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Contact: Lauren Klingler

Phone: (212) 445-8244


NSF Announces New Initiative to Help America Start Sleeping Smart

New Survey Shows America is Not Making the Grade When it Comes to Sleep Smarts

Washington, DC, July 29, 2008 – The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) announced today that, together
with sanofi-aventis, it is launching a new campaign called Sleeping Smart which will educate the millions
of Americans who have sleep problems about the importance of a good night’s sleep, proper sleep habits,
help them understand the consequences of insomnia, and the safe and appropriate use of prescription
sleep medications. The campaign will also motivate sleep-sufferers to talk to a healthcare professional to
determine if treatment is appropriate.

As part of the campaign, results of a new survey of American adults released today showed that while
nearly 60 percent of those at increased risk for insomnia* say that their symptoms affect their daily
activities at least a few days a week, only about half of those at increased risk for insomnia have actually
initiated a conversation with their healthcare professional about their sleep issues.

“More often than not, sleep sufferers are hesitant to talk to their healthcare professional because of lack
of information or they don’t think their problem is serious enough,” said Phyllis Zee, MD, PhD, NSF board
member; associate director, Center for Sleep & Circadian Biology; and professor, Northwestern University
Institute for Neuroscience. “Sleeping Smart will address common myths and misperceptions about
insomnia, sleep habits and treatment options to educate and motivate sufferers to address their sleep

America’s Sleep Report Card

According to the survey:

• More than one-third of Americans are at increased risk for insomnia.*

• While most respondents can identify the consequences of insomnia (e.g., increased risk of automotive
crashes, decreased work performance, depression or mood changes) they don’t have a clear
understanding of what insomnia is.

• Two-thirds of those at increased risk for insomnia don’t consider themselves to have the condition,
which may further perpetuate reasons for not seeking help.

• Practicing a healthy sleep routine prior to actually getting into bed may help promote a good night’s
sleep. However, many people at increased risk for insomnia engage in stimulating activities an hour
before getting into bed at least a few nights per week, including watching TV (90 percent); using the
computer or Internet (33 percent); or doing household chores (43 percent).

“Prescription sleep aids are safe and effective when taken as prescribed, however, our survey found that
85 percent of all respondents believed that people often or sometimes misuse prescription sleep aids,”
said Helene A. Emsellem, MD, FAASM, medical director, The Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders,
Chevy Chase, Maryland and a volunteer with the National Sleep Foundation. “It is important for patients
to work with their healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for their insomnia,
including lifestyle changes, adjusting bedtime sleep routines, cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or
prescription medications that help people fall and stay asleep.”

As with all medications, it is important to take sleep aids only as directed by a healthcare professional.
This means following his or her instructions about how to take, when to take and how long to take sleep
medicine. Sleep aids should not be taken with alcohol, before driving or operating machinery, or before
taking a bath or shower, among other things. Be sure you’re able to devote 7 to 8 hours to sleep before
being active again. Patients should consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication
differently than how it is prescribed.

Tips for Sleeping Smart

• Establish a regular bed and wake time
• Avoid caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime
• Avoid alcohol
• Exercise regularly (but complete the workout at least 3 hours before bedtime)
• Establish a regular relaxing “wind-down” bedtime routine
• Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet and cool
• Discuss appropriate way to take any sleep aid with healthcare professional

Are you sleeping smart? For more information visit

About Insomnia
Insomnia can be a serious medical condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying
asleep (waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep), waking up too early in
the morning and feeling tired upon waking. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the
Institute of Medicine (IOM), approximately 30 million Americans are affected by chronic insomnia each

Patients with chronic insomnia report higher rates of absenteeism and demonstrate poor work efficiency
compared to normal sleepers. Insomnia can lead to stress and reduced productivity, and thus may be
costly to the workplace.

Survey Methodology
This national poll was conducted for the National Sleep Foundation by WB&A Market Research.
Telephone interviews were conducted between May 13 and June 2, 2008, with a random sample of 1,002
adult Americans aged 18 and over. In survey research, the entire population is typically not interviewed,
but rather a sample of that population is polled. Therefore, the data are subject to sampling error. The
maximum sampling error of the data for the total sample of 1,002 interviews is plus or minus 3.1
percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

*Those at increased risk for insomnia, experience at least one sleep problem (defined in the survey
results as having difficulty falling asleep, being awake a lot during the night, waking up too early and not
being able to get back to sleep, or waking up un-refreshed despite spending adequate time in bed) every
night or almost every night and report that this affects their daily activities. The maximum sampling error
for this subgroup is plus or minus 5.3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

About NSF
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving
public health and safety by achieving greater understanding of sleep and sleep disorders. NSF furthers
its mission through sleep-related education, research, and advocacy initiatives. NSF’s membership
includes researchers and clinicians focused on sleep medicine as well as other professionals in the
health, medical and science fields, individuals, patients and more than 800 sleep clinics and healthcare
facilities throughout North America that join the Foundation’s Community Sleep Awareness Partners
program. For more information, visit,


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