challenging circumstances, and
voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma, we rise into action to help those experiencing
the greatest suffering overcome their problems and attain enlightenment. We don’t question
“Why me?” Because, as Sensei says, “When we wholeheartedly strive to realise this vow [for

VC February 2014, 36.

Copyright © 2017, Bharat Soka Gakkai, All Rights Reserved P a g e |1

This document can be photocopied for the exclusive use of activities of Bharat Soka Gakkai. This document may not be
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Empowering Individuals for Lasting Peace
From Inner Change to Global Change

kosen-rufu], the ‘poison’ of even the most difficult challenge can be transformed into
‘medicine’ and karma transformed into mission.” 2

‘One’ Takes the Lead. In the 15th chapter (‘Emerging from the Earth’) of the Lotus Sutra,
Bodhisattva Superior Practices leads the way for the innumerable legions of bodhisattvas
who follow to share his noble mission. The Daishonin writes, “Now, at the beginning of
the Latter Day of the Law, I, Nichiren, am the first to embark on propagating, throughout
Jambudvīpa, the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, . . . My disciples, form your ranks
and follow me” (‘The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra’, WND-1, 765). The Daishonin
appears as the forerunner and then encourages his disciples to rally together, and f ollow
his lead.

The Starting Point. The awareness of being a Bodhisattva of the Earth is the starting point of
the Soka Gakkai’s mission. Ikeda Sensei writes: “The actions of the Soka Gakkai’s founding
president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi themselves embodied the practice of the Bodhisattvas of the
Earth. Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda, meanwhile, stood up amid the devastated
ruins of postwar Japan with the awareness that he was a Bodhisattva of the Earth. Through his
efforts based on this awareness and commitment, the Daishonin’s teachings came to pulse
vibrantly in our organisation and a great path for the development of kosen-rufu in Japan was
opened. And today the SGI has built a network of Bodhisattvas of the Earth that extends all
round the globe.”3

The Brilliance of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Further Sensei says: “The Bodhisattvas of the
Earth are a source of great light imparting courage and strength. They warmly illuminate the way
ahead for those walking through the night of loneliness and anxiety. They wipe away people’s
tears of despair and give hope to them. They dispel the darkness of ignorance and brighten
people’s lives with the light of compassion and wisdom.”4 These are not celestial beings. Rather
they are each one of the many SGI members who devote their lives to encouraging and
empowering their members, their families and their societies.

He adds, “The Bodhisattvas of the Earth are eternal activists who base themselves on the
Mystic Law; theirs are lives of eternal advancement. Our summoning forth the boundless
energy of these bodhisattvas constitutes the ‘emergence of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth’

The Great Vow for the Happiness of all Humanity, VC, Janurary 2014, 30.

VC, February 2014, 31.

Ibid., 40.

Copyright © 2017, Bharat Soka Gakkai, All Rights Reserved P a g e |2

This document can be photocopied for the exclusive use of activities of Bharat Soka Gakkai. This document may not be
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Empowering Individuals for Lasting Peace
From Inner Change to Global Change

within our own being. When we do this, we can break through the shell of the small self that
has hitherto constrained our lives.”5

The Victory of Mentor and Disciple, Together. Sensei writes: “The most important theme of
the Lotus Sutra is the entrustment of the vow and mission to propagate the Mystic Law—from
the teacher of time without beginning to the disciples of time without beginning. We of the SGI
embody this principle of mentor and disciple in the present age of the Latter Day of the Law,
and we have emerged to carry out the great vow of kosen-rufu, the cherished wish of
Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin.”6

And then, reconfirming the tremendous mission of the SGI, he writes:

1. As an organisation of Bodhisattvas of the Earth directly connected to Nichiren Daishonin, the

SGI will forever be dedicated to realising the great vow for kosen-rufu and work tirelessly for
world peace and the happiness of humanity.

2. With faith based on the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple and the unity of “many in
body, one in mind”, the SGI will forever strive to open the way to the triumph of humanity.

3. Acting with a spirit of self-initiative and respect for each individual, the SGI will forever
brighten people’s lives and society with the light of courage and hope.

4. Standing on the side of the people, the SGI will forever champion the welfare of the people
and advance together with them.

5. Transcending all forms of discrimination and prejudice, the SGI will forever spread its network of
human equality.7

How long will it take us to awaken to our true identity, to our true power? Ikeda Sensei has
said, “Failing to comprehend the greatness of their own lives, people become attached to
unimportant details. The power of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is the essential power we
human beings possess to break through all differences... and lead people to happiness. We are
ordinary people, plain and unadorned. We are thoroughly human and infinitely courageous.

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra (New Delhi: Eternal Ganges Press, 2013), vol. 3, chapter 7, 215.

VC, August 2014, 33.

7 VC, February 2014, 42.

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This document can be photocopied for the exclusive use of activities of Bharat Soka Gakkai. This document may not be
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Empowering Individuals for Lasting Peace
From Inner Change to Global Change

This is the pride of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.”8 As Bodhisattvas of the Earth, we are
brimming with the dynamism of “dancing forth” to take part in the noble enterprise of
spreading the Mystic Law.

Our time has come at last, to rise up “with joy and courage at this never-to-be-repeated ‘crucial
moment’, in this new era of worldwide kosen-rufu”.9

[Courtesy Value Creation April 2015]

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra (New Delhi: Eternal Ganges Press, 2013), vol. 3, 216.

VC, March 2015, 29.

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This document can be photocopied for the exclusive use of activities of Bharat Soka Gakkai. This document may not be
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